[00:53:35] why would you want to advertise you're editing on fandom? 😮 [00:56:11] https://premid.app/store/presences/Miraheze also existsss [00:56:48] Wait what [00:56:50] Nice [00:56:58] I didn't even know that existed [00:57:00] tbh [00:57:18] me either seems a bit of a privacy invasion [00:57:19] How do you connect to it here? [00:57:23] to show the level of suffering and sacrifice you are willing to go through for the sake of community content [00:57:23] Nevermind [00:57:26] I don't want to [00:57:39] Privacy is something I value too. [00:57:41] personally agree but its very up to the user [00:57:59] meh, atp its just bloatware to me [00:58:07] imo [00:58:10] like Fandom's may be [00:58:17] Fandom has 1000x more ads tho. [00:58:37] I actually dislike ads for this reason [00:58:57] sorry I didn't mean to put times [01:32:09] an unusable website [01:40:14] Mhm [01:46:02] [1/2] I once turned off adblocker, 2 or 3 tabs crashed chrome [01:46:02] [2/2] chrome isolates each tab as a process [01:46:31] since fandom accepts any ad apparently, I imagine large memory leaks [07:28:49] <.labster> [1/2] I opened a PR to make Flow a restricted extension because it's deprecated. Literally 5 minutes later: [07:28:50] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1238029899004907530/image.png?ex=663dccb1&is=663c7b31&hm=75f1ef4e8efabda24d4aaec99a39d6b884e9bef6f48555c8843a96394e29cd05& [08:06:46] lmao [08:06:54] they use flow right [08:07:41] <.labster> They're trying to get off of it [09:11:02] LOL [09:11:31] You broke MediaWiki (at a local page, but still) 😄 [09:11:56] I just found out vscode is written in typescript thats mad [09:52:47] <.labster, replying to rodejong> You can break it too if you want: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Y357qdy7es13zt5c [09:55:40] apparently only Miraheze and WikiForge still has it [09:55:49] how many wikis actually use it? [09:56:08] I tried to on my first wiki but then converted to DT [09:57:37] i used it once, didn't like how board descriptions couldn't be protected so i stopped using it [09:58:02] <.labster> 371 wikis have it enabled. [09:58:57] <.labster> Incidentally if you put {{BASEPAGENAME}} in the board description, Template:BASEPAGENAME shows up on Special:WantedTemplates [09:59:52] <.labster, replying to theoneandonlylegroom> Is there a script available to convert? I would like to take allthetropeswiki off of Flow. [10:00:16] nah, I mean [10:00:24] changed to DT [10:00:30] had to delete things manually [10:00:37] there was some weird garbage [10:01:04] luckily it really was used only once, and that's when I saw it's bad [10:01:09] <.labster> I may wait for WMF to come up with a solution then. [10:03:19] <.labster> We started with LiquidThreads which was also differently terrible. [16:52:54] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Structured_Discussions/Deprecation [19:33:18] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Country_calling_codes_map.svg was replaced with https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Country_calling_codes_map.svg .. Can it be moved to another place? Like https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Country_calling_codes_map2.svg ? [19:36:57] Merica [19:44:01] <.labster> I'd be okay with moving it. [19:45:01] <.labster> Does that mean your instantcommons image can be replaced with local commons? If so that's kind of a weird pseudo-security issue [19:46:59] it happens when both commons are enabled tho? [19:49:21] Think so [19:49:24] MH Commons beats Wikimedia Commons [19:49:27] Yeah, that is the problem indeed [19:49:30] Not a security issue [19:49:35] It's a design decision [19:51:27] It would become an issue if I replaced a very often used image which would impact many wiki's [19:52:26] Probably more reason to kill MH commons [19:55:04] Not Kill it, Lock it [19:55:15] Let users submit requests [19:55:53] And let a few trusted users check and then add it if it doesn't conflict and add the requested license [19:56:13] Wouldn’t be opposed to wiping all non-essential stuffs from Commons and starting over [19:56:18] There’s a crap ton of junk in there [19:56:55] Honestly what’s the point it’s just a waste of volunteer time imo [19:57:00] Essentials = logos used for MH purposes [19:57:12] I’m of the opinion that it really is only needed for MH projects [19:57:20] Local wikis can upload the images locally [19:57:23] Not necesarrily [19:57:38] Some images can't be uploaded to Commons WM [19:57:44] Or for networks like ball media make their own common [19:57:49] Like what [19:57:58] CC-BY-NC [19:58:21] isn't there a ManageWiki setting to add a shared database [19:58:24] Commons WM only allows CC-BY-SA or more free [19:58:42] It’s not the same purpose though [19:58:52] WM Commons is meant to be an image repository [19:58:59] MH Commons has no desire to copy that [19:59:09] It’s really meant for images needed on multiple wikis [20:00:15] Yeah somewhere [20:00:33] [1/2] ah yeah it's in the media tab [20:00:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1238219077970038866/image.png?ex=663e7ce1&is=663d2b61&hm=f2cd386c1dfbb8210206b26e864a9a7f6357c72b070427ee9ce4a556472befda& [20:00:35] I thinks [20:04:55] I can not move the file 😢 [20:05:23] Thank you commons [21:08:17] why not set up a MH commons image repository wiki instead of trying to play nice with wikimedia commons? [21:08:39] if its full of irrelevant junk as brandon says and image conflicts keep happening... [21:09:14] ..pardon? [21:09:22] That’s what commons is [21:10:19] my point is, if trying to set up a mh and wikimedia shared image commons repo is too much hassle then just start over with focus on mh commons [21:10:29] given the above conflict can't be resolved by moving the file... [21:12:10] We ain’t competing with WM commons millions if we had to pick one there is no reason to pick ours [21:12:58] not saying competing, i'm agreeing with brandon that using wm commons is causing issues per above [21:28:56] [1/2] That's not thought through. [21:28:57] [2/2] That would mean that all images on all wiki's that use flags, icons, etc, would suddenly become empty. [21:29:47] I rather use Wikimedia Commons, than Miraheze Commons [21:30:00] I mean don't have to like start from scratch maybe grab a full copy of wm commons and junk unused, turn that into Mh commons [21:30:31] mw commons > mh commons tbh [21:30:32] Absolutely not [21:30:48] mh mostly has images used on meta [21:31:10] but they can be moved to meta itself [21:31:23] or limit mh commons only official mh wikis [21:31:35] my point is, based on above maybe worth consideration [21:31:46] No [21:31:56] Simply No [21:32:21] copying wm commons goes against "no wikimedia forking" policy too [21:32:42] Exactly [21:32:52] and like [21:32:54] it's huge [21:32:57] common man [21:33:11] you end up exactly w/ loads of unused junk [21:33:33] when the point of this whole thing is that we can use something from wm w/o reupload [21:35:21] I rather see that we upload to Commons WIkimedia. Lock Commons Miraheze, for those still using images there. [21:35:55] But new uploads should be going through "request moderation" [21:36:11] We are hosting anything that just copies stuff from Wikimedia commons [21:36:22] That's a stupid idea for many reasons [21:36:50] A note that Moderation doesn't play nicely with files unless upload stash time is quite high [21:36:59] Or it'll get deleted before you can moderate [21:37:15] hmm [21:37:30] I'm not sure if we added it to ManageWiki [21:38:01] my proposal [21:38:06] But Moderation leaves the image in a thing called the upload stash [21:38:15] ok [21:38:26] also hi rhinos 👋 [21:38:29] You need it to not have expired from that before you moderate or you can't approve [21:38:30] and legroom [21:38:33] Hi @brandon.wm [21:38:33] yo [21:38:51] (and ro too of course but I talked to him earlier :p) [21:38:53] it's past midnight and I'm not sure if I wanna sleep but no work tomorrow, yay [21:39:20] as I said before I’d just be in favor of wiping commons [21:39:28] down to the bases, only what’s absolutely necessary stays [21:39:38] Whiping Commons deletes many useful files [21:40:07] which is why this [21:41:23] I assume there's no quick way to check if image is used on wiki (particularly non-mh affiliated ones) [21:41:29] Yes [21:41:32] I think there’s a thing [21:41:35] could be wrong [21:41:38] Every image lists global usage [21:41:44] yeah [21:41:46] you can see on each file page separetly [21:42:01] but can you imagine how long this might take lol [21:42:11] https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Country_calling_codes_map.svg [21:43:07] The file uploaded, is not used. The image I wanted to use from Commons is now replaced by an image, that has not been linked to another page [21:43:29] So the upload is useless, and prevents me to use Commons wikimedia [21:43:50] By the way, it is without any license, source, description or author [21:43:54] have you tried to disable setting tho? [21:43:56] Can it not be moved without a redirect [21:44:10] miraheze and mw are separate settings in Media tab [21:44:11] I can't as I do not have any rights [21:44:43] That would be a problem for wiki's that use both [21:44:50] agree [21:44:53] @reception123, @orduin, MacFan4000: ^ [21:45:13] Now I sleep [21:45:21] I would love to, to help out [21:45:22] good night [21:45:35] we should take a look at how MH project management works as a minor side note [21:46:09] more active contributors should get more ability to do things [21:46:11] Have a good eep [21:46:17] ie. Ro on commons, etc. [21:46:32] You don't need to look at project management [21:46:37] Ro just needs to ask nicely [21:46:53] Where? [21:46:54] I'm pretty sure commons' admin policy is ask someone politely [21:47:01] Or at least it used to be [21:47:02] On Commons? Or on Meta? [21:47:07] On IRC / Discord [21:47:14] Or if commons has a Noticeboard [21:47:25] MacFan4000 is most likely to be around at moment [21:47:29] Now I really sleep [21:47:50] Thanks [21:47:54] Eep well [21:57:54] Added a request on https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/Commons:Administrators%27_noticeboard [23:15:24] anyone know if magic words like {{!}} dont work when rendered by scribunto? [23:21:00] anyways holy shit I absolutely LOVE this template preview extension 🤩 [23:21:13] it makes my lua life 99999 times easier