[02:55:20] [1/2] Unrelated to anything, be aware of the secretarybird. [02:55:20] [2/2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretarybird [02:56:01] It is four feet tall, hunts on the ground, and kicks snakes into no longer being snakes for fun. [03:07:47] Does it sit on the board of directors? [03:08:30] [That wasn't any reference to the WikiTide board or the board of any company, btw, but a reference to the 'secretary' in the name before someone infers something erronous from that comment] [03:24:27] HELP [03:36:47] NotAracham doxxed confirmed [03:37:33] that zuko scar is crazy [03:58:39] I can try [04:00:10] It's me, the IRL big bird. Watch out for my serpent killing kicks [04:07:01] If someone makes that, I’d be down to add an API lmao. We can port it to an on-wiki gadget [04:07:36] poggers. [04:08:02] i hope the ui is modern looking [04:10:41] [1/2] typo :3 [04:10:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1339811023686729799/image.png?ex=67b013c0&is=67aec240&hm=f919acabde40155a54688dd3269f30a49f02b7db1277afb4e771ed3ae3c7ea54& [04:10:50] [YOU](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1312283256426598532.png?size=160&name=YOU) [04:17:19] > An adult male trained to strike at a rubber snake on a force plate was found to hit with a force equal to five times its own body weight, with a contact period of only 10–15 milliseconds. [04:17:26] yup yup mhm mhm mhm definitely [04:19:23] 🌟 [04:23:06] also til the first image on [[w:Roadkill]] is a featured image [04:23:06] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roadkill [04:23:06] [04:30:46] congratulations w/ assigned fursona [04:56:15] what search engine is this [04:56:21] I don’t recognize it [04:56:52] Its BiliBili [04:57:19] I was watching some video about youtube clones and that is one of them [04:58:50] ah yeah [04:59:01] YT for the domestic Chinese market basically [04:59:10] along with like 70 other platforms that also do that [05:00:18] I’m sure Tencent owns at least one of them if not several [05:01:47] I would say Youku is a YT clone [05:01:58] but it actually predates YT by several years [05:16:20] Youku is more of a Netflix in my opinion [05:35:08] it sorta begun as a YT thing [05:35:15] then they pivoted [05:56:46] Question for everyone btw [06:31:40] To think we (2) all voted source editor. [06:31:47] 💪 [08:00:44] source editor [08:32:32] Source editor supremacy. [09:44:14] visual editors rely on us for template data 😎 [10:10:24] Visual editors: Uh. Sysadmin, I'm getting an error. Why does it say the templatedata is auto generated? [10:10:34] Me: Cause I didn't make one cause I look down upon you peasants [10:10:57] >Still have to make one after being scolded by community managers for calling visual editors "peasants". [10:11:25] Visual editors wouldn't exist if we don't do all the work for them. [10:15:20] visual editor is a mess which also messes up page formatting [10:25:04] Running my wiki right now and I spend more time QC'ing pages made by users than actually doing my own pages. [10:25:17] Cause they keep using the visual editor and mess up the formatting. [10:25:58] exactly [10:26:18] honestly, thinking about disabling ve [10:26:24] Same. [10:26:29] pizza tower wiki did and the kids are fine [10:26:36] But community managers for my wiki thinks it will piss off the kids. [10:28:01] I assume your wiki is on fandom [10:28:04] You can move to us [10:28:10] And disable away visual editor [10:28:11] Nope. On miraheze. [10:28:22] Who the hell is a community manager [10:28:35] I made the wiki for a community. [10:28:44] Okay? [10:28:46] So while I run the wiki as sysadmin. I have people to discuss with. [10:28:58] I mean, I could just tell them to shut up. [10:28:59] sysop [10:29:04] Admins are sysops [10:29:05] 😏 [10:29:07] Not sysadmins [10:29:16] Thanks F1 connoisseur. [10:29:49] Also community manager sounds like a role that a consultant would come up with after being millions to do nothing [10:29:50] in wikis I am involved in (mostly on wiki.gg), they are disabled by default, but is only available for some when they prefer