[00:04:35] teehee :3c [00:04:45] its her [00:04:46] putting a task on phorge will let me know :p [00:04:51] Claire [00:04:58] what time is it in victoria [00:05:01] yea i think he got the memo [00:05:04] also, mood: https://catgirl.center/notes/a2mkvk1tmywv0z57 [00:05:13] 11 am, woke up 1h before expected [01:19:29] [1/2] just got this spam email [01:19:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1348465249455439882/IMG_6971.png?ex=67cf8fa0&is=67ce3e20&hm=b44070dd9de8ba9c1bdc0199c8d6e82d94a158e01bec458ac26b99319aa97605& [01:19:36] so obviously I replied with old faithful [01:19:43] if you’re unaware what remove.pdf is [01:20:17] https://www.scs.stanford.edu/~dm/home/papers/remove.pdf [01:57:50] Okay how do you make these ive seen a few of these kind of pdf jokes [02:03:49] Haha yea [02:04:09] I forgot to tell u to sleep, u dummyyyyy [02:04:18] afewbaluefbwauliefwbauiefuilawef [02:27:21] IDK, but I could probably make this in about an hour in TeXstudio. I [02:39:43] THIS IS AMAZING [02:40:05] fig2 will be hardest [02:40:08] Why tex studio ? [02:40:11] Just write the TeX [02:40:15] Then use PDFTeX [02:41:06] idk [02:41:13] the paper was made in like 2008 [02:57:48] [1/2] πŸ‘ [02:57:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1348489994624434248/image.png?ex=67cfa6ac&is=67ce552c&hm=d1ea1bc6e7aa44f325272f528af2f061c678a4a9e309a79c93440357115d8527& [03:01:04] Mostly because I've had it installed for years now, and I like having a handy editor. Also I'm really bad at this. [03:10:13] I think we should make one of these for importing from enwiki [04:32:48] I never used it, what does it do [04:32:57] I just edit my TeX in neovim and render with pdfTeX [04:33:53] Like autocomplete ? Or [05:08:50] Basically, yeah. It's an editor and viewer, the screenshot above is from inside the interface. [09:04:06] Well viewer is simple [09:04:12] You can just set a pdf viewer to autoreload [09:12:20] I am trying to figure out like [09:12:24] If there's a point to using it [09:12:38] Or if it's just "too lazy to figure out how to use pdftex" which isfair [10:21:40] Me: I like train. [10:21:47] Also me seeing locomotive and train infobox in CSS: [10:21:49] Oh no. [11:17:18] trains :3 [12:23:32] Trains are cool [12:30:07] fr [12:45:31] πŸš† [12:46:21] (Hmm, this looks more like robot than a train) πŸ˜„ [13:27:22] Agreed. [13:27:35] πŸš„ [13:31:56] πŸš‚ [13:35:00] No that's a locomotive. [13:35:03] Not a train. [13:35:10] Apparently they're different things. [13:35:19] Train β‰  locomotive. [13:35:36] A locomotive becomes a train but a train cannot become a locomotive. [13:35:39] Whacky. [13:38:13] @blankeclair who is the gal in your pfp [13:38:20] claire elford from witch's heart [13:38:32] https://vgperson.com/games/witchheart.htm [13:38:37] do we both just instantly reply to people [13:38:46] i suppose so? ^^; [13:38:54] [1/2] I just did this in ibis app on my phone while procrastinating at work [13:38:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1348651332965236786/30.png?ex=67d03cee&is=67ceeb6e&hm=6c65d2463bafa677d3db5a116a59e202a2a037311c6df79fcdf020250358438b& [13:39:24] absolute peak [13:45:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1348652976520298496/svg.png?ex=67d03e76&is=67ceecf6&hm=802d8aac8880c05758ecc97684afb2347c9a58d1a148b5e9886e028f526c67ef& [13:48:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1348653815708123227/svg.png?ex=67d03f3e&is=67ceedbe&hm=cab57b8a8ab56eae13392d771fd65a574c1757867a6a488fc0acc35cefaae483& [13:52:37] https://www.404media.co/photographers-are-on-a-mission-to-fix-wikipedias-famously-bad-celebrity-portraits/ [13:52:57] It's about time those horible images are replaced [13:55:27] _waves to @kayvan_ [13:55:34] Awesome work as always [15:50:36] this is something I'd probably do if the