[00:16:18] I really want to join but... no premium :( [00:20:53] ”premium” [00:21:04] Still weird to call it that [00:21:16] when its just a license to the actual game [00:23:22] [1/2] No money [00:23:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298441602582319134/Screenshot_20241022_182235_Firefox.jpg?ex=67199379&is=671841f9&hm=5c7494b701e528958058db5d7c4b0c6e95c753ee17b3ab38dec9be47434f20a2& [00:29:28] [1/3] 2 options: [00:29:28] [2/3] Spend my hard earned money in $1000 MXN Xbox gift card [00:29:28] [3/3] Get $1000 MXN Xbox gift card using MS Rewards [00:30:21] jesus [00:30:24] fair enough [00:31:13] like 57570 points [00:59:27] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiYyuvrKI_w [01:26:12] Oh hey, I recognize that name [01:27:18] well this is interestng [01:27:43] who wants to guess how much storage 97 bucks can buy on magnetic tape these days [01:28:20] ffirst thing i see from a search on amazon so not scouring for cheap or anything [01:28:23] no cheating [01:28:25] !! [01:30:20] can almost certainly get better deals with some looking [01:31:34] java or bedrock? (sorry for going way back in convo i just saw it when i opened chat) [01:32:34] no worries [01:32:39] java [01:32:49] oof [01:32:55] i only have bedrock rn... [01:36:13] Magtapes for non-specialized hardware? Going to take a wild guess at 128GB [01:36:25] HA [01:36:27] 45TB [01:36:41] Jango Krangp [01:36:53] if i understand write [01:37:51] [1/2] https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Ultrium-Data-Cartridge-Native/dp/B09HTLMPH9/ref=sr_1_3?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.NqZuOb1OVlGcadP31DDQ5fcTs153sytynQ9t5dyOHzMyW072C3O6jhS2Cs3NSc4tCDubLgStspurB4cHehrmNt-c5MA_5rxzcX4zNAYYYV_fqjSYkr758Yw_hmNbHNnezHw0Uc2Al0wFdZqAWtyo60XK9PM1rd2--Ju6Wy23HcfQ2I9Wt5Y7DHiWzPsG2ZFNw03_aGlBc0ELDdYHSuxoNIZsbTrcZOpXfyto8SXwE7Q.SAUOBUFk5z_T4vvmdA4uCFGl4UE7-Z01XW_zRJCw-rk&dib [01:37:51] [2/2] _tag=se&mfadid=adm [01:37:54] I'm used to the IT guys at work bitching about swapping out a few TBs [01:38:01] although [01:38:03] its tape [01:38:10] so the read speed is ABYSMAL [01:39:03] Yeah, see this is what I was thinking [01:39:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298460676507041854/Screenshot_20241022-183845.png?ex=6719a53d&is=671853bd&hm=fbee687bdea531688db1aff4810140da306aa9be0875167e5239c81a5e77477d& [01:39:32] but for disaster recovery backups, where you hopefully wont need to read at all, if you do need to its copying back entirely [01:40:00] i got the idea so look because we dont really have good image backups because of the storage required [01:40:16] obviously research is needed into this [01:41:07] but if we could backup our entire image store a dozen times over for 100 bucks for disaster recov, would be neat. again, no idea if its feasible, but may be worth looking into [01:41:11] If we're talking about bringing in data tapes, that's a new and different complexity vs our current configs [01:41:27] But never say never [01:41:31] yeah thats also an issue [01:41:49] ideally the backups wouldnt be in FSSLC [01:42:32] I did once work for a VERY old school corp where tapes then got read and tripled. [01:43:26] did it work [01:44:29] Masters went to a property the CEO owned, each double went to a storage unit in a different state where rents were turbo cheap [01:45:04] But also kinda close to a data center [01:46:05] The recovery plan was to rent a uhaul and shlep them all to a data center if the worst happened [01:46:23] ive heard worse plans by far [01:46:33] Never got tested, but would have made a hell of a storage wars episode [01:47:15] The company pulled stakes on us presence and basically abandoned the units full of tapes as I understand it [01:48:18] think they still there? [01:48:26] huh https://www.amazon.com/Hewlett-Packard-Enterprise-LTO-9-45TB/dp/B09H5BW9WC [01:49:33] Could be. We're talking about extreme deal-seeking and low traffic locations. [01:50:01] Though this is 15-20 years back [01:50:11] [1/2] F U C K [01:50:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298463452595097701/image0.jpg?ex=6719a7d3&is=67185653&hm=a660096fe05b2fd6323aedc75f0bead0678afc6b244bad52975b2c943ece6364& [01:51:06] Somewhere out there is a locker full of tapes with your name on it. (Cue one piece intro) [02:00:52] The magnetic tape pirates [02:01:07] what does tape taste like i wonder [02:03:56] Not good. Went to a shredding facility once. [02:05:57] what did it taste like specifically [02:08:26] I was inpatient and use a US and Netherlands VPN [02:09:27] The air was heavy with off gassing from bitter and cloying plastics, the tape itself didn't make much smell [02:09:58] not tasty ☹️ [02:10:44] But it stung to the sinus and have a metallic impression with how much was in the air [02:10:54] oh btw NA did i give you an edit or view link to the etherpad i made for the thing rhinos and I have been trying to schedule [02:11:16] They didn't bother giving us masks, probably not good in retrospect [02:11:37] hi is this OSHA [02:12:57] Someone mentioned me [02:13:03] Been very busy, only lightly following. 😦 [02:13:06] me while back [02:13:14] oh no worries mate [02:13:18] Regarding the MC server yea. Saw that. [02:13:28] i dont think either of us is entirely in the know either lmao [02:13:36] if you'd like a link lmk [02:13:55] Oh yes, and I managed to get my discord account suspended again for a while. [02:14:01] im adding smt i saw was answered a while back in the email chain [02:14:08] managed like [02:14:11] on purpose or? [02:15:16] I woke up today to a email and my reaction was like: oh, well, it happens to everyone. It's suspended until the 24th so yeah. If you are going to shitpost probably do it in discords where everyone understands the joke [02:16:26] Does not casue me much issues since I use IRC and XMPP heavily in places with bridges so... [02:17:37] Speaking of, Miraheze Multiplayer needs a IRC bridge or something [03:59:21] [1/2] @cosmicalpha i got a 12 am inspiration and made this you're welcome [03:59:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298495958123806730/Cylz65x.png?ex=6719c619&is=67187499&hm=2c06a233bc67c3922598ed891c73a332d52c51eb9834f168497ba0fcdd58fadc& [03:59:54] 🤣 [04:00:05] lmao [04:05:47] wisdom [06:46:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298538020814983168/IMG_20241023_093623.jpg?ex=6719ed45&is=67189bc5&hm=cba669cfda6ad116c3e32034063baa328fe606938259c4230557e6b52e250fbc& [06:46:57] https://tenor.com/view/e3-peggle-jump-two-gif-13350703 [06:47:08] this is ass tho [06:49:47] Fr [06:49:58] Ai "art" in general sucks [06:50:34] Like ok, if u told me about it 2 years ago, I'd think it's a pretty cool concept, only because it's something new and unseen from before [06:51:11] But now, u look at a bunch of ai art, and it's just nothing but utter garbage [06:52:00] Which ironically enough, I see it as humorous, only because it's ridiculous [06:52:08] yeah, now we see why artists finally should leave twitter, they definitely scrap images [08:23:06] ngl I liked when early image generators would produce utter body horror shit, this was funny [09:31:04] <.labster> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298579434751655998/image.png?ex=671a13d7&is=6718c257&hm=1a181dc28f1d69ded8d4f35f7a28d3b9f8a7090809c8db131c3d778434cef1e1& [09:32:18] <.labster> We're much bigger than WMF if we choose our metrics carefully [09:33:45] > Wierd Gloop [09:35:05] <.labster> https://weirdgloop.org/ [09:35:38] <.labster> They are small but those 5 wikis have a budget 10x of Miraheze. [09:35:45] > Wierd [09:35:58] <.labster> Yes, I before E, except after C. [09:36:07] weird [09:36:10] okay then [09:36:31] <.labster> No I know weird is an exception to that rule and I made a typo. [09:37:45] <.labster> We should go back to spelling it wyrd like the old days. [09:38:25] I thought wiki.gg is bigger somehow [09:38:35] oh well, but we are bugger than wmf lol [09:38:44] bugger ...... [09:41:17] <.labster> I'm sure we could better apply that adjective to a different wiki host [09:52:49] wiki.gg is absolutely not bigger at all [09:53:12] Every week, several new