[02:08:06] Does the template: disambiguation template not come with mediawiki by default or am I fucking things up [02:08:26] Or maybe that's a wikipedia custom thing (?) [02:10:05] there isn't a disambig template but there is the `DISAMBIG` magic word that marks whether pages are disambiguations or not [02:10:29] Gotcha! [02:10:41] actually that might be an extension [02:11:10] ah yeah it's [[mw:Extension:Disambiguator]] mb [02:11:11] [02:12:23] Ah thats why [02:12:28] Might get this extension then! [03:55:00] So I don't know if this is normal but I edited several pages on nexuria.miraheze.org but once I use another browser it almost seemed that everything is unedited. Is it because of bad cache/cookies or is the loading time just low (?) [03:55:21] https://nexuria.miraheze.org [21:27:35] after what felt like an eternity, setup work on my new extension is finally done, sql generation (https://github.com/redbluegreenhat/HitCounters2/commit/d0af6d9626a593511584c83bb40f6899e80b3bfd) and all [21:27:41] finally, I can do actual work [22:32:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal?diff=next&oldid=396916 Can someone have a look? I think it's the same user from https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1237261898521645089 [22:50:27] [1/2] ahh angular is so nice to code in [22:50:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1238624220209090632/Screen_Recording_2024-05-10_at_23.50.07.mov?ex=663ff632&is=663ea4b2&hm=e0c16c5ac073334715706c004a9c3354fd65284bc451424f75c504bb84faa30e& [23:13:00] [1/2] >angular [23:13:01] [2/2] My condolences. (It's better than most things out there so you kinda have to use it) [23:37:42] The SSR is great [23:38:24] i tried React on Rails initially but it was horrid