[05:39:45] It'll fix itself within a week or so [05:39:53] Just don't use en-GB [05:40:05] It gets broken like half the time [05:40:23] normal en will be fine [05:41:19] Cc @amire80 [05:41:41] is there a way to just disable en-gb option? [05:44:02] Yes [06:59:09] Is there a way to tweak the Search settings on my wiki (Citizen skin) to consider any word from a query? [06:59:59] wdym consider any word from a query? [07:00:45] If I try searching a page titled 'The Silver Sword', I only get suggestions when I type the first word 'The', but no page suggestion if I type any other word, 'Silver' or 'Sword'. [07:00:59] is cirrussearch enabled on the wiki? [07:02:05] I'll check that. [07:04:18] It isn't. Requires `managewiki-restricted` permissions. [07:04:30] Should I submit a ticket in Phorge? [07:05:01] if you had it enabled, then you'd want to do something like https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12195 [07:05:08] but since you don't, i'll check what is needed [07:05:25] yeah, there are some criteria for having cirrus [07:05:48] something like having over 1k content page and something else [07:07:26] I see. So no other way for Search to consider any word of the page title? [07:08:03] i'm figuring it out [07:09:33] [1/3] This is the wiki: https://shatteredisles.wikitide.org/ [07:09:33] [2/3] This is the page: https://shatteredisles.wikitide.org/wiki/The_Silver_Sword [07:09:34] [3/3] People would mostly type 'silver' instead of 'the' while searching for it. [07:19:27] marbleniter: looked through the source code, it doesn't seem like there's a config option to let it search everywhere [07:19:51] Hmm [07:20:09] (for reference: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/f338ac3295f1514e0c7b74422ed168decd8e679a/includes/search/PrefixSearch.php#291) [07:20:34] Perhaps a redirect page with the title 'silver sword' seems like the way to go. [07:20:40] yeah [07:21:18] Alright then, thank you for looking into this. [07:21:42] you're welcome ^_^ [07:21:57] (that also reminds me of some search shenanigans to do that i forgot) [07:43:04] It's been like this for over two weeks now 😛 [07:44:45] [1/2] No, because I hate being corrected by the American English. [07:44:46] [2/2] I chose en_GB because I want to write in en_GB [07:55:05] Ask a mediawiki tech to pull updates and rebuild it then [07:59:05] @MediaWiki Specialists Could you pull the language updates for en_GB? the "undo button" and other text have been replaced with "Nupe" language and are at least an annoying. [10:31:59] @bluemoon0332 https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12227#248281 [11:04:28] We now have CI setup on the DNS repo [11:04:40] should've been there since the beginning but better now than never [11:05:09] https://github.com/miraheze/dns/pull/540 [11:07:18] If any other gdnsd action wants to use the action it is at https://github.com/miraheze/dns-check-action [11:08:46] I'll check that out later [11:12:29] Sorry about that en-gb mess. I do my best to review en-gb translations, but mistakes sometimes slip through. [11:15:53] I do it as a volunteer. Volunteers who care about British English are welcome to help with reviewing translations into it. If you just create a translatewiki account and take a look at the "Proofread" screen once a day, it will make a difference. [13:19:38] at first I thought 'unread' was replaced with 'nupe' [13:19:41] that was interesting [13:19:51] I can't english [13:20:00] thought it was 'nupe' instead of 'undo' [13:51:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Caching nice write up! :3 [13:51:45] thanks i had to do it twice (as you know) :3 [14:30:33] BlankEclair: nice [14:30:40] Don't forget parser cache though [14:31:01] Memcache and opcache users probably don't care for [14:36:13] RhinosF1: that's explicitly in there tho [14:36:38] Lemme read it [14:40:33] BlankEclair: mobile cache might be showing me old [14:40:38] Typical [14:40:46] odd [14:40:51] Ah