[09:58:16] BlankEclair: I see you made quips [09:58:21] yep [09:58:28] wanted to store them somewhere [09:59:03] BlankEclair: I need to say some stupid things now [09:59:14] heh [11:04:37] She did what now [11:04:39] Claire [11:10:02] @rhinosf1 where is this [11:11:17] Meta [11:11:24] Subpage of her user [11:11:36] Also good morning [11:12:46] Morning [11:16:03] WHY IS EVERYONE(minus the last) INVOLVING ME [11:17:49] You must say a lot of stupid things [11:17:52] Like that [11:18:58] like what? [11:19:36] BlankEclair: 12:16:03 WHY IS EVERYONE(minus the last) INVOLVING ME [11:19:49] That could be a quip [11:19:55] eh, i don't really see it [11:20:10] i mean, i guess it could be... it has weak quip energy though [11:20:21] I’m looking through my messages [11:20:35] Since I often mention quotes after saying something quoteable [11:20:40] “the more computation we can move off of our servers and onto willing users brains” [11:20:45] Me [11:20:53] i also love how the horizontal lines work [11:20:55] Or one from labster [11:21:05] all the text is in an unclosed
[11:21:06] 	  CSS is like violence, if it isn’t working, use more
[11:21:17] 	 if i close the 
, the lines don't work anymore [11:21:29] i'm sure this will be great for the parsoid migration [11:21:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Quips?useskin=vector&action=parsermigration-edit [11:21:53] holy shit it works [11:22:30] It has bigger spacing [11:22:33] But it works [11:22:37] It's not a clean diff [11:22:40] eh, true [11:23:26] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269979073699123250/image0.jpg?ex=66b207ae&is=66b0b62e&hm=6c7d0e5fc3d2a2bf35fcd93b3c758cdc4817079cced4cac78d18d79edc794f9c& [11:23:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269979074160492657/image1.jpg?ex=66b207ae&is=66b0b62e&hm=4f58ce3b271bc61359bbf9f1d0a3efe2becf7d36bfabb1a51a5381dfdbde5816& [11:24:26] [1/2] Oh here’s a simple one [11:24:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269979324216250400/image0.jpg?ex=66b207e9&is=66b0b669&hm=3ad0ddc113b0b5f86bd76c582b276760a8137182b4b8bd5d1afb415bd44c2b61& [11:24:41] If someone finds more funny shit I said and trust me there’s a lot I’ll give you a kiss [11:24:56] I belong in an asylum [11:25:02] Brave or mad is good [11:25:18] > [05/08/2024 21:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269979324216250400/image0.jpg?ex=66b207e9&is=66b0b669&hm=3ad0ddc113b0b5f86bd76c582b276760a8137182b4b8bd5d1afb415bd44c2b61& [11:25:28] me everytime i drop a pencil [11:25:33] (this is why i always use pens. always) [11:25:38] Is it you or does the asylum beling into your mind ? (don't mind me i'm no one) [11:25:46] ((it's such a pain sketching graphs with a pen because you can't properly erase stuff)) [11:26:02] I am the asylum the asylum is me [11:26:20] (And no worries it’s really nice to talk to new people:> ) [11:26:26] Burn. [11:26:31] Pencils way better [11:26:34] [1/2] Oh my 👀 [11:26:34] [2/2] #- We are doomed ! [11:26:49] i'm burned when i drop a pencil for the 420th time and it breaks [11:26:59] then when i go try to sharpen it, i oversharpen it and have to start again [11:27:06] repeat for like 1 or 2 times [11:27:30] and sometimes when you sharpen too well, the tip is too tiny and risks breaking when you press it down hard enough [11:27:40] Totally not me projecting the fact my handwriting looks like it was written by a disabled schizophrenic monkey in its peak of it’s mid life crisis [11:27:55] (I must erase) [11:28:17] i do this neat little technique called "not caring if people can't read it" [11:28:22] ("people" sometimes includes me) [11:29:24] You’re not in an academic setting where your silly letter inciditive of success for some reason is dependent on your oppressors I mean teachers reading your handwriting [11:29:29] I think [11:29:34] oh right i forgot about that part [11:30:28] I used to do that too, they used to call that "writing for flies" but then I started to be genuinely pissed I couldn't read the few ideas I had put into words, especially since most of my ideas get lost due to lack of taking notes in time.. [11:30:44] I type everything [11:31:14] Heck on the bus ride at 3 AM I was writing my plan out for the vigil project as a blog post since may be interesting to do that [11:31:20] Was fun to write [11:31:35] agree, typing is convenient (especially when you have to go back to add a sentence or something (this is admittedly easier with a pencil since you can just erase it, but it can also be annoying when you're going back more than one line)) [11:32:10] Some times I don't have the time to write nor type it because once I get an idea it either goes away like Flash or uh.. forgot.. [11:32:29] me: "eh, i can remember this" [11:32:37] me five seconds later: wait what was i thinking again [11:33:03] 😭 [11:33:04] Or the worst case, you get an idea and another one jumps in and you try to remember the previous one and then end up loosing both 😫 [11:33:06] CLAIRE [11:33:15] STAP BEING ME [11:33:21] NOOOOO [11:33:42] neurospicy to neurospicy communication [11:33:58] Que [11:34:23] [1/2] "Welcome to my life..." [11:34:23] [2/2] -# Carter from Stargate SG1 Season 5 [11:34:41] people when they are amazed by the amount of bugs i find: ^ [11:34:58] s/people when they/me when people/ [11:35:50] > [05/08/2024 21:33] STAP BEING ME [11:35:53] i have an image for this [11:35:55] https://cdn.transfem.social/files/474075a1-9a01-49cc-a910-1a8113ff96fb.png [11:36:44] https://tenor.com/view/uh-nevermind-then-nevermind-gif-14214319 [11:37:09] This quote page is gonna become really long if we include all the things posted in the last half hour alone [11:37:14] Do