[00:02:03] I have no clue who would be the most active user on Meta. At the moment I guess it would be me. Most known users don't reach 4000 over the years, which I managed in one year. [00:02:31] ro would be very high if not leading for meta [00:02:38] From all the stewards and admins there are none above 4000 [00:03:21] void clocked 4.2k [00:03:33] Oh, missed that [00:03:58] reception 9.9k [00:04:29] yeah [00:04:37] agent 7.3k from september 2024, wow [00:04:50] add pre-vanish and that's probably in the lead [00:05:06] Reception is indeed since 3 August 2015. [00:05:14] yeah, reception's hard to beat there [00:05:23] waves [00:05:26] @agentisai ... that is amazing [00:05:35] I wonder if he got the old edits attached [00:05:43] {{Special:CA/PixDeVl}} [00:05:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Template:CA/PixDeVl [00:05:44] [00:06:06] You're not even close pix [00:06:31] oh he knows [00:10:42] Poor labster with arely 500 😄 [00:11:43] wait really lol? [00:19:19] this is [00:19:20] [1/2] Uuuu [00:19:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347362948762308738/image.png?ex=67cb8d07&is=67ca3b87&hm=4ebf3fe8d527588478047b700284ab13583eacc2e6e9cfc14fa551359133df70& [00:22:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth?target=MirahezeGDPR+16fc0f3be9aee9d47751a49c79ecd7f6 [00:22:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347363834150780948/image0.jpg?ex=67cb8dda&is=67ca3c5a&hm=3bc5cabe00f84230c60524008414525e6fa5bbe25dc96e054ad86265de6e59dc& [00:22:59] It seems that agents tally has been added [00:23:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347363956213420105/image0.jpg?ex=67cb8df7&is=67ca3c77&hm=714e2cfb37141447fdff909ca79343c244ed16677165de0f7346aaecbd570004& [00:23:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347364028489531442/image.png?ex=67cb8e09&is=67ca3c89&hm=d1ab10503136247661ef808b1f8e79bb188d5e0295c4d23562eae99ebf2cd1d6& [00:23:42] being user #115 should mean lots of edits \:p [00:23:55] I love that you have like twice as many edits as the person i know as the giy whos been an admin on enwiki longer then ive been alive [00:25:14] This is the global count. [00:25:21] We were talking about Meta [00:25:31] I thought it was global/meta [00:25:40] speaking of [00:25:46] when are you making a bloody user page [00:26:04] I was going to try and recover my old account first [00:26:12] and I was seeing if maybe my deleted user page still exists [00:26:19] I’m a bit too lazy to write a new one [00:27:39] [1/7] Hello, I'm Agent Isai, also known as Agent. I am a Steward and Community Engagement Specialist for Site Reliability Engineering. I am also an Interwiki administrator, Meta Administrator, Wiki creator along with a number of other roles on Miraheze. As a Community Engagement Specialist, I actively work to address community concerns and respond to feedback. If you [00:27:39] [2/7] ever have any questions or concerns, let me know! [00:27:40] [3/7] I joined Miraheze back in September 2015 after a different wiki farm, Orain, fell victim to an attack. Seeing that many familiar faces also came over to Miraheze, I decided to join and move over the IRC Wiki onto here. Before that, I had been on Orain since 2013 after the failed merger with TropicalWikis. [00:27:40] [4/7] I am a native speaker of both English and Spanish entonces si necesitas ayuda en algo, ÂĄno dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo! I also speak a bit French. Bien que je connaisse le français, je te recommande d'essayer de demander de l'aide Ă  d'autres qui connaissent mieux la langue. [00:27:40] [5/7] Outside of the internet, I practice badminton, tennis, and volleyball, and enjoy challenging my friends to matches in these games. I am currently enrolled in college, majoring in Computer Science. I have always loved computers and have managed Linux servers since I was young, all of this culminated in me picking CS as my major. To fill the