[00:51:35] so rallado 🤭 [02:11:04] I just spent an unreasonable amount of time digging into MediaWiki's `SkinFactory`. Interesting finds. [02:11:47] for example I found its very easy to register a skin at runtime for a specific special page and only that special page. The more you know ay. [02:23:19] i mean [02:23:21] it kinda makes sense [02:23:42] you can check the url in LocalSettings.php and only call wfLoadSkin based on specifics [02:33:29] when you really wanna follow a user that you start debugging their instance's source code [02:47:56] https://git.pleroma.social/help/user/profile/account/two_factor_authentication_troubleshooting.md#generate-new-recovery-codes-using-ssh [02:47:58] huh [02:48:02] Yeah, that feels hacky though [02:51:26] it does work [03:04:09] what crimes are you commiting today BlankEclair [03:04:23] > hello, i've found a federation bug between sharkey and one specific pleroma instance (when i try to follow a pleroma user from sharkey, sharkey tries to access /internal/fetch/follow{ers,ing}, but it gets a text/html page and bails, thus never allowing the follow to finish; i haven't figured out the preconditions for what causes the bug to happen, but appears to be a per-instance sort of deal?); the bug issue template asks for [03:04:24] environment info, but i don't have that, should i still file the bug report anyway or should i ask the pleroma instance operator to file the report for me? [03:04:35] and dont say being gay [03:04:50] that implied [03:05:01] huh [03:05:16] funky! [03:05:49] ye ikr [03:12:46] o/ [03:35:27] CA [03:35:31] did you sleeep [03:35:58] moving to the debugging chair [03:36:50] now on debugging chair [03:37:05] on second thought, i could've just joined as blankeclaire [03:37:24] oh no theres two of em [03:37:37] i can murder one [03:38:48] lol I slept an hour PixDeVl [03:38:54] rip [03:39:02] oh wait [03:39:12] what day was it for you [03:39:28] Sunday right now [03:39:39] in which case, i retract my rip [03:41:17] lol [03:41:22] imagine if i just regained BlankEclaire to change the nicks back [03:41:54] stupid, yet elegant [03:42:00] hah? [03:42:18] Oh hey I do still have that nick attached to my account lol [03:43:32] lol I thought I didn't anymore but guess I do... [03:45:52] debugging seesion finished [03:46:03] extra style points [03:46:22] oh [03:46:25] it could auto-reconnect [03:46:33] didn't autorejoin thischannel tho [03:49:56] no fair [03:50:29] oh wow, we have a wikitide account [03:50:41] it's reg'd [03:50:45] I forgot the login to the actual WikiTide account lol. But I think I have it written somewhere. The Miraheze nick is actually attached to my account [03:51:07] haha [03:51:14] thats one way to bypass ghost [03:51:20] >:( [03:51:26] kickban? [03:51:36] hush [03:51:43] Lol [03:51:51] i need to finish my spanish homework [03:52:49] not even the great wikitide can escape la aula de espanhol [03:53:07] And I should probably sleep before 6AM tonight lol [03:53:26] miraheze limited and wikitide foundation talking to each other [03:53:29] not something you see every day [03:53:44] lol [03:53:45] hello [03:53:54] Now we have Wikimedia to that is funny [03:54:00] can we all take a moment to appricate [03:54:03] that each of us [03:54:06] has the nick [03:54:12] that makes the LEAST SENSE [03:54:21] i never signed up for wikitdie [03:54:24] LMFAO [03:54:37] claire tmk never was active on wikimedia [03:54:45] cos, well eh [03:54:46] i occasionally am for mediawikiwiki [03:54:58] + tasks on wmf phab + gerrit patche [03:55:00] s [03:55:36] i mean if we count that alplha still beats ya [03:55:43] hmm true [03:55:44] I am active everywhere lol (not really around Wikimedia other than the Wikimedia dev areas and mediawiki.org though lol) Every once in awhile I may pop up places though. [03:55:53] and im a paying member of my local Wikimedia chapter [03:55:57] oh neat [03:56:18] discord users: what in the hell is happening over here... [03:56:25] $5 a year to be a full voting member [03:56:32] that's cheap O_o [03:57:18] also i may or may not have lead them to update their bylaws [03:59:18] Wikimedia does appear to be registered to CptViraj [03:59:32] oh lol, they're online right now [04:01:22] they also have wikipedia [04:02:07] be gay do crime :3 [04:02:27] lmao [04:03:01] also, i'm kinda surprised that no one has homosexual [04:03:30] Double homicide [04:04:10] be gay you're already crime :3 [04:04:21] actually, that has two meanings [04:04:37] pick whichever you want [04:05:17] lol [04:05:30] sounds like suicide [04:05:32] oh [04:05:33] darn [04:05:53] If you are also female that is triple homicide in Trumps America [04:05:55] .part [04:05:57] .nick BlankEclairBot [04:06:02] uh oh [04:06:17] heh, yeah [04:07:04] how many layers of intersectionality do i have i wonder [04:07:19] trans, bisexual, female, crime? [04:07:46] you're basically  l33t h@x3r [04:09:31] related: https://stainedglasswoman.substack.com/p/growing-up-broken#§being-the-other [04:10:06] is there a way to autoghost? [04:10:24] not unless if you set up a bot for it [04:10:31] i just do enforce with enforcetime set to 1 [04:10:37] close enough to what i want-ish [04:10:46] how do that [04:10:55] msg NickServ HELP SET ENFORCE [04:10:58] same for ENFORCETIME [04:11:04] .tableflip [04:11:04] (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ [04:11:08] .list [04:11:30] .list games [04:11:32] coin, dice, eightball, monologue, and roulette [04:11:47] .eightball to be gay, or to be crime [04:11:48] No chance. [04:11:52] oh damn [04:12:00] .roll [04:12:01] MacFan4000: No dice to roll. [04:12:02] Error: "roll" is not a valid command. [04:12:13] oh lol, we have the same prefixes [04:12:14] .roll 2 [04:12:15] MacFan4000: I couldn't find any valid dice expressions. [04:12:15] Error: "roll" is not a valid command. [04:12:27] .dice 2d6 [04:12:28] [dice] 2d6: (4+1) = 5 [04:12:28] 4 and 1 [04:12:37] does everyone have a bot but me [04:12:50] lol yeah [04:12:53] lol [04:12:59] i wonder what this thing could do [04:13:01] .uptime [04:13:01] [uptime] I've been sitting here for 31 days, 0:16:05 and I keep going! [04:13:03] I've been connected to libera for 2 days, 14 hours, 37 minutes, and 10 seconds. [04:13:15] to quote isai [04:13:19] :waaah: [04:13:44] .version [04:13:44] [version] Sopel v8.0.0 | Python: 3.12.7 [04:13:50] The current (running) version of this Limnoria is 2024.10.22, running on Python 3.8.10 (default, Sep 11 2024, 16:02:53) [GCC 9.4.0]. The newest version available online is 2024.10.19, or 2024.10.23 in Git [04:13:56] MacFanBot has been around awhile, powering the interwiki feed via a custom plugin (base is sopel) [04:14:02] oh neat [04:14:09] mine keeps disconnecting because tor lol [04:14:34] what did tor do [04:14:46] .mangle [04:14:47] Error: "mangle" is not a valid command. [04:14:48] [translate] WikiTide says "What does Thor do?" [04:14:54] > [Saturday, 9 November 2024] [00.35.43 Australian Eastern Daylight Time] Quit BlankEclairBot (~limnoria@user/BlankEclair/bot/BlankEclairBot) has left this server (Remote host closed the connection). [04:14:57] wat [04:15:05] my bot stalks a minetest server and announces it in a private channel [04:15:17] .mangle [04:15:18] Error: "mangle" is not a valid command. [04:15:20] [translate] "My bot discovered a mining test server and announced it on a private channel," Wikimedia said. [04:15:34] .help list [04:15:35] Wikimedia: Unknown command "list" [04:15:35] (list [--private] [--unloaded] []) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --private is given, lists the private plugins. If --unloaded is given, it will list available plugins that are not loaded. [04:15:38] .list --unloaded [04:15:39] Aka, Alias, Anonymous, Autocomplete, BadWords, ChannelLogger, ChannelStats, Conditional, Ctcp, DDG, Debug, Dict, Dunno, Factoids, Fediverse, Filter, Format, GPG, Geography, Google, Hashes, Herald, Internet, Karma, Lart, Later, Limiter, LogToIrc, Math, MessageParser, MoobotFactoids, News, Nickometer, Note, Plugin, PluginDownloader, Poll, Praise, Protector, Quote, QuoteGrabs, RSS, Relay, Reply, (1 more message) [04:15:41] .more [04:15:43] SedRegex, Seen, Services, ShrinkUrl, Status, String, Success, Time, Todo, Topic, URL, Unix, Utilities, and Web [04:16:02] who registered the WikiTide name [04:16:06] it's WikiTide [04:16:14] whuch acount [04:16:20] WikiTide [04:16:21] .rand [04:16:21] [rand] random(0, 9223372036854775807): 3421626008876348934 [04:16:22] Error: "rand" is not a valid command. [04:16:27] dang [04:16:41] hey wait [04:16:47] does that mean we can have a quips-like thing here? [04:16:49] just browsable on irc [04:16:57] WikiTide: easy way to find out is /ns info [04:17:11] We should move quips to the actual thing :p [04:17:14] til that's a command?? [04:17:18] i have some i should prob add [04:18:20] .xkcd [04:18:20] Error: "xkcd" is not a valid command. [04:18:21] [xkcd] Startling | Alt-text: We actually reached the future about three years ago. | https://xkcd.com/354 [04:18:44] .minetest list [04:18:45] Online players (last updated: 2024-11-11T04:18:44.308292): RoyalBoss13 and thatoneguy [04:18:48] very useful xD [04:19:06] Miraheze can we ask libera to free the WikiTide nick from the dead account [04:19:17] someone here probably owns it [04:19:21] .rage [04:19:21] щ(ಠ益ಠщ) [04:19:21] Error: "rage" is not a valid command. [04:19:37] Miraheze said they have the password somewhere [04:19:40] Cos said he owns it on another account [04:19:42] yeah [04:20:00] .load praise [04:20:01] The operation succeeded. [04:20:03] .list praise [04:20:03] add, change, get, praise, remove, search, and stats [04:20:07] .help praise [04:20:07] Wikimedia: Unknown command "praise" [04:20:07] (praise [] [] [for ]) -- Praises (for , if given). If is given, uses that specific praise. is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. [04:20:12] huh [04:20:25] .praise BlankEclair for being gay [04:20:25] Error: There are no praises in my database for #miraheze-offtopic. [04:20:31] uh... okay? [04:20:43] .help praise add [04:20:43] Wikimedia: Unknown command "praise add" [04:20:43] (praise add [] ) -- Adds to the praise database for . is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself. [04:20:48] you are very gay [04:20:52] thank you <3 [04:21:01] .unload praise [04:21:02] The operation succeeded. [04:21:31] fun fact: i read poll as doll [04:21:38] .list [04:21:38] Admin, AutoMode, Channel, Config, Games, Minetest, Misc, Network, NickAuth, NickCapture, Owner, Scheduler, and User [04:22:01] what even is automode [04:22:03] .list automode [04:22:03] That plugin exists, but has