[00:07:31] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.56 ms [00:14:09] RECOVERY - cp37 Disk Space on cp37 is OK: DISK OK - free space: / 51725MiB (11% inode=99%); [01:18:09] PROBLEM - cp37 Disk Space on cp37 is WARNING: DISK WARNING - free space: / 49804MiB (10% inode=99%); [02:18:04] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [02:26:16] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.57 ms [02:26:23] PROBLEM - swiftproxy171 Swift NGINX SSL check on swiftproxy171 is CRITICAL: connect to address localhost and port 443: Connection refused [02:26:34] PROBLEM - swiftproxy171 HTTPS on swiftproxy171 is CRITICAL: connect to address and port 443: Connection refusedHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [02:27:05] PROBLEM - cp37 HTTPS on cp37 is CRITICAL: HTTP CRITICAL - Invalid HTTP response received from host on port 443: cURL returned 28 - Operation timed out after 10004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received [02:28:33] PROBLEM - swiftproxy161 HTTPS on swiftproxy161 is CRITICAL: connect to address and port 443: Connection refusedHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [02:29:22] PROBLEM - swiftproxy161 Swift NGINX SSL check on swiftproxy161 is CRITICAL: connect to address localhost and port 443: Connection refused [02:30:23] RECOVERY - swiftproxy171 Swift NGINX SSL check on swiftproxy171 is OK: OK - Certificate 'wikitide.net' will expire on Fri Mar 28 03:25:53 2025 +0000.TCP OK - 0.009 second response time on localhost port 443 [02:30:33] RECOVERY - swiftproxy161 HTTPS on swiftproxy161 is OK: HTTP OK: Status line output matched "HTTP/1.1 404" - 352 bytes in 0.025 second response time [02:30:34] RECOVERY - swiftproxy171 HTTPS on swiftproxy171 is OK: HTTP OK: Status line output matched "HTTP/1.1 404" - 352 bytes in 0.024 second response time [02:31:03] !log restart nginx on swiftproxy* [02:31:04] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [02:31:07] RECOVERY - cp37 HTTPS on cp37 is OK: HTTP OK: HTTP/2 404 - Status line output matched "HTTP/2 404" - 4108 bytes in 0.060 second response time [02:31:22] RECOVERY - swiftproxy161 Swift NGINX SSL check on swiftproxy161 is OK: OK - Certificate 'wikitide.net' will expire on Fri Mar 28 03:25:53 2025 +0000.TCP OK - 0.010 second response time on localhost port 443 [03:01:31] PROBLEM - mon181 Backups Grafana on mon181 is CRITICAL: FILE_AGE CRITICAL: /var/log/grafana-backup.log is 1468867 seconds old and 92 bytes [04:16:18] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [04:22:28] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.59 ms [04:26:50] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [04:45:26] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.63 ms [04:59:09] PROBLEM - matomo151 HTTPS on matomo151 is CRITICAL: HTTP CRITICAL - Invalid HTTP response received from host on port 443: cURL returned 7 - Failed to connect to matomo151.wikitide.net port 443 after 0 ms: Couldn't connect to server [05:04:55] !log restart nginx on matamo151 [05:04:56] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [05:05:09] RECOVERY - matomo151 HTTPS on matomo151 is OK: HTTP OK: HTTP/2 200 - 553 bytes in 0.219 second response time [06:03:36] RECOVERY - sytbay.site - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'quokka.mydata.city' will expire on Thu 27 Mar 2025 12:30:41 PM GMT +0000. [08:38:59] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [08:51:19] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.42 ms [09:04:52] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [09:11:04] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.33 ms [09:15:27] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [09:19:20] PROBLEM - ping6 on ns2 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 16%, RTA = 138.51 ms [09:19:30] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.31 ms [09:21:21] RECOVERY - ping6 on ns2 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 138.55 ms [10:25:19] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [10:27:19] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.30 ms [10:44:19] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [10:48:24] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.36 ms [11:13:08] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [11:56:37] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.36 ms [12:08:38] PROBLEM - db171 Current Load on db171 is CRITICAL: LOAD CRITICAL - total load average: 13.26, 7.06, 3.20 [12:10:38] RECOVERY - db171 Current Load on db171 is OK: LOAD OK - total load average: 10.15, 7.75, 3.92 [12:14:38] PROBLEM - db171 Current Load on db171 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 8.38, 10.35, 6.10 [12:16:38] RECOVERY - db171 Current Load on db171 is OK: LOAD OK - total load average: 7.92, 9.37, 6.24 [12:24:14] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 70%, RTA = 31.39 ms [12:26:14] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.75 ms [12:36:55] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 37%, RTA = 31.45 ms [12:53:28] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.38 ms [13:28:11] PROBLEM - changeprop151 Current Load on changeprop151 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 14.67, 11.81, 6.25 [13:30:11] RECOVERY - changeprop151 Current Load on changeprop151 is OK: LOAD OK - total load average: 5.08, 9.06, 5.88 [14:13:31] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [14:36:17] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.38 