[03:27:30] why am I being redirected to https://meta-miraheze-org.webpkgcache.com/doc/-/s/meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Meta when clicking any link in google for miraheze [04:16:14] me at midnight trying to figure out whats listening to the port so i can have a fucking reverse proxy for my web ide so i can work on my laptop [04:16:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1266972465582706828/pN1ENmX.png?ex=66a7178f&is=66a5c60f&hm=b9521115d94dde2d88880718224e2b40e0e51b4a525d6590f1834cc7b940575a& [04:16:37] why not use a different port [04:17:01] pixldev: ss -ltnp [04:17:33] huh [04:17:37] send-q is pid? [04:17:42] no [04:17:49] there should be stuff in the Process column [04:17:58] might need to be root to see processes that are not from the invoking user [04:18:45] forgot the sudo [04:18:52] ...uh- [04:18:58] to be fair i didn't tell you to escalate as root at first [04:19:19] its docker proxy [04:19:20] welp [04:19:28] time to murder all other containers [04:19:39] https://tenor.com/view/stressed-pony-my-little-pony-death-buried-gif-16383825 [04:19:52] docker ps should also show you the ports [04:21:34] im so confused rn. the code server container is forwarding 8080->8080, but whats listening to it thats causing caddy to complain [04:21:44] _sobs in system admin_ [04:22:02] heh? [04:22:10] exactly [04:22:23] at least you have some foxlore to consume for determination [04:22:32] 🫡 [04:22:47] https://tenor.com/view/giving-food-viralhog-feeding-a-fox-fox-feeding-gif-26563637 [04:22:48] no other containers? [04:22:49] [1/2] for context for claire [04:22:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1266974116926193734/wGBJ4ky.png?ex=66a71918&is=66a5c798&hm=6347e5320633dc24486ae654fcca398192cac108fd5ccb795a373fef95d496ab& [04:23:00] i have that album downloaded too [04:23:06] i dont have premium [04:23:11] curses on top thou [04:23:20] yep, that's how i got introduced [04:23:23] my brain thought of ncurses [04:23:30] good fo you [04:23:44] do i want to know why i have adb running on my server [04:24:02] [1/2] i just hoard and play them in foobar lol [04:24:03] [2/2] y'know streaming something 20+ times consumes more energy than producing a CD [04:24:30] adb? [04:24:35] android debug bridge [04:24:36] android debug bridge [04:24:39] jinx [04:25:22] playing straight crane wives rn [04:25:55] is the first port in a 8080:8080 pair thing the port in the container or the port exposed to the rest of the computer [04:25:57] what happens when you kill the docker-proxy process [04:25:58] if that makes sense [04:26:05] bad things prob [04:26:20] considering im trying to proxy a service in docker to the web [04:26:22] only one way to find out [04:26:24] may cause more headahces [04:26:27] so id rather avod [04:26:36] i wanna try changing the internal ports [04:26:46] > [28/07/2024 14:25] is the first port in a 8080:8080 pair thing the port in the container or the port exposed to the rest of the computer [04:26:48] what context [04:27:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1266975242677518376/FJ0qPC5.png?ex=66a71a25&is=66a5c8a5&hm=07ca53ccc1bf76e7cc0112dcb5e8b1ad18d975567e3354577fd20de3707a2599& [04:28:05] -p, --publish ip:[hostPort]:containerPort | [hostPort:]containerPort from docs [04:28:34] so external and container [04:28:37] ye [04:29:09] i did a dumb and changed both [04:29:11] kill the container [04:29:21] stab the container to death [04:30:09] WHAT DO YOU MEAN 8181 IS ALREADY USED [04:30:48] that emotion when you want to punt your computer 💕 [04:31:07] sounds like you take it to bed tbh [04:31:31] the only thing im taking to bed is a pipe bomb [04:31:45] noooo you still have so much to live foooor!1!! [04:31:52] does the classic shell fork bomb count as a pipe bomb? [04:31:55] think about your totally-non-computer family and friends [04:32:05] for legal reasons this is a joke [04:32:06] lol [04:32:36] so curling the on thw vps works [04:32:41] i see a redirect to /login [04:33:08] claire [04:33:10] me: https://cdn.transfem.social/files/86e73a64-cd9f-4fe5-aeea-88bca1dd7d5d.png [04:33:12] good news [04:33:14] we doing your idea [04:33:35] yay [04:33:54] your idea failed somehow [04:34:03] now its complaining about port 80 [04:34:03] wat [04:34:21] nginx [04:34:22] kys [04:35:01] if i want to run nginx as a regular user, i had to use proot to mock /run (iirc) [04:35:14] each time i kill