he [14:40:54] Ye [14:40:57] Stupid bloody cache [14:41:09] ironic [14:41:54] yup [14:41:58] Nice essay [14:42:07] Categories & links are purged by job queue [14:42:09] Eventually [14:42:13] That is true [14:42:31] There is memcache and opcache but I doubt people care of them [14:42:37] Memcache users might notice [14:42:43] yeah hence why i put "surface-level" [14:42:48] Opcache is definitely not [14:42:54] And also a black box [14:43:00] the deeper you look the cachier it is (probably) [14:43:00] Restart php if opcache breaks [14:43:05] That's about all you can do [14:47:21] I do like technical write-ups :3 especially if they contribute to the documentation of a thing/make the bus-factor a little less scary 😄 [14:47:35] i like reading but i don't really like writing [14:47:45] says the person who literally maintains a wiki [14:47:56] Agreed [14:47:59] Same.. [14:48:03] Also Claire [14:48:14] Which two wikis don’t use Varnish in custom domains [14:48:22] i don't remember [14:48:42] themanaworldwiki and fanon polandball [14:48:54] the latter is currently broken, the former is about to break [14:49:12] yay cert renewal... [14:49:21] actually it's all cloudflare's fault [14:49:36] i love blaming cloudflare [14:50:04] My only option now is to take them off Cloudflare for at least a few minutes so I can renew manually [14:50:27] I can't figure out a way to renew them without doing that [14:50:42] if they do CNAME, i wonder if you could do txt verification with let's encrypt [14:50:43] I tried redirecting .well-known and even /wiki/.well-known to no avail [14:51:09] I vaguely read a task comment about cf messing up a LE cert renewal? [14:51:15] wait i don't even know if CNAME applies to everything or just A records [14:51:21] Yo no Halba DNS [14:51:35] imagine: wiki on messwithdns.com [14:52:05] theresnotime: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12227 [14:53:40] BlankEclair: To do the dns challenge those wikis would need to delegate _acme-challenge. to us in the DNS, which they don't [14:53:51] oh right, oops [14:54:09] interesting how it's nearly 1 am and yet i don't feel sleepy at all [14:54:38] Eepy girl isn’t eepy? [14:54:42] (six hours later: i complain about being so eepy and having to wake up in the cold) [14:54:56] i'm perpetually eepy until it's night [14:55:01] then i'm awake for some reason [14:55:17] i could literally yawn while in the sun [14:55:19] we also don't automate the DNS challenge, so it doesn't even help in this case [[phorge:T11902]] [14:55:20] [14:55:27] ty wiki bot [14:56:14] I have something similar to https://community.cloudflare.com/t/help-renew-certification-ssl-proxy-cloudflare/423058/2 set up, but that's only for the HTTP challenge method, which it sounds like you don't use? [14:56:30] we do use the HTTP method and is automated [14:56:49] somewhat related: our wiki currently has redirects from {s,d,downscale}.rainverse.wiki to shrink.rainverse.wiki, but the redirector service is currently hosted by another wiki editor [14:57:15] tempted to use miraheze for the redirecting, but certs will be interesting and the time it took for the first dns pr to be merged isn't exactly inspiring [14:58:44] Do y'all need more SRE coverage? :// [14:59:02] I could use some extra hands on Infra, yes [14:59:14] Currently it's really just Void and me [15:00:07] i wonder, how do people join sre [15:00:12] How similar is your infrastructure to WMF? The last time I was 'involved' it was mostly very close [15:00:42] always need more coverage tbh [15:01:30] It hasn't changed much since I joined back in 2022 [15:02:00] CA busy? [15:02:15] We don't selfhost mail anymore, and we use Cloudflare instead of Varnish on *.miraheze.org [15:03:02] he's not fully available right now [15:03:10] Totally fair [15:03:16] Poor guy needs a break [15:04:14] Hmm hmm, how's documentation and onboarding? And do y'all still have a general distrust of Wikimedia staff? :p [15:04:23] documentation 😆 [15:04:53] what? No, noone is hating on anyone for that [15:05:36] think that may have been individuals more than systemic, so mostly joking with that question, sorry ^^ [15:05:48] Not tech but I honestly have nothing but respect for most WikiMedians I’ve met [15:06:03] there are docs... probably not very useful ones though [15:06:06] The first person who comes to my mind who I’m not sure if he is staff currently is Kunal [15:06:10] me, not knowing much about miraheze history: 👀 [15:06:12] (Legoktm) [15:08:14] that name sounds familiar... [15:08:20] Did you never get the lore dump? [15:08:31] only a tiny window [15:08:32] He’s a prominent Wikimedia tech contributor [15:08:44] BlankEclair: In my case, I was asked by CA to join as a MediaWiki Specialist back in January, but first time I joined I just filed the access request form, answered some questions and got accepted to join as what was called back then MediaWiki Engineer [15:08:51] Among his work is the mw-bot rust framework [15:08:56] oh neat [15:09:12] Legoktm was a MWF SRE member formely [15:09:57] MWF? [15:10:01] You mean WMF? [15:10:15] I’ve actually met him in person a few times [15:10:18] Awesome guy [15:10:26] the mediawiki foundation is being created [15:10:39] derp.....mediawiki foundation when?? [15:10:53] alas I'm only a WMF software engineer /s [15:11:08] Lol [15:11:49] did miraheze have a mistrust for wmf? [15:12:01] I don't think we did, but quite the opposite now if so [15:12:38] I'm glad to be wrong! ^^ [15:12:53] as I recall miraheze has actually wanted to pluck more wmf related brains for some time [15:13:24] they don't get much better than that in the wiki space :p [15:13:43] _looks at Fandom_ [15:13:51] _scowls_ [15:14:05] oa gets the fandom exception [15:14:20] i'm literally the type of person who'd start helping out on a wiki just because it forked from fandom [15:15:21] pcj might have been interesting but it seems he's full wiki.gg now [15:15:27] if I've paid attention correctly [15:15:44] well I'm happy to help if I can ^^ [15:15:55] I've seen a lot of wiki.gg activity recently actually [15:16:14] they've popped off [15:16:24] and yeah, any help is nice, especially tech side [15:16:38] community we usually catch up but tech is permanently rather behind [15:17:31] I did some core merges that had stalled for w.gg a while back iirc — upstreamer fixes are always nice [15:23:27] Yeah no. It's the "undo" before "Rollback" that was changed. Confused the hell out of me [15:27:05] [1/2] https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Mnguyentran [15:27:05] [2/2] Why doesn't the subst feauture work on commons.miraheze? [15:27:55] https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/template:idw [15:33:11] Thanks [16:04:54] How do I install docker on a vps (which is also in docker) [16:12:16] We could ask them too [16:12:31] docker within docker? [16:12:35] Yes [16:12:50] I have a code server dev environment running within a docker container [16:12:59] To work on my Chromebook [16:13:24] In opposition to the oppression of my school firewall [16:13:33] automating the DNS challenge would need to be done first [[phorge:T11902]] [16:13:34] [16:13:47] Other way round [16:13:51] And dislike us [16:14:01] eeehh [16:14:18] Hmm [16:14:59] TBF our founder was WMF office banned for bad shit we don’t like to talk about [16:15:22] Hmm, what docker image is running? Do you have access to just install docker via the package manager [16:15:29] I'm not sure wmf cares too much in all but yeah, it's been our impression that wmf is weary of miraheze [16:15:40] Apt installing docker worked but no cli [16:15:44] It's older staff [16:15:54] Trying the install script and all the jazz with docker-ce don’t [16:15:56] Who remember a certain individuals actions [16:16:00] I can't imagine it would be recent yeah [16:16:04] Yeah as I see it’s mostly passed [16:16:05] and john's long gone [16:16:17] Which I'm glad of [16:16:28] Take it from me who