[00:01:16] timedmediahandler is the way to go [00:26:34] ^ [01:40:38] never thought I'd see this, a Wikimedia Steward opening a phorge task [01:41:26] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12145 [01:44:14] [1/2] editing arrays has never been as good 😛 [01:44:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241567057296883793/image.png?ex=664aaaed&is=6649596d&hm=6630aca6cd8574c87f8a40c6b7e5436a90c536b7514caf3201cf46fd65150af0& [01:44:48] 😭 [01:44:50] gimi [01:45:23] its https://github.com/josdejong/jsoneditor if you're interested in using it. [01:45:40] oh i forgot you're doing a json theme designer aren't you [01:46:56] [1/13] well if you ever want to do it what I basically did is: [01:46:57] [2/13] ```php [01:46:57] [3/13] $formDescriptor[$sid] = [ [01:46:57] [4/13] 'section' => $section, [01:46:57] [5/13] 'label' => $settingKey, [01:46:58] [6/13] 'type' => 'text', [01:46:58] [7/13] 'default' => $value, [01:46:58] [8/13] 'help' => $example, [01:46:59] [9/13] 'readonly' => true, [01:46:59] [10/13] 'cssclass' => 'wikibuilder-settings-array', [01:46:59] [11/13] ]; [01:47:00] [12/13] ``` [01:47:00] [13/13] which will give you an input box, but as soon as the javascript loads the input box will be replaced with the json editor, which will also keep the input box up to date with whatever you put in it, so that when the form is submitted the array/json is still in there. [01:50:22] so did i [01:50:38] anyway if you ever need I can share the js with you [01:54:03] [1/2] also I never realised how handy this debug toolbar is: [01:54:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241569529373655181/image.png?ex=664aad3b&is=66495bbb&hm=eb3da0b211c0d0bb0dce8709e676898c4033cfbd201e37590298d3a3052ef6ab& [01:54:09] someone pick a small simple task from https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/tag/pixdevl/ for me to try and tackle tmr ra [01:54:23] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T10674 [01:54:23] yes please and thank you [01:54:40] this is prolly 5 min job https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12137 [01:54:55] I SAID SMALL SIMPLE WHY DO YOU PICK THE SPECIAL PAGE ON WHEN I LITTERALLY CANT TEST MY OWN CODE [01:55:05] true [01:55:06] bro [01:55:07] honestly [01:55:10] could try now [01:55:12] you gotta sort this dev environment [01:55:37] naaaaaaaaaaaaah [01:55:38] Do you use docker? [01:55:42] yes [01:55:54] if you remind me tomorrow, I will sort a docker out for create wiki and managewiki [01:56:12] https://tenor.com/view/2omb-prayge-gif-24836248 [01:56:28] i summon my assistant [01:56:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241570227217760346/JSLhm56.png?ex=664aade1&is=66495c61&hm=0a19bf0e5d06e2f1907fc02b5b7200de70bbdfe395cc765fc9ad372c1261d159& [01:56:51] hmmm last time I checked im the one in green [01:56:59] oh [01:57:07] i thought you meant I was your assistant [01:57:09] crying bye [01:57:13] no [01:57:18] your better then an assitant [01:57:26] i've never seen this remind me stuff before [01:57:29] how do you do it [01:57:34] your a collueage [01:57:36] oh its literally /remindme [01:57:48] spelling never heard of her [02:00:00] wait [02:00:29] [1/2] @originalauthority are these meant to use the '+examplewiki' lable to append? [02:00:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241571148530061373/RSShZ4l.png?ex=664aaebd&is=66495d3d&hm=0754dd6688b3637e6db2e1970aef150643f64e58278bd7c5cd95bf67dfb200e5& [02:00:59] ideally, they should, but since they all have NS_MAIN it doesn't make a difference [02:01:05] eh [02:01:10] any issue if i change? [02:01:24] I would think not [02:01:30] prolly remove ns_main from them too [02:01:36] except the default ofc [02:01:51] alphabetical ja? [02:01:55] si [02:02:01] gpcommonswiki [02:02:07] GAMEPEDIA? [02:02:30] huh [02:02:47] [1/2] that good? [02:02:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241571727318974504/ym0KRdR.png?ex=664aaf47&is=66495dc7&hm=d488b5e5a7e141d2ca3ec17c93313bb0f230b2b64de741c95b415bd704a20ce7& [02:02:56] lgtm [02:03:01] i love gh codespaces i didn't even need to leave my browser [02:03:19] IF ONLY GITHUB WASNT BLOCKED ON MY DAMN