[11:34:26] new CreateWiki API just dropped [11:35:05] you can see it in action at https://meta.mirabeta.org/w/rest.php/createwiki/v0/wiki_requests/user/BlueMoon [11:37:35] ooh nice [12:09:13] yep, next one is the ability to make wiki requests [12:09:58] and next after that and final API is the ability to handle wiki requests, which will be the most complex of them all [12:12:04] I'll make generic APIs like one to post comments, and another to change the description, another to approve wiki requests, and so on... [12:15:29] hmm, could the API perhaps be used to undelete wikis? So then on the delete error page there could be a button that uses the API and then there's no more ManageWiki caching issue that CA pointed out with my original whitelist idea [12:16:28] I can add an endpoint to undelete wikis. [12:16:51] I don't know how that will affect that interaction tho [12:18:15] The endpoint would likely be done in ManageWiki since I plan on making CreateWiki's special pages and API unavailable outside of metawiki [12:18:30] ah so then I guess the cache problem would still exist [12:18:52] (API is already unavailable outside of metawiki btw https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/1798e53901a202b62edab32f8bcd5c6b9e574191) [12:19:07] ah, right [12:26:38] I'm noticing that I introduced a bit of code duplication on CreateWiki, especially when it comes to handling the suppression system... [12:26:59] I should probably add some utility class of some sort [13:06:56] login session right now is being especially problematic, been signed out twice out of nowhere and given I had to suppress an ip edit on the SR I think this is not isolated... cc @bluemoon0332? [14:43:03] This is a great step to being able to use codex in the future. If that ever happens. [19:21:20] The ability to post comments will be coming sooner than I anticipated: https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/516 [19:26:40] Wooo!