[00:17:23] lol [00:17:25] merica [01:15:35] Fairly sure most of my boy scout troop is transphobic conservatives [01:15:40] disappointing [01:15:47] fuuck [01:16:25] We can agree on something though [01:16:51] neither of us are going to bother trying to convince the others lol [01:16:57] lmao yeah [01:17:03] I forget how conservative my town is [01:17:41] also one of the scouts has two moms so im going to assume he’s not included in that but im scared to find out [01:17:58] queer transphobes exist [01:18:07] i have personal experience unfortunately [01:18:58] I just black out on points to argue when people say trump isnt that bad [01:19:21] [1/2] hes a racist misogynistic facist [01:19:21] [2/2] >eh hes not racist hes only a bit misogynist [01:19:31] as if misogyny is excusable... [01:19:40] Statements dreamed up by the utterly degranged [01:19:46] oh my god lmao yes [01:20:00] the thing i hate is some of these scouts are cool people i enjoy working with [01:20:06] YES [01:20:10] god, yes [01:20:14] One of them is a VERY good leader [01:20:35] thanku [01:21:12] But still Trump side. It’s interesting since I don’t see him or more so his mom as right [01:21:16] some more then others [01:24:37] fun fact: discrimination for sexuality or gender identity is only illegal in the US since 2020 [01:24:40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bostock_v._Clayton_County [01:24:55] This country moves backwards [01:25:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1303168178779590778/BD46AA80-EBAE-4854-B2C3-2C1EE8FB5360.jpeg?ex=672ac571&is=672973f1&hm=3414047af61e782b8a372f7159e6c1a38858613994ff7af1e7b0380b2231f1fd& [01:25:07] god yeah [01:32:12] Think there was almost a brawl [01:32:16] these people are animals [01:37:58] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12840#257572; ahaha [01:40:13] hm? [01:40:39] that comment [01:43:57] was that oa’s dont he silly [01:44:03] yeah [01:44:06] i linked to it [01:49:17] we got the sign of respect from lucas: https://wikis.world/@LucasWerkmeister/113427829986809653 [01:52:42] Should i join more local wiki discord/channels [01:53:29] join past the channel limit [01:54:08] the average rainverse wiki editor: "it's legally dubious activities time :3" [01:55:29] i may check out Rainworld and pressure [02:05:58] in the country I was born in, transphobia is more common than I thought [02:07:19] they even made such a scandal about the airport's bathrooms [02:07:26] oh come on... [02:07:35] *pat pat* [02:10:03] also Trump is mostly xenophobe, instead of "racist" [02:10:44] the point is: Neither Trump or Kamala will change really much the US as a country, what is being debated is the foreign policy [02:10:54] inner policy [02:11:35] again, honestly, I don't know who will win, they're both really close [02:11:58] don't underestimate Trump supporters and anti-Trump people who might appear tomorrow and vote [02:12:28] Most Americans I know on irc and Discord will vote for Kamala Harris [02:12:38] 3 or 4 for Donald Trump [02:48:48] Yes! Yes! Rain World! [02:49:28] Oh hi candlesign.4539: [02:49:35] i take it your from there haha? [02:51:07] (Admin for the wiki yeah this is my occasional propaganda (wow I haven't pressured (pun so intended) anyone into playing it in a while come to think of it)) [02:52:16] As a hi back enjoy a topical :slugtoast: [02:52:22] *looks at Nyctopedia* at least you have something with an active community to promote haha [02:52:55] whatever, nyctopedia was a starting ground, im enjoying my life of public wiki service [02:53:28] but yea i'll probably join and hang around, I've found that being in the channels of fun wikis is just [02:53:28] fun [02:56:36] ive never actually played rainworld [03:05:00] Go play it!! Has to be my favorite game it's incredible (and incredibly painful but shhh that's the part you keep for later once it's too late to go back) [03:10:42] Hmmmmm [03:11:19] Hollow Knight pantheon painful or Neon Genesis Evangelion painful [03:13:02] candlesign.4539: how long is it? [03:14:08] I don't think I have the time in my life at this point :sob: sooooo many shows, web comics to read [03:27:47] Ahhhh yeah it can be quite long, not exactly a game you rush haha. (Painful as in the world is huge and doesn't care about you and you have to figure mostly everything out yourself so that does take some time) [03:47:46] Maybe in the summer... haha [04:29:59] Bruh i should use this chat to yap about shit. Instead of #general [04:30:11] Ikr mirahezerelay [04:30:28] o dear [04:30:29] Aren't you mirahezerelay tho? [04:30:37] No :) [05:09:01] offically election day BlankEclair [05:09:05] oh no [05:09:10] polls probably already opened [05:09:14] can i send notices to channels i wonder [05:09:20] seems like it [05:11:20] the vote center for my house opens 6AM [05:11:30] but we early voted on sunday [05:11:32] and got [05:11:33] no [05:11:34] sticke [05:11:36] r [05:11:38] f [05:11:41] :broken_heart: [05:11:53] This should unironically be a crime [05:13:29] [1/2] I'll see if I can get this sticker shipped from