ms [14:46:09] PROBLEM - cp37 Disk Space on cp37 is CRITICAL: DISK CRITICAL - free space: / 27218MiB (5% inode=99%); [15:18:14] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [15:37:02] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.44 ms [16:26:25] PROBLEM - wiki.tmyt105.leyhp.com - Cloudflare on sslhost is CRITICAL: Temporary failure in name resolutionHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [16:41:19] PROBLEM - wiki.bastionsg.rf.gd - Cloudflare on sslhost is CRITICAL: Temporary failure in name resolutionHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [16:51:33] PROBLEM - changeprop151 Current Load on changeprop151 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 13.89, 12.88, 7.57 [16:53:32] RECOVERY - changeprop151 Current Load on changeprop151 is OK: LOAD OK - total load average: 2.77, 8.98, 6.78 [18:34:10] .gh-hook miraheze enable [18:34:10] Successfully enabled listening for miraheze's events in #miraheze-tech-ops. [18:34:36] .gh-hook-color Test-Wiki 2 7 3 3 3 13 [18:34:36] Please use ".gh-hook test-wiki enable" before attempting to configure colors! [18:34:46] .gh-hook-color miraheze 2 7 3 3 3 13 [18:34:46] [02miraheze] Example name: 07MacFan4000 tag: 03tag commit: 03c0mm17 branch: 03master url: 13http://git.io/ [18:41:38] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/replaceTextEligible.php --wiki=dragdownwiki (END - exit=256) [18:41:40] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:42:14] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/extensions/MirahezeMagic/maintenance/replaceTextEligible.php --wiki=dragdownwiki (END - exit=0) [18:42:16] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [18:46:42] miraheze/mw-config - Reception123 the build passed. [18:54:47] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/extensions/MirahezeMagic/maintenance/replaceTextEligible.php --wiki=kagagawiki (END - exit=0) [18:54:49] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:08:50] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 created 03Reception123-patch-1 (+1 new commit) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/commit/15811c8fec09 [19:08:51] 02mediawiki-repos/03Reception123-patch-1 07Reception123 0315811c8 install ArticleFeedbackv5 per T12973 [19:08:55] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 opened pull request #48: install ArticleFeedbackv5 per T12973 (03master...03Reception123-patch-1) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/pull/48 [19:09:37] miraheze/mediawiki-repos - Reception123 the build has errored. [19:10:39] [02ssl] 07MacFan4000 pushed 1 new commit to 03master 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/commit/f4afd7d2f85b4bb4f48f1e4a163bf711399b6650 [19:10:39] 02ssl/03master 07MacFan4000 03f4afd7d add polytheistdeathguild.org and oprf.info [19:10:44] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 pushed 1 new commit to 03Reception123-patch-1 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/commit/7c4b23b2ab3ac685223b5c336d1a9536b8e4f5c9 [19:10:44] 02mediawiki-repos/03Reception123-patch-1 07Reception123 037c4b23b Update mediawiki-repos.yaml [19:10:57] [02mediawiki-repos] 07coderabbitai[bot] commented on pull request #48: --- […] 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/pull/48#issuecomment-2651827830 [19:11:35] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 merged pull request #48: install ArticleFeedbackv5 per T12973 (03master...03Reception123-patch-1) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/pull/48 [19:11:37] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 pushed 1 new commit to 03master 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/commit/f5a40afa8c909ab29de9ba357c244142a8754f7c [19:11:39] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 04deleted 03Reception123-patch-1 at 037c4b23b 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/commit/7c4b23b [19:11:41] 02mediawiki-repos/03master 07Reception123 03f5a40af install ArticleFeedbackv5 per T12973 (#48)… [19:13:38] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/deleteBatch.php --wiki=incubatorwiki /home/reception/delincubator.txt --r=T13033 (START) [19:13:39] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:13:40] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/deleteBatch.php --wiki=incubatorwiki /home/reception/delincubator.txt --r=T13033 (END - exit=0) [19:13:42] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:15:37] [02ssl] 07Reception123 pushed 1 new commit to 03master 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/commit/afa995a713f8bf26a3fbd03be82b1084179987d8 [19:15:37] 02ssl/03master 07Reception123 03afa995a acuralegendwiki.org redirect per T13038 [19:16:43] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/deleteBatch.php --wiki=toimunwiki /home/reception/deltoimun.txt --r=T13040 (START) [19:16:45] !log [reception@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.43/maintenance/deleteBatch.php --wiki=toimunwiki /home/reception/deltoimun.txt --r=T13040 (END - exit=256) [19:16:45] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:16:47] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:24:31] [02mw-config] 07Reception123 created 03Reception123-patch-1 (+1 new commit) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/bc9be8a4fb2a [19:24:31] 02mw-config/03Reception123-patch-1 07Reception123 03bc9be8a add wgMedikMobileSitename to MWS per T13060 [19:25:30] [02mw-config] 07Reception123 opened pull request #5813: