[03:07:56] <MirahezeRelay>	 <globe_x, replying to raidarr> https://tenor.com/view/leonardo-di-caprio-inception-paranoid-ending-gif-11736355
[03:11:38] <MirahezeRelay>	 <globe_x, replying to felenov> A more true statement has never been made
[16:08:19] <MirahezeRelay>	 <agentisai> We're getting a lot of WC RfPs
[16:08:24] <MirahezeRelay>	 <agentisai> probably the biggest influx in years
[16:09:00] <MirahezeRelay>	 <bluemoon0332> maybe now we'll all be able to do just a few requests at a time, instead of having one wiki creator do all of them 24/7
[16:09:57] <MirahezeRelay>	 <agentisai> I hope so
[16:10:22] <MirahezeRelay>	 <agentisai> The whole system has always relied on the goodwill of volunteers who are up for the challenge of shuffling through mountains
[16:28:38] <MirahezeRelay>	 <songngu.xyz> I guess that we shall let the people raise their words atm. Now looking at my wiki
[16:37:34] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> the practice may be we find another front line superuser, perhaps not tali necessarily
[16:38:06] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> if there are several particularly active creators then there should be coordination to help determine who's on and working at a given time so requests don't have overlapping reviews, that was an issue in my time in better moments (ie multiple wcs available)
[17:12:43] <MirahezeRelay>	 <pier1337> Hi
[17:12:55] <MirahezeRelay>	 <pier1337> Is there a Wikipedia project for code and repositories?
[17:17:32] <MirahezeRelay>	 <tali64, replying to pier1337> https://dev.miraheze.org sounds like what you're looking for
[17:17:58] <MirahezeRelay>	 <tali64> Miraheze also has a GitHub if that's what you mean: https://github.com/miraheze
[17:24:18] <MirahezeRelay>	 <pixldev> Unless you mean Wikipedia Wikipedia
[17:24:47] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> actual wikipedia does not, I'd be interested to know where if it does and I missed it
[17:25:05] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> unless you mean odd projects like in the general channel's pins
[17:30:58] <MirahezeRelay>	 <songngu.xyz, replying to raidarr> there is nothing pinned in #general
[17:36:41] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1212453334309675019/image.png?ex=65f1e429&is=65df6f29&hm=c3bd1539ba37c868f54a6886a63df8739c2baf347172ac3dc25af86146024c9b&
[17:37:48] <MirahezeRelay>	 <songngu.xyz> weird... (I used browser version of Vencord)
[17:46:59] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> third party tos questionable apps I can't account for I'm afraid
[17:51:05] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to raidarr> [1/2] i dont see anything either (android)
[17:51:05] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to raidarr> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1212456956241903616/image0.jpg?ex=65f1e788&is=65df7288&hm=92191a3c2038a0e3f3522848f55c445a51f58c660d3a57d9582ae96dbce1fc21&
[17:51:13] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern> just wiki dumps guide
[17:51:37] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> maybe discord broke something
[17:51:48] <MirahezeRelay>	 <theoneandonlylegroom> huh
[17:51:49] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> wouldn't be the first time especially around mobile
[17:51:51] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to luna.nightfern> [1/2] > Search  Threads  Mute  Settings
[17:51:51] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to luna.nightfern> [2/2] > Members  Media  Pinned  Links  Files
[17:53:21] <MirahezeRelay>	 <pixldev> Working fine on iOS
[20:36:11] <MirahezeRelay>	 <rodejong, replying to raidarr> There are several. They have a testwiki, Incubator, etc.
[21:24:40] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to pixldev> 🤣
[21:34:50] <MirahezeRelay>	 <collei_no_last_name, replying to pixldev> Lmao wtf
[21:34:57] <MirahezeRelay>	 <collei_no_last_name> This really reads like ChatGPT
[21:53:22] <MirahezeRelay>	 <raidarr> They already admitted they're all in on ai content, it will continue until ai editors do all the work
[23:17:00] <MirahezeRelay>	 <jeb_cc, replying to pixldev> [1/2] "...publicly celebrate and highlight the diversity of ethnicities, orientations and backgrounds..."
[23:17:00] <MirahezeRelay>	 <jeb_cc, replying to pixldev> [2/2] Ah yes, cause nothing screams "celebrate diversity" than by deleting a bunch of LGBT wikis. :') good job Fandom. /s
[23:17:59] <MirahezeRelay>	 <pixldev> :thumbsup:
[23:29:33] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to jeb_cc> oh yeah, that controversy happened awhile back didnt it..
[23:42:28] <MirahezeRelay>	 <jeb_cc> Yeah that was.. a dramatic moment and a half lol
[23:48:16] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern, replying to jeb_cc> iirc they said all lgbt content had to be just on one wiki but that one wiki was strict with sources (?)
[23:48:41] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern> so a lot of people got screwed over for using less common terminology?
[23:48:49] <MirahezeRelay>	 <luna.nightfern> was it like that?