wikis are released [09:53:39] Meanwhile, on Miraheze, there are like 50-100 new wikis [09:54:09] I meant that I thought they're around 200 at least at this point [09:54:15] In wiki.gg, each and every wiki is reviewed by staff and is temporarily private until it becomes ready for public release [09:54:25] Ah, I see [09:54:38] Well, in all cases, it's great that there are now a lot of wikis [09:55:46] And speaking of Weird Gloop, we're working with them on something, but I'm not gonna publicly give out details [10:01:21] where is it from tho? [10:02:46] <.labster> A spreadsheet I made in like 10 minutes [10:03:44] <.labster> [1/2] with raw data (rounded but it's a log scale anyway lol) [10:03:44] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298587657881784381/image.png?ex=671a1b80&is=6718ca00&hm=6ded7a60c7d9191d916e7079806770d6729476939255da72c6d4bd12523d7767& [10:03:54] ah lol [10:04:06] thought someone made a post about wiki hosting [10:04:17] <.labster> Maybe I should [10:05:27] <.labster> We're only one order of magnitude off from competing directly with Fandom. Which is another way of saying we need to think about scaling 10x in the next 3-4 years. [10:11:03] you could add here other networks like ABXY, they maintain some indie Nintendo wilis [10:11:24] not full on farms but bigger than Weird Gloop and known enough [10:11:54] Hollow Knight Wiki went w/ them [10:13:43] [1/2] on an "indie-ness" scale I see [10:13:43] [2/2] self-hosting > indie networks (ABXY, Bulbagarden, WG, ...) > Miraheze > Telepedia > wiki.gg > Fandom [10:14:22] <.labster> I might be friends with the guy who runs WG )) He helped a lot during the time when MHL was going to shut down. [10:14:41] well, I remember that [10:14:57] that was huge [10:16:11] although, LoL wiki being supported by Riot and labelled official destroys any way to call them indie [10:17:26] Minecraft Wikis are indie tho :ThinkerMH: [10:19:45] <.labster> I think it's possible to be indie while being sponsored, so long as there is real community leadership [10:29:48] ^ [10:29:56] isn't runescape kind of in a similar situation? [10:30:31] true [10:30:31] where jagex sponsored the wiki? [10:30:44] yeah, I forgot about that [10:30:46] they're indie in the sense that they are hosted on their "own" [10:30:56] and not on Fandom [10:31:27] on another hand, neither Riot or Jagex are like, say, Nintendo lol [10:32:00] yeah [10:32:01] NIWA are different [10:32:36] they're just independent [10:36:38] it's soon gonna be 10,001 and 249,999 [10:37:24] <.labster> nice [12:06:03] Fandom doesn't seem to view miraheze as a competitor though which says something [12:06:10] Also wiki.gg has 800+ wikis [12:07:03] but if Miraheze had stronger SEO ... [12:24:01] part of that seo stuff is telling users 'screw your autonomy' and doing seo friendly things by default, a line we've actively resisted crossing in favor of project autonomy and which would turn off a number of people from the platform if it was crossed [12:34:16] yeah [12:47:44] Probably because they see wiki.gg as a place for formal wikis only while Miraheze is not [12:47:50] Maybe it's that [12:49:34] My sentinents exactly [12:49:50] wiki.gg "playing the game" actively against fandom could give more reason to be bothered with them say, poaching a major project where miraheze has no such organization/aspirations [12:50:13] Yeah also that [12:50:16] not that we will not support projects that wish to move but we're not necessarily likely to make the first move [12:50:25] Not sure i entirely agree with their business method but heh [14:46:30] What makes a good category layout to you? [15:17:28] Does anybody have the MC server for Miraheze'ss adress? [15:21:55] It’s whitelisted by consensus, feel free to ask Felenov if you wanna join to do a !vote with the members [15:22:31] Discord name? [15:22:59] He’s mainly on IRC now but @felenov [15:49:38] What kinda spawn does your server