using it [10:30:18] VE is cursed at dealing with a few things [10:30:30] i wonder how many problems VE has lol [10:30:35] Too many [10:30:40] It's like those big discord servers for video games with admins/moderators and then there's non-discord specific staffs such as game developers. [10:30:43] i never use WYSIWYG editors if i can help it, i've been burnt even times due to them [10:30:53] s/even/enough/ [10:30:57] They basically "convey information the community wishes for to the development team". [10:31:03] VE is designed around specific fairly perfect circumstances [10:31:04] Basically useless, slightly useful people. [10:31:09] oh god [10:31:09] It can't even be used on talk pages [10:31:18] wait really? [10:31:26] so you have to do source editing for talk pages? [10:31:34] Well you don't have to [10:31:38] There's discussion tools [10:31:41] ah [10:31:44] Which I think can do visual [10:31:46] ah right, forgot that exists [10:31:49] Turn on the discussion plugin. [10:31:53] Solution solved. [10:31:54] yeah, i forgot it exists [10:31:59] Or flow if you're still hanging on with your life to its last thread [10:32:08] i have javascript disabled most of the time though, so i just do source edit and indent manually [10:32:12] VE will work but it's crap at talk pages [10:32:32] Welcome to the life of corporate slavery. [10:32:42] I work in government [10:32:53] Try dealing with our level of buraurecary and consultancy [10:33:04] I can't spell but I'm not even going to try [10:33:15] Ex-United Nations peacekeeper and currently government employee. I know your pain. [10:33:21] Citizens will always say we're slow. [10:33:26] We are slow [10:33:27] But it's not like we want to be slow. [10:33:31] The system is slow. [10:33:42] It's taken me over a year to get a TV installed because no one can find the correct route to market [10:33:44] We're slow because we're forced to be slow cause our system is slow. [10:33:57] Yes [10:34:17] Oh you want to change your marriage certificate? That's one week. [10:34:23] Why? Cause that's how the system works. [10:34:25] 😎 [10:34:37] I love the government bureaucracy. [10:34:40] i do wonder what the bottlenecks are [10:34:49] Paperwork. Most of the time. [10:34:53] oh okay [10:34:59] BlankEclair: paperwork, consultants and red tape [10:35:00] Stamp this, stamp that. [10:35:13] I've got to go to head office to spend over £50k [10:35:20] Paperwork requires stamping. Once stamped requires more stamping. [10:35:27] Then some tech has to upload it to digital. [10:35:40] Then the physical has to be delivered cause digital is for storage. Not for usage. [10:35:52] So the physical has to be delivered to the place where paperwork is verified. [10:35:54] who would design the system like this... [10:36:07] BlankEclair: you would not believe how many word documents get emailed around and spreadsheets [10:36:20] Our ITAM for non-corporate IT is a giant excel sheet [10:36:24] ITAM? [10:36:34] BlankEclair: IT Asset Management [10:36:37] of course [10:36:45] Lots of spreadsheets. [10:36:51] Lots of numbers. [10:36:56] Fun fact: if you fuck up one number. [10:37:08] you get to watch a domino effect? [10:37:12] there is more years when digital wasn't a thing, you can tell the refuse to transition, but also digital is equally, if not more w/ hacks and leaks, vulnerable as analogue [10:37:12] BlankEclair: go look at the fault with test and trace during Covid [10:37:20] Cause by a spreadsheet getting too big [10:37:23] oh yeah [10:37:24] It's true [10:37:29] that csv import fail i think? [10:37:30] Literally hell on Earth. [10:37:33] 90% of government runs on spreadsheets [10:37:41] Or word documents being emailed around [10:37:57] yay email [10:38:01] And we pay consultants to tell us we should work as one and then ignore it [10:38:09] When I was in the Army. Our quartermaster messed up one number in our supply spreadsheet and we ended up with a pallet of helicopter spare parts. [10:38:15] We had no helicopters in our unit. [10:38:25] ye no one actually has sense [10:38:35] That's 2 million worth of spare parts. Paid