it [11:38:22] when you wanna look for a specific meme format but you don't know what to search for [11:38:33] it's one anime or cartoon character joining a group of four characters of the same species with their arms raised up [11:38:41] can miraheze be my meme format search [11:43:21] It might overload the internet, hell the UNIVERSE ! [11:46:24] someone really needs to make a (quality) meme template search [11:46:32] currently using imgflip, but it's a hit or miss [11:48:20] [1/2] Womp. [11:48:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269985340181971006/image0.jpg?ex=66b20d84&is=66b0bc04&hm=254376970d4a3be91ba5ae10d1a6758f944aed5cdc74eab05b9996503a6e3d71& [11:48:43] they're all yellow i believe [11:48:47] the one character is to the left, and the group is to the right [11:48:55] is this minions [11:49:06] no [11:49:12] i... don't think so at least [11:50:39] i have an idea [11:50:45] put my entire meme folder into an image deduplicator [11:50:57] it only needs to hash > 40000 images :3 [11:51:24] Wre [11:51:28] Wtf* [11:51:41] you wouldn't believe the things i've done [11:54:57] I [11:54:58] Don’t [11:55:00] Want [11:55:01] To [11:56:56] good [11:57:01] (i can't share them publically anyway) [11:57:05] 🤣 [11:57:47] … [11:57:55] Fuck you know I do want to [11:58:10] *now [11:58:24] heh [11:58:30] i can share it to you privately [11:58:50] but first, i'd like to share the reason why i can't share it publically... also privately [11:59:01] 🤣 [12:00:41] https://files.catbox.moe/qg5yo6.png mmm mems [12:03:01] My first python bot has its list of code words hard coded in [12:03:08] It’s still on my GH [12:03:23] And like all my projects unfinished [12:03:24] back when i started programming i didn't know that the == operator existed [12:03:41] Have I ever completed a project [12:03:48] i'd do stuff like if "go to sleep" in message, it's amazingly bad [12:05:18] That’s basically what that project was centered around [12:05:19] LMAO [12:05:32] wtf i really should go back and revisit these memes some day [12:05:44] if an item in a list of words was in a message [12:06:13] https://files.catbox.moe/vu3n4s.jpg [12:06:38] [1/4] Here it is. An old joke bot and my real entrance into software development I guess [12:06:38] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269989941249835141/IMG_1039.png?ex=66b211cd&is=66b0c04d&hm=3bbaa5a302ced2189ba339e4729c4ce5a8d73a67e1025a52ccf78c7d318fb01a& [12:06:38] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269989941790769235/IMG_1038.png?ex=66b211cd&is=66b0c04d&hm=9877c799a885cb70e81e6bfcf2bca5fdf378af3e61f814a1c87f682ad032841c& [12:06:38] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269989942151352462/IMG_1037.png?ex=66b211cd&is=66b0c04d&hm=b4c2dba63d0df8cdbe8888b1587b49906a58811804cfc12a824695cdb3bb2588& [12:07:02] Even better [12:07:43] praise lux [12:09:49] holy shit i think i found the meme format [12:10:03] [1/2] [cough](https://tenor.com/view/agents-of-shield-marvel-enoch-chronicom-not-personal-gif-23068117) [12:10:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269990804688994367/38227db01468a43cd4e10e0f52d2d1f7.png?ex=66b2129b&is=66b0c11b&hm=5b67246e84e99459823a8eabb1405676e24a2a3c1803973712c6e580c111b7db& [12:10:10] https://files.catbox.moe/e2faok.jpg [12:10:16] i misremembered some details so that didn't help [12:16:28] now... i have to find the template [12:19:07] https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/EP147 [12:19:08] lmao [12:19:42] https://tenor.com/view/pedro-monkey-puppet-meme-awkward-gif-8259086320683337215 [12:20:30] Minecraft religion [12:20:35] Ah [12:21:28] you will get one My Impossible Soulmate and Rain meme [12:36:49] here is the meme: https://transfem.social/notes/9wkjg0p03pbh00ni [12:40:15] [1/2] > i can share it to you privately [12:40:15] [2/2] If you want to you can DM on fedi or email [12:40:20] I’m gonna go eat cake for breakfast [12:40:28] ooo what's the occasion? [12:42:44] Two fold [12:43:10] [1/2] 1: hungy [12:43:11] [2/2] 2: the presence of cake in the fridge [12:44:10] ah [12:48:40] Poor Cake,its only fault was to exist 🤣 [12:49:09] To exist in pixl’s realm is to be condemned to oblivion [12:49:41] https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/0/09/Cake_the_Cat_(Prismo_the_Wishmaster).png/revision/latest [12:49:42] cake [12:49:43] It shall simply meet the same fate all Brazilian food does [12:50:10] https://tenor.com/view/portal-glados-robot-gaming-gameplay-gif-7976738888603155703 [12:50:43] It was a lie [12:50:45] Now it’s not [12:52:13] Okay [12:52:22] Side tracked on the cake quest [12:52:40] you have eaten a magical cat [12:52:44] how do you feel? [12:54:33] What [12:55:13] [05/08/2024 22:49] https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/adventuretimewithfinnandjake/images/0/09/Cake_the_Cat_(Prismo_the_Wishmaster).png/revision/latest [13:40:09] [1/3] > > i can share it to you privately [13:40:10] [2/3] > If you want to you can DM on fedi or email [13:40:10] [3/3] Do I even have email enabled I think so [13:40:29] i'll do fedi, just reading a blog post rn [13:40:51] Sure thing [14:25:37] I like days like that [14:25:48] It wasn’t great cake [14:25:50] Where you just wake up and go I want cake [14:25:55] oh :( [14:26:05] anyway i'm too tired to actually send the message now xd [14:26:12] @pixldev when you get to my age, you can buy whatever cake you want any day of the week [14:26:48] i mean, if you have a means of transport and money then age is irrelevant [14:27:17] I kind of want to go and buy cake now [14:27:45] Yeah but the cake comes with strings [14:27:56] What strings? [14:27:58] "cake" [14:28:04] I mean it’d be dumb