have? [16:24:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298683356115894314/bb6b4f65c876b8496e8ddd6ddb129be6.png?ex=671a74a0&is=67192320&hm=27050a0774e3f3d586a6e1005309109ab7ec06b7f1e2678cb9f31238ac0e4c65& [16:24:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298683379234902038/IMG_1882.png?ex=671a74a5&is=67192325&hm=97b816e9f435f5cf6260cb15a32c22ec7e099d1a7a267ce3515422331c63c661& [16:24:35] @squarerootnegative1_or_epiklord Offtopic doesn't mean posting random memes. This is your final warning, after which you will be timed out [16:24:56] Then where should I post them? [16:25:20] Nowhere @squarerootnegative1_or_epiklord [16:26:15] dis is not fun at all. [16:26:24] No it's not [16:26:39] Boring [16:27:05] Leave if you don't like us [16:27:32] And there’s not even a rule channel [16:28:18] Read #info [16:29:57] @ghaztliousmoths I never got your email to send the help pack too [16:30:06] Updated name of channel since it's not the first time we've ever gotten this question [16:36:32] Ive been busy, ill send it rn [16:38:25] Can I rack mount a gaming PC? [16:38:37] Will send the pack first thing tomorrow [16:38:50] thanks [16:39:08] If you buy a rack mounted one [16:39:52] I started writing the essay but man its really hard to not jump into stating something personal to help [16:40:12] Could I like put the hardware into a 4U case? [16:40:22] Sure [16:40:39] You just need to find a source to back personal up [16:41:32] Its more just, me talking about how it affected me - which isnt the point of the essay [16:41:41] I thought, you see my PC wouldd be great as a server and co loc might be cheaper then a VPS [16:42:52] You could find something academic that talks about how it affected the people what watched it [16:43:03] [1/2] Ovh rise 3 is or £101.46 incl. VAT/month : https://www.ovhcloud.com/en-gb/bare-metal/prices/?display=list&range=rise [16:43:04] [2/2] But maybe coloc is cheaper [16:43:31] You used to get free 1U colo on GitHub education [16:44:46] I mean, I have the hardware, if it fits into a rack I could colo it if it is cheaper then a VPS [16:45:43] [1/3] Possibly [16:45:43] [2/3] Unfortunately I have no academic resources for The Owl House :( too new [16:45:43] [3/3] I really hope they dont deduct points from my essay because my bibliography is not going to have the mininum of 5 academic sources [16:53:49] Even a 2U rack is cheaper then OVH rise three (from: https://www.servercolocation.uk/pages/server-colocation ) [17:16:41] Would you suggets VPS/VDS or co loc price wise? [17:52:21] [1/2] brief Miraheze mention ... [17:52:21] [2/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiYyuvrKI_w [18:00:37] What do you need resources wise [18:04:15] I really do have a 64 GB RAM and high eend CPU /GPU computer [18:59:44] I don't particularly like this video [19:00:07] at 10 minutes in, maybe it will have better going forward [19:02:38] around which part is the MH mention? 👀 [19:11:01] I forgor [19:18:02] 28:00 [19:18:41] file host wiki seems to merit examination [19:20:02] Oh? [19:26:11] it improves somewhat later on [19:27:46] Thank you @trigjegman, very cool! [19:28:05] we could definitely examine some of those wikis [19:28:23] A long term project I wanted to pursue was trying to hunt down some interesting wikis like that [19:28:40] but volunteer time, y’know [19:28:47] Is it just file host [19:29:07] I think it’s just a list of hosts [19:29:13] last I remember [19:29:23] I do remember it being reported [19:29:39] but this was like….3 years ago [19:52:02] https://tenor.com/view/1997_hello-chat-gif-24146200 [19:52:37] Hi spamton [19:55:29] soooo, was it you who reported alice soft and the likes wikis to shutdown, and not fandom itself after humiliated brand safety reports lol [19:55:59] based [19:56:19] we have alice soft wikis now 😉 [19:57:05] [1/3] I do hope you don't take it personally. The four wikis I included were added for being (from left to right): overtly spam—seeming to copypaste a legal arbitration policy as its main page; a page containing generally offensive material (referring to person as a "tubby jew boy"), being a file hosting scope, and NSFW content that is not censored upon initial viewing—buttons