no commands. This probably means that it has some configuration variables that can be changed in order to modify its behavior. Try "config list supybot.plugins.AutoMode" to see what configuration variables it has. [04:22:09] .config list plugins.AutoMode [04:22:09] #:alternativeCapabilities, #:delay, #:enable, #:extra, #:fallthrough, #:halfop, #:op, #:voice, @#:ban, owner, and public [04:22:34] is that Limnoria? [04:22:47] > Allows you to automatically make users op (+o) or voice (+v) when they join, or ban them (+b). [04:22:49] oh [04:22:50] agentisai: yes [04:22:55] .unload automode [04:22:55] BlankEclairBot is @agent [04:22:56] The operation succeeded. [04:22:56] who da fuc is limnoria [04:22:58] Error: "is" is not a valid command. [04:23:04] https://limnoria.net/ [04:23:05] [url] Limnoria - a Python IRC bot | limnoria.net [04:23:08] oh [04:23:09] thanks MacFanBot [04:23:14] .version [04:23:14] [version] Sopel v8.0.0 | Python: 3.12.7 [04:23:19] The current (running) version of this Limnoria is 2024.10.22, running on Python 3.8.10 (default, Sep 11 2024, 16:02:53) [GCC 9.4.0]. The newest version available online is 2024.10.19, or 2024.10.23 in Git [04:23:42] gonna love the MHRelay stampede of the offtopic channel [04:23:48] lol two bots that use the same command prefix [04:23:51] wikimedia is here [04:23:53] IRC! IRC! IRC! [04:23:59] oh cosmic is ba [04:24:07] We had a WikiTideBot actually (which used the WikiTide name) and ran Limnoria [04:24:12] where did the hit ircuser Miraheze go [04:24:13] oh neat [04:24:22] i fixed the broken http proxy implementation btw [04:24:24] back [04:24:26] lol [04:24:28] There used to be a MirahezeBot (rip) [04:24:29] yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [04:24:30] It ran here for a few months before cloud1.wt was nuked [04:24:45] We could bring it back... [04:24:45] I can probably revive the module from WikiTide [04:25:03] .nick MirahezeBot [04:25:07] xD [04:25:25] pretty sure the nick is still registered [04:25:39] oh yeah [04:25:42] lol [04:25:48] > [11/11/2024 15:25] [Notice] -NickServ- MirahezeBot has enabled nick protection [04:25:49] hmm [04:25:57] how long? 60s? [04:26:03] gonna enter IRC! [04:26:07] what is nickname protection? [04:26:12] it's ENFORCE [04:26:13] and pretty sure that I was the one who registered it [04:26:18] .nick Homosexual [04:26:20] no chance [04:26:46] did you mean "nick"? lol [04:26:51] I think I probably have the WikiTide password [04:26:52] hm? [04:26:54] ah [04:26:59] the bot prefix is . [04:27:09] so [11/11/2024 15:26] *** MirahezeBot is now known as Homosexual. [04:27:11] . [04:27:12] I think I also have it agent if you don't [04:27:14] .. [04:27:14] Error: "." is not a valid command. [04:27:20] .oi [04:27:21] Error: "oi" is not a valid command. [04:27:46] .help [04:27:46] Wikimedia: I'll send you a list of commands in private. [04:27:46] Use the 'list' command to list all plugins, and 'list ' to list all commands in a plugin. To show the help of a command, use 'help '. [04:27:50] oh wow [04:27:58] oh... wow [04:28:11] yup it PM'd you the list [04:28:22] holy shit it has pronouns support?? [04:28:23] .help pronouns [04:28:24] Wikimedia: Show the pronouns for a given user, defaulting to the current user if left blank. [04:28:24] Error: There is no command "pronouns". [04:28:24] e.g. .pronouns Embolalia [04:28:29] it can also be configured to post to a webpage and other locations [04:28:49] hell yeah, that's cool [04:29:49] jei guisss [04:29:56] I do have password it lol [04:30:08] ah now the real WikiTide has joined [04:30:19] the WikiTide nick trade [04:30:33] I can tell it via PM to say whatever I want [04:30:36] Hey yeah I do have the password for it [04:30:43] MacFan4000 took over the MacFanBot [04:30:50] .tell #miraheze-offtopic i'm gay [04:30:50] Wikimedia: That nickname is too long. [04:30:51] Error: Hey, just give the command. No need for the tell. [04:30:59] uhhh what? [04:31:01] .help tell [04:31:01] Wikimedia: Give someone a message the next time they're seen [04:31:01] e.g. MacFanBot, tell dgw he broke it again. [04:31:01] (tell ) -- Tells the whatever is. Use nested commands to your benefit here. [04:31:06] hisssss [04:31:07] 22:30 Wikimedia: .tell #miraheze-offtopic i'm gay [04:31:10] im wikitide [04:31:10] wadafackkk [04:31:14] what? [04:31:38] .smirk [04:31:38] (¬‿¬) [04:31:40] Error: "smirk" is not a valid command. [04:31:46] I still have all the logins saved from the legacy WikiTide it seems lol [04:32:07] .tell wikimedia i'm gay [04:32:07] Wikimedia: You can tell yourself that. [04:32:08] The operation succeeded. [04:32:18] oh okay, it only works for nicks, not channels [04:32:23] well, i have [04:32:32] .ircquote privmsg #miraheze-offtopic :i'm gay :3 [04:32:32] i'm gay :3 [04:32:34] real wikimedia isn't freaky lmfao [04:32:42] .tell Wikimedia lol [04:32:42] MacFan4000: I'll pass that on when Wikimedia is around. [04:32:43] Error: You don't have the misc.tell capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [04:32:43] i'm queer, not freaky [04:32:44] [tell] Wikimedia: 2024-11-11 - 04:32:42 UTC tell Wikimedia lol [04:32:45] and >:( [04:33:08] oh lol now I get pinged everytime Miraheze is mentioned again. I just removed that stalk word but now my nick triggers it. [04:33:13] xD [04:33:13] I am going back