SCHOOL LAPTOP [02:03:44] it may need refresh images.php also could you handle that? [02:04:07] yer if you bump me the wiki name now I'll merge and run [02:04:52] oh i can see the db name there [02:09:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241573311323050085/davEa32.png?ex=664ab0c0&is=66495f40&hm=2f0eaa6a32589a1f23f041034cd24607ee12cad8560556f6ac740b9467d336e4& [02:09:27] lets see what coderabbit says lol [02:11:47] I think the reviews got turned off [02:12:07] nop [02:12:08] oh actually it didn't think worthy enough to even comment [02:12:10] it went ahead [02:12:16] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5564 [02:12:20] it put them in `Additional comments not posted` [02:12:39] [1/7] aaaand the poem is [02:12:40] [2/7] > Namespaces dance in wikis wide, [02:12:40] [3/7] > With numbers new, they now abide. [02:12:40] [4/7] > Gianna, GP, VG too, [02:12:41] [5/7] > A space for each, a world anew. [02:12:41] [6/7] > Hopping through the code we go, [02:12:41] [7/7] > In wikis' fields, our changes show. [02:15:09] [1/10] ``` [02:15:09] [2/10] Processing image... [02:15:09] [3/10] 2024-05-19 02:14:20: 25.32% done on image; ETA 2024-05-19 02:14:21 [100/395] 1201.72/sec <0.00% updated> [02:15:10] [4/10] 2024-05-19 02:14:20: 50.63% done on image; ETA 2024-05-19 02:14:21 [200/395] 2138.24/sec <0.00% updated> [02:15:10] [5/10] 2024-05-19 02:14:20: 75.95% done on image; ETA 2024-05-19 02:14:21 [300/395] 3015.71/sec <0.00% updated> [02:15:10] [6/10] Finished image... 0 of 395 rows updated [02:15:10] [7/10] Processing oldimage... [02:15:11] [8/10] Finished oldimage... 0 of 5 rows updated [02:15:11] [9/10] ``` [02:15:11] [10/10] Ran it but it didn't do much heh [02:15:36] anyway gn [02:15:41] night [02:15:46] hope the bed bugs bite! [02:15:49] ill close the task [02:15:50] yall not me! [02:15:58] nicest british person [02:16:09] tell them to let us know if it didn't work and it can be ran again [02:16:13] still a paragon compared to the new yorkers up north [02:17:08] (im a jersite) [02:19:23] well that twas fun [02:22:33] may try https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12077 tmr we'll see [09:06:54] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1241674818345107498 anyone know how to fix that? [09:07:09] I don't think it should be redirecting to the discord server in the static domain [09:07:17] and any text after it counting towards the redirct [09:31:10] ^ was a fun bug [10:56:56] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12141 awaits an answer for a few days (gif display issues) [12:03:32] What would be the requirements to be system administrator? [12:04:07] I would like to offer my help in this area [12:16:24] to become a mediawiki specialist(goofy ah new name) you'd need to sign an NDA, I'd recommend DMing @cosmicalpha for more info :) [12:21:06] What's your experience ? [12:21:46] In what way? [12:22:36] What things have you done so far? What do you want to learn? [12:29:57] We would expect tech team to have a somewhat decent understanding of PHP and how our tech such as CreateWiki/ManageWiki works -- judging by your recent discussions in this channel that is lacking. [12:52:56] yo @koreirose mr fandom porter, how would one port over https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/LastEdited you think [12:54:40] Then you could easily have helped with my problems? [12:55:51] Huh [12:57:14] OA already explained why he don't help people with local managewiki, and I we have no obligation to [12:58:08] did you run this before or after pupet ran [13:11:27] ello gummiel [13:11:32] did it explode [13:13:36] [1/2] Well since it was in regard to my ticket, I would say, that while the page images, didn't initially were shown on the existing pages on the namespace, doing a null edit, made them show at least. And the namespace have some 20-25ish pages only currently, so I just went and did that on all the pages(using auto-wiki browser, so took very little time), and everything [13:13:36] [2/2] works after that at least. No idea if that is basically doing manually what that script is supposed to, or if that is just how things should