found dir [19:57:05] [2/3] ectly on the main page. [19:57:06] [3/3] I did not take action against alice soft and cannot say I know what it is. Most of the NSFW content reports, as well as most reports in general, were very small and/or very inactive sites and therefore would not be impacting someone's active contribution. [19:58:18] if we took it personally, we'd be talking smack and wouldn't have pinged you 😉 [19:58:31] you're very good at in-depth wiki analysis like that [19:58:41] I remember that one spreadsheet you sent me about a certain topic [19:58:42] eroge game developer, well it's basically same ban save as in 2021 [19:58:44] those are far from the worst we've had or probably still have [19:58:54] it's good to bring them into the spotlight [19:59:06] we don't have the volunteer time to patrol the farm sometimes [19:59:12] there are a good number of things which are likely out of bounds for our policies despite being more permissive on potentially offensive, inappropriate etc content given nsfw is allowed, conditionally [19:59:22] (while Fandom for sure could at least devote one or two paid staff members to that) [19:59:38] the truth is that there is a small handful of people who can do it, a smaller handful who are up and around more often, and I expect by november that count will drop by one [19:59:47] you forgot they nuked wiki rep program this march [20:00:08] certain even more problematic wikis are still in backlog on the more severe issue end [20:00:27] yeah, we need another two to four stewards [20:00:30] SOS [20:00:37] a few I have simply kicked from backlog because I didn't get to it and nobody else probably will [20:01:10] after pizza tower wiki forked to miraheze, we spotted some plagiarism over fandom and initially were arranging it w/ wiki rep guy who was put here, but once he got fired ... [20:01:22] Would be awesome if we can get Wikimedia’s steward count one day [20:01:35] hopefully not their community nature though... [20:01:38] I miss wiki reps [20:01:42] Wdym [20:01:51] Who was your rep? [20:01:54] imagine April incident x 10 [20:02:00] that's how I feel some Wikimedians are [20:02:10] 3d something, he actually got mentioned in mossbag vid lol [20:02:15] Fram? [20:02:22] no [20:02:31] if a few more responsible hands rise in cvt/steward ranks, not just responsible but proactive with some vision for miraheze, the course will improve [20:02:35] Stoneworks has VectorSigma, cool guy from my limited interactions [20:02:38] until then it is and will continue to be lackluster [20:02:54] nonwithstanding areas outside my immediate notation like the board or tech [20:03:24] pixel is one of the best we've seen in a while but miraheze needs much more as an example [20:03:29] We need more people flowing through with interest in this stuff :p [20:03:47] yeah, fandom pt wiki is still a problem, 80% of edits are on user pages and discussions, while wiki itself is now light years behind us, and yet - we are getting fucked hard in seo [20:03:59] Why thank you [20:04:03] I agree but he shot himself in the foot by not keeping quiet about his age [20:04:23] may have come out later, anyway [20:04:41] I don’t think I could pass for a college student anwyS [20:04:44] it is a consequence of being too big to ignore formalities but too small to enjoy a constant recruiting pool [20:05:03] in all regards save legal age I would not have an issue trying pixel for steward [20:05:04] It’s fine I’ll just gaslight the board into letting me sign an NDA anyways [20:05:13] s\/high school\/college/ and I don't think anyone would've noticed [20:06:20] Hard to say since I’d notice the difference in details but also I inherently know anyways so [20:07:20] Also if I did lie and sign an NDA anyways, pretty sure that’s illegal, and in the inevitable event the ruse failed, that’s a permanent cloud [20:07:49] the police wouldn't arrest you, no [20:07:57] that is a risk I wouldn't have recommended even if you could get away with it up to that point [20:08:10] Well violation of contract if it’s explicitly said 18 only [20:08:18] Or just not enforceable whatever [20:08:22] You also forget an important detail [20:08:22] will the foundation sue you? \:P [20:08:33] the NDA primarily is there to stop you from revealing secrets [20:09:03] I don’t just live on the wiki-net, I attend IRL events, and I don’t think I’m passing for a college student in person [20:09:08] Ah the NDA rabbit hole again >.