add wgMedikMobileSitename to MWS per T13060 (03master...03Reception123-patch-1) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5813 [19:26:07] [02mw-config] 07github-actions[bot] pushed 1 new commit to 03Reception123-patch-1 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/3b876754e07fd120fd73c374bfae000269f5cf9a [19:26:07] 02mw-config/03Reception123-patch-1 07github-actions 033b87675 CI: lint code to MediaWiki standards… [19:26:41] miraheze/mw-config - Reception123 the build passed. [19:29:07] !log MariaDB [phightingwiki]> DROP TABLE user_profile; [19:29:09] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:30:33] [02mw-config] 07Reception123 merged pull request #5813: add wgMedikMobileSitename to MWS per T13060 (03master...03Reception123-patch-1) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5813 [19:30:35] [02mw-config] 07Reception123 pushed 1 new commit to 03master 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/381f55dd0df3681d122dd5910a28db5c60597f2b [19:30:37] [02mw-config] 07Reception123 04deleted 03Reception123-patch-1 at 033b87675 13https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/3b87675 [19:30:38] 02mw-config/03master 07Reception123 03381f55d add wgMedikMobileSitename to MWS per T13060 (#5813)… [19:30:52] !log [reception@mwtask181] starting deploy of {'pull': 'config', 'config': True} to all [19:30:54] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:31:16] !log [reception@mwtask181] finished deploy of {'pull': 'config', 'config': True} to all - SUCCESS in 24s [19:31:18] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [19:31:28] miraheze/mw-config - Reception123 the build passed. [19:40:23] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 created 03Reception123-patch-1 (+1 new commit) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/commit/5c92cfee4d08 [19:40:23] 02mediawiki-repos/03Reception123-patch-1 07Reception123 035c92cfe install SimpleCalendar per T13074 [19:40:28] [02mediawiki-repos] 07Reception123 opened pull request #49: install SimpleCalendar per T13074 (03master...03Reception123-patch-1) 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/pull/49 [19:40:40] [02mediawiki-repos] 07coderabbitai[bot] commented on pull request #49: --- […] 13https://github.com/miraheze/mediawiki-repos/pull/49#issuecomment-2651893981 [19:48:28] PROBLEM - www.acuralegendwiki.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is CRITICAL: Name or service not knownHTTP CRITICAL - Unable to open TCP socket [19:57:20] [Grafana] FIRING: The mediawiki job queue has more than 2000 unclaimed jobs https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1 [20:00:15] PROBLEM - changeprop151 Current Load on changeprop151 is WARNING: LOAD WARNING - total load average: 8.56, 14.31, 10.29 [20:02:13] RECOVERY - changeprop151 Current Load on changeprop151 is OK: LOAD OK - total load average: 2.16, 10.08, 9.22 [20:09:25] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [20:23:55] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.38 ms [21:08:19] RECOVERY - wiki.bastionsg.rf.gd - Cloudflare on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'wiki.bastionsg.rf.gd' will expire on Tue 06 May 2025 04:14:32 AM GMT +0000. [21:09:53] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [21:21:26] RECOVERY - wiki.tmyt105.leyhp.com - Cloudflare on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'wiki.tmyt105.leyhp.com' will expire on Wed 26 Mar 2025 02:20:32 PM GMT +0000. [21:22:27] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.45 ms [21:44:42] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mattermost1 [21:44:44] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:44:55] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on changeprop151 [21:44:56] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:45:06] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on db172 [21:45:08] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:45:18] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on bots171 [21:45:20] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:45:29] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on jobchron171 [21:45:30] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:45:34] RECOVERY - mattermost1 APT on mattermost1 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:45:39] RECOVERY - db172 APT on db172 is OK: APT OK: 49 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:45:41] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on cp36 [21:45:43] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:45:48] RECOVERY - changeprop151 APT on changeprop151 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:45:53] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on db171 [21:45:54] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:46:02] RECOVERY - cp36 APT on cp36 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:46:05] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on db161 [21:46:18] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on cp37 [21:46:23] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:46:25] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:46:31] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on db151 [21:46:32] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:46:33] RECOVERY - jobchron171 APT on jobchron171 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:46:43] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on mem151 [21:46:44] RECOVERY - bots171 APT