work, but rehardless yeah everything seems fine after that [13:16:28] Got it, I think what happened is like what I said above, OA merged my PR and immediately ran the refresh script before puppet actually applied the config changes to the servers [13:16:39] So it ran on the old config [13:20:22] So what I did was basically doing the manual labour version of the script then is what you are saying? But again was no big deal for me, already had autowikibrowser setup from a prior thing, and pagecount so low it was like a few minutes at most to do it [13:22:54] Seems to be [13:50:03] oh yeah it ran before! [13:50:08] it was 3am don't judge [13:51:05] Notwithstanding the reasons I already said why I wouldn't help with your issue, this really sets in stone the fact that you should not be part of the tech team. [14:03:48] Can we consider constructive comments [14:06:13] my comment was constructive, thanks. [14:07:16] "this really sets in stone the fact that you should not be part of the tech team" is not constructive [14:07:28] its an observation. [14:14:24] he can learn tho? [14:15:22] correct, I was saying right at this moment. [14:54:00] Why? What does that have to do with it? I also want to do something bigger than just managing Discord servers with less than 300 users (including the team, bots and me)! [14:58:15] Well if it's determined you don't have the current skills to be effective, all you would do is cause problems for tech team to fix which is counterproductive and a drain on current folks. [15:01:45] [1/2] Is there a Wikipedia gadget? Looking at the code, there's a dependency of dev.modal which implies a heavy reliance on fandom specific [15:01:45] [2/2] Please review this user code before use: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Opencooper/lastEdit.js [15:02:40] I think there's somewhat of a misunderstanding here. While I do agree that without some more knowledge joining the Tech team wouldn't make sense, that doesn't mean that one can't help out where they can and learn and ask questions so that they can eventually be considered for the tech team. [15:04:27] long story short the way to get a foot in the door is usefully supporting sre in community available ways, pixel is a good example and guide on this, leading into deeper sre involvement which you can't really get without proactive self-driven learning since everyone who is sre is pretty much full time on doing that [15:05:08] [1/2] Indeed. [15:05:08] [2/2] PS: 'sre' no longer exists! (and if we want to go 1984, it never did!) [15:05:22] sysadmin without significant experience to your name is simply not something people can step into out of the blue and for that to be a good idea [15:05:35] I've hated saying sre since the start and now I can't stop, I just can't win [15:05:38] Does the current team have the time to answer questions that may seem trivial or simple? Answering complex would amount to repeating back what was taught [15:06:01] I'm glad that I never have to say it again! saying 'tech' feels much nicer [15:06:08] the current team is heavily backlogged on outstanding requests like that one here https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1235376531715657878 [15:06:21] if they're going to focus on anything it needs to be support or pointing people to the tools to learn proactively [15:06:24] Then the answer is no [15:06:30] I wouldn't say the answer is no, no [15:06:44] I'd say that questions are welcome but obviously not if they're excessive and if it's something that you can find out from reading docs, etc. [15:06:46] I wouldn't give a more affirmative answer than 'don't count on it' tbh [15:07:09] answers come when they can but otherwise it's a full plate [15:07:15] But asking questions about MW is different than investigating a task like Raidarr mentioned that is difficult to figure out [15:07:24] (for the record I did look into it at some point but wasn't able to fix) [15:07:26] You're free to ask, just don't count on answers 😄 [15:07:31] That seems to basically match what OA said, don't have time for it [15:07:41] oa just had a bit of an abrupt way to put it out ye [15:07:50] If you ask