< [20:09:12] yep [20:09:34] I don't think anyone would connect two and two together ever [20:09:43] I still would have known anyway :smug: [20:10:02] I know someone who could fic this for you [20:10:10] So I wouldn’t be able meet any miraheze folks ever :p [20:10:13] Not fun [20:10:34] I mean if besides that it probably wouldn’t be connected [20:10:52] Unless James was catching up with Pharos for example and I come up [20:10:55] oooo, I'm listening [20:11:12] @pixldev while you're being amazing don't forget to reply to the guy [20:11:19] ;) just drop a line if you're in need of some assistance [20:11:33] Ja, gonna confirm I’m free and reply. 2:45 EST work for ya? [20:11:40] Volunteers are always good [20:11:53] Thank you, I appreciate it \:) [20:12:08] Yup [20:12:27] Chances are I’ll probably meet James next year since I’m planning on going to WCNA. Maybe Brent, I don’t know if he attends those actually [20:13:14] @.labster [20:13:41] I keep promising to attend an IRL event [20:14:35] But yeah why lie when you can just wait for the rules to change. Obviously a joke [20:14:39] Although… [20:14:45] Wouldn’t be the first time lol [20:15:18] I accidentally got WMNYC to change their bylaws for me and I had no idea [20:15:23] That was really funny [20:15:47] I would endorse a change in policy to allow for persons under 18s to sign non-disclosure agreements with verifiable consent from a parent or guardian, if the law permits it [20:15:48] How [20:16:15] Technically, I think that’s been partially implemented [20:16:18] I'd think that's a tolerable risk for certain roles [20:16:30] Currently, it’s been lifted for tech specifically [20:16:51] @pixldev is more mature than half the actual adults I work with [20:17:10] anyway thanks for dragging me out of the cave. got around to writing some comment responses [20:18:05] Why thank you [20:18:22] I put on a remarkable facade [20:18:36] Work adults have caused literal fires [20:18:51] And burned a carpet with an iron [20:20:17] Sounds like something I’d like to do, but not have done [20:20:27] <.labster> I'd love to have a Miraheze IRL event. We haven't even had a board meeting in person yet, so planning an entire conference seems unlikely at this point, but maybe just a meetup. [20:20:54] Would be cool yeah [20:21:06] Can always piggy back off of Wikimedia [20:21:44] Ie if you or James was passing through NYC around the time we had a hack night I’d definitely swing around [20:21:56] I don’t believe we have any planned for this year though [20:22:00] Maybe dec [20:23:31] You go to scouts, start the next camp fire? [20:23:37] That type of fire is okay [20:23:38] And fun [20:23:44] me who stuck in [redacted] 🥲 [20:23:55] I’m horrible at fire building [20:24:31] Surely someone can teach you [20:26:46] Eh [20:26:52] My issue is I’m bad at remembering [20:27:00] Same reason I can only remember a square knot [20:29:12] Oh I have awful memory [20:30:36] Did I tell you about the time I was judging a fire building station [20:36:18] <.labster> New York is so far away, I'm never passing through there. LA to NY is roughly the same distance as Lisbon to Moscow. [20:36:41] Aw man. This is what you get for living on the wrong coast ig [20:36:52] booo [20:37:00] thats what you get for living in the US [20:37:54] https://youtube.com/shorts/pD-HGevrsMc [20:37:59] <.labster> Don't worry, if Trump gets back in, I will be moving out of this country. [20:38:59] Noting to look into Europe for college [20:39:12] University of Berlin seems tempting [20:39:19] Plus way cheaper [20:39:33] $80k vs $200 [20:40:04] Do you ever attend wikicon NA [20:41:08] <_arawynn> if you actually come to Germany and want/need somebody