[00:00:18] you'll need to reform the html a bit [00:01:32] How? [00:02:36] BlankEclair https://pastebin.com/pc5ptdX6 code so far [00:03:34] theburningfirethatscorchessouls: here's the new html: https://bin.disroot.org/?87815c1ed0634ea0#Dt3LN61JAQjmZSXzqrzCwtv7zf8NiitnHoVDPAbSoaad [00:04:47] and here are the changes i've done (with poor syntax highlighting): https://bin.disroot.org/?54901d638e079bca#Eh743SdSLKiCpXgXSurm472YooVMoheuLsjMJtvsW3bS [00:05:27] Uh, I think you got it the wrong way around, it is open on mobile and closed on desktop [00:05:37] weird... [00:06:39] Progess [00:06:49] I mean, "progess though" [00:07:03] it's collapsed by default on my phone [00:07:10] and open on laptop [00:07:23] Hmm [00:07:55] I am using Chrome on Linux [00:08:58] what's navigator.userAgent in the console? [00:12:18] How dio I find? [00:13:02] devtools -> console -> run that [00:13:09] (ping @theburningfirethatscorchessouls) [00:15:32] I am confused [00:17:31] https://files.catbox.moe/j6polu.png (the page you do it on shouldn't matter) [00:19:04] [1/2] 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36''Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36''Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) C [00:19:04] [2/2] hrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36' [00:19:07] 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36' [00:19:28] why is your user agent a mobile one [00:19:38] IDK [00:19:42] it thinks that your computer is a phone (since it detects phoneness based on it) [00:20:04] Oh, maybe it is the mobile tester [00:20:16] well it did work- [00:20:32] It is like a chrome add on that lets you pretend to be a phone [00:20:49] guessed that based on context [00:21:20] Strange [00:23:57] could I change my user agent? [00:24:43] yeah? [00:24:55] if it contains "Mobile" then it's treated as mobile [00:25:05] (there are probably more comprehensive checks, but i'm lazy :p) [00:28:35] Still does not work, same problem [00:29:07] check user agent [00:29:10] Removed the mobile tester, same problem [00:29:45] [1/2] navigator.userAgent [00:29:45] [2/2] 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0; Nexus 5 Build/MRA58N) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36' [00:29:51] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [00:30:07] it trusts what your computer gives it out [00:31:08] What brsower do you use? [00:32:09] librewolf [00:32:19] i do have a user agent switcher, but it's currently set to a windows one [00:32:37] ayy, librewolf gang [00:32:45] To me, it needs to work on Chrome, Safri and Mircosoft Edge on Windows and Mac (and preffered, Linux) [00:32:48] da two librewolf users in the world [00:32:54] probably tbh [00:33:02] tested to work with librewolf on linux and firefox on android [00:33:11] I wonder if floorp got any traction [00:33:23] and who knows, [maybe we can have blahaj browser](https://wikis.world/@PixDeVl/112951760706536180) [00:40:19] i use firefox [00:40:21] Works on Android KitKat, does not work IE 10, does not work Iphone 6, does not work ipad, does not work Windows Phone 8, does not work on the FireFox on Windows or Mac that I tested, does not work Oprea, does not work Safri (testing with https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/user-agent-switcher-for-c/djflhoibgkdhkhhcedjiklpkjnoahfmg [00:40:37] oh damn you want IE [00:40:53] More the "big three" [00:41:08] (Chrome, FireFox, Safri) [00:41:18] edge users be crying [00:41:27] (jk it's chromium) [00:41:34] also, what do you mean by "does not work" [00:41:55] The stuff is closed on desktop [00:42:21] i'm here like O_o [00:42:27] i guess i can try it in a windows vm [00:45:13] safri, the official macOS browser [00:45:50] Please only ping me in this channel if you can help me with my code [00:46:13] not just macos, but also iphone and ipad os [00:46:40] [1/2] silicona orain [00:46:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1272717929124986882/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-08-12_a_las_6.46.22_p.m..png?ex=66bbfe70&is=66baacf0&hm=d1708225de9bf8b00dfd8f675619e0ea0dc225ef044fc307ac7fde28630a85ce& [00:52:09] Any idea why it is not working though? [00:52:24] Even spoofing the boswer does not work if I do it via chrome consele [00:52:28] i'm currently working on something else [00:52:47] For who? [00:52:54] myself [00:52:58] https://transfem.social/notes/9wv79px1m3mi00r8 [00:53:12] What are you working on? [00:53:28] sent the link above [01:02:14] Maybe then details is not the best way [01:02:59] Got it working [01:05:41] This is the code: https://pastebin.com/9iJDbvty if anybody wants to use it, it was generated by: https://www.codeconvert.ai/javascript-code-generator [02:17:37] Why is there a big gap at the top, how do I remove: https://pastebin.com/5RwmHcG2 ? [02:21:56] theburningfirethatscorchessouls: change nav's position to fixed [02:23:36] How is it sticky without the position:sticky> [02:23:50] fixed makes it... fixed on the screen [02:24:51] It is still sticky so cool [02:25:34] I have no freaking idea how I somehow made a sticky nav without position:sticky [02:32:04] Hey BlankEclair, how good am I at making web pages using HTML and CSS? [03:36:10] Hey BlankEclair are you here? Why is the "drop closed on mobile, open on desktop" working for the first one but not the others: https://pastebin.com/qUG4MDcC ? [03:37:33] just got back from the toilet debugging chair [03:38:03] theburningfirethatscorchessouls: what do you mean "the first one but not the others"? [03:38:26] Okay that's epic quote material there 🤣 [03:38:36] The first one of the dropdowns works, but not the rest [03:39:22] theburningfirethatscorchessouls: document.querySelectorAll("details").forEach((i) => i.removeAttribute("open")); [03:41:06] added quote :3 [03:42:21] Perfect [03:42:38] i feel like you'd also appreciate my edit summary [03:42:44] Thank tou so much [03:42:51] you're welcome ^_^ [03:43:19] I have a "Déjà-vu" feeling right now 👀 [06:09:37] [1/13]