lol [04:33:20] lmao [04:33:21] don't worry, i get that for wikimedia too [04:33:26] \nick CosmicAlpha [04:33:29] ffs [04:33:34] kek [04:33:34] average windows user [04:33:41] .tell WikiTide WahDupes [04:33:41] (what os do you even use) [04:33:41] emicraft: I'll pass that on when WikiTide is around. [04:33:41] Error: You don't have the misc.tell capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified. [04:33:46] heh / not \ [04:34:41] .lenny [04:34:42] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [04:34:42] Error: "lenny" is not a valid command. [04:35:11] lol I always think it is / then remember I always get it wrong so go with \ but then that is the one that is really wrong. [04:35:18] lmfao [04:35:30] http://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/dump/%23miraheze-offtopic.htm [04:35:30] @info [04:35:31] [url] #miraheze-offtopic | wm-bot.wmcloud.org [04:36:17] lol Clair says more then anybody except the relay bots [04:36:37] probably because i use irc full time [04:36:42] lol [04:36:48] also lol this is offtopic? [04:37:02] I thought we were in a different channel. My brain aint working lol [04:37:02] lol, imagine if we did it in #miraheze [04:37:17] I thought for some reason this was -tech lol [04:37:41] IKR [04:37:42] [tell] WikiTide: 2024-11-11 - 04:33:41 UTC tell WikiTide WahDupes [04:38:08] .help setpronouns [04:38:09] Wikimedia: Set your pronouns. [04:38:09] e.g. .setpronouns they/them [04:38:09] Error: There is no command "setpronouns". [04:38:13] CosmicAlpha: #miraheze-tech == IRC's offtopic [04:38:20] lmfao [04:38:21] excuse me? [04:38:26] #miraheze-* == IRC's offtopic [04:38:33] LMAO [04:38:37] lmao [04:38:45] truth though lol [04:39:03] lol [04:39:04] on :( [04:39:19] here, i filled it in for you [04:39:33] eh, that was expected [04:39:39] oh [04:39:42] omfg i love IRC [04:39:46] Honestly I am really not strict on offtopic anywhere unless there are important things going on in the channel that offtopic conversation is happening. [04:39:48] lol [04:39:56] did you all just swap? [04:40:06] it's like a crypto exchange [04:40:08] Miraheze has nick protection [04:40:10] things are swapping all the time [04:40:12] eh [04:40:16] its more like [04:40:19] that con game [04:40:23] [04:40:24] [url] puppet/modules/irc/manifests/limnoria.pp at master · WikiTideOrg/puppet · GitHub | github.com [04:40:26] it still exists [04:40:29] Wikimedia: what is nick protection, how did I put that on lol? [04:40:30] with the bowls and the pea [04:40:37] CosmicAlpha: lmao what [04:40:39] nickserv enforce [04:40:41] run /ns help set enforce [04:40:58] oh lol I didn't know I enabled that on Miraheze. [04:41:01] does enforce straight up prohibit you from /nick'ing? [04:41:06] it's enabled for account [04:41:16] it's account wide CosmicAlpha [04:41:17] agentisai: no, your nick will be automatically changed after ENFORCETIME seconds [04:41:27] oh lol I didn't know I enabled it on my account [04:41:42] just set to 1 [04:41:52] oh alright, I was about to say that I don't remember that being the case [04:42:01] CosmicAlpha: should WikiTideBot be brought back [04:42:17] IDK tbh lol [04:42:23] if it has some use maybe [04:42:24] tempted to keep the bot here because why not [04:42:37] you need chan oper authorization >:( [04:42:45] .part [04:42:48] hide the evidence [04:42:50] for what [04:42:54] uh [04:42:57] activities [04:42:57] CosmicAlpha: I mean, it quietly resided on #wikitide and #miraheze for some time [04:43:14] I could leave MacFanBot in here [04:43:30] > [11/11/2024 15:43] User:2601:646:8084:1810:944F:2935:B820:406E tripped *filter-1035* on [[Santa Clara Broncos]]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:AbuseLog/39210220 [04:43:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Santa_Clara_Broncos [04:43:33] excuse me what the fuck? [04:43:37] it's pretty much the same as the old MirahezeBot [04:43:56] .help [04:44:01] its gone lol [04:44:05] i parted it [04:44:08] oh lol [04:44:16] there [04:44:16] .help [04:44:17] CosmicAlpha: I'll send you a list of commands in private. [04:44:18] I'll bring back WikiTideBot I suppose [04:44:35] sopel plugins are pretty easy to write [04:44:42] I never liked sopel [04:44:50] how come it sent me so many DMs lol [04:44:54] it powers the IW feed [04:45:16] CosmicAlpha: check Discord if you have a chance [04:45:16] I can make the help module use a webpage or somthing else [04:45:21] I want to tackle two things at once [04:45:26] It sent me 32 dms lol [04:45:35] Agent: will look now [04:51:32] oh darn [04:54:26] lmfao [04:54:33] i forgot that i was in other channels [04:54:35] so we got [04:54:38] > [11/11/2024 14:35] *** You are now known as BlankEclaire. [04:54:40] > [11/11/2024 14:46] *** You are now known as BlankEclair. [04:54:41] > [11/11/2024 14:53] *** You are now known as Wikimedia. [04:54:43] > [11/11/2024 15:39] *** You are now known as on. [04:54:44] > [11/11/2024 15:39] *** You are now known as Miraheze. [04:54:46] > [11/11/2024 15:39] *** You are now known as Wikipedia. [04:55:07] oh hey Wikipedia [04:55:09] uh [04:55:11] WikiTide [04:55:57] i am [04:56:03] w i k i [04:56:10] t i d e [04:56:17] or, uh [04:56:22] this movie is so fucking goofy [04:56:26] w i k i w i d e [04:56:31] ong [05:05:04] lol I get notified of like every message on IRC so