but I could like fucking door dash a cake to me rn [14:28:08] Apart from it costing money [14:28:31] sometimes i forget that delivery services exist [14:28:37] Adulting [14:46:33] [1/2] > anyway i'm too tired to actually send the message now xd [14:46:33] [2/2] life of the eepy [14:47:05] also are other people open to add quips to your page or do we do per person pages [14:47:20] sure whyn't [14:47:24] (for the former) [14:48:05] i wanna add the ro one [14:48:36] ro? [14:48:48] This one [14:48:49] wait [14:48:57] that doesn’t help does it [14:49:03] lmao no [14:49:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1269979074160492657/image1.jpg?ex=66b207ae&is=66b0b62e&hm=4f58ce3b271bc61359bbf9f1d0a3efe2becf7d36bfabb1a51a5381dfdbde5816& [14:49:31] :laughing: [14:49:47] Lab’s about CSS was also good [14:50:16] “CSS is like violence. If it's not working, use more.“ [14:51:26] the person who made a css keylogger: >:D [14:51:36] what [14:51:59] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ6t7AImTdE [14:54:33] Should i granmer fix the quote [14:57:20] nah [14:58:24] CSS is like violence. If it's not working, use more. [15:03:59] anyways if you feel like it feel free to msg me on fedi whenever, im gonna see about writing my design process//blog post for vigil(if anyone wants to see what i got lmk) [15:04:11] What are the requirements this thing needs to meet [15:08:54] When I manage the wiki's extensions it asks me for a reason and was wondering if you guys could see those ? I think some of you might have a good laugh I get it my way 🤣 [15:12:18] Yes we can [15:12:20] They are public [15:12:44] https://tenor.com/view/sassy-gif-25178355 [15:12:50] 🙃 [15:13:50] smh [15:14:05] you should see my edit summaries when dealing with css [15:16:07] 😅 [15:16:12] Somehow I feel scared [15:16:49] not an unwise choice [15:17:21] one bad thing about me having a test wiki to draft changes on is that i don't really shitpost that much in edit summaries anymore [15:17:43] the price we pay for power [15:18:01] with great power comes great responsibility [15:18:02] - sudo [15:18:25] Exactly [15:18:34] Argh, starting a wiki is hard, I don't know where to look at I have some much stuff to transition on the new one 👀 [15:18:43] yeah ikr [15:18:43] Which is why I still wonder wjy I’m both GA and Discord Mod [15:18:59] are you migrating? [15:19:01] Also [15:19:01] editing one is easier, even if it's several years out of date [15:19:04] amen brother [15:19:23] I don’t really edit locally anymore [15:19:31] eh? [15:19:44] to Ael not you claire [15:19:51] ah [15:19:59] From Fandom yeah, got a lot of complains about it being unreadable and performance killer with the adds that I don't see and was told I would be more free here in term of possibilities. [15:20:19] my apologies for the confusion [15:20:25] it's okay ^_^ [15:20:39] i was about to say "sorry" until i realized that it wasn't my fault [15:21:04] 😅 [15:21:26] Reminded me [15:21:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270038983623315498/image.png?ex=66b23f79&is=66b0edf9&hm=81ffe0e1ca66dc1912425d22c9fd147c96b079692980721a74cf6aa864b2a6b1& [15:22:05] workflow xkcd [15:22:13] yup [15:22:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270039230822875216/image.png?ex=66b23fb4&is=66b0ee34&hm=f9d1746b5c7ab0b9518d87925ad0d489fe1a229d8ecf7cd9d1bd7f66e1aca141& [15:22:29] especially the heating one lol [15:23:12] 🤣 [15:23:39] This is referring to the moved https://minecraft.wiki [15:24:46] Yeah heard about that, the old one is in civil war mode I think 😅 [15:25:27] Not really civil [15:25:40] more like people swarming with vandalism and a single admin defending [15:25:43] https://tenor.com/view/doctor-who-ruby-sunday-nuwho-millie-gibson-confused-gif-3727141571799100404 [15:25:44] its sad [15:25:57] since the edits just boost its seo [15:26:15] before a recent YouTube video the vandalism waa subtle and really funny [15:26:33] see https://youtu.be/FDcbnVH9w18?si=TYXFpgUXXV89S9pj [15:26:51] Yeah saw it [15:26:51] you think someone would make a crowdsourced fandom vandalism bot? [15:26:56] something like adnauseum [15:27:04] hm? [15:27:16] as in a bot that would vandalism wikis [15:27:27] hope not [15:27:36] hmm yeah [15:27:37] just helps their seo [15:27:52] We tend to be in the business of countering vandalism [15:27:57] not causing it [15:28:06] it's like "don't give them more ideas" [15:28:11] forgot about that mantra xd [15:28:17] [[WP:BEANS]] [15:28:18] [15:28:32] yeah, the best one shall do after leaving fandom is not touching it [15:28:43] let it rot [15:28:52] invest in new wikis first and foremost [15:30:52] BlankEclair: I mean we've had people create bots to counter their own vandalism [15:33:09] ..elaborate [15:33:42] You don't know who? [15:38:39] Can’t think of them [15:39:31] turns out that i sent the dm anyway lol [15:54:33] Argh, was looking at the extensions I could enable and when I finalized it said about Something Front End wasn't meeting requirements and it before I could read it fully it was gone and so was my list 😭 [16:07:01] Fun fact: the extensions list has a search bar. 