nginx it comes back [04:35:27] uh [04:35:36] can't you turn nginx into a reverse proxy? [04:35:49] you think i would have done that before [04:35:55] but im both stupid [04:35:57] and tired [04:36:05] i just got back from a week in the woods [04:36:09] oh okay [04:36:12] what is spawning nginx? [04:36:39] my panel i installed prob [04:36:49] uh, what panel? [04:36:59] aapanel [04:37:09] which now yeets a 404 error [04:37:10] okay! [04:37:13] fuck caddy [04:37:17] lets try nginx [04:37:35] huh, i forgot that control panels exist [04:37:50] caddy errored and failed to turn off [04:38:02] how does caddy fail to exit [04:38:08] mainly because its already dead [04:38:14] in case of intolerance, SIGKILL [04:38:26] [1/2] `2024/07/28 04:37:30.968 WARN failed using API to stop instance {"error": "performing request: Post \"http://localhost:2019/stop\": dial tcp connect: connection refused"} [04:38:27] [2/2] Error: performing request: Post "http://localhost:2019/stop": dial tcp connect: connection refused` [04:38:28] nah [04:38:31] its just already off [04:38:39] so the stop command isnt heard [04:38:43] oh [04:39:42] crane wives help me [04:39:59] i spent a week with my scout troop and survived i can do this [04:40:08] > [28/07/2024 14:25] playing straight crane wives rn [04:40:13] smh heteronormativity /j [04:41:15] im not homophobic im far too tired for that [04:41:28] yeah i'm joking [04:41:32] and lmao "im far too tired for that" [04:41:40] [1/2] im sobbing [04:41:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1266978863108329596/xrOy3ux.png?ex=66a71d84&is=66a5cc04&hm=5bf8ec003ef264360f77172b880c1469cb01d123a190670e7718c47f42f0b280& [04:42:16] oof, uh good luck? [04:42:49] im going to commit numerous warcrimes and be wanted in numerous countries [04:43:14] in more sane news [04:43:16] claire [04:43:21] hm? [04:43:27] do you wanna see some photos i took [04:43:31] sure [04:43:39] > and be wanted in numerous countries [04:43:49] trans people: look at what they need to mimick a fraction of our power [04:45:00] okay thats funny [04:45:20] i have a comic strip for this, but no one made transcripts for it [04:45:25] this is why we need a starboard or bash for miraheze despite what them mops are saying [04:45:34] therefore, i am going to download the entirety of the comic just so i can skim it [04:46:27] starboard no [04:46:27] bash [04:46:29] yes please [04:46:53] starboard is more discord but less navigatable ig [04:47:18] people can archive all our shitposts [04:47:22] i'd appreciate that [04:47:46] claire did my irc msg work or did i stroke on it [04:47:50] yeah i saw [04:48:16] i also now know your location at that point in time [04:48:37] ssshhh [04:48:55] :) [05:21:45] > [28/07/2024 14:45] therefore, i am going to download the entirety of the comic just so i can skim it [05:21:49] i could not find it :( [13:57:17] aaaaaaaaand the award for most useless error log goes to [13:57:22] [1/2] NGINX! [13:57:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267118706748817519/lLYUdEr.png?ex=66a79fc1&is=66a64e41&hm=6a805df80046a07bd7fabd7ef5d866c170c2fe6e04600dcf93f418a5daa5ba94& [14:00:13] is something else already using port 80? Apache is the usual suspect. [14:01:27] not sure, grafana prometheus and the panel all use their own ports [14:02:00] you can do `netstat -tulpn | grep :80` to check [14:02:10] huh [14:02:19] or `ss -tulpn | grep :80` [14:02:24] okay we have 80 being listened to nginx [14:02:26] and above that [14:02:34] also listening to port 80 [14:02:37] is ngnix! [14:02:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267120094073454632/BEy8EXW.png?ex=66a7a10c&is=66a64f8c&hm=61bf235d621486bd09318ffdcda0035b3eef6d7561b8d54316b54ec4de779697& [14:03:16] that seems correct [14:04:05] i wish i had more time to figure this out [14:04:11] but i wanna get this done today [14:05:05] that panel i installed also has NGINX for PHP and node projects, maybe adding a new site directly to the config conflicted? [14:05:17] i know i got a conflict when trying to apt install nginx again [14:05:26] this [14:05:34] maybe you can do `where nginx` or `which nginx` to see where nginx is at [14:05:38] its one of those [14:08:09] where isnt found [14:08:14] which gives me a user bin [14:16:15] interesting [14:24:14] is this what sysadmin is like [14:24:53] yes [14:25:53] and yet i stil do it [14:28:23] Wait, just have a question: Since someone