I quit. [05:05:13] lmfao [05:05:14] h o w [05:05:23] also, you got it right this time [05:05:25] yay [05:06:00] yep lol [05:29:08] [1/3] Compared to SocialProfile, UserProfileV2 is too much like Wikia's accounts. [05:29:08] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305403922285858817/Screenshot_20241110_212722.jpg?ex=6732e7a4&is=67319624&hm=cbf640b445d1e709f780e6b8040fa7cbbe0803b1f8163673080e9b8e82eebc07& [05:29:09] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305403922659282986/Screenshot_20241110_212729.jpg?ex=6732e7a4&is=67319624&hm=ffd672e408a300efa90e3cf505853bd1ee2c7642d71d03064f2b263824af01f8& [05:31:56] id take it over SP anyday [05:32:05] its the good parts of fandom [05:32:28] People see something is like fandom and assume it sucks [05:32:48] this is one part of their UI i like kinda [05:32:55] question [05:32:58] the badges for roles is nice [05:33:06] yes luv? [05:33:10] who do people want social media-esque ui in mediawiki [05:33:16] s/who/why/ [05:34:48] hold over from fandom [05:35:19] as an unoffical miraheze represenative for a collection of Roblox Wikis, quite a few use it [05:35:27] a vestigial tail one may say [05:35:40] a lot of them do [05:35:45] id need to check tmr [05:35:49] huh okay [05:36:12] btw, would you decline https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/170? [05:36:15] You can ask the crats [05:37:04] oooooo [05:37:19] thats a veeeeeeeeeerrrrryyyyy wide scope [05:37:32] huh, is peak 1k players very wide? [05:37:34] i wouldn't approve without discussing [05:37:50] also [05:37:51] > The wiki is primarily for and edited by Roblox's primary target audience [05:37:52] I don't know how many but still pretty wide [05:37:54] would this be a concern? [05:37:59] Oh [05:38:58] Yes ma'am, a good part of Roblox's users are U13 [05:39:32] hehe, thank you <3 [05:40:04] agentisai: does the bot know how to put requests on hold? [05:41:39] yes: https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/blob/e4853a15f0262de590e2750867635246f11a2b01/includes/Jobs/RequestWikiRemoteAIJob.php#L137-L142 [05:41:45] BlankEclair also, i would assume roblox.miraheze.org / Roblox Wiki would be more about the platform itself and its history and stuff, this seems to only cover games on it [05:42:02] oh yeah, i kinda forgot about that aspect [05:42:11] so basically, i'm bad at writing wiki requests xD [05:43:19] the AI? yes [05:43:19] the AI? yes [05:43:53] does it do it silently? [05:43:59] no [05:44:26] also agent you know that green SRE badge on the tech: namespace [05:44:28] actually [05:44:31] it doesn't do that at all [05:44:33] how make on a wiki [05:44:37] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/blob/e4853a15f0262de590e2750867635246f11a2b01/includes/Jobs/RequestWikiRemoteAIJob.php#L212-L227 [05:45:02] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/mediawiki:common.css?useskin=vector&#L-532 [05:45:03] here [05:45:09] almost 1 am yeesh [05:45:41] huh! [05:45:45] thanks claire [05:45:58] yw [05:46:00] could have sworn it was a mediawiki PHP side feature [05:46:16] it's both actually [05:46:20] i wanna use it on https://merchcoordination.miraheze.org [05:46:21] oh [05:46:36] oooooooh makes sense [05:46:42] :OO [05:46:47] whats the config to do it on wiki [05:46:48] miraheze body pillow? [05:46:53] dunno lol [05:46:58] No [05:47:02] aww [05:47:07] someone wanted a grapheneos mascot [05:47:12] so i proposed a grapheneos body pillow [05:47:15] i dont think the vendor i looked at even offered [05:47:22] but i wouldn't make it lol [05:47:43] if you know any other Print on Demand, no commitment service for this stuff plz lmk [05:47:46] lol, this makes me wish i had some should of read vuln for private wikis [05:48:00] tho if i did have one, i'd've already reported it, so... [05:48:04] become tech ez [05:48:10] i'm getting there [05:48:12] thats my route [05:48:18] BlankEclair race ya [05:48:26] hell yeah [05:51:32] > if you know any other Print on Demand, no commitment service for this stuff plz lmk [05:51:33] plz [05:51:57] i don't :p [05:52:01] you would laugh if i told you how long scheduling a proper sales meeting with the first one took [05:52:10] 2.5 years [05:52:44] I wasn't on Miraheze nearly that long let alone doing confidential communications with companies [05:53:07] i actually dont recall when i first emailed them [05:53:21] so basically, that's the worst^2 case scenario [05:53:22] remind me in the EST morning ill check the email chain [05:53:35] heard of https://www.whitesquirrel.com/ from chaobunnyarts.com [05:53:44] idek what they do tho [05:53:52] but i got to talk with rhinos on vc sooo ballin [05:54:01] i have not [05:54:15] will open the tap and go to sleep, see in the morning [05:54:20] oki [05:54:46] night claire [05:54:48] well morning [05:54:49] bye [05:54:50] nini [05:54:52] or, wiwi? [05:55:05] lol [05:58:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305411307712811090/image.png?ex=6732ee85&is=67319d05&hm=1776ef24a85199cacc62cdfe3d0f38cdc3de6ef36db148ab29e295e71e2b7495& [05:58:32] Thank you Comcast, very cool! [05:58:50] why give me gigabyte speeds that I pay for when this is close enough [07:25:59] I switched off xfinity a few years ago [07:26:02] trash service [07:26:10] AT&T fiber or sonic is the way to go [07:54:44] Pretty hard to