has met multiple Wikipedians in person a few times and constantly yap to them about Miraheze [16:16:50] At least the people I’ve spoken with didn’t seem to have negative impressions at all [16:16:55] It depends who it is [16:17:01] It's generally long time SREs [16:17:09] Or people close to that area [16:17:13] I'm not naming them here [16:17:20] anywho I don't mean to drag up old stuff, sorry ^^' [16:17:22] Who were there when John was officed? [16:17:39] Eh the recounting of old wounds is a tradition at this point [16:17:49] Yup [16:18:00] It's fine [16:18:28] How many people actually know the reason John got banned? I know we don’t like to talk about it specifically [16:18:53] It's not common knowledge afaik [16:19:22] Yeah [16:19:28] I didn’t think so [16:19:41] My being a steward/being around SRE is the only reason I heard so much ^^ [16:19:59] Which makes sense (to be clear, I have heard I believe) [16:20:15] it was all internal iirc [16:20:32] That makes total sense [16:20:36] Considering office ban [16:21:06] Which bit didn't work, running `docker` does nothing or..? [16:22:35] It don’t see the program [16:23:46] hmm [16:35:45] It's semi known [16:35:50] It's not hard to find out [16:45:11] not common knowledged but it is public knowledge if you can connect the dots [16:47:50] Tracks [16:49:30] I was told by someone else so I never went down the tracking down [16:50:35] OH [16:50:47] just for attention tho [16:51:00] Hm? [16:51:10] Is there someone else other than me using Webauthn for 2FA? [16:51:28] I did [16:51:36] Almost got locked out [16:51:55] Well I did [16:52:03] OA saved me [16:52:13] I have an Yubikey and using it for 2FA rn [16:52:42] but it seems to repeatedly fails with Verification Interrupted, for some reason [16:54:05] ah wait... I think I know something... [16:54:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1268250526253060176/q.png?ex=66abbdd8&is=66aa6c58&hm=c10d26d7668be495b8ba369e24309575d759b84e12c4bbf511ab4062b53b19d3& [16:56:52] Blame @originalauthority for everything WebAuthn [17:06:19] rip [17:08:51] and btw, is CA autologin to PubTestWiki available? [17:09:02] I can't seems to login with it [17:09:17] Don’t work with different domain [17:09:22] Login again [17:10:57] check the warning [17:11:11] Hm? [18:36:30] Chat how do factories work [18:36:36] `includes/CreateWikiJson.php:104 PhanDeprecatedFunction Call to deprecated function \ObjectCache::getInstance() defined at ../../includes/objectcache/ObjectCache.php:51 (Deprecated because: Use ObjectCacheFactory::getInstance instead.)` [20:34:05] You get an object from a factory [20:34:16] OA [20:34:31] [1/3] im: [20:34:31] [2/3] A: stoopid [20:34:32] [3/3] B: a pythonista [20:34:33] Instead, for example of doing User::newFromId you do UserFactory::newFromId which in turn returns a User::class [20:35:11] Does python not have thinks like factories and objects [20:35:22] I think so [20:35:27] i just havent used them [20:35:44] Python is lax [20:35:50] You can create objects [20:35:56] But you can also not [20:36:24] Rip [20:37:15] Python doesn't really strictly do much [20:37:21] It's like typing [20:37:26] They are type hints [20:37:32] It really is just a hint [20:37:42] It doesn't stop you doing anything [20:37:51] It just helps things be caught easier [20:38:11] meanwhile php blows up if the type doesn't mach [20:38:49] I kind hate php typing though because you can't cast both `void|bool` [20:40:14] You can do None|bool in Python [20:40:49] Style guide we use states you should explicitly return None though if you return anything else in the function [20:43:29] I wonder if there is a php style guide [20:43:32] apart from wmf [20:43:50] Not for us [20:43:57] The style guide isn't written for Python [20:44:04] It's a bunch of plugins in CI [20:44:09] I know what half of it is [20:44:22] It's a slightly opinionated PEP8 [20:52:14] have you tried jinja yaml [20:52:18] with python [20:54:47] No [21:14:11] booo