empty time I have aft [00:27:41] [6/7] er finishing any work I have, I check Miraheze to see if anyone needs help. In my spare time, even if I'm out on the town, if I see a question I can answer quickly, I'll answer it. Given that I communicate with my friends mostly through Discord, I usually answer quickly when I see someone asking a question. [00:27:41] [7/7] I love volunteering and strongly like Miraheze's goals and commitment. This all has led me to helping out Miraheze wherever I can. The sense of appreciation one feels when they have been able to help someone is very satisfying and it most verily makes me happy when I am able to help someone out. [00:27:53] :wikipetan: [00:29:09] the wayback machine exists, sure, but it’s more the formatting of the wikitext that deters me lol [00:29:17] Ah tu parles français toi ^^ [00:29:43] It was the same template I use [00:29:48] it is [00:29:51] it really is [00:29:56] but [00:30:03] I haven’t had time to do anything [00:30:53] okay fair [00:31:16] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347365954413269164/Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2025-03-06_a_las_07.png?ex=67cb8fd4&is=67ca3e54&hm=ca870416e585d81e206e8211b4fc30b7015f50c1d143a4402754438fef451ae2& [00:31:21] but don't forget, "Russia wants peace" and "Zelenskyy is a cruel dictator", and if you don't agree with this, "shut up you fucking woke, Trump wants to Make America Great Again" [00:31:21] @mintlethebrony Watch your language. [00:31:53] gonna jump into /dev/null istg [00:32:03] thanks for removing the warn [00:32:12] it was obviously not on purpose.. [00:32:32] Dyno is a bitch [00:32:34] just a way to say "I am sick of all this [00:34:36] @agentisai https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Agent_(Miraheze) [01:37:24] do you want me to try and bring the original into existence if what ro linked is inadequate [03:56:41] oh wow, that’s a real outdated page [03:56:52] @notaracham can I be on T&S again đŸ„ș [03:57:14] no, that’s sufficient [04:02:55] [1/2] Opened login wiki to a red dot and nearly had a heart attack before seeing the date [04:02:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347419216957149215/image.png?ex=67cbc16f&is=67ca6fef&hm=77e16ebfe9958e819b69de7bdb2b965b0e685cacbbd2ebe1e76c5a368a4ec65f& [04:03:09] want me to smish it or smt [04:03:24] It is thusly approved and granted. I dub thee... Safetyknight [04:04:19] Minor jokes aside, will be reaching out to folks who expressed interest now that work is quieting down (fingers crossed) [04:07:50] famous last words if there every were any [04:24:41] it's funnier if he's redlinked [11:18:50] 'hey it's a big steward guy with 7+k meta edits I wonder what his userpage i- oh...' [11:24:15] 'i keep seeing this security researcher everywhere... i wonder what she does' [11:24:19] 'is she just a fucking cat??' [11:33:08] Redlink is fun. [11:33:15] yeah! [11:33:21] Yeah! [11:33:26] Hello Eclair. [11:33:30] I had Eclairs today. [11:33:39] OwO [11:33:46] What. [11:33:55] No no. Go back. Eclair. [11:33:58] Go back to emoticons. [11:34:04] Not those zoomer crap. [11:40:58] Whatever she feels comfortable with! [11:46:25] Noooooooo. [11:52:29] one day, zoomers will be the feeble old folk in congress [11:52:41] optimistically [11:54:33] Skibidi toilet el presidente. [11:55:47] at least rizz will be a clear discernible quality to go from, for better or worse [12:02:51] I can throw my hat in the ring if you really need volunteers [12:07:57] ahem [12:08:00] To the sigmas of Australia [12:56:38] LMAO [12:56:58] My fellow Ohions [12:57:16] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQi9uFPEOWY [12:59:27] NO [12:59:30] please no [13:10:06] :) [13:11:45] Better then my politicians though [13:24:52] hi [15:19:02] Elite Rice Farmers... IS THAT A VIETNAM REFERENCE!!! [15:21:40] Heh, we're actually doing pretty darn good on headcount + workload at the moment, part of the