[01:10:40] /auth [05:01:16] @rhinosf1 if you know, `globalgroupmembership` would allow granting of all global groups, right? [05:01:43] Not just certain ones like `userrights` allows for [05:43:14] Yes [16:57:51] Thank you CentralAuth [17:02:17] @bluemoon0332 it's been a while and I was wondering if there's any progress on the automatic CNAME/NS stuff with RequestSSL? [17:06:02] nothing has changed since then [17:06:17] unfortunately I can't find the motivation to work on RequestSSL anymore [17:07:02] fair enough, it can be quite frustrating [17:07:20] https://github.com/miraheze/RequestSSL/pull/40/files pr is finished basically tho [17:10:27] @reception123 you can deploy that PR if you want @ test151 [17:10:46] all it does right now is post a comment on the request, but it is something [17:14:16] yeah, better than nothing for sure [17:14:39] the NS part is definitely the most frustrating as I've tried to find a way with python myself for a combined number of hours and never could figure it out [23:08:16] [1/2] @Technology Team when someone has as spare moment, I finally knocked out the steward-side of enabling SMW for a few wikis that had been waiting for a while. Need someone with access to run the setup scripts so we can bring their wikis back online: [23:08:16] [2/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12138