me personally, I've got time for questions as long as they're not above my paygrade [15:08:15] That's the same for me then 😄 [15:08:22] I don't think it's right to characterize tech as a place where people don't answer questions from people that want to learn [15:08:57] I'm not aware of instances where someone who is willing to learn more has asked me questions and I've not answered (unless they're very CIR, excessive or bad faith that is) [15:09:51] I didn't mean it like that. I meant, that these guys are swamped [15:10:11] So they have to pick the their cases [15:10:26] That was directed to @m3w who said "the answer is no", which I don't think is right [15:10:36] Ah, okay [15:10:40] sorry [15:10:53] Idk if pix is around, I would encourage quit trying to migrate further items out of fandom dev unless no existing alternative exist without first checking on Google [15:11:12] @pixldev ? Are you around? [15:11:13] But as I said the fact that difficult tasks take a long time to get resolved doesn't mean that Tech don't have time to answer questions which tend to be much easier than spending time investigating complex bugs [15:11:16] I inferred the no based on raidarr answer [15:11:38] folks like reception have a soft spot and can't help but get in and answer as best as possible tbh [15:12:14] realistically speaking for how many sre there are and how much there is, I would discourage sapping from that limited resource as far as possible except for direct, educated questions atop strong personal research if you're interested in proper sysadmin or whatnot [15:12:23] Aww Big Softy Reception 😄 [15:12:23] I wouldn't say I'm alone. After all if no one answered my questions I wouldn't now be able to answer others [15:12:30] just saying, there's not even that many questions in the first place! [15:13:09] and any sre generally is open to help especially for general/low level Q's, it's just that going into the weeds to try and get someone up to speed on php or something is a line I would draw [15:13:14] I think the thing is that people in tech are much more willing to answer questions than investigate bugs that are very difficult to figure out. So I don't think answering questions is taking away the time that they would've otherwise used to investigate a bug for example [15:13:47] Oh yeah, I mean if someone wants to learn PHP they do need to do their own research [15:13:48] Tech* 🤣 [15:13:48] People might be more willing if backlog was reduced significantly [15:13:58] there I go again, ye [15:14:24] Can't we add it to the forbidden words @raidarr ? 😄 [15:14:37] auto warn raidarr specifically for saying sre [15:14:56] 5 minutes blocks 😄 [15:15:01] There's also a motivation factor that can't be ignored. Unfortunately the reality is that some tasks are just not fun to work on at all and it's very hard to find the motivation to work on them [15:22:09] for the slots case that's not it, it's just that I'm really not sure what to do to fix it as I've done what usually tends to work [15:58:48] Hey that’s me [15:58:55] Yes? [16:08:21] I'll try later [16:08:39] I kinda wanna try myself but if you wanna sure [16:08:53] See ping reply [16:09:08] Already found alternative from Wikipedia [16:09:21] I'm quite disappointed by some of the comments in here [16:10:14] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1006789349498699827/1241770061962674298 [16:10:23] Guh [16:10:45] Oh got it [16:10:46] Thanks [16:10:50] 😉 [16:10:59] I've tried in past for the modal, found code but doesn't function [16:11:11] @originalauthority dyno reminded me [16:11:45] The tech team should try to help people who want to learn and be useful. Yes, we're time limited but that's why we should. If we never help anyone learn, we'll always struggle. [16:12:03] And people like @pixldev have been a brilliant addition [16:13:20] You flatter me lol [16:20:11] [1/2] The main priority is maintain uptime and the overall production servers, any tech assistance/support comes second. If there is an added expectation, you may risk losing existing members. [16:20:12] [2/2] There is an unofficial mediawiki server as well as other resources for learning