[14:48:47] @bluemoon0332 I emailed cloudflare [14:48:59] I'll see if I can chase it if no reply to email in a few days [15:21:54] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12413#248224; threatening [15:42:33] Cloudflare are quaking in the cloid [16:06:06] we can keep waiting then but Cloudflare is not exactly a small non-profit run by volunteers, if they don't reply we can assume they don't want to enable this service for us. [16:19:39] They should at the least respond [16:23:15] Gallieo support is not instant [16:23:21] They will do it [16:23:25] It can take time though [16:23:49] I will see if I can shake the right cloud on Friday if no reply [16:43:13] Should I set up a self hosted phorge on my VPS? [16:43:43] I’m getting a subdomain for it to use with my remote dev env anyways so may as well use it [16:44:24] Just don't look at the database schema [16:44:39] I have [16:44:43] Never again [16:46:31] Haha :) [16:56:10] Cloudflare being Cloudflare eh [17:21:14] Yeah [17:21:23] I've got some cloudflare swag in the post [17:21:27] It's lost though [17:21:34] My first lost parcel [17:22:03] Bruh [17:22:05] :< [17:22:32] What? [17:22:42] In reply to [17:22:52] Ah [17:23:03] It was scanned out of customs [17:23:06] Then silence [17:24:57] Never trust the post [17:25:31] @theresnotime well it's coming from Illinois [17:25:46] So my other option is to fly someone out to America and back [17:26:07] I lost my first parcel from an Cookie Run Kingdom event [17:26:07] Probably more reliable [17:26:08] I’m in Texas rn I’ll run over and grab it [17:26:18] Next time I go to the UK I’ll drop it off [17:27:24] Money though [17:27:35] It's at Heathrow now [17:27:38] Supposedly [17:27:46] Or at least last scanned there [17:29:46] At the air cargo centre by T4 [17:35:54] Aw I'm flying from Gatwick this weekend, else I could have got it /s [17:40:30] that request has been up for quite a while to my understanding [17:41:02] How does one shake a cloud [17:41:04] It would be around 8 weeks [17:41:10] Skill [17:41:29] besides, full disclosure to those not aware, I'm not the biggest Cloudflare fan so I don't have much patience to spare for them + will always err on the side of not being locked in to their services whenever I can [17:42:57] @bluemoon0332 if I can get them to reply, it would be good as it saves setting up extra services [17:43:11] There's more than just load balancing asked for [21:50:36] [1/6] Question [21:50:36] [2/6] Who does translations for en-GB? [21:50:36] [3/6] Several entries have been translated into a wrong language: [21:50:36] [4/6] Also "Undo" is now translated to `cin gbere le` [21:50:37] [5/6] Can someone correct this please? [21:50:37] [6/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1267962575669297255/image.png?ex=66aab1ab&is=66a9602b&hm=bddcebb45dd02c6e546cf50d386f648e2f52fb0c4c0bece31b927ee44ec4221b& [23:02:12] [[MediaWiki:filehist-help/en-gb]] [23:02:13] [23:03:17] https://translatewiki.net/wiki/MediaWiki:Filehist-help/en-gb [23:05:23] There seems to have been a mix-up with the [[w:Nupe language]] [23:05:24]