[04:40:52] Guys, I have this question... [04:41:08] meow :3 [04:41:34] Good night, BlankEclair. [04:41:39] i [04:41:41] okay [04:42:31] How are they called that kind of buildings which beer and food is served, and there is stage which actors perform small theaters or musical ones...? [04:44:01] the former part kinda reminds me of a bistro... dunno about the second one tho [04:51:17] Just i need to describe that kind of building for an article; been searching to WP, but I'm unable to find something. [05:25:40] well, I think I found it: [05:25:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1317361859996946492/image.png?ex=675e6856&is=675d16d6&hm=3504c599d01b8269ce17d69d5a1606b66a5cf04218fa9eb9b9ac2f40bf21dc24& [06:37:31] Yeah, that's the one, cabaret is another similar concept of venue/arrangement but usually has more risque elements to it. [11:26:21] Structured Discussions has been flowing towards its death for a long time [11:26:27] It's just finally being switched off [13:41:53] https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2022/12/14/idn-is-crazy/ [14:02:30] I don’t like this.. [14:02:34] hm? [14:02:38] ah, idn? [21:52:46] [1/2] Uh [21:52:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1317610259652546670/image0.jpg?ex=675f4fad&is=675dfe2d&hm=51c144ae0b7c1fd07d989c27fddda93507e0d5b4f4075f1d45abca4f1748457b& [22:34:34] @originalauthority did you finish scythe [22:35:27] [1/2] How do i edit the hr element to remove this indent look? [22:35:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1317621001650966528/image.png?ex=675f59af&is=675e082f&hm=869636e1cdff4837ecf9b8d30aa41b2bae66ada7233f4fd1ca27e83800eb505b& [22:39:29] Also @raidarr progress on getting a personal laptop, a friend has an old MacBook that’s old enough to have an intel chip, and therefore run windows(or probably Linux for me), so probably sometime in January when I can catch up with him I’ll be free [22:39:53] Would be funny to have a MacBook then someone sees me open it and it’s Linux lmao [23:29:35] a secondhand linux mac is acceptable to me [23:37:16] May also be a temp in case he gets something else donated to him(he’s the go to person for donating old broken or unused tech) [23:37:46] I will rip out or cover the hideous command key [23:39:03] I'm sure it could be put to work somehow [23:44:24] extra macro [23:44:37] Or just make it another crtl [23:44:48] How are macs hardware wise [23:45:09] I'm not very familiar with them, can't speak authoritatively [23:48:14] Nah i hagwnt read in a while [23:48:18] Too busy [23:48:22] Im learning unity now so!!! [23:52:49] [1/4] > Im learning [23:52:49] [2/4] Yaaaaaaay!! [23:52:50] [3/4] > unity now so!!! [23:52:50] [4/4] Nooooooooo!!! [23:53:19] Bruh