[00:00:16] Potentially [00:00:29] And of course i chose php to do it in [00:00:29] isnt every question like that [00:00:29] So that made it even longer in my part [00:00:50] theyre 1 step away from giving u the input as a blurry photo of handwriting on paper [00:02:46] My 2025 project is rewriting AWB to be cross platform if anyone is interested in trying that when its finished (probably never :P) [00:04:29] gotta use AI to read and solve it [00:04:48] Try using PHP then HA. Python! Python! Python! [00:04:59] oooooooo [00:05:11] as someone who wants to start moving to linux sounds nifty [00:08:25] Yeah, also awb uses like .Net 4 which is ancient [00:09:05] I have the UI nearly done and works wonderfully on mac and windows (havent tested linux yet) which is damn stretch nicer than it looks when running on wine or mono lol [01:30:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1312954118712725504/image.png?ex=674e5f4f&is=674d0dcf&hm=350b632ca134a1c5d3de13ff58b2e10099f9ab474914664151987662bb9ce205& [01:31:08] [1/4] I love to watch a hiking movie every now and then. [01:31:09] [2/4] Thinking to get a treat by watching `Good One` I settled in my sofa and started watching... [01:31:09] [3/4] The One Good Thing about the movie, was the splendid acting work of Lily Collias. [01:31:09] [4/4] If you love slow movies with almost no substance of importance, and just want to watch some amazing sceneries... Have fun. Otherwise... stay far away from it. [01:32:01] 1,5 hours down the drain (When I start watching, I can't stop unfortunately) [03:54:12] the wikipedia source hunt habit hole is real [20:43:30] [1/2] I’m sorry Dan what part of this is easy to read [20:43:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1313244173780127874/image0.jpg?ex=674f6d71&is=674e1bf1&hm=c48d6bbbc201f9da4b7fb83e32db479210a28ded8d5eee1b096c1d89bc0edbde& [21:44:02] Define easy [22:26:47] @rhinosf1 Chart has been deployed to WMF prod :AwesomeSmiley: [23:24:48] Have any of you ever met actual femboys