to practice German with feel free to hit me up [20:42:53] Thanks! College is still a year or two out for me, but I am actually planning to go to Germany for spring break next year so if you know any cool book places in Berlin feel free to lmk haha [20:43:20] the library might be a good start 😛 [20:43:38] <_arawynn> can't think of any to be honest - I'm not exactly from Berlin 😅 [20:44:02] <.labster, replying to pixldev> nope, I've never attended an event organized by wikimedia. [20:44:09] <_arawynn, replying to originalauthority> also always yes to visiting the local libraries^^ [20:44:27] <.labster> I almost went to wikimania one year when I just happened to be in Stockholm but I decided to spend my few days there as a tourist instead. [20:44:29] Pft [20:45:12] Dang [20:46:31] I’ll go to cali and put you in a box and carry you back to York for next years wikicon [20:49:43] [1/2] bitbucket has dark mode now, wow [20:49:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298750225317494844/Screenshot_2024-10-23_at_21.49.34.png?ex=671ab2e7&is=67196167&hm=2eaaf6bf3855c5a4a311a4278617729c1a3ade074042259cd26565c5c1b2d0c4& [20:49:49] does anyone actually use bitbucket? [20:50:27] bitwhat [20:50:38] github by atlassian [20:50:48] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [20:50:55] I've never come across anyone who actually uses it but i've heard its pretty popular [20:51:16] probably used by certain corporations and people just get in that way [20:52:46] Should probably get going if I wanna be on time [21:02:11] it's not cool to be on time [21:02:16] i work from home and I am late EVERY day [21:03:14] I have used it before lol. Not anymore but used to and I did quite like it. [21:03:31] I’m Brazilian so that’s our thing too [21:04:06] [1/2] thats pretty obnoxious as well like [21:04:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298753842921476207/Screenshot_2024-10-23_at_22.03.54.png?ex=671ab645&is=671964c5&hm=77a6d41fb987d64adb1a6d86e25cd0e0fc539d749542042e3f606db8f5865fcd& [21:04:13] blocks the whole page lmao [21:04:53] I might give it a go [21:05:04] apparently the integrations are quite good from what I've just read [21:08:12] it will get worse, I'm surprised this doesn't happen more often [21:08:19] oh well, nothing on screenrant I need to see anyway [21:09:36] I just removed that popup with inspect element [21:09:52] i don't generally browse sites like screen rant but I wanted to see when the next transformers is out lol [21:09:54] valnet fuckin sucks [21:10:08] (and they acquired OpenCritic recently so that sucks now too) [21:12:58] I used them back when github didn't have free private repos [21:13:17] i don't anymore tho [21:13:38] pixldev: regarding the multiplayer, if the server population reaches a positive consensus we can whitelist for sure. I just pay for the server's hosting and keep it in good working order but I would not say that I own it. The playerbase does. [21:13:54] I generally use Gitlab but they're up for sale and that's surely going to mess things up when they get acquired [21:14:02] I just don't vibe with GitHub it gives me weird vibes [21:14:18] also I don't fully trust Microsoft to not do something errenous in the future [21:14:25] based fr [21:14:40] I moved from bitbucket to github and now im moving from there to my own Forgejo lol [21:15:29] already feels weird that gh isn't even source-available itself iirc.. [21:16:14] <.labster, replying to pixldev> Get a furniture box, I am a chair. [21:22:09] [1/2] https://youtu.be/L5Ec5jrpLVk [21:22:10] [2/2] :ThinkerMH: [21:23:20] how cool, lets make people not be able to code because they were born in russia [21:23:30] <.labster> When distros are outlawed, only outlaws have distros. [21:32:48] cool, I like being an outlaw then [21:33:23] Oh this was the US’s doing [21:33:28] What the fuck [21:33:46] Using or working on OSS [21:33:51] That’s actually insane [21:34:22] What even is the jurisdiction on that? [21:34:36] If it’s a community project [21:34:51] What if it’s a project by an american and some Europeans [21:35:22] Is anything on GitHub, based in the US, affected? [21:36:54] probably [21:37:21] That’s BS [21:37:28] And “using” [21:37:30] What???? [21:37:38] If they’re in Russia [21:37:50] They aren’t subject to US laws [21:37:54] Now even a law [21:38:08] Does it only prevent distribution? [21:38:30] The only way they can do that is if they order GitHub to block Russia [21:38:36] And fat chance Microsoft is taking that [21:38:39] i have no clue, didn't even hear anything about using being prohibited [21:38:40] Even then [21:38:52] this government is a joke [21:38:53] You could just mirror the source somewhere else [21:39:06] Like we literally already do on Phorge [21:39:13] its so unenforcable yet enforceable at the same time [21:39:37] Mirror to EU hosted repo boom [21:39:49] Ugh [21:39:52] Enough of this [21:40:24] Compared to what it might be in November it’s a business meeting [21:41:43] im just confused honestly [21:43:41] like why? what is the problem that comes out of russians contributing to oss?? [21:44:02] Maybe they released an explanation [21:44:24] [[w:Executive Order 14071]] [21:44:24] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_14071 [21:44:25] [21:44:44] Huh [21:44:46] 2022? [21:45:37] so restrict russians from doing something they enjoy because someone that rules over them is invading another country? [21:45:43] makes perfect sense [21:47:19] That is contributing [22:04:01] well the united states isn't the worst option but 'land of the free' is a bit of a load of crock too [22:04:30] barring evidence of intervention I see no reason to screw over the everyday russian [22:05:48] I understand the geopolitical logic of putting the squeeze on but I would personally opt out of geopolitical chess play anyway [22:16:48] Sadly at work ye [22:18:24] Thoughts v github? [22:21:59] Horrible but that's IT's fault [22:22:26] _wonders if DWP use SSL (not as in the type of encryption, the company)_ [22:23:19] [1/2] Thought behind all these sanctions is to pursuade the Russians to massively protest the Government's war in Russia. That will never work, because when they do, they get jailed in the morning 😛 Most Russians are afraid to even open their mouth nowadays. [22:23:19] [2/2] It's the innocent Russian Citizens that pay the price for all this. Putin does what he like anyway [22:37:13] there is a simple equation and that is if putin is able to sustain a certain bottom line of life for a large portion of the country then it has little reason to rock the boat [22:37:38] I refer to survival in areas that depend on certain infrastructure to deliver essential needs [22:52:53] [1/4] They printed a notebook upside down, genuinely hilarious how do you mess this up [22:52:54] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298781220263563315/IMG_4740.jpg?ex=671acfc5&is=67197e45&hm=d22ca8add54554551290c6beff4f8c3db50e2403b68aa04ae34a4ac09c2f01fd& [22:52:54] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298781221156814848/IMG_4741.jpg?ex=671acfc5&is=67197e45&hm=01f298dc97c1ccd4ec9ed074329d9ccad0decfe169611d584e4045f3b76ece87& [22:52:54] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298781221702205481/IMG_4742.jpg?ex=671acfc5&is=67197e45&hm=70f74d62922dd020f1e1d1be54e1d488572c0832268d214fad8581660f27e2e8& [22:54:56] factory feed error or some such [22:55:59] still funny [22:56:13] my teacher said im not allowed back without a notebook so needed one [22:56:21] Not this one though [22:56:24] spiral are way better [23:18:55] is this 1954 [23:34:45] [1/2] who thought this was a good idea [23:34:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1298791755898159165/d676395371d3ce66.png?ex=671ad994&is=67198814&hm=f537dfb01c23d1d10ee0f9d29fc412113d5adc9c76cc55562553f347a846c324& [23:36:32] my teacher is a unique persoj [23:36:39] But awesome [23:48:33] [1/3] WF7>E8 [23:48:34] [2/3] or [23:48:34] [3/3] BC6>E7 [23:50:08] I was playing black and I was about to be royally screwed (my rook and pawn were at risk from the one knight white had left but I managed to run the clock down for him)