🙂 [16:07:27] You're overestimating my memory 🤣 [16:07:45] But yeah, it was probably MobileFrontEnd [16:07:46] Anyway, noticed that despite the error message it had actually enabled everything I selecetedf [16:08:43] Oh shoot, I skipped over some words by accident, an error flashed, I see. [16:08:54] Will take some time to wrap my head around every differences in comparison to Fandom, tho being able to choose a skin and make it default is already amazing ! [16:09:24] Yeah a quick read thing on the side and it mentioned that but apparently it worked so no idea [16:12:12] haha! If you think that’s good just wait till you see the rest of managewiki [16:12:45] https://tenor.com/view/willem-dafoe-gif-25786623 [16:15:03] not mentioning the possibility of making direct pull request additions to backend settings if needed [16:15:36] [1/2] Sounds cool 👀 [16:15:36] [2/2] -# I've no idea what that is 🤣 [16:15:43] https://64.media.tumblr.com/b1a8c0dac84b87bc9408950d18c52cbb/b7d336775368ed16-82/s540x810/92411d2ad17cf9c071cffb9504ea9f241b322896.gif [16:18:52] if you need to do something by putting configuration or code directly on the servers because its too complex for managewiki you can [16:19:05] hell you could write your own extension [16:19:52] Short version: Even with all the things available out of box, we potentially support extremely deep customization beyond that. [16:20:17] thats the smart mans answer yes [16:20:42] 😮 [16:22:27] Mmh weird, the default skin thing doesn't seem to apply for non-logged users (checked in private mode) [16:23:19] Caching, it'll fix itself in time. [16:23:53] Ah okay, with fandom I got used to check stuff in private 😅 [16:23:59] Logged in vs logged out use different server cache solutions. [16:24:31] Ah, no worries. Usually it isn't terribly long to see updates reflected in private. [16:25:10] Soon I will need to write a to-do list to remember what to do 🤣 [16:25:34] If you're testing out CSS changes, making the modifcations under your personal preferences' version of custom CSS will display near-instantly, vs the MediaWiki css page [16:25:44] The latter can take a few minutes to start showing up. [16:26:07] In preferences right ? Saw the links and didn't realize [16:26:31] dont forget circling twice around the redwood tree counterclockwise at 7 past noon every other tuesday [16:26:32] Yep, preferences >> appearance >> Custom CSS for the skin you're working on. [16:27:02] https://tenor.com/view/uh-nevermind-then-nevermind-gif-14214319 [16:29:10] and sacrifice either a bull OR oxen never both [16:29:53] Oh that's how you change the favicon.. So used to actually replace the wiki's icon but here I have to link the new one. [16:30:49] Yep, Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-styling is your friend for all the logo/icon/favicon styling stuff [16:31:05] The Cosmos skin as well exposes a lot of its settings there [16:31:31] Went with the Citizen because I always loved it [16:31:32] Cosmos is also closest to Fandoms look [16:31:37] ONG [16:32:00] -# Don't you mean OMG ? 🙃 [16:32:50] No actually [16:33:02] ONG(or, ON GOD) [16:33:07] ;sw [16:33:13] is the new kid slang [16:33:23] https://wiktionary.org/wiki/ong [16:33:51] not that new [16:34:01] beats the gen a brainrot [16:34:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270057450774728806/image.png?ex=66b250ac&is=66b0ff2c&hm=6e8dbbd147efeb84e0801a13dc9f774f850fa9e0d2fd887b130f9f716a88385c& [16:36:05] apparently it joined the dictionary aug 22 [16:36:10] new for me >.> [16:37:40] huh [16:39:01] https://wiktionary.org/wiki/on_god [16:39:09] idk [16:40:27] Wild, first I'm hearing of it too. [16:55:32] Gonna use it already, not ready to commit on adding a wiki-wide CSS just for button yet 😅 [17:01:57] Mmh I might be doing something wrong or the code I use doesn't work here, a lot to learn for sure 🤔 [17:02:33] you might need to wait a bit or purge cache to see CSS start working [17:02:56] Using the personal one as suggested by NorAracham [17:02:56] also idk if element inspector was revelead as a tool of initial CSS poking to you [17:03:02] ah [17:03:17] Inspector is gold [17:03:46] Unless personal css doesn't apply to editing previews N [17:08:06] It does [17:10:25] Oh silly me, typo... [17:10:45] https://tenor.com/view/anime-fustration-headbanging-gif-18645069 [17:15:11] Also caveat on editing previews, a few things may not always fully render in previews due to compute cost. [17:15:27] Don't remember them all off top of mind, though. [17:15:49] Yeah had some cases with fandom but it was more that it wasn't 1:1 so more or less similar-ish [17:41:52] Mmh that's gonna sound really dumb but where do I do the Wiki Nav ? Fandom made it unrealisticly simple by having a page directly from the admin menu so I don't know where to look at 🤣 [17:42:24] MediaWiki:Sidebar if you mean navigation thingy [17:42:38] All the main links etc yeah [17:42:39] Which part [17:43:00] iirc fandom's navigation uses the same bullet list format [17:43:20] Okay, found it thx Pix ! Not named the same [17:43:31] if you're using Cosmos skin tho it's gonna be MediaWiki:Cosmos-navigation [17:44:31] Thank Legroom he found the sidebar thong [17:46:28] [1/2] Oh that's a first 😮 [17:46:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270075464458698814/image.png?ex=66b26173&is=66b10ff3&hm=06358b27b40edfd53d7b23fd28e90b8ca602ded7184deb494d196126b8e89efa& [17:46:50] it's just a warning for beginner admins [17:47:20] Okay so no worries I can just add the pages I want there like any nav [17:49:13] All those differences are first surprising and secondly scary. in that page there's for example Search, Toolbox and Languages tho i'm scared to even ask what it would allow 👀 [17:49:28] You guys have some scary yet powerful tools [17:49:48] that's actually vanilla MediaWiki [17:50:02] Fandom heavily modified it [17:50:08] dumbed down even [17:50:10] Yeah I see that now [17:50:20] Fandom has MediaWiki:Sidebar [17:50:25] It just doesn't do anything [17:52:03] ElasticSearch, Cargo, SMW, Wikibase, DPL, etc: laughs in jesus christ please work [17:52:12] 🤣 [17:52:35] Where dat avatar from [17:52:46] https://tenor.com/view/i-like-this-guy-proud-shameless-joel-mckinnon-miller-scully-gif-13252368 [17:53:06] Our entire infra could be described as scary yet powerful given the state it's in [17:53:34] Better than have it was [17:53:55] Wikimedia: stares down in pity [17:54:02] but we still do awsome [17:54:30] Wikimedia's infrastructure is both a wonder and a nightmare [17:55:53] _looks at @theresnotime_ [17:56:47] Best of both worlds [18:00:28] Question before I do something I might regret, what does the Search, Toolbox and Languages do in the Sidebar, they all three have a `*` like they are buttons or something 🤔 [18:01:59] to be honest, I never questioned that myself lol [18:02:21] languages would work w/ translate extension, I assume [18:02:25] if anything you can revert any edit [18:02:37] MediaWiki pages have history as well [18:03:09] True 😅 [18:04:28] languages iirc lets people set the localization for their wiki's interface, I don't really use it [18:04:41] [1/2] toolbox is basically [18:04:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270080049437212762/image.png?ex=66b265b8&is=66b11438&hm=5d12d0445482b47610e20fb8a22ece0c407bf5ef794c6aba0433adf1a08e7ad2& [18:04:47] As long it's not a "have to create a wiki and then request to link to 'translate' ", Fandom's way of translating was a pain because my second wiki kept being closed because it wasn't as active and having to recreate every template was a pain too.. [18:05:12] I'm pretty search is more of a legacy thing for something like monobook but someone more credible should confirm or correct [18:05:56] Might be the skin I don't see tools here, using Citizen [18:06:05] yeah, skins decide what they want to do [18:06:22] they loosely adapt the sidebar and in some cases they have completely different interface messages they want to use instead [18:06:25] Correct [18:06:38] supporting translation or different lang wiki is a tricky subject, I used to admin 2 eng and 2 ru wikis at the same time (and eventually burned out cus 95% of the time I was alone lol) [18:06:46] Search is for monobook (so note changing it will change monobook) [18:07:43] Wikipedia and Fandom approach is that another lang wiki is a whole seperate community [18:07:56] so there will be differences [18:08:00] [1/2] it visualizes nicely on monobook [18:08:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270080885642756157/image.png?ex=66b26680&is=66b11500&hm=a3e99b86c4b27256aecfe2f75ba6b8926d878d6c53ebf0cdd41abb080be940a1& [18:08:06] Ah, I mean if I had been allowed to do `PAGE_NAME/LANGUAGE_1` and `PAGE_NAME/LANGUAGE_2` it would had been way easier for me I wouldn't had needed to create a second wiki [18:08:28] that a seconf method, Translate extension [18:08:32] but honestly [18:08:33] you could do it manually that way here, use the translate extension to automate (would multiply page complexity [18:08:36] it's so shitty lol [18:08:47] a split wiki could be a thing if it could be maintained somewhat well [18:08:58] the translate extension is a bane tbh but some like it [18:09:38] if you go using Translate it means that you get one wiki and the other lang content on it should be one to one to originals [18:09:57] but in very rare cases some wikis do this thing manually, w/o extension [18:10:22] translate does automatically organize in a way that would be awkward to figure by hand [18:11:11] I see [18:14:31] Just noticed something and I assume it's a setting to enable but you don't have search and replace in source mode ? [18:15:30] I'm not aware of it, but personally when I'm editing pages at scale I will do it in notepad++ where I have that among other utilities, in addition to a guaranteed text backup [18:16:05] 😅 [18:16:13] Too smart to be real 🤣 [18:16:19] wait there's search [18:16:21] and replace [18:16:39] With Fandom yeah, I use it a lot but can't find it here [18:16:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270083094405451816/2024-08-05_21_16_40.png?ex=66b2688e&is=66b1170e&hm=966db34d7798d2f140b6d7694543b13bd231ccc2f7101ef804c548b6cd277367& [18:16:53] Oh nice [18:16:55] I’m still waiting on them to finish adding edit recovery to core [18:16:56] 👀 [18:16:59] where [18:17:06] Advanced? [18:17:09] Ah so unlike fandom it's not triggered by ctrl-f [18:17:24] in CSS/JS editor Ctrl+F actually works [18:17:34] it's differnt too [18:17:54] Yeah not in the sandbox with source editor [18:18:43] I vaguelly remember something about 2017 editor in user preferences [18:18:51] or was it 2010 [18:18:54] I forgor [18:20:20] Edit recovery is live in Wikimedia but not mira huh [18:20:30] [1/2] Search Highlight being like : YOU SEE IT ?* 😅 [18:20:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270084032570327152/image.png?ex=66b2696e&is=66b117ee&hm=d6e0cef0ddad1a8d9dd1ce3653b5e7ac11fa7c8243ca653ddaeae4c741156197& [18:22:29] Oh wait are we missing out [18:23:14] @rhinosf1 [[mw:Help:EditRecovery]] has been added to MW core already and is enabled with a config flag [18:23:15] [18:23:27] should i make a PR to add it? [18:23:38] All the docs say there’s no other setup needed [18:23:57] @pixldev go for it [18:24:02] Hell yeah [18:24:08] Isn't that a wishlist proposal [18:24:18] So you can blame @theresnotime if it all explodes [18:24:23] Why does it feel like Christmas is early for you ? 