by taxpayers. [10:38:45] > [14/02/2025 21:37] yay email [10:38:48] So yeah. Lots of problems if you screw up. [10:39:00] on a semi-related note, still waiting for hetzner to enable outbound email for my server [10:39:05] government looks after tax payer money very well [10:39:13] You are paying for my degree and salary [10:39:14] For my country. Our consultants actually listened to. [10:39:15] Thank you [10:39:25] Downside is our IT infrastructurecrash. [10:39:42] You know when you overload the infrastructure so much the whole system just crash? Yeah. [10:39:44] > [14/02/2025 21:39] You are paying for my degree and salary [10:39:46] you're welcome ^_^ [10:39:48] I don't think our lot have worked out what infrastructure is [10:40:11] We started digitalising citizenship ID and social security numbers on nationalwide scale (Around 100 million people). [10:40:21] And on day 1 when the bill was passed. The system crashed for 48 hours. [10:40:44] not in the slightest surprised [10:41:00] pfff [10:41:04] We still managed to digitalise 97% of the population within 1 week though. [10:41:08] So quite a feat. [10:41:11] I will make BlankEclair do a security review before I install our governments new digital ID app [10:41:11] 😎 [10:41:19] open source? [10:41:36] BlankEclair: should be [10:41:44] Open source is the default for government services [10:41:50] i feel like corporate life will tire me out, especially considering how mad i get when i see security incompetence or folx not doing their job right [10:42:04] Some governments are very stingy when it comes to money in digitalisation. [10:42:09] Some also hate ISO standards. [10:42:10] BlankEclair: you get paid though and you're responsibility ends at 4pm [10:42:13] Cause why? No clue why. [10:42:16] true, true [10:42:24] My government spends a lot in digitalisation. [10:42:25] Fortunately. [10:42:35] The building could be on fire at 4:01 and unless you've got a cost centre code that's paying my overtime, good luck [10:42:36] So all of our stuff is in-house. [10:43:08] Downside is that because it's in-house. [10:43:13] Only a few people know how it works. [10:43:19] So when stuff does catch on fire... [10:43:31] If it's external, few know how it works [10:43:32] It takes 24 hours for it to be fixed. [10:43:39] And they charge 10x the price [10:43:48] At 5 times they wait [10:44:01] Vietnam is Communist so our external provider is a public-owned company. [10:44:05] I once got sent a bill for £53 to activate visual studio [10:44:10] So they get the sledgehammer if they slow down. [10:44:12] Not the actual key [10:44:20] To type the key into the computer [10:44:22] £53 [10:44:37] Working as an EMT. I had to deal with a lot of shitty hospital digital systems. [10:44:54] Government (public-owned) hospitals are fine since they run on our nationwide digital system. [10:44:59] But private hospitals? [10:45:03] Literally pain. [10:45:14] RhinosF1: wtf lol [10:45:20] They all run on different systems for Lord forsaken reasons. [10:45:28] BlankEclair: the engineer did forget to receipt that one tbh [10:45:31] Why can't corporate all agree on running the same god damn system?! [10:45:55] And why does these "specific systems" have to be do god damn broken?! [10:58:59] How would @originalauthority make a profit if everything worked? [11:02:37] (idgi) [11:06:01] Heheheh [11:06:52] This is a big issue in local government too. Look at any Council in the UK and they're all using different systems -- most of which were developed pre 2000 and need to be retired. [11:52:30] BlankEclair: what's idgi [11:52:34] i don't get it [11:53:03] BlankEclair: OA works for a strategic partner that makes a profit off government stupidity [11:53:08] ah [11:53:12] til [11:53:27] Because we love wasting tax payer money on funding his bosses bonus [11:53:44] I'm not good at acryonms cause my brain overflowed [11:54:01] fair enough ^_^ [11:54:09] The work list is 373 pages [11:54:13] oh god [11:54:14] I stopped trying [11:54:29] me when i read through the source code of a yaron extension: ^ [11:54:55] Only 2000? [11:55:57] We have