michigan for you: [05:13:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1303225657152507934/iu.png?ex=672afaf9&is=6729a979&hm=f1435c0f04ba9b49c87e7fe28fd2c3bcf4f81e4ccc8573a85d50cbe5b6e7314a& [05:13:52] thank you i will present it to pixlmama [05:16:21] i think i got myself ratelimited by fucking nickserv [05:16:25] i [05:16:31] not that sense of fucking omg i just noticed my phrasing [05:16:54] haha [05:17:01] anyways [05:17:03] Don't you mean that kind of it? [05:17:14] honey graylog is on the fritz again! [05:17:30] okay, i ratelimited myself against the entirety of services [05:17:32] amazing [05:18:02] dang [06:31:52] babe, new malware idea dropped: https://nullprogram.com/blog/2024/10/07/ [10:39:20] I'll help the first 10 people interested on how to  start earning $50k or more within a week, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profits when you receive it. Note: only interested people should send a friend request or send me a dm! ask me (HOW) [11:47:37] GOOD MORNING AMERICA. This is our last chance to keep America special and not let it become like every other country. The Democrats are an immoral party that only cares about identity and woke and doesn't care about morality or about people who don't respect our values from changing the country forever. I hate Trump's personality and attitude but [11:47:37] his administration would be objectively better than a Harris administration and safeguard America's moral standing and our values. Elections aren't about individuals, they're about ideas and the people working behind the scenes in the administrations. VOTE REPUBLICAN. VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP. Kamala Harris has no plan for the country other [11:47:38] than "joy". [11:47:42] our hope is that Kamala Harris will unite the country that will never happen because half the country can't stand her. The same is true for Trump but at least his administration upholds American values and the American dream. Kamala Harris has a soft Marxist version for America which is the complete opposite of the American dream. Joe Rogan has [11:47:42] endorsed Trump. We must vote Trump. Everyone in swing states go and vote. [11:48:08] !ops [11:48:16] VOTE THE DEMS OUT RESTORE AMERICA NOW [11:56:39] If there's one thing to remember from my message (sorry for the spam): **INDIVIDUAL PERSONALITIES DON'T MATTER. I honestly like Kamala as a human being but her policies are terrible for the country. We can't surrender our values because of people's feelings. Please consider voting Republican. and restore American values*** [12:21:47] I can't help but laugh very loudly every time an American calls one of their main politicians 'a Marxist'. [12:26:49] ikr [12:41:12] BlankEclair guess wha [12:41:20] polls open [12:42:04] yay [13:30:27] the worst elections in the US story [13:39:42] <_______________________________d> good morning USA [13:39:50] <_______________________________d> i got a feeling that it's gonna be a wonderful day [13:40:18] <_______________________________d> its cloudy where i am so im not sure if the sun in the sky has a smile on its face but it probably does [13:54:30] wonderful because who will win according to you? [14:01:02] <_______________________________d> it's a song [14:01:08] <_______________________________d> i don't care about the elections [14:10:47] im freezing at bus stop it's snowing proper now [16:15:40] irc political campaigning is something i wasnt expecting to see, let alone on miraheze [16:18:16] Pretty sure they were banned from discord first [16:18:28] Or maybe that was someone else [16:18:49] Nope that was a crypto scammer [17:26:43] the sheer desperation of Guest78 lol [17:27:42] ah yes, moral values like "trans people are icky" and "immigrants are also icky" lmao [17:27:42] Understandable, I mean he gotta do his part or gasp gay people may have right [17:27:53] 😱 [17:28:00] imagine [17:43:35] well, to be fair to Guest78, those are very american values [17:44:12] if you ignore all the Colon committing genocide against the natives and replacing them with immigrants, of course [17:44:21] they were the _good_ immigrants [17:45:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1303414857256800357/GblUOXYXoAACJXQ.png?ex=672bab2e&is=672a59ae&hm=0acb55536687f274cef11715f3736976c10a375560a7a29953e3902bbc000da6& [18:05:29] @paladox https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1853822813926224282 [18:05:57] Yeh [18:32:27] ***MESSAGE TO ALL AMERICANS***: If you haven't voted yet, please do and vote for TRUMP. It is simply not true that Republicans hate immigrants, almost everyone is in favour of legal immigration. It's just not fair for large numbers of people to jump the line while other immigrants wait their turn and work hard to enter our country. It's not about [18:32:28] their race or where they come from at all, I am sure that Mexico would hate it if 10 million US citizens showed up in their country and wanted to work there. TRUMP will make immigration fair again. Despite hating his personality