on bots171 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:46:45] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:46:49] RECOVERY - db151 APT on db151 is OK: APT OK: 50 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:46:50] RECOVERY - db171 APT on db171 is OK: APT OK: 49 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:46:55] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on kafka181 [21:46:55] RECOVERY - cp37 APT on cp37 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:46:56] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:47:07] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on eventgate181 [21:47:08] RECOVERY - kafka181 APT on kafka181 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:47:09] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:47:19] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on graphite151 [21:47:21] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:47:22] RECOVERY - mem151 APT on mem151 is OK: APT OK: 57 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:47:32] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on graylog161 [21:47:34] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:47:40] RECOVERY - db161 APT on db161 is OK: APT OK: 49 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:47:45] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on db182 [21:47:46] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:47:48] RECOVERY - graphite151 APT on graphite151 is OK: APT OK: 64 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:47:56] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on cloud17 [21:47:58] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:48:08] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on cloud18 [21:48:09] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:48:20] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on cloud16 [21:48:21] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:48:27] RECOVERY - eventgate181 APT on eventgate181 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:48:28] RECOVERY - db182 APT on db182 is OK: APT OK: 50 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:48:28] RECOVERY - cloud18 APT on cloud18 is OK: APT OK: 64 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:48:32] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on matomo151 [21:48:34] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:48:44] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on db181 [21:48:45] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:48:50] RECOVERY - cloud17 APT on cloud17 is OK: APT OK: 64 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:48:57] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on cloud15 [21:48:59] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:49:10] RECOVERY - cloud16 APT on cloud16 is OK: APT OK: 64 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:49:10] RECOVERY - db181 APT on db181 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:49:11] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on bast161 [21:49:11] RECOVERY - graylog161 APT on graylog161 is OK: APT OK: 61 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:49:13] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:49:21] RECOVERY - matomo151 APT on matomo151 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:49:25] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on ldap171 [21:49:27] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:49:39] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on bast181 [21:49:41] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:49:44] RECOVERY - bast161 APT on bast161 is OK: APT OK: 57 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:49:52] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on mem161 [21:49:54] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:50:05] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mon181 [21:50:06] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:50:15] RECOVERY - bast181 APT on bast181 is OK: APT OK: 58 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:50:16] RECOVERY - mon181 APT on mon181 is OK: APT OK: 11 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:50:18] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw152 [21:50:18] RECOVERY - cloud15 APT on cloud15 is OK: APT OK: 64 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:50:19] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:50:22] RECOVERY - ldap171 APT on ldap171 is OK: APT OK: 57 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:50:32] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw154 [21:50:33] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:50:33] RECOVERY - mw154 APT on mw154 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:50:46] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw161 [21:50:47] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:50:59] RECOVERY - mem161 APT on mem161 is OK: APT OK: 57 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:50:59] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on os151 [21:51:01] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:51:02] RECOVERY - mw161 APT on mw161 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:51:12] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw162 [21:51:14] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:51:21] RECOVERY - mw152 APT on mw152 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:51:26] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw163 [21:51:27] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:51:35] RECOVERY - mw162 APT on mw162 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:51:40] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw151 [21:51:41] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:51:53] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw171 [21:51:54] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:52:06] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw153 [21:52:08] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:52:19] RECOVERY - mw163 APT on mw163 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:52:20] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw172 [21:52:21] RECOVERY - mw151 APT on mw151 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:52:21] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:52:33] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw173 [21:52:35] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:52:42] RECOVERY - os151 APT on os151 is OK: APT OK: 59 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:52:47] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw164 [21:52:48] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:53:01] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on ns1 [21:53:03] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:53:16] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw181 [21:53:17] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:53:18] RECOVERY - mw164 APT on mw164 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:53:18] RECOVERY - mw171 APT on mw171 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:53:29] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw174 [21:53:31] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:53:43] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mwtask171 [21:53:44] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:53:57] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw184 [21:53:58] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:54:04] RECOVERY - mw172 APT on mw172 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:05] RECOVERY - mw153 APT on mw153 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:11] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw182 [21:54:12] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:54:16] RECOVERY - ns1 APT on ns1 is OK: APT OK: 57 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:21] RECOVERY - mw173 APT on mw173 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:24] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mwtask151 [21:54:26] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:54:31] RECOVERY - mwtask171 APT on mwtask171 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:38] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mw183 [21:54:40] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:54:40] RECOVERY - mw181 APT on mw181 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:44] RECOVERY - mw184 APT on mw184 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:54:51] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mwtask161 [21:54:53] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:54:58] RECOVERY - mw174 APT on mw174 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:55:06] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on mwtask181 [21:55:07] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:55:09] RECOVERY - mw182 APT on mw182 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:55:19] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on os161 [21:55:20] RECOVERY - mwtask151 APT on mwtask151 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:55:21] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:55:33] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on os162 [21:55:34] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:55:42] RECOVERY - os161 APT on os161 is OK: APT OK: 58 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:55:44] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on phorge171 [21:55:46] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:56:04] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on ns2 [21:56:05] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:56:07] RECOVERY - mw183 APT on mw183 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:16] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on prometheus151 [21:56:18] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:56:20] RECOVERY - prometheus151 APT on prometheus151 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:21] RECOVERY - os162 APT on os162 is OK: APT OK: 59 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:23] RECOVERY - mwtask181 APT on mwtask181 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:25] RECOVERY - mwtask161 APT on mwtask161 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:28] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on rdb151 [21:56:30] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:56:40] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on reports171 [21:56:41] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:56:44] RECOVERY - phorge171 APT on phorge171 is OK: APT OK: 40 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:51] RECOVERY - reports171 APT on reports171 is OK: APT OK: 40 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:56:53] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on puppet181 [21:56:54] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:57:07] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libtasn1-6, and linux-libc-dev on test151 [21:57:08] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:57:21] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftac171 [21:57:22] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:57:27] RECOVERY - ns2 APT on ns2 is OK: APT OK: 58 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:57:33] RECOVERY - rdb151 APT on rdb151 is OK: APT OK: 0 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:57:36] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftproxy171 [21:57:37] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:57:46] RECOVERY - puppet181 APT on puppet181 is OK: APT OK: 62 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:57:51] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftobject171 [21:57:52] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:58:07] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftobject151 [21:58:09] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:58:09] RECOVERY - swiftobject171 APT on swiftobject171 is OK: APT OK: 61 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:58:23] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftproxy161 [21:58:24] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:58:34] RECOVERY - swiftproxy171 APT on swiftproxy171 is OK: APT OK: 64 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:58:37] RECOVERY - swiftproxy161 APT on swiftproxy161 is OK: APT OK: 63 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:58:37] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftobject161 [21:58:39] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:58:43] RECOVERY - swiftobject161 APT on swiftobject161 is OK: APT OK: 61 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:58:53] !log [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages linux-libc-dev, and libtasn1-6 on swiftobject181 [21:58:54] Logged the message at https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_admin_log [21:58:58] RECOVERY - test151 APT on test151 is OK: APT OK: 66 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:59:16] RECOVERY - swiftobject181 APT on swiftobject181 is OK: APT OK: 62 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:59:17] RECOVERY - swiftac171 APT on swiftac171 is OK: APT OK: 63 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [21:59:57] RECOVERY - swiftobject151 APT on swiftobject151 is OK: APT OK: 61 packages available for upgrade (0 critical updates). [22:07:35] PROBLEM - mappingwiki.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is WARNING: WARNING - Certificate 'mappingwiki.org' expires in 14 day(s) (Wed 26 Feb 2025 09:55:48 PM GMT +0000). [22:07:47] [02ssl] 07WikiTideSSLBot pushed 1 new commit to 03master 13https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/commit/66f2e7c967f2b0367bc5c1f094b6e495df5d9528 [22:07:47] 02ssl/03master 07WikiTideSSLBot 0366f2e7c Bot: Update SSL cert for mappingwiki.org [22:36:20] RECOVERY - mappingwiki.org - LetsEncrypt on sslhost is OK: OK - Certificate 'mappingwiki.org' will expire on Mon 12 May 2025 09:09:10 PM GMT +0000. [22:52:20] [Grafana] RESOLVED: High Job Queue Backlog https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1 [23:01:47] PROBLEM - ping6 on mattermost1 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 100% [23:07:57] RECOVERY - ping6 on mattermost1 is OK: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 31.34 ms [23:10:30] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] created 03dependabot/pip/dot-github/coverage-7.6.12 (+1 new commit) 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/commit/bd97694471ec [23:10:30] 02python-functions/03dependabot/pip/dot-github/coverage-7.6.12 07dependabot[bot] 03bd97694 Bump coverage from 7.6.10 to 7.6.12 in /.github… [23:10:32] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] added the label 'dependencies' to pull request #118 (Bump coverage from 7.6.10 to 7.6.12 in /.github) 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/pull/118 [23:10:34] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] added the label 'python' to pull request #118 (Bump coverage from 7.6.10 to 7.6.12 in /.github) 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/pull/118 [23:10:36] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] opened pull request #118: Bump coverage from 7.6.10 to 7.6.12 in /.github (03master...03dependabot/pip/dot-github/coverage-7.6.12) 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/pull/118 [23:10:38] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] closed pull request #117: Bump coverage from 7.6.10 to 7.6.11 in /.github (03master...03dependabot/pip/dot-github/coverage-7.6.11) 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/pull/117 [23:10:40] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] commented on pull request #117: Superseded by #118. 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/pull/117#issuecomment-2652268478 [23:10:42] [02python-functions] 07dependabot[bot] 04deleted 03dependabot/pip/dot-github/coverage-7.6.11 at 037ceca6d 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/commit/7ceca6d [23:10:43] [02python-functions] 07coderabbitai[bot] commented on pull request #118: --- […] 13https://github.com/miraheze/python-functions/pull/118#issuecomment-2652268692 [23:12:46] miraheze/python-functions - dependabot[bot] the build has errored.