switch when comcast has a local monopoly [07:54:59] I did look into AT&T but they offered such slow speed [08:56:44] idk that 0.18 seems pretty slow lol [09:27:37] very cool and awesome gamer fact for cool awesome cool gamers [09:27:52] https://fed.brid.gy [09:28:13] so if you wish to remain in your little mastodon zone like yours truly you can follow bluesky accounts [09:28:22] and supported websites as well [09:29:02] or your little misskey zone [09:29:26] or your little pleroma zone [09:29:44] or whatever other fediverse based platform with microblogging support you happen to use [09:30:03] Mbin? I think they have it… [09:33:46] if it’s fiber, switch, i guarantee it’s worth it [09:36:12] talk to original authority on this as the designer/implementer of v2 [10:25:02] heya yall [10:25:09] haven't been here in a hot minute [10:25:50] oh hey ellie [10:28:19] 👋 [10:29:00] I should probably be getting to sleep lol [10:29:09] me too [10:33:09] sup ncs wiki queen [10:33:38] "Commuity Noticeboard" " [10:33:53] speaking of which, the ncs wiki is in a s-tier quality standing [10:35:36] same [10:35:58] the memories of 2019/early 2020 [12:38:24] hi [13:48:04] <.guardianx., replying to agentisai> [1/2] What I love is the absolute ego's of these services...you can always tell when competition is about to arrise in your area for them: [13:48:04] <.guardianx., replying to agentisai> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305529480877572168/image.png?ex=67335c93&is=67320b13&hm=f4e26fcd7dd59892a171ab13866054f68f7e65f495c8016d2099dbaf59582938& [13:48:55] <.guardianx.> It's like that line from Harry Potter, "Master has given Dobby socks!" [14:15:32] The day the Comcast/ATT duopoly faced real competition in my area was a very good day. [14:34:36] <.guardianx., replying to notaracham> [1/2] It's so on the nose when it happens. The good part is that since the upgrade is happening in my area, like 3 carriers have come out of the woodwork offering reasonable, competitive plans. [14:34:37] <.guardianx., replying to notaracham> [2/2] Gunna have Spectrum, AT&T (oof), and a 3rd party all pushing gig+ soon for under 100 usd a month. [14:42:48] [1/4] New layout rocks IMO. And the art, mwah [14:42:49] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305543256138059846/IMG_5147.jpg?ex=67336968&is=673217e8&hm=706d8bc3cef9af123d1138f1242384bdd3a3f03edcfdfbebbcbba8b256f1f595& [14:42:49] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305543256754360401/IMG_5148.jpg?ex=67336968&is=673217e8&hm=b83fc761266f9820324bfcbf5c1d4f3f99b919ec397ab0bcc7eed934de50f245& [14:42:49] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305543257358598234/IMG_5149.jpg?ex=67336968&is=673217e8&hm=a0c30fbbaae974534794c03017d89b4914df46fd0e27ec17f6b86e6b1538cf32& [14:43:11] I need to watch the videos from people who understand this better though [14:56:30] I had Spectrum, but I switched to fiber when it came around to my area [14:58:35] Chat [14:58:37] Im cooked [14:58:51] I stood on my work laptop and the screen has a black bar across the bottom now [14:58:53] Oopsie [14:59:36] <.guardianx., replying to originalauthority> Ooh, cool feature, like that mac bar they had for a bit [15:00:08] I do not know how I am going to explain this onr [15:00:42] <.guardianx.> Well, I dunno if I'd use the phrase "Stood on it" [15:00:47] And? It's a work one [15:01:17] Kinda its not my works laptop [15:01:37] Like its on loan from an LA to my work [15:01:46] Oops [15:01:57] Work liability insurance will cover it [15:02:32] Or just write it off [15:02:37] Worse has happened [15:03:01] They did give out new ones to everyone a couple months ago tho and i never got one because i couldnt be arsed to go in for it so maybe [15:03:10] I need to think of an excuse tho i cant say i stood on if [15:03:24] It suffered accidental damage and needs repair [15:03:27] Work won't care [15:03:38] It's pennies to the pound for them [15:03:43] They will budget for dumb [15:05:44] I am the dumb [15:07:04] Ye they budget for accidental damage [15:07:09] Nothing to be worried about [15:07:13] Just act daft [15:07:16] You must be [15:08:22] pretend as if nothing has happened /joke [15:08:55] You would think so if you found out who i work for 🤣 [15:09:11] Governments? [15:09:42] Local Government but not directly. Lets say it is not Rhinos ' favourite company [15:10:01] lol [15:10:03] <.guardianx., replying to pancake.aurora> The plural on that both disturbs me and make me laugh. [15:10:20] Mission accomplished [15:12:05] Who [15:12:16] NK gov? /joke2 [15:12:19] I have a few not favourite providers to the public sector [15:12:54] I hate almost every public sector providers here dealing with software [15:13:03] Public sector strategic partners in the private sector are worse than government [15:13:20] IMO [15:13:22] You fuckin sending emails in plain SMTP and claim 'secure mail', with custom build .exe file encryption [15:16:25] Btw probably #tech than here, but do you know the extent of Cloudflare SAAS overrides my own settings @ Cloudflare? [15:18:08] Our cloud flare settings should completely override you [15:18:16] Hmm dang. [15:18:16] We can change anything you want though [15:18:20] Why @pancake.aurora [15:18:27] Seems like not completely? [15:18:37] https://revi.wiki/.well-known/security.txt [15:18:39] If you need anything changing shout [15:18:40] My value. [15:18:50] Hmm [15:18:57] Maybe you didn't set one? [15:19:01] But most likely not [15:19:25] Oh yeah, you didn't set one [15:19:31] So no overrides here [15:20:23] Ah [15:20:56] Yeah, makes sense [15:21:22] Do you want me for a task? [15:21:39] Feel like I want to ensure one value at least ("Block AI Bots" on) [15:27:34] Yes [15:27:36] A task is good [15:27:42] I block some AI bots [15:27:53] I will probably forget without a task [15:27:58] Sure [15:28:04] Oh domain changed [15:28:15] You can bug me once the task exists [15:28:21] (Yes, it's been that long) [15:28:45] It changed when we moved Phab -> Phorge [15:28:47] [1/2] Lol, I still have that address in my list [15:28:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305554830181273700/IMG_6765.png?ex=6733742f&is=673222af&hm=7791a9920642b59a0ad764eeb60e2d72bb65ea430355b272309c390ba83e8560& [15:28:57] (The second one) [15:29:59] That's old [15:31:59] Yeah, pre-2018 [15:37:10] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12869 [15:41:11] @agentisai says it's on for all wikis [15:41:28] I don't remember turning it on so not sure who did [15:41:46] I think I did some time ago [15:42:24] Noice [15:45:12] https://tenor.com/view/thumbs-up-emoji-gif-10409490 [15:46:27] @pancake.aurora I added https://meta.miraheze.org/.well-known/security.txt now too [15:47:06] Uh my mobile browser is caching old response [15:47:14] I thought the well known path was different [15:47:28] It's CF doing it [15:48:42] https://blog.cloudflare.com/security-txt [16:01:43] [1/2] [16:01:44] [2/2] "Category: Education" [16:01:45] LOL [16:04:15] Hmm [16:05:03] If you consider my 'how to guides' on a game educational, that is… [16:05:17] But most parents would disagree [16:05:32] Heh [16:07:21] And the game is 15+ rated in KR so not really youth-oriented anyway [16:08:37] also education, I have to question their logic lol [16:50:53] Yep, when frontier (now ziply) started offering gig+ speeds for 60-80 a month, suddenly it got much easier for the duopoly to do the same [16:51:39] The prior best plan in my area was 200 Mbps for 120 [16:52:31] And yet overnight they were able to start offering 400 Mbps for 60 [17:13:44] $120 for 200mbps? That is insane pricing [17:16:44] Yep, that's duopoly in a nutshell [17:21:41] Also what made the price wall so easy to crack once someone finally got through the many barriers to market entry that had been put up [17:21:55] Meanwhile, most of my country operates on non-fiber internet speeds and has expensive data plans [17:24:47] I have $35/mo intro for 300/300mbps [17:25:04] normal rate will be $65 [17:27:15] gig is $65 intro $85 normal [17:27:52] (they also have 2 gig for even more) [17:29:45] [1/2] Yeah, that's about what we're paying these days with ziply. [17:29:45] [2/2] In the ~7 years since we switched they've gone down only twice, and both times were major windstorm events. [17:30:18] Way better than Comcast who had equipment failures at least once a month. [17:31:02] My only gripe is that my ISP doesn't have IPv6, but not a huge deal [18:11:45] <.guardianx.> [1/3] Mine is tech support. I swear, I don't know a ton about the inner working of the internet but 90% of the time I call, I feel like a flipping hackerman compared to the people they connect me with AND the tech they send out. [18:11:45] <.guardianx.> [2/3] Last tech didn't even take his headphones off, was talking to some random person about drama and half the time when they were talking to me directly I didn't know if I should actually answer back because yay social anxiety and not being able to read the room. Didn't even fix the problem, just did a bunch of tests and said, "you need a new modem" and then left. [18:11:45] <.guardianx.> [3/3] Thinking, "Well, maybe I'll grab one of their free modems and see if it fixes things..." nope didn't fix anything, the issue was they were / are rolling out "new speeds" and that caused issues everywhere. [18:48:29] @.guardianx. Line 1 Support agents are generally trained to a script [18:48:38] Not to have technical skill [18:48:45] At my work [18:49:01] Line 1 can do basic stuff if it's scripted for them [18:49:17] Line 2 can do most stuff but are limited in access [18:49:26] Line 3 is the specialists [18:50:29] yeah ^ [18:50:41] I've been at 2 and 3 [18:51:38] <.guardianx.> They send line 1 on calls? or is that literally just remote [18:54:31] @.guardianx. Not at my work [18:54:37] Line 2 is desktop support [18:54:55] Line 1 are basically open ticket and check you rebooted [18:55:05] Or if it's my VM being stuck force a reboot for me [19:16:30] "please run sfc /scannow" [20:21:53] probably crunchlabs is the best youtuber product [21:16:40] im doing surprising well in phighting today [21:21:25] speaking of phighting [21:21:34] [1/2] what the fuck is a PHABLET [21:21:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305643608556306523/tMS9O6f.png?ex=6733c6dd&is=6732755d&hm=9db114e41939c83a05b55927fb89314c7f6ffdae7cef82e709d992aaeb0ca909& [21:21:58] [1/2] also [21:21:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1305643711274815578/iNZy8YM.png?ex=6733c6f6&is=67327576&hm=f378153263c3ac63f68e4d2b69f9f47641bd1d65a180d8f08928c13024df80f1& [21:22:36] Phablets are still kind of a thing, but they were from that fun in-between area where folks wanted thing bigger than phone but smaller than ipad, like the galaxy note [21:22:53] Much more ofa thing in the 2010s [21:23:14] the only phablet i like is the samsung fold 🔥 [21:23:15] Vkontakte has more referals then bluesky LMAO [21:23:35] reminds me of the type of names phabricator gave its applications lol [21:24:04] Phones these days are basically just a hair smaller than the old phablets, so mission accomplished. 