already in the tech team is the developer of an requested extension, will the extension review process be skipped or someone else will do it? [14:33:00] someone else prob [14:33:38] I did think that also, just unsure sinces this was also made to work in MH [14:34:02] it needs to be reviewed by someone else to avoid bias. [14:35:04] of course, just as what I think. at least doing sysadmin stuff is fun, until you see errors [14:43:36] hm [14:44:04] @originalauthority would having the default web thing for nginx maybe cause the issue? [14:47:07] default is bad [14:47:13] /j [14:54:09] I can't imagine so — you could try stopping nginx and see if it comes back? if it does then you know something else is starting it. [14:55:11] You mean the service or kill the process? [14:55:30] either of them should works AFAIK [14:55:43] I'd first try just gracefully asking it to stop with `systemctl stop nginx` [14:56:42] some stuff that bundles nginx sometimes bundles a service file that will restart it every time it is stopped — nginx doesn't do this by default so if it comes back online after you stop it then something else is starting it. [14:57:37] I'm currently battling with saltstack 😦 [14:58:22] have fun with it ig [15:00:56] okay [15:00:59] progress [15:01:03] not sure [15:01:10] restarted my pc(not vps) [15:01:25] and came back to something i think we are all familar with [15:01:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267134866143580212/Pceg3Zf.png?ex=66a7aece&is=66a65d4e&hm=2db83ee144db648f0eaf5a0e21710a2fa6d803e4f465aa5e9ca032108bf81eb6& [15:01:56] same issue [15:02:00] lets try stoping [15:05:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267135939201728644/5t9IylG.png?ex=66a7afce&is=66a65e4e&hm=ffeff60b88f388f9b1966945240eb316d72bd660bd3c409718b38492177d39e1& [15:05:51] .. [15:05:54] reboot again [15:08:07] [1/2] someone needa call 911 for these two [15:08:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267136513670643722/Ts89Kah.png?ex=66a7b057&is=66a65ed7&hm=d805e7f87b1973461e22302c6c01353550947dee97cfee8f5e4e705841efedd9& [15:09:21] same issue [15:09:45] Rip [15:14:06] [1/2] could try idk removing this [15:14:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267138020990259220/VPINJim.png?ex=66a7b1be&is=66a6603e&hm=3f609c83514aa55251dd687f2d997f3e276ea84748779bec9c13b65ff450b83d& [15:15:03] okay well removed the bottom [15:15:08] only half complains now [15:15:12] but still wont bind [15:16:46] im stumped [15:17:10] ill try uninstalling nginx from the panel and doing it via apt [15:21:50] maybe ill just rent a preset up thing and deploy code server [15:28:11] Maybe just listen on a different port? [15:29:24] at this point what could go wrong [15:31:21] [1/2] what [15:31:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267142359158620292/gP0l8VQ.png?ex=66a7b5c8&is=66a66448&hm=315929bf56bdaebdb055a2bed9fbdeb057a4d17f1bb67e1e63e10ede431a5726& [15:31:49] Wow its really borked [15:31:55] totally [15:32:07] im a horrible sysadmin ive been poluting this to heck [15:32:26] Adding you to the SRE blacklist as we speak [15:35:22] wtf [15:35:46] i wasnt already???? [15:36:33] the heck man [15:37:21] i- ill just try https://github.com/coder/deploy-code-server [15:39:26] That make me feels more determine to apply for that lol [15:39:55] meanie! [15:41:52] https://tenor.com/view/uncle-roger-haiyaa-gif-18532260 [15:42:25] I have to be honest, but I may have to step down as a Wiki creator [15:42:49] you go man! [16:07:19] @originalauthority Github education free azure credits go brrrrr [16:11:43] Ahh thats neat [16:11:46] Azure is so expensive [16:11:47] and azure is stroking [16:11:49] Like ridiculous [16:12:13] [1/2] ```AADSTS50020: User account 'XXX' from identity provider 'live.com' does not exist in tenant 'Microsoft Services' and cannot access the application XXXX'(Microsoft_Azure_Resources) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account. [16:12:13] [2/2] ``` [16:12:43] im so done [16:49:12] [1/2] @originalauthority [16:49:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267161951029428256/k7flTCl.png?ex=66a7c807&is=66a67687&hm=423e9a965d195b53144851c041e9c57597288274c87853e56556e208a262e244& [16:49:22] # LETS FUCKING GO [17:05:26] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267166036235518026/image0.gif?ex=66a7cbd5&is=66a67a55&hm=c492b82d5fbe0009a95ef84d66be37e35cf371d45940f2a5a4fae9f2af22147a&