circumstances were possible for me πŸ˜… [16:02:15] maybe I say this, since I've been a wiki editor for nearly a decade and just love the world of freely available knowledge, but tbh, I would usually like to default any text, image, or video I produce, be licensable under creative commons [16:05:04] yes, including my discord messages lol [16:43:22] Claire. [16:44:43] Technically they are licensed. You just have to actually go to official channels for it. [16:45:12] Oooh, I never got around to playing that 😭 [16:45:14] Some countries have policies to automatically grant it to you...Physically, that is. But for the internet. It's way weirder [16:45:29] Cause corpos and sites have different policies. [16:45:38] And sometime you have to tell them you want the licensing. [16:49:16] I'm a professional journalist so I know a thing or two about copyright law. [16:49:45] I can sue other firms for using my photos without credit. Most of the time. As long as I only upload it to my firm's site. [16:49:59] But upload it to say, deviantart or youtube or pinterest? [16:50:12] If you don't actually list the copyright. You're throwing it out of the windows. [19:40:49] PixDeVl: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge?diff=458076 everything okay? [19:52:45] . [19:53:39] that has a ring to it [19:53:58] [1/2] off topic of the off topic I found this enlightening (of use for US readers) [19:53:58] [2/2] https://taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0 [19:56:34] Pardon? [19:58:41] "tech tech" [19:59:51] Actually team team [19:59:59] You get the gist [20:00:12] Yeah I mistyped it seems [20:00:17] I fixed it [20:02:05] Thanks! [20:41:25] [1/2] i went to check what extensions my wiki had and did not expect to see that [20:41:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1348757660211740824/vJmUfAB.png?ex=67d09ff4&is=67cf4e74&hm=5b0b7bd8b922881c38c1cc595366bb2d4eb70a7c97e816362602384fd18b915f& [20:41:30] very readable [21:27:02] mmm yes [21:27:14] at least you didn't notice checkuser-temporary-account in managewiki/permissions [21:28:38] Uh oh! [21:28:52] dw we disabled it in mw [21:28:59] and there's a task to remove the right from xisting wikis [21:32:14] > Your blame took too long to compute. [21:32:16] wooooow [21:38:05] (old commit): https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/6069a37ad%5E [21:38:09] oopsie whoopsie :3c [21:39:27] We don’t have temp accounts though [21:39:49] not yet [21:40:00] so it's not an immediate issue, but it'd be nice to fix [21:42:35] Can that be added to the 1.44 blockers task Claire [21:42:45] I really don't wanna forget that [21:42:58] oki [21:43:37] done [21:43:39] lol yeah whoops [21:43:53] wait no, i added the wrong task [21:44:04] there we go :3 [21:44:37] i swear we had another rights debacle because of forgetting to disable rights... [22:49:26] when you enter the wrong fake date of birth to a site and now it wants parents permission [22:56:57] never disappoint, microsoft: https://files.sharkgirl.ing/~claire/images/2025-03-11_09-55.png [23:08:43] i want to send email to microsoft -> email bounced -> need to join some program -> must create microsoft account -> wrangle with 50 different domains it connects to [23:08:55] this process be like my adhd thought process [23:10:45] > We’ve emailed instructions for completing the process to postmaster@sharkgirl.ing. It should arrive shortly, and when it does, please follow the enclosed details which will bring you back to this site. [23:10:46] yeah, sure [23:13:55] microsoft, i'm getting mixed messages here: https://files.sharkgirl.ing/~claire/images/2025-03-11_10-13.png [23:16:51] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enevSuDgf3 [23:18:33] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enevSuDgf3U [23:18:45] This is AWESOME!