😄 [21:24:37] i find it funny phighting and phorge have the same scheem [21:31:23] so that's what theyve been doing after phabricator went eol [21:32:01] Phab went EOL like 4.5 years ago now [21:34:57] [1/3] phabricator eol june 1 2021 [21:34:57] [2/3] phighting created august 22 2021 [21:34:57] [3/3] i might have a theory [22:45:19] lol [23:23:11] Also that foldable ones [23:24:44] Speaking of which I somewhat think the largest iPhone is sort of that phablets [23:25:08] (My definition is basically 'too big for my hands' [23:25:23] Yeah, such US-like metrics… /shrugs [23:30:00] I remember having a Phablet back in like 2015. It neared 6 inches and I thought the screen was humongous [23:30:14] now my iPhone at almost 7 inches feels a little constrained lol [23:31:47] I only get v6 (randomly) when on wireless, makes me super sad [23:33:40] That 7 inches being more expensive than the computers (I mean, where you can run proper bash with proper packaging) … sounds not normal [23:34:45] Same i believe [23:34:46] Mario and Luigi brother ship goes hard tbh [23:34:47] I am just powerless and says 'F U Apple' and 'F U Samsung' [23:34:55] Burn /j [23:35:10] (I say F U Samsung with my my utmost hate on them) [23:35:13] Uses an ice flower [23:35:32] I WANT MY EARPHONE JACK BAAAAAAACK [23:35:38] (That is, there's Samsung factory near my home and they drive me crazy around morning and evening, for obvious reason) [23:35:58] ban all the cars [23:36:28] reject samsung, embrace huawei [23:36:31] Btw it’s about the new game of Mario and Luigi’s not the shipping shit I find disgusting [23:36:32] tbh I think I don't really care either way :-o [23:36:40] But no thanks [23:37:11] I consider China to be a serious adversary and as such [23:37:30] (I have a serious reason to fear for my life if I ever land there) [23:37:40] I HATE USING DINKY LITTLE DONGLE FOR USING MY KZ!!! [23:38:40] https://tenor.com/view/social-credit-social-credit-score-credit-score-score-china-gif-23125701 [23:38:44] Well, Samsung is also an adversary to its own workers, but at least I do not work for Samsung. [23:39:26] Social credit lol [23:40:09] and i refuse to use my buds. I had a little accident with those in the bus when I went to visit for the first time CDMX [23:40:22] Eh nothing new [23:40:42] And to be frank, they are bad for their neighbors [23:41:00] When I lived NEXT to their factory in 2013, their factory leaked some lethal chemical [23:41:06] :__: [23:41:43] At least it was not that… much enough to be global news, I think [23:42:08] i have a shoe factory in front of my house lol [23:42:23] that's rather serious [23:42:32] Living with a Samsung semiconductor factory is an experience I would not recommend. [23:42:33] but I'm guessing it was brushed off [23:42:37] Correct [23:42:43] This is Republic of Samsung [23:42:46] After all [23:42:48] government connections 💸 [23:42:58] No, Samsung is the government /joke [23:43:22] Only the puppet master [23:43:40] We need some checkusers over there [23:43:47] huh, TIL Samsung manufactures military equipment [23:43:48] no way you are living nearby a ton of [23:43:51] https://tenor.com/view/smoking-chilling-relax-merryjane-snoop-dog-gif-10431620193504603976 [23:44:10] I just needed to cross a street to face the main entrance [23:44:36] Their main military equipment business was sold in 2015 [23:44:55] But I think they still do dual-use? [23:45:40] (And remember we have a good friends over north, and back in military dictatorship, military equipment business sounded like… a guaranteed success) [23:46:22] i suddenly came to this chat, and i saw this message [23:46:25] > [12/11/2024 10:35] I WANT MY EARPHONE JACK BAAAAAAACK [23:46:28] I AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE [23:46:33] Lol [23:46:39] smashes keyboard [23:46:44] vbuieabvesihsebfiluwebaifjwebabawliebaw [23:47:08] Just send the music directly to my brain /joke [23:47:17] No latency, no wires, problem solved [23:47:32] Musk is that you? [23:47:37] Shit [23:47:44] I said something dumb then [23:47:47] LMAO [23:48:04] (If I have to be compared to that professional shitposter, I am wrong.) [23:48:24] https://tenor.com/view/face-keyboard-gif-5776290 [23:48:25] Nah shitposts are funny [23:48:30] LEGIT [23:48:31] Hmm true [23:48:34] Sorry shitposters! [23:48:36] > [12/11/2024 10:42] No, Samsung is the government /joke [23:48:38] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Key8y1yg2yQ [23:49:06] Familiar youtuber [23:49:54] Visit WA? [23:50:03] Alright ig [23:50:06] That… 'honest gov ads' :-p [23:50:23] I get to join the protests myself then [23:52:14] s/shitposter/bullshit generator [23:52:33] irc 👍 [23:52:40] irc 👍 [23:54:13] limechat's deep ocean theme 👍 [23:56:03] lol [23:57:59] Claire [23:58:14] What would moderation look like if it was a Yaron extension