equipment in my office from some point earlier than 1995 [11:56:03] No one knows when anymore [11:56:46] BlankEclair: haha [12:05:09] We have a relatively new office in manchester where I went the other day [12:05:12] Shared with GMCA [12:06:38] New buildings? You're allowed that [12:06:52] I got to hope the roof blows off in a storm [12:07:14] Well [12:07:19] Its not a new building [12:07:23] Pretty sure its listed [12:07:27] But the inside is niceeee [12:08:29] 502 😮 [12:11:38] 2000? One of the hospitals that I delivered patient to is running off a defunct company's system. [12:11:48] How do they keep it running? Prayers and hope. [12:12:10] at least it wasn't cloud-based [12:13:14] Most of government runs on prayers and hope [12:26:16] True. [16:48:05] Prayers, Hope, and precedent 👀 [16:57:54] happy valentine's [19:10:21] [1/6] ``` [19:10:21] [2/6] ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception. [19:10:21] [3/6] ---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed, see inner exception. [19:10:22] [4/6] ---> Interop+AppleCrypto+SslException: bad protocol version [19:10:22] [5/6] ``` [19:10:22] [6/6] Oh dear I think my AWBv2 suffers the same issue with Miraheze huh [19:26:16] How? [19:26:43] I don't know, I've tried forcing TLS1.3 but miraheze is still rejecting the connection [19:27:31] Is dotnet fundamentally cursed? [19:27:37] What OS have you @originalauthority ? [19:27:52] Can it be wrapped to use something other than the system library for the connection? [19:28:00] macOS 14.1 which supports TLS1.3 by default from macOS X [19:28:47] I don't know what's going on; I'm trying to figure out whether its my laptop but I can't figure out how to send a request from the terminal and get the TLS version back (or alternatively the erorr) [19:29:31] Using like curl? [19:29:37] macOS can have curl [19:29:40] Which does work [19:29:54] yes [19:29:56] very much so [19:30:01] yeah but that doesn't tell you the TLS version does it? [19:30:22] Good question [19:30:30] My laptop is on my desk [19:30:34] And I'm on my sofa [19:30:58] anyway when I curl https://meta.miraheze.org from my laptop it returns zilch heh what the fuck [19:31:56] ah it works from the CLI [19:31:58] hmm [19:37:00] I wonder if CF is blocking it [19:47:44] Quite probably tbh [19:47:52] I just installed Wireshark [19:48:01] and it appears to be using TLS1 for some reason so I don't think it is [19:48:12] interestingly, if I curl from the CLI it uses 1.3 as it should [19:55:12] interesting [19:55:28] if I curl any other website, it uses TLS1.3, but for Miraheze its using TLS1 [20:06:21] Huh [20:42:47] @originalauthority you got access? [20:51:50] To CF? [20:52:37] To mw* to deal with the issue in #general [20:52:51] Can you set an email if I give you the email and username in DM [20:53:12] Yes [20:54:16] See DM @originalauthority [22:22:00] Love when I open a compilation video on YouTube and for a few seconds Entrapta’s subtitles are in Spanish [22:35:24] Its a .NET issue btw @rhinosf1 not a MH issue https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/1979 [22:36:02] rip not gonna be fixed till .NET 10 [22:39:14] What an odd way of saying that the issue is that you’re using .NET [22:39:36] nah, I see no reason to disable TLS1.2 but heh [22:40:18] Maybe one day OA will start using technology from the correct millennium [22:40:25] like what [22:58:26] Brains are weird, I was checking my local congresspersons then went to go try something on beta, first typed meta.house.gov, then somehow meta.mirabeta.gov [23:21:56] miraheze.gov [23:22:19] Registration pending [23:28:46] doge.miraheze.gov [23:31:49] Come on let’s be realistic [23:31:58] How about miraheze.archives.gov [23:34:18] I'd know several government agencies who would literally use miraheze instead of creating a proper wiki server + hiring a sysops. [23:34:31] Just to save on costs and budgets. [23:36:42] US? [23:44:23] Nah. I'm not American. [23:45:53] Which government, is I may ask? [23:48:56] I would not be shocked if we got a request from some part of US government, especially town/countu