and preferring Kamala Harris', his policies are better and in the end the only thing that matters is the administration [18:32:28] and civil servants. VOTE TRUMP [18:32:40] Oh for fuck sake [18:32:53] Guest48: get deleted bozo [18:33:44] another one!? [18:34:16] Dear pixldev from the logs I have read you seem indoctrinated in the Democratic Party beliefs and no matter what the Democratic Party does it seems you will alwys support them [18:34:28] Is the meritocracy such a terrible concept to you? [18:34:43] This is proof that this is what Democrats do, they CENSOR and DELETE every opinion that is against them [18:34:46] 🙄 [18:34:56] Why are you so afraid of my ideas? [18:36:44] Your relaying to a wiki community [18:36:46] If you don’t know [18:36:51] We tend to be quite liberal [18:37:03] literally 1939 [18:37:11] I am curious what made you adopt these liberal beliefs? [18:37:12] Meritocracy deez nuts [18:37:20] Trump is a facist racist misogynist [18:37:20] I must admit I don't get the chance to talk to liberals much [18:37:51] I agree, I hate Trump's guts. But the alternative to Trump is Kamala who doesn't care that people aren't respecting our system and coming into the country illegally while others wait their turn and come into the country legally [18:37:53] If you’d like to civilly discuss, spam is not the best way [18:38:07] No country would accept random people coming in and disrupting the workforce [18:38:16] It's not about race [18:38:24] I’m not saying I agree with that [18:38:27] If 10 million US citizens wanted to move to Mexico it would strongly object [18:38:33] But trump winning has too many consequences for us [18:39:05] A lot of people here, my friends, are queer. Under a trump administration, I would watch their basic human rights turn to ash in front of me [18:39:28] I am no MAGA fanatic and I voted for Nikki Haley in the primary but I simply don't think the Democratic Party cares enough about American values and the American dream in terms of economics. [18:39:30] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:31] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:31] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:32] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:32] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:33] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:33] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:34] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:34] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:35] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:35] VOTE TRUMP [18:39:51] Guest [18:39:52] and idk what would happen to my arab/pro-palestinian family (cousins/uncles/aunts) abroad [18:39:58] I have the power to mute the relay [18:39:59] they vote third party [18:40:05] Oh [18:40:07] My apologies [18:40:11] NA already did [18:40:18] None of your messages are being seen anymore [18:40:36] [1/3] >"I am no MAGA fanatic" [18:40:36] [2/3] >spams "vote tr\*mp" [18:40:36] [3/3] sure buddy [18:42:03] Yo @paladox you have IRC ops? [18:42:36] all sres do [18:42:40] I’m not sure. I’m not in the channels on irc anymore [18:42:49] I guess someone gave me them in absent [18:43:06] regardless, I banned the "Guest*" names [18:43:19] that's a terrible bandaid but they're jumping from IP to IP [18:44:01] Can you ask Libera to k line maybe [18:44:12] Not sure why Ozone didn’t kick in [18:44:21] The moderators here show you why you cannot vote Democrat. They silence any belief that they don't like. Queer people are free to do whatever they like it's ridiculous to even claim that the Trump administration will do anything. What do you think that they'll ban gay marriage? Congress already voted to enshrine it in law. Trump is a bad human [18:44:21] being but the Republican Party is much better than the Dems. TRUMP (despite his flaws) and his ADMINISTRATION ARE OUR BEST BET. VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP VOTE TRUMP [18:44:26] This is the most important election of our lifetime [18:44:26] I'm sure you didn't see but ozone did kill them [18:44:28] VOTE TRUMP [18:44:30] VOTE TRUMP [18:44:47] ```⇐ Guest48 quit (~Guest48@ Killed (ozone (No Spam))``` [18:46:10] I cant bring ozone into here (too few users, 20 are required) [18:46:19] Honestly shocked it's been as quiet as it has [18:46:19] I tried as well lol [18:46:22] I'm setting +r on all channels [18:49:07] I mean I could bug libera staff about it [18:49:41] What’s that one again [18:49:42] Oh [18:49:45] Registered [18:52:48] though I haven't seen them anywhere other than here and #miraheze [18:55:39] but I also set +f to forward anons to -overflow [21:29:57] I don’t remember trump even threatening any basic rights as even also what basic human right would this “trump” want to turn to ash anyway [21:30:13] About to go political here but I will not go to far into it [21:33:39] How did the guest names even happen [21:34:08] its the default [21:35:10] I see because I never use IRC [21:37:12] not a huge fan of wiki bot [21:37:26] just