to be a sysadmin or develop skins/extensions [16:21:12] As rhinos said there’s a balance, if no one from tech ever gave me a hand, I almost certainly would not be doing the stuff I do to help them [16:21:52] Yes, a balance exists but trying to perhaps indirectly scold for refusing is also non constructive [16:22:48] I'm on the tech team [16:23:34] Aware [16:24:17] Simply pointing out that yelling at other tech members refusing to lend a hand as you expect isn't very constructive either [16:24:53] Where did you see yelling in that message [16:25:59] Not above, however getting into a fight earlier because someone didn't want to assist really wasn't useful [16:27:02] We should be polite to all users even if we refuse [17:56:46] [1/2] unless i'm mistaken the user in question was initially told "no" then continued to hassle instead of asking someone else, that in itself can be considered actions that rise to harassment [17:56:46] [2/2] unless being no, does not mean "no" [19:47:25] @koreirose I believe our new AI has taken some drugs [19:47:39] where lol [19:47:45] oh [19:47:52] actually thats just me pasting in the wrong place [19:48:12] nvm its not [19:48:26] Oh I see [19:48:53] [1/2] The AI probably saw the diff (that confused me too) that gives the impression that I pasted into gpcommonswiki instead of genshinimpactwiki [19:48:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241840021108031529/image.png?ex=664ba925&is=664a57a5&hm=c0971945738b5c8fcbcd9db3f0a91cd5173e1e0be369d4dcec69c12696ecc0ee& [19:49:33] The AI is dumb [19:49:44] It's making a blatantly incorrect suggestion [19:49:56] Yeah you have to manually verify its suggestions [19:49:58] Sometimes it's useful though [19:51:02] It's still bloody wrong [19:51:22] Yea ik [19:54:01] I'm gonna throw it off a cliff [20:08:15] [1/2] Any idea what to do about this? [20:08:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241844893228204145/image.png?ex=664badae&is=664a5c2e&hm=a30d14c8f8c676cf321db467eb16d3c553b10c3f365415e21454b1b096a1da86& [20:08:47] That error means exactly what it says [20:08:53] No database selected [20:09:00] Add --wiki wikidb [20:09:04] Oh I see [20:09:08] I didn't know how to select a database [20:09:09] Thx [20:09:23] [1/2] I added that but have the same error [20:09:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241845179271483453/image.png?ex=664badf3&is=664a5c73&hm=375ea2367dfe3fe82dc72d98cb701b9e6f80e386e07789331488fa017ab0c026& [20:09:58] Have you set $wgCreateWikiDatabaseName or whatever it is [20:10:51] Oh probably not [20:13:44] [1/4] I set `$wgCreateWikiDatabase = "wikidb";` after checking the CreateWiki extension.json but now it says that the wikidb database can't be found but it definitely does exist [20:13:44] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241846272101453834/image.png?ex=664baef7&is=664a5d77&hm=1dfb598964193e583be2f935c4a2603a9d2d284431bd2603f239f8ec42c6c4a8& [20:13:44] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241846272479068160/image.png?ex=664baef7&is=664a5d77&hm=847a935ca835bab0c02290badbf74d1fecaf8e7e60b624311cb450b119a1c5a3& [20:13:45] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241846272764153987/image.png?ex=664baef7&is=664a5d77&hm=8314ecabc3de9d5452a17c0632bf83ac013310eebd47c1abf04dca817da9dd9e& [20:15:12] [1/2] chatgpt has already offered limited access to version 4 for free [20:15:13] [2/2] https://www.cnbc.com/2024/05/17/openai-superalignment-sutskever-leike.html [20:15:38] That's weird [20:15:47] Yea [20:16:02] I got the notice a few days ago that I got access, don't want it because folks say its less effective than 3.5 [20:16:44] Have been using it indeed. But it's slow now due to everyone wanting to try ChatGPT 😄 [20:17:47] [1/2] try wiping the existing database, recreate, run update.php in that order. see if that resolves the issue [20:17:48] [2/2] _this is basic troubleshooting, I have no insight if this will resolve_ [20:18:51] make sure you have backup of the database in need, we never know [20:19:14] collei's trying to get createwiki and managewiki set up, highly doubt there's anything useful at the moment [20:19:46] Yeah it's