😅 [18:24:24] <3 [18:24:55] yay! [18:24:56] Have you ever felt the pain and suffering of writing an article for 3 hours only to lose and tab and all progress at the end [18:25:03] Yup 🤣 [18:25:26] I guessed right then, it is your lovely work? [18:25:37] Partly yup :3 [18:25:38] Also a reason why I added preview without reload to not loose my CTRL-Z history 🤣 [18:25:53] Nice [18:26:49] This fixes that [18:27:51] @rhinosf1 should i make this global or managewiki. The issue with manage wiki is you can’t make it default afaik [18:28:13] Is it a config var? [18:28:14] Imo it should be enabled globally with an opt out if possible [18:28:28] `$wgEnableEditRecovery` [18:28:31] i think [18:28:31] you can make config vars default to true [18:28:40] There's a defaults option [18:28:44] [[mw:Manual:EditRecovery]] [18:28:46] [18:28:50] we ball [18:30:37] @rhinosf1 file under editing or beta settings [18:30:59] since this is a temporary feature flag per docs [18:31:25] If you guys enable it I assume it enables it for everyone right !n [18:31:40] Thats mad that it only just came out [18:31:46] Well there are two levels of settings [18:31:54] Wiki level which im working on [18:31:58] 1.41 [18:32:10] and each user enabling [18:32:15] shocked as well [18:32:17] I'm talking in the respect of Fandom had it on 1.19 [18:32:22] thought it was 1.42 [18:32:56] fandom is fandom [18:33:12] [1/2] Oh F, I need to rethink my nav, the way I had it doesn't work here 👀 [18:33:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270087228567326721/image.png?ex=66b26c68&is=66b11ae8&hm=7b73e757a7d17ae0da604536998b22726983d061ccf2a449ac4ba222214ca14e& [18:33:24] Rip [18:33:27] Editing [18:33:55] It's not a beta feature is it [18:33:57] Or is it [18:34:00] Beta if it's beta [18:34:01] [1/2] sigh [18:34:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270087431739281418/2024-08-05_21_33_53.png?ex=66b26c98&is=66b11b18&hm=fabe1e9625d3c86af0626edeea6f31079b6dc1be66285af158df05b7024f1de0& [18:34:05] @theresnotime help me [18:34:13] Its a temporary feature flag [18:34:19] Which is not the same as beta [18:34:33] Do users have to enable it in beta settings? [18:34:35] Yes [18:34:48] Its under editing on wikimedia prefs [18:34:52] rhinos, are we still nerfing google bots? [18:34:58] So no [18:35:00] No _its not a beta feature_ [18:35:03] Then it's editing [18:35:05] It'll just appear under editing prefs [18:35:08] Got it [18:35:12] Hopefully not [18:35:16] ill make the PR [18:35:19] I tried to fix that this morning [18:35:51] That's what https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/808001911868489748/1269916166348996659 was [18:35:51] im sorry rhinos are managewiki settings just not alphabetical [18:36:14] No idea [18:36:29] Haven't added a setting in a long time [18:36:30] Well easier for me [18:36:53] well p r p h c t isn’t the alphabet sooooo [18:37:03] ill just slap it on the end [18:37:19] Isn't it grouped [18:37:23] Into each settings page [18:37:31] Managewiki settings should be alphabetical. [18:38:09] Looks like someone broke that rule though and everyone followed suit [18:39:03] Oh extension list is alphabetical [18:39:41] @originalauthority you want to do https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12427#248546 which I've got you [18:39:54] should i make a task for this or just pr [18:40:07] Just do it [18:40:35] It only needs a task if there's some tracking [18:40:38] Like SSL [18:40:45] Used to be [18:40:51] So we can see who requested it when [18:41:02] Cause all of memories are awful [18:41:05] This is obvious [18:42:32] I'm eating dinner rn but after that yeah [18:44:28] That's early for you [18:44:43] Normally I wonder why you're having it so late [18:45:09] I knoe [18:45:20] I only had breakfast which was toast today tho im starved [18:46:03] You shouldn't skip meals [18:46:33] Does mw help text support links [18:47:52] okay yes [18:59:00] Daaammnnn it [18:59:19] i may not be able to commit til tmr @rhinosf1 [18:59:24] authenitzation issues [18:59:49] Okay [19:00:55] lemme see if i can work around it [19:01:03] if not ill be able to fix tmr [19:01:38] Nope [19:01:43] oh well [19:01:48] ive waited this long [19:01:51] i can wait a day [19:02:12] back to writing my maybe blog [19:02:31] gotta say i like how this draft thing id turning out [19:06:25] Uhh can't manage to find a page talking about how to use "MediaWiki:Licenses", I found about to change the wiki license but not about what I assume is to add custom license like "Fair Use" or equivalent, any ideas ? [19:09:04] Fair Use isn't a license [19:09:31] https://tenor.com/view/confused-confused-look-confused-face-huh-what-gif-2480734549943489640 [19:10:24] It's a way to be exempt from copyright [19:10:33] You can't license a thing under fair use [19:10:35] don't confuse the lad lol [19:10:47] You use fair use to allow you to use copyrighted material [19:11:14] Then go say that to Fandom who names that under "image license" 🤣 [19:11:43] [1/4] MediaWiki:Licenses is used for dropdown menu on Special:Upload [19:11:43] [2/4] it requires you to create license templates first [19:11:43] [3/4] for example [19:11:43] [4/4] [19:12:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270097015660875946/2024-08-05_22_12_00.png?ex=66b27585&is=66b12405&hm=feffc9ace5062f0d6a88b9539d2a848249a9e3ca64216e7a741028b34bbb1011& [19:12:15] templates can be added manually too, ofc [19:12:16] Ye that's correct though [19:12:23] Okay yeah I see, thx [19:12:29] That drop down isn't a list of licenses [19:12:41] I mean, techincally yeah [19:12:43] It's you describing why you can use that image [19:12:55] but in fact it used for that [19:12:56] How you obtained the licensing to do it [19:12:59] adding a template [19:13:01] Not what the license is [19:13:17] Well yeah 😅 [19:34:53] [1/2] Oh found a secret button 🤣 [19:34:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270102751812255965/20240805-1934-35.4386371.mp4?ex=66b27add&is=66b1295d&hm=e77c293c894c6af42f7bb16a62f7057128930fb2006e59557f627f143a4037ff& [19:35:36] I'd consider applying `column-count: 3;` or