reason I haven't been attempting to deputize anyone. [15:42:56] I very much dislike safari right now [15:42:57] DEAR APPLE: just because my web server ACCEPTS connections on port 443 does not mean it is CONFIGURED for them [15:43:08] it’s auto upgrading every connection to HTTPS [15:43:19] despite the fact that my server has no cert [15:43:31] That’s shouldn’t a bad thing typically [15:43:42] Unless there’s absolutely no way to bypass for a domain [15:44:23] well it’s OK if the cert that the server has is valid, most browsers check for a valid cert before upgrading the connection [15:44:42] safari does not and so every link I have to click “continue anyway” on a security error screen [15:45:16] Or you could [15:45:17] You know [15:45:19] Get a cert [15:45:22] For free [15:45:24] In minute [15:45:31] With let’s encrypt? [15:46:28] but I don’t want to [15:46:59] especially since my site is designed for bootleg phones from 2007 that don’t support TLS [15:47:07] and [15:47:14] there’s nothing on the site worth encrypting [15:52:20] Close 443 ? [15:52:30] Or redirect to 80 [20:04:14] One day [20:04:22] At least get your generations right [20:05:42] What does your server send in responde to port 80 [20:05:52] Gen A and Z are close enough that on this scale it’s comparable [20:05:59] NEVER [20:06:13] I SHALL NEVER ASSOCIATE WITH GEN ALPHA [20:06:19] I AM A PROUD ZOOMER [20:06:20] Smh [20:15:37] What website [20:20:25] 200 [20:20:35] so there shouldn’t be an issue [20:21:13] Hmm [20:21:21] What happens if you open a private browsing tab [20:23:48] do those exist in safari? [20:23:59] on mobile btw [20:32:48] yea think do [20:33:20] or maybe not? [20:33:21] idfk [20:35:19] They did [20:35:21] Idk if they still do [20:47:19] Check for a HSTS header [20:47:26] Or inclusion on the preload list [20:47:38] Or some other site sharing the domain doing so [20:47:49] Some TLDs are fully preloaded [20:48:49] Or if your webserver is sending upgrade headers automatically despite broken config [20:49:07] Also hey @alu19_ [20:51:47] Hey ! [20:51:55] Yea that's frankly usually what happenes [20:52:13] But ya that's a much better list than I could've come up with haha [20:55:35] The CAB forum is definitely taking the view that there's no excuse for no TLS [20:55:49] On anything facing the internet [20:56:20] They are pushing hard for automated issuance as standard too [21:07:10] TLS is [21:07:23] TLS is a fine protocol that is being used for something it is not meant for [21:16:00] So it's a poor thing that's abused then blamed for not doing well a thing it wasn't designed for [21:16:10] And the IETF doesn't make it much better [22:37:25] cloudflare is set to use HTTP only [22:37:42] and no I don’t have their MITM stuff turned on, I just use them for domains as it’s pretty cheap [22:38:08] as for the header stuff, I’d have to check [22:38:22] mess around in httpd.conf for a bit [22:40:54] either way I am somewhat confident it’s not the web server’s fault [22:41:19] safari does it to nearly everything and if I go to the address bar and specifically type in HTTP it works fine [22:41:52] but if it’s just the domain it will default to HTTPS as long as the server has it, even if it’s configured incorrectly [22:42:48] yeah [22:43:07] like if you’re logging into your bank or whatever you want a secure connection sure [22:43:15] but if you just wanna like [22:43:31] look at cat pictures on ifunny dot co then you don’t really need it [22:45:00] like if a car from 2010 can still pick up XM satellite radio why can’t a computer from 2010 do literally anything on the internet [22:45:43] and I don’t accept the “oh but it’s insecure” argument either [22:46:49] if you are a sane human being who doesn’t own an ancient greek router then you have most if not all of your ports firewalled [22:48:10] What I mean is, TLS is not secure when you use it to connect to web apps with a web browser [22:48:23] It's secure when it's