just my local testing wiki [20:20:33] Doubt that would fix it because recreating the database 1) is kind of difficult because I'd have to go through the MediaWiki installer again and 2) the database already exists so it wouldn't really solve the problem [20:20:34] Okay [20:20:34] once you do get it working, generate a database dump so that you just overwrite for a fresh slate [20:20:56] oh not using command line? [20:21:12] not using command line because I am not very smart [20:21:15] oh I might know what to do [20:21:16] what if you just truncate every database table [20:21:32] that's the same as a fresh database [20:23:04] [1/37] Yeah it's just that [20:23:05] [2/37] ```php [20:23:05] [3/37] function insertWiki( MediaWikiServices $services ) { [20:23:05] [4/37] wfLoadConfiguration(); [20:23:05] [5/37] try { [20:23:06] [6/37] if ( getenv( 'WIKI_CREATION_SQL_EXECUTED' ) ) { [20:23:06] [7/37] return; [20:23:06] [8/37] } [20:23:07] [9/37] $db = wfInitDBConnection(); [20:23:07] [10/37] $db->selectDomain( 'wikidb' ); [20:23:07] [11/37] $db->newInsertQueryBuilder() [20:23:08] [12/37] ->insertInto( 'cw_wikis' ) [20:23:08] [13/37] ->ignore() [20:23:09] [14/37] ->row( [ [20:23:09] [15/37] 'wiki_dbname' => 'wikidb', [20:23:10] [16/37] 'wiki_dbcluster' => 'c1', [20:23:10] [17/37] 'wiki_sitename' => 'TestWiki', [20:23:11] [18/37] 'wiki_language' => 'en', [20:23:11] [19/37] 'wiki_private' => (int)0, [20:23:12] [20/37] 'wiki_creation' => $db->timestamp(), [20:23:12] [21/37] 'wiki_category' => 'uncategorised', [20:23:13] [22/37] 'wiki_closed' => (int)0, [20:23:13] [23/37] 'wiki_deleted' => (int)0, [20:23:14] [24/37] 'wiki_locked' => (int)0, [20:23:14] [25/37] 'wiki_inactive' => (int)0, [20:23:15] [26/37] 'wiki_inactive_exempt' => (int)0, [20:23:15] [27/37] 'wiki_url' => '', [20:23:16] [28/37] ] ) [20:23:16] [29/37] ->caller( METHOD ) [20:23:17] [30/37] ->execute(); [20:23:17] [31/37] putenv( 'WIKI_CREATION_SQL_EXECUTED=true' ); [20:23:18] [32/37] } catch ( DBQueryError $e ) { [20:23:18] [33/37] return; [20:23:19] [34/37] } [20:23:19] [35/37] } [20:23:20] [36/37] ``` [20:23:20] [37/37] this didn't really run [20:23:21] but I know what to do [20:25:14] [1/2] fixed by manually inserting the database row [20:25:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241849167614312599/image.png?ex=664bb1aa&is=664a602a&hm=98aa54afdf922bc5749f2ced3e23f0a81fa8db32ad3eaeacf1ba9883957d6876& [20:26:05] suppose that's one way, generate a database dump so you can just reimport as quick overwrite during any dev work [20:26:26] that way, you won't have to figure this out again [20:26:38] would advise documenting all you have done for your own records [20:27:06] yeah I will [20:32:36] o h ? [20:32:47] Wooo boy [20:32:54] good luck collei 🫡 [20:33:01] I have it running now [20:33:03] really hacky setup [20:33:19] I'll create a gh repo with a copy of all the code I have and a db dump so that people can use it [20:33:23] ill be sitting back waiting for the launch of @originalauthority’s CW docker image lol [20:33:47] or steal that 😈 [20:44:33] Read its reply on Collei's thing [20:45:06] @koreirose oh ye I forgot that, that should be in the guide. The first wiki has to be manually inserted into cw_wikis. There is a catch 22 [20:45:15] makes senese [20:47:43] How do I find the namespace of an OutputPage? [20:48:04] Context: Adding noindex to certain namespaces automatically, attempting to do this with onBeforePageDisplay [20:50:28] Hm, check the docs for the Output page class and look in the function list [20:50:34] figured it out [20:50:43] its in the class that outputpage implements but not outputpage itself [20:50:50] `$out->getTitle()->getNamespace()` [21:12:16] I'm going to sleep rather than argue with a gpt based idiot [21:12:42] It's artificial stupidity not intelligence [21:15:08] Yeah [21:15:13] Also why does it keep giving a poem? [21:15:17] That [21:15:22] That's so pointless [21:26:00] it’s a configurablensettinf [21:26:06] ah [21:35:41] [1/20] `Declaration of Miraheze\MirahezeMagic\Hooks::onBeforePageDisplay($out, $skin) must be compatible with MediaWiki\Hook\BeforePageDisplayHook::onBeforePageDisplay($out, $skin): void