above [19:35:42] That's a bug [19:35:49] Not sure where that message is from [19:35:56] But please report it to somewhere [19:36:01] It might be ULS [19:36:07] it is [19:36:08] Or whatever skin you're using [19:36:12] It's on all pages [19:36:15] Citizen * [19:36:31] 🤔 [19:36:39] @atxatx is that a citizen or a ULS bug? [19:36:52] Citizen's SkinStyles should help fix it I believe, unless it's not currently working [19:40:33] Ah no no, its that I used to have more sub levels on fandom and it doesn't work with citizen, it doesn't go further than `` which is similar to how fandom didn't allow more than `` I think [19:41:28] it's just how the skin work by itself so meh [19:41:46] Yeah [19:42:21] i mistaken it instead of [[mw:Extension:Language Selector]] [19:42:25] [19:42:44] which by itself, do not have an SkinStyles attached to it [19:43:10] drop the link here [19:43:48] ? [19:43:54] Of my wiki you mean ? [19:44:51] y [19:45:33] [1/2] Sure, here it is 🙂 [19:45:33] [2/2] https://aelsworkshop.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [19:49:34] so basically what it does is to only attach a selection dropdown for us to change the language [19:50:09] I guess it's something with codex or whatever library the extension uses [19:59:01] [1/7] I got something for this in my experience [19:59:01] [2/7] ```css [19:59:02] [3/7] form#languageselector-form-1 { [19:59:02] [4/7] background-color: var(--color-surface-4); [19:59:02] [5/7] filter: var(--filter-invert); [19:59:03] [6/7] } [19:59:03] [7/7] ``` [20:01:27] Nice worked perfectly 😃 [20:01:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270109494612852877/image.png?ex=66b28125&is=66b12fa5&hm=b62edc8450ecdf74d532926ed991e258603c1dabe06534697c7ba4d74ad2bcc8& [20:02:01] I guess that I made someone's day today [20:02:29] [1/2] 🙂 [20:02:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270109698057703557/image.png?ex=66b28155&is=66b12fd5&hm=71f624522f1c21c3e051a6ecddd0658332d59821ad099626ccafff2576aedc0e& [20:02:42] gonna take some interviews with Wikimedia DE soon after lunch [20:02:49] 😅 [20:03:16] ah shit, it's 3 in the morning already [20:03:34] Oh shoot you scared me 👀 [20:03:46] 10pm here 😓 [20:04:01] https://tenor.com/view/goodbyechat-goodbye-chat-discord-funny-gif-22499294 [20:04:18] 〰️ [20:04:22] 👋🏼 [20:04:27] Congrats [20:04:33] And good luck [20:04:46] clarify: it's for their UX research [20:04:57] Oh still cool [20:05:03] I thought you meant like job [20:05:11] Whose doing the research? [20:05:41] Wikibase Cloud [20:06:17] That's not a person [20:06:50] ah right, Annie reached out to me [20:07:05] BigBlueButton actions and stuffs [20:07:05] No idea who they are [20:08:30] [1/2] I'm definitely need some sleeps rn so here is a crappy screenshot of the email [20:08:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270111211283026102/K.png?ex=66b282be&is=66b1313e&hm=b2d47c696d2074eeb08f1d97ad5cd86dd603bac06dab90ee1c27f7869b8a9ade& [20:08:59] a d i o s [20:09:08] Cool [20:19:58] Oh, just realized that I will have to do with several JS Extensions I had been used to work with 😰 [20:23:25] you mean fandom's ImportJS? [20:23:32] Yeah [20:23:41] yeah, will have to manually copy scripts from their Dev Wiki [20:23:53] Wait, I can do that ? 👀 [20:24:16] I do that all the time, but some of them might not work right away [20:24:27] 🤯 [20:24:46] for example I used decorated tooltips and a kind person here modified it to work on MIraheze [20:24:51] lots of them are fandom specific [20:24:52] it refused to work at first [20:24:58] We have no restrictions on JSS / CSS beyond on special pages and the CSP [20:25:09] i wanna get more people to do a drive of sorts of porting fandom stuff here [20:25:11] ah right, fandom's moderation [20:25:17] I forgot it's a thing [20:25:55] anyway, Navbox and NavboxBuilder modules work nicely after copying lol [20:26:12] [1/13] What I use, tho don't ask why I have Portal.js here since as far I know it doesn't need to be 🤣 [20:26:12] [2/13] ``` [20:26:12] [3/13] dev:Tooltips.js [20:26:12] [4/13] dev:Discord.js [20:26:13] [5/13] dev:MediaWiki:LastEdited/code.js [20:26:13] [6/13] Portal.js [20:26:13] [7/13] dev:AjaxBatchDelete.js [20:26:14] [8/13] [20:26:14] [9/13] dev:MassRename/code.js [20:26:14] [10/13] dev:FileUsageAuto-update/code.js [20:26:14] [11/13] dev:PageRenameAuto-update/code.js [20:26:15] [12/13] dev:MapsExtended.js [20:26:15] [13/13] ``` [20:26:45] I played a lot with Tooltips on the fandom wiki [20:26:46] Someone port message wall and comments! [20:27:10] ah it's actually same tooltips I use [20:27:32] The one that allows you to use a template as content to display ? [20:28:19] [1/2] yeah [20:28:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270116195789574185/2024-08-05_23_28_10.png?ex=66b28762&is=66b135e2&hm=a39f82d621b23edead14f6ebe37ebf2be2071870f36c2210502a7cf8d78afb0b& [20:28:45] [1/3] He he, I went crazy with it 😅 [20:28:45] [2/3] Here's what I have on my fandom [20:28:46] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270116307068649503/image.png?ex=66b2877d&is=66b135fd&hm=93058c7d9de8fd5dbd6c59bd0e710f37eecd9a7a8d474db42a46bae79c00f651& [20:28:57] [1/2] here's the code [20:28:58] [2/2] [20:29:10] 🫂 [20:29:20] one thing tho, you'll have to add a hack in its CSS [20:29:37] Other than that I assume it's more or less the same ? [20:29:57] [20:30:03] yeah [20:30:11] gotta make templates and stuff [20:30:28] Reminds me, how do you guys feel about a CSS/JS file per thing ? instead of a giant one. [20:31:07] haven't done them in a while after discovering TemplateStyles lol [20:31:57] https://tenor.com/view/confused-confused-look-confused-face-huh-what-gif-2480734549943489640 [20:32:02] [1/5] well it would be essentially the same as just not using TLS between Cloudflare and mw*. https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/origin-configuration/ssl-modes/full/#limitations: [20:32:03] [2/5] ``` [20:32:03] [3/5] The certificate presented by the origin will not be validated in any way. It can be expired, self-signed, or not even have a matching CN/SAN entry for the hostname requested. [20:32:03] [4/5] Without using Full (strict), a malicious party could technically hijack the connection and present their own certificate. [20:32:04] [5/5] ``` [20:33:34] aren’t you making message walls [20:33:38] also: commentstreams [20:33:39] No it wouldn't [20:33:43] [1/3] oh you'll love them [20:33:43] [2/3] [[mw:Extension:TemplateStyles]] [20:33:44] [3/3] in short - it lets you to store styles of templates separately as CSS subpages and they will load only if template is actually on the page, pretty much making Common.css lighter > no need for @import of other big CSS pages [20:33:44] [20:33:45] There's still TLS there [20:33:51] It can just be self signed [20:33:58] It still encrypts [20:34:02] It's just not validated [20:34:05] if there's no verification at all of the certificate is there a point? [20:34:10] [1/2] yeah i have this so far but it looks too similar to Fandom I need to change it up [20:34:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270117670796136579/Screenshot_2024-08-05_at_21.33.50.png?ex=66b288c2&is=66b13742&hm=79481eb96bfede60697de4963d951f4a56b806c0fb6060d41bfbedc1303c8e07& [20:34:20] Well ye you still need it to encrypt the traffic [20:34:44] That's freaking amazing, can it does conditional styling with that ? 👀 [20:35:04] please sir make it not suck [20:35:31] i think there’s a fandom script for improved prose editor [20:35:52] not sure wdym by conditional (I gotta sleep lol) [20:36:05] but anyone in the path between FiberState and Cloudflare can just present their own self-signed cert and pretend to be us. [20:36:14] Yes [20:36:25] We could look at Argo tunnels [20:36:47] Ah well i used to have an infobox with a color when it has a particular title. Also thx for the info good night ! 🙂 [20:37:07] if they aren't too much of a pain, sure [20:37:07] Night Ael [20:37:16] Not me Legroom 😅 [20:37:38] He said he had to sleep 😅 [20:37:43] Eh [20:38:06] Oh [20:38:16] hey siri what time is it in russia [20:38:31] not that late actually [20:38:35] well in moscow [20:38:42] no idea where leg lives [20:39:01] It ranges from 11pm to 7am 👀 [20:40:08] Russia big [20:40:24] we have PortableInfobox and I believe theming works here too and should work w/ TS [20:40:39] 👍🏼 [20:40:59] im in moscow timezone lol [20:41:20] Only an hour ahead 😛 [20:41:24] Okay ive stayed up later playing Miraheze SMP [20:46:07] [1/7] Okay on my imaginary list I have : [20:46:07] [2/7] - Page Background [20:46:07] [3/7] - Per Namespace Themed Background (if possible) [20:46:08] [4/7] - Tooltips [20:46:08] [5/7] - Infoboxes [20:46:08] [6/7] - Rest (don't ask why it's here I don't know) [20:46:09] [7/7] - Portals [20:46:13] Tho it's not really in order 🤔 [20:55:13] PortableInfobox is still broken on Parsoid so kiss goodbye to that soon ™️ [20:56:00] Still a good 18 months to go [20:56:17] We should probably restrict broken exts though with the new release [20:56:23] Cause people can start opting in [20:56:53] you know how important PI is? [20:57:47] Yup [20:57:56] Unfortunately its just not compatible with Parsoid and I really don't think there is a workaround—it just simply isn't compatible. [20:58:01] I'm nervous for the parsoid rollout [20:58:09] Unless they keep the option to opt-in to the old parser like they were talking about. [20:58:13] It's not going to be easy nor fun [20:58:20] Not forever [20:58:38] An LTS at least [20:58:41] Likely 2 [20:59:01] They never said whether it would be temporary or permenantly available iirc. [20:59:24] 2 LTS is still 4 years. [20:59:30] Which by then likely something else will have come along [20:59:46] It will only be temp [20:59:57] They won't support 2 parsers forever [20:59:58] really? [21:00:04] It'll likely be indefinite [21:00:13] yeah [21:00:32] And probably until wmf completes their migration too [21:00:33] We can’t abandon PI [21:00:38] I wouldn't put faith that it will be fixable [21:00:48] Can someone check how many wikis use it [21:00:50] I'm intrigued to see how Fandom deals with it [21:01:36] remind me which version of mw they're on now? [21:01:44] 1.43 is deployed on wikimedia [21:01:53] fansom i mean [21:01:53] scheduled for december release [21:01:56] 1.39.7 [21:02:04] still doesn't support ES6 in JS LOL [21:02:11] what a company [21:02:31] will take them another decade to get there probably lol [21:02:34] thought it was 19 ngl [21:02:51] they’ll just make their own parser ngl [21:03:17] Is there any way to fix PI? whats the issue with parsoid [21:04:44] Parsoid doesn't grant access to the full context like the legacy parser [21:04:57] stuff can only access parsoid elements that are passed to them [21:05:19] aight now fr good night lol [21:05:52] 👋🏼 [21:06:47] I think I will go too, my neck is killing me, have been more active today than the last months [21:24:53] oof, feel better man [21:25:07] por que [21:26:21] But PI only affects the box which is passed through xml [21:34:54] The entirety of portablr infobox goes through a <> tag so it neefd to pass through the parser [21:43:23] so it is all passed, whats the issue [21:44:28] Because Parser doesnt grant access to the whole Parser context [21:44:38] Theres no way for PI to access what it needs [21:53:11] what does it need that it don’