[00:23:55] [1/2] It's painful to think that a random guy is spending a lot of money to host and keep up the domain just for a fricking h1 tag [00:23:56] [2/2] https://www.ismycomputeronfire.com/ [00:27:05] There’s tons of these [00:27:28] personal fav [00:27:50] https://shouldiblamecaching.com [00:31:45] I love those strange, wacky sires [00:34:16] thats how the computer hall of the school gets electricity ||(it looks like a battery compartment)|| [04:30:17] I think [04:30:27] people are gonna just give you negative responses [09:08:37] > For security reasons JavaScript, CSS and JSON user subpages cannot be loaded for unregistered users. [09:08:40] brand new message unlocked [09:11:29] ??? [09:13:26] so basically [09:13:47] if you try to load User:NotARegisteredUserHere/meow.js, it refuses to load [09:14:15] Hey BlankEclair [09:14:20] oh hello ^_^ [09:14:30] * RhinosF1 found a "bug" in the way Network Rail handle delays [09:14:35] It still ain't been fixed [09:14:40] but that's user JS, under what circumstances it should load for you? [09:15:06] when you do ?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript i mean [09:15:51] > $request->getRawVal( 'templates' ) === 'expand' [09:16:01] who the fuck is expanding templates with javascript- [09:38:12] Why tho? [10:00:04] What is it? [10:03:40] restoring from miraheze archive.org backups is like dealing with untested backups [10:03:44] > pigz: skipping: : corrupted -- incomplete deflate data [13:01:28] [1/2] the fandom mobile experience [13:01:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1339582214882726030/image.png?ex=67af3ea8&is=67aded28&hm=d3a6edd1aec089b3eb3eb6b59dd0ed6d5875032e977851edb4c7394907b61d22& [13:01:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1306033023766233150/1318514307541106698/convert.gif [13:05:07] what the [13:06:21] dont... ask.... [13:47:57] https://byeai.dev/post/oscar/this-developer-created-a-2k-star-repo-from-his-phone/ @cosmicalpha is that you [14:20:31] are phone devs really that much of an oddity? [14:21:08] BlankEclair: no? [14:21:31] (no as in they are not an oddity?) [14:21:36] I would think so but I don't really know [14:21:49] I cannot imagine doing serious work through a microscopic interface [14:22:03] i've known plenty in the past, and was in that position myself [14:22:34] I get antsy enough being dependent on 2fa codes for a device that can get lost despite having backups of that database [14:22:36] heh, that one time i was learning asyncio python in a car on a phone with an iv drip in my right hand [14:22:58] reading is different imo, that comes pretty naturally [14:23:14] even then sometimes I need it larger or just want a bok [14:23:15] learning as in writing code too... [14:23:24] that part would lose me [14:23:48] I should take a wpm test, haven't done that in a while [14:24:06] decent wpm vs borderline hunt and peck with low letter accuracy is my experience [14:24:24] BlankEclair: i don't think i'm odd for that reason [14:32:03] Say what now [14:32:18] it happens [14:32:26] does it BlankEclair [14:32:31] yeah [14:32:39] got infected twice actually [14:32:43] both times were not thrilling [14:33:02] but hey, at least i came out with a selfbot with two clients [14:36:47] Claire needs to be told to eep [14:36:58] it's 1:30am for her [14:37:02] Yea [14:37:02] not too bad yet [14:37:09] give her until at least 2am [14:37:19] Yo [14:37:21] Rhinos [14:37:33] Q for ya [14:37:37] ye @pixldev [14:37:54] Allow site CSS on restricted pages like login is hard decline like JS ja? [14:38:02] [1/5] She said she's eepy but that u are keeping her up >:( [14:38:02] [2/5] To quote: [14:38:03] [3/5] > b- but i'm also talking to rhinosf1 >~< [14:38:03] [4/5] And 20 mins ago: [14:38:03] [5/5] > feeling kinda eepy rn [14:38:18] yes [14:38:33] I’m going to join tech team soley to get IRC ops and temp ban Claire so she can sleep [14:38:45] i didn't see that [14:38:49] Yes! [14:38:51] but she can sleep if she wants [14:38:55] lmfao [14:38:58] It's our DMs x3 [14:39:03] okay, okay, i'll sleep xD [14:39:03] tech curfews when [14:39:17] Claire needs curfew [14:39:21] somedays i really think we need it [14:39:24] for a few [14:39:29] not just Claire [14:39:31] apparently so [14:39:37] _looks at CA too_ [14:39:39] There's more folks that need to be told to eep ? [14:39:46] CA is the original example [14:40:28] CA was messaging me until 3:19am this morning his time about the plans for the maint this weekend [14:40:38] CA is beyond hope [14:40:44] Who's CA [14:40:50] @cosmicalpha [14:40:50] Certificate Authority? [14:40:51] Ooh [14:41:07] Tech team is vampires [14:41:34] i'm like the