used by a native app that ships certificates [22:51:30] do explain [22:56:53] [1/2] I saw this the other day, I liked it [22:56:53] [2/2] https://doesmysiteneedhttps.com/ [22:57:06] obscure service that only talks in http, I grant [22:57:18] the rest including 'well its not banking' and other logic, I stand by ^ [22:58:05] Banking is like [22:58:06] The least secure [22:58:07] Eh [22:58:13] At least in my country [22:58:19] that is true for me also, it's pretty funny [22:58:21] Bank websites are the least secure websites [22:58:22] Yea [22:58:28] No 2FA [22:58:30] they make some arcane restrictions but do insanely dumb crap [22:58:32] Cuz the bank doesn't support it [22:59:08] there's this elevated banking security thing and your password there (only a password) is limited to 10 characters or less and no special characters [22:59:35] I failed to be sold that such an arrangement was any improvement [22:59:36] My bank password is literally less secure than my password to e621 [22:59:47] By like [22:59:48] not letting you actually be more secure doesn't help [22:59:51] Several orders of magnitude [22:59:52] Yea [22:59:57] I tried to use [23:00:02] they pull a handful of BS cdns and analytics and garbage on the login page [23:00:04] cA5YDKs7jjm0HDXyr82YUntxe1w7 [23:00:11] But "must have at least one special character" [23:00:14] half of it is slapped around third parties glued into iframes [23:00:20] need I go on [23:01:10] so yes, banking, an area you would hope is security sacred, is abysmal and downright shameful as standard security practice in the US goes that I know of [23:01:21] Yea, I mean [23:01:34] never mind the exploitability of credit systems, infinite data leakage, banks deciding to get in on that data selling pot too [23:01:40] I can slap an interface more secure than my bank together in 2 hours [23:01:42] And I am not a web dev [23:01:54] In fact I am the exact opposite of a web dev [23:01:57] I can't web dev for the life of me [23:02:01] And I still could do a betterjob [23:02:30] if there was a bank written in bare html with the slightest qol first party javascript and it was boring and just did the basic job in the style of nearlyfreespeech.net I'd be happy at last [23:03:14] Tbh like [23:03:17] Yea [23:03:19] > Sorry, not sorry. Doesn't change the fact that your site still needs HTTPS. Switching to HTTPS with ads still over HTTP will cause mixed content warnings in browsers, so you better figure out a cute way to wiggle out of that ad publishing contract that looked really attractive when you first signed it, or convince your ad network to move to HTTPS before you do. [23:03:20] shade [23:03:21] TOTP is not hard [23:03:36] Just do TOTP [23:03:38] Everyone does TOTP [23:03:42] Why can my bank not have 2FA [23:04:18] And the password thing is just ridiculous [23:04:22] a bank not having TOTP is insane [23:04:25] Yea [23:04:29] Welcome to Czechia [23:04:31] No bank here has TOTP [23:05:20] mirrors my experience in the US [23:07:17] I used to have to use my phone to grab a temporary token to a family member who doesn't have the means to move off his iPhone ancient to actually move funds from his other bank account [23:07:23] This is a Brazilian bank btw [23:08:20] I hate banks tbh [23:08:29] Once I have an income I will like [23:08:36] Start donating to folks [23:08:40] But only over XMR [23:08:48] Or cash [23:09:20] XMR is great [23:09:27] So much easier to use than banks [23:39:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1347715299272691763/bafkreif7iye4nus5ug42sjgmhcioelem2xusmuarsthox72b4ptxkier2qjpeg.png?ex=67ccd52e&is=67cb83ae&hm=0b7d618b1226f9ac5045791825c9e6ff4df881cf37ae8a1d2d5ee47d41005493& [23:40:16] Plans? What plans, there is only 1 plan! [23:40:28] F1 weekends coming up! 😄 [23:45:43] yesterday I got stiff neck and now I question why I took turning my head for granted [23:54:44] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IHbDQXHw_g