because it has paid features [21:37:31] and the ai generated logo [21:37:39] and the very heavy fandom affiliations [21:37:55] though it would be neat if [21:38:25] what [21:38:29] so? [21:38:30] MH hosted their own instance that maybe didn’t cost 17 billion dollars if you want to add more than 2 wikis https://github.com/Markus-Rost/discord-wiki-bot [21:38:46] Since when does it have a payed version? [21:38:54] yeah you have to subscribe to their patreon if you want to add more than 2 wikis for instance [21:38:54] I’ve never seen that [21:39:31] Didn’t know that, but like, hosting costs money, especially something this high traffix [21:39:47] https://wikibot.fandom.com/wiki/Patreon_features [21:39:50] I mean true but [21:39:57] 2 wikis? really? [21:40:39] and then you have to join their server to enable it [21:40:45] it’s just a whole thing IMO [21:41:07] It’s a dollar per server lmao [21:41:21] also it says patreon features not work at all [21:41:56] still [21:42:15] I feel like that isn’t so bad but coupled with the fandom stuff it just [21:42:32] Nebula [21:42:37] Do you know who Markus is [21:42:45] no I have no idea [21:42:59] He’s the Director of the Indie Minecraft Wiki [21:43:01] you’re about to make me look real stupid aren’t you :P [21:43:05] ah fuck [21:43:14] okay I’ll shut up [21:43:24] you win [21:43:25] :P [21:43:52] If you’d like to discuss this with him, and I’d encourage you to if you’d like clarification, he’s in this discord, you can ping him [21:44:02] [1/3] I can understand 2 wikis being the limit [21:44:02] [2/3] I managed to get a 3rd one added [21:44:02] [3/3] Idk how tho but I did [21:44:07] wasn't the fandom thing a matter of fandom basically stealing the bot to make a shifty fork [21:44:20] I didn't follow the news after that [21:44:49] Maybe? [21:44:58] they host their own instance is all i know [21:45:01] I recall that being news for a minute some time ago [21:47:02] oh that might be it [21:48:11] okay never mind [21:48:33] I was thinking the patreon was owned by the fandom wiki bot [21:48:44] https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Wiki-Bot this one I’m assuming [21:49:43] its a blurred lines [21:50:20] yeah I can see how I’d get them mixed up now [21:50:42] well you’re doing good work Markus, and it’s a shame fandom stole your bot [21:51:11] I don’t think they fully stole is considering it’s the same branding [21:52:22] I wouldn't say the branding is the same [21:54:37] It would be nice if Wiki-Bot got a new icon tho [21:55:13] eh [21:55:50] I tried to hook wiki bot to third? server I admin w/ a third wiki, but I messed up channels access and kicked it lol [22:19:23] I'm having so much fun with Codex, just wrote the most horrid JS function ever [22:19:26] long live JS [22:59:36] My state starts the count in 2 hours 😬 [23:00:35] I don't think we can call it until several days unless a very decisive lead that was not anticipated forms immediately [23:01:33] Yeah, i think @notaracham was correct in that we won't know til Thursday [23:02:16] if it's as tight as polls indicate that is a reasonable guess and I would even posit as far as Friday [23:02:45] Have I sent the harris/trump wins photo here yet [23:03:14] maybe, my check ins are spotty [23:15:14] I guess Iowa might be in range of contest, which is wild if accurate. Selzer is rarely far off... [23:16:12] Gonna be a long evening [23:19:40] quite [23:19:44] I know it won't happen but it would be so satisfying if texas flipped [23:19:47] but I'll sleep normally anyway tbh [23:20:01] texas is actually morphing as we speak [23:20:09] Ikr [23:20:15] will it flip, not for a while, but it's not the bastion it was for sure [23:20:15] I knew it was bleeding but [23:20:24] When it does [23:20:26] they're cooked [23:20:35] 40 electoral votes [23:20:41] there are certain areas they are so impressively far behind on it hurts [23:20:45] or even better we get rid of this shitty as college [23:20:52] what I hope is the current dichotomy in general falls apart [23:21:08] the college does serve a function however obscure and disregarded it tends to be [23:21:28] and perhaps it is not the ideal, but then, no system, indeed not even pure popular vote is [23:21:29] It's one of the remaining pillars of the institution of slavery [23:22:19] it is a system that somewhat dilutes the ability of individual states to completely dominate the geography of the united states by sheer bulk, like california [23:22:20] Proportional electorals would be [23:22:22] fine [23:22:23] i guess [23:22:34] I do think a more granular system would be more fair [23:22:47] states throwing all or nothing when they obviously are divided is just wrong to me [23:23:50] I do think it's going to be interesting to see how things reframe in coming years [23:24:06] and how much possibility there will be for something to kick the binary in its ass which would please me greatly [23:24:20] even if the system incentivizes it eventually coming back to a polar binary eventually [23:52:32] "everyone is in favour" => British, not American