[00:00:57] Please don't call me Collei πŸ˜„ [00:01:35] dang [00:02:07] also @cosmicalpha I think the rawElement thing in the code that was flagged for XSS does escape html [00:02:08] ref https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/source/mediawiki/browse/master/includes/Html/Html.php$211 [00:03:24] if so ill tell code rab [00:04:21] rawElement only escapes parameters but rawElement wasn't the source of XSS alert, unescaped username in a default field flagged with raw => true was [00:05:01] Html::element escapes html::rawElement doesn't though [00:08:53] where's the raw => true at? [00:09:20] in the form descriptor [00:10:24] @notaracham so I found the cause of what happened. It wasn't the subdomain causing issue but a very poorly written i18n message for what it actually was. It was because the description was matching something in [00:11:51] Fun [00:23:19] oh i got confused lol the code it was complaining about wasnt even mine it just got reviewed since it was changed when i mass reformatted the code to mediawiki standards with phpstorms codestyle [00:34:58] Oh yeah just do what I did with ImportDump when first creating it I guess: [00:36:19] [1/2] so just? [00:36:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241187581287333987/wqEhyCc.png?ex=66494983&is=6647f803&hm=94ca0702bbcaf40f268ace1731270bbdb08b1d1d2378d8841215e82fce2af96a& [00:37:45] With spaces in parentheses [00:38:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241188093894197319/GDnOL5d.png?ex=664949fd&is=6647f87d&hm=eadce74640321380b13644fba1e95d5594fbb83bdad66bae2377b4d707c7efc3& [00:38:34] https://tenor.com/view/2omb-prayge-gif-24836248 [00:38:57] the savior of my 2 bytes of memory brain i will not rememebr all these formattign rules [00:41:36] πŸ’€ [01:40:31] [1/4] I am a 3/3e/3 tech thread guy [01:40:32] [2/4] a third of me likes reading the tech thread [01:40:32] [3/4] another third sort of understands what I'm reading [01:40:32] [4/4] and the rest of me is clueless and thankful we've got tech folks [01:42:23] im 99/63/error-overflow [03:04:22] :DoneMH: Patched XSS [03:21:54] I learn something every time I read through, even though my technical savvy lies elsewhere. [03:30:02] Awesome thanks [04:09:14] <077AAZVWC> MEOW MEOW MEOW UNREALIRCD SAYS HELLO GIVE US A CALL 1-877-293-1933 [04:11:00] No thanks [04:17:21] wut [04:23:37] 🀷 [08:42:39] @reception123 https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3856 [08:50:05] My bigger concern with the AI is it missed a lot [08:58:52] Hmm, well it can't be perfect [09:05:14] @reception123 merge my PR into yours [09:05:29] Then listen to me and the AI after I check it [09:05:37] It's onto something with parts [09:10:26] Same here πŸ˜„ [09:14:13] Morning @rodejong [09:39:12] Godmorgen allesammen [11:09:35] Done! [11:37:18] @reception123 you want to handle mine and the AI review or? [11:41:17] @reception123 add python-functions on https://github.com/apps/coderabbitai/installations/50839504 [11:41:55] sure [11:42:22] @reception123 ping me when done [11:42:34] it's already enabled on all repos [11:42:55] @reception123 try add it on https://app.coderabbit.ai/settings/repositories [12:08:51] it's already on the list [12:35:08] @ltdk I hate this AI [12:35:17] I am currently having to argue with it [12:36:02] You mean you don’t love discord pvping a robot on GitHub? [12:41:04] @pixldev it is providing some very inaccurate suggestions [12:41:33] Scream at it [12:42:23] I did [12:44:10] @pixldev I just argued with an AI on GitHub [12:45:58] Hell yeah [13:08:47] arguing w/ ai when you could argue w/ real people? smh [13:10:08] GitHub pvp >>>>> discord pvp [13:12:12] @reception123 https://pypi.org/manage/project/miraheze-pyutils/ [13:12:21] I have added rename and delete wiki to it [13:14:03] Hell yeah [13:14:16] [1/2] Also why is this on the bottom of the page [13:14:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241378323385417940/image0.jpg?ex=6649fb27&is=6648a9a7&hm=b446b73be4975c1d81a943091e6ae93cf890cceb393e7f2280383f15a125a14d& [13:21:57] huh [13:22:33] monty python mentioned [13:23:50] try https://pypi.org/project/Miraheze-PyUtils/ @pixldev [13:24:16] :DoneMH: [13:51:26] @pixldev srtupid rate limit [13:55:59] I have to wait 40 minutes for an AI to tell me it now likes my code [14:02:05] AI is expensive [14:33:18] And [14:36:37] And [15:17:26] fuck me phpstorm is un-usable on windows how fucking slock [15:20:01] It works fine for me [15:27:43] @rhinosf1 hows the yelling going [15:48:50] @pixldev it broke [15:48:54] and i'm unsure why [15:49:56] how [15:51:51] @pixldev i fixed it [15:52:01] Cool [17:38:19] @redmin0 to confirm are you still reviewing [[phorge:T12054]] or can i unassign thee [17:38:20] [21:04:20] [1/2] any idea what extension automatically replaces redirect page names in logs with their targets? [21:04:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241496620550586518/image.png?ex=664a6954&is=664917d4&hm=d87471caaaa740e3509366a1a6cfa2a77898a047cc1cecee3db743696e704258& [21:05:50] how so? [21:13:48] the name of the page i created is Gallagher [21:14:25] [1/2] it somehow replaces that with a blue "Steve Gallagher" in recent changes and contributions [21:14:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241499157961773236/image.png?ex=664a6bb1&is=66491a31&hm=1aed37ce099cbaf133907332a2e587feafd311a130291d754f45c903cb13f6b4& [21:15:03] DisplayTitle might be it [21:15:09] plausible [21:15:10] lemme check [21:15:28] I believe that's stupidly named and confusing in its purpose [21:15:53] yep, 'twas it! [21:16:33] I'm yet to meet anyone who turned that extension on and it didn't confuse them first time [21:16:59] i knew it was for replacing titles with their displaytitle names but didn't think it'd follow redirects lol [21:17:08] It's not [21:17:25] The display title extension has nothing to do with the magic word [21:17:36] ew [21:17:46] Which can be configured somewhere in Special:ManageWiki/settings [21:18:08] Yes I agree [21:18:43] The extension should at least be named DisplayTitleV5 if we want to follow a pattern of stupid extension names [21:26:05] lmao [21:32:32] Dang [21:32:55] LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL [21:33:22] Womp fucking womp [22:07:23] anyways how long do failed import requests usually get resolved? lol [22:11:33] Depends on the few volunteers. [22:13:02] They are swamped [22:52:44] I attempted a re-run that failed again, so best route would likely be to file a ticket on issue-tracker if you have not already done so. [23:13:04] well, good luck! take your time and thanks! [23:40:35] [1/2] Can someone help out? [23:40:35] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1241521828929863691 [23:41:00] This user is unable to get their Audioplayer to work [23:48:40] I have no knowledge about this