in /var/www/html/extensions/MirahezeMagic/includes/Hooks.php on line 151` [21:35:41] [2/20] Any idea how to solve this error? My function is: [21:35:41] [3/20] ```php [21:35:42] [4/20] public function onBeforePageDisplay( $out, $skin ) { [21:35:42] [5/20] $noIndexNamespaces = [ [21:35:42] [6/20] -1, // Special [21:35:43] [7/20] 15, // Category talk [21:35:43] [8/20] 8, // MediaWiki [21:35:43] [9/20] 9, // MediaWiki talk [21:35:43] [10/20] 2, // User [21:35:44] [11/20] 3 // User talk [21:35:44] [12/20] ]; [21:35:45] [13/20] if ( self::isPageInBlacklist( $out->getRequest()->getValues() ) || [21:35:45] [14/20] in_array( $out->getTitle()->getNamespace(), $noIndexNamespaces ) [21:35:46] [15/20] ) { [21:35:46] [16/20] $out->setRobotPolicy( 'noindex,nofollow' ); [21:35:47] [17/20] } [21:35:47] [18/20] } [21:35:48] [19/20] ``` [21:35:48] [20/20] With another function I fixed this error by removing the LinkRenderer and LinkTarget types from the parameters but here removing the types had no effect [21:36:30] I do have `use MediaWiki\Output\OutputPage` and that doesn't fix it either [21:45:26] Oh I figured it out I think [21:45:31] I added ` : void` [22:21:14] [1/7] Would it be okay to make a PR to add this to the Miraheze robots.txt? [22:21:14] [2/7] ```yml [22:21:14] [3/7] # See https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/12/no-robotstxt-how-ask-chatgpt-and-google-bard-not-use-your-website-training [22:21:15] [4/7] User-agent: GPTBot [22:21:15] [5/7] User-agent: Google-Extended [22:21:15] [6/7] Disallow: / [22:21:16] [7/7] ``` [22:22:30] @cosmicalpha @reception123 since this makes sense to be a (D)DTECH thing [22:22:47] I feel like blocking LLMs from training on the site would be a good idea [22:23:17] I'm not anti-AI but I feel like it could cause a performance dip for them to index most of the site and also some wiki editors might not like AI training on their work [22:23:49] [1/11] I would also like to add this: [22:23:49] [2/11] ```yml [22:23:49] [3/11] # Block PiplBot, which is for a people search engine [22:23:49] [4/11] # See https://pipl.com/bot [22:23:50] [5/11] User-agent: PiplBot [22:23:50] [6/11] Disallow: / [22:23:50] [7/11] # Something to do with advertising [22:23:51] [8/11] User-agent: AdsBot-Google [22:23:51] [9/11] User-agent: Mediapartners-Google [22:23:51] [10/11] Disallow: / [22:23:52] [11/11] ``` [22:23:58] unless there's a significant performance hit to the trainers (which I have heard of) it sounds like a matter that's best per wiki to opt if possible [22:24:25] I don't know if it's possible to implement per-wiki robots.txt [22:24:29] If there is it should be done though [22:27:59] Personally I’d rather opt In instead of having to go out of your way to opt out [22:28:05] Maybe if possible add it CW [22:30:23] ^ [22:30:30] yea I would like to do this as well [22:31:24] [1/2] AI is the future /s [22:31:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1241880920391159869/image.png?ex=664bcf3c&is=664a7dbc&hm=5f37cd4e61bef8c5f1113664c04c78407036818ea4704d1c97f1f389a6c29a12& [22:31:59] If you want to look into how a per subdomain roboxs.txt could be implemented that would be ballin [22:32:12] Yea I will soon [22:32:25] Idk how soon actually because that sounds like it'd take some time but it could probably be done [22:32:39] who added the ❌ [22:32:44] Me [22:32:48] lmao [22:32:49] that was a misclick [22:32:50] ok [22:32:55] meant to open the emoji menu [22:33:02] honesty [22:35:35] you can already do that by eidting MediaWiki:Robots I think [22:35:43] also docker is started but I didn't get to finish it [22:35:48] it was sunneh [22:36:21] tried that earlier and it didnt work for me [22:36:24] but will try again soon [22:36:48] but most people do not know that exists or that it can be used to opt out of AI [22:40:01] It takes some time before it starts working due to caching IIRC. [22:40:05] ah [22:48:31] @pixldev https://github.com/colleirose/html [22:52:25] K [23:19:43] Could probably erase all non essential extensions if this is just for createwiki and managewiki [23:20:47] Great Job! [23:24:46] eh wanna make sure extensions work in managew