only one with an ok sleep pattern [14:41:54] go to bed between like 10:15 and 11:30 pm and wake up between like 5am and 9am [14:42:01] It took him nearly dying to sleep for more then 8 hours for the first time in 8 years iirc [14:42:05] I’m not even kidding [14:42:09] Oh GOD [14:42:39] Wait sorry i misremembered [14:42:48] It was an 8 year streak of not sleeping before 10 PM [14:43:11] eeeh [14:43:25] CA is horrifying [14:43:25] I mostly sleep at 12 [14:43:40] that's not terrible [14:43:50] 500k plus unread emails [14:43:56] if it wasn't for needing to be out of the house just after 7am [14:44:01] [1/2] I have insomnia, so I at random stay awake for 50+h [14:44:02] [2/2] I'd fit right in! [14:44:03] i wouldn't go to bed as early [14:44:12] I remember him sleeping before 12 AM was a miracle when it happened [14:44:20] but i need to be awake at 6am which means sleep by 10pm [14:44:21] ideally [14:44:48] tech has bascially no sleeping patterns [14:44:50] 7 yubikeys or so, does his dev and SRE work on his phone [14:45:01] _forgets what he was doing_ [14:45:41] Rofl [14:45:47] Y'all are horrifying [14:46:07] Is this what working with PHP does to someany [14:46:23] I’m fairly sure he doesn’t have his new production SSH key on his desktop [14:47:28] Terrifying [14:47:35] Meanwhile I only work on my phone _sometimes_ [14:48:00] I could never [14:48:06] yes it is [14:48:12] working on your phone is fine [14:48:13] And my only laptop is my spybook school one [14:48:22] So I can’t do most dev work outside of home [14:48:28] Need to get a personal laptop soon [14:48:53] I instead work on my computer, where random software segfaults every hour cuz I have a faulty CPU [14:49:34] my macbook decided docker was malware today [14:49:46] also i have a headache [14:51:01] if working on your phone works don't let me discourage you [14:52:09] Sounds fun [14:52:50] it was [14:52:54] it seems its a bug [14:53:02] there was a thread on github [14:53:11] i reinstalled it and it went happy again [14:53:16] my headache ain't fun though [14:56:38] I am glad I didn't get a headache yet despite debugging LLVM for 3 hours while down with the flu [14:57:06] unwell people should rest [14:57:29] hi claire [14:57:38] its been a while since ive seen you existing here _lol_ [14:59:19] claire has gone to bed @prabhasxd [14:59:49] daaaamn [14:59:52] wow thats [14:59:56] early.... (for me) [15:00:08] timezone is fun [15:00:11] it's 2am for her [15:00:17] she's +11 [15:00:31] planet should really be flat [15:00:33] it would be littttttttttttttttt [15:00:35] ahhaahahhahaahah [15:00:44] could help a few things [15:02:19] True [15:02:21] But it's 4pm [15:02:54] nap [15:06:42] But then I won't be able to wake up [15:06:50] Till like, 23 [15:07:05] it's called an alarm [15:07:11] nap for like 45 minutes [15:07:25] Alarms make me sick, unironically [15:07:40] I need to set like 20 of them and they take like 2-3 hours to wake me up [15:07:47] hmm [15:08:01] And they always stress me out so much, and make me sleepy [15:08:08] I hate alarms [15:08:21] oh [15:08:37] don't set an alarm then [15:08:49] Then I will invert my eep schedule [15:08:51] Hm [15:09:57] sleep is annoying [15:14:56] Sleep is annoying unless eepi [15:15:10] Time to doomscroll fedi [15:16:20] my amazon parcel is coming early too [15:16:44] Amazon are very good at delivering early on free delivery [16:02:27] Happy birthday to a certain flaming dyke! Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day/night! [16:03:01] https://rain.thecomicseries.com/comics/pl/196367 [16:03:37] https://rain.thecomicseries.com/comics/pl/196367 [21:28:28] [1/2] this took an UNREASONABLE amount of time to implement, but finally replicated the AWB login/profile shit heh [21:28:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1339709802233729135/Screen_Recording_2025-02-13_at_21.26.51.mov?ex=67afb57b&is=67ae63fb&hm=684dd3f8964b4af99e756c8c8bc377f6699a03b6864ccfa6f58cbd128750af1e& [21:33:04] _pls give me stars on GitHub i'll love you forever_ [21:39:43] Nice [21:39:50] Remind me the repo url [21:40:06] https://github.com/OAuthority/AWBv2 [21:40:39] You have a star 🙂 [21:40:52] heh ty 🫡 [21:41:30] fine smh [21:42:17] toast for tea because I spent too long on that and I can't be arsed to cook now heh [21:43:55] It's nearly 10pm [21:44:19] Can the next side project be a bot that knows the time zone of every volunteer and reminds them to sleep and eat [21:44:27] Maybe that's one for @alu19_ to make [21:45:40] yeah I was working on this for about 3 or so hours and only finished work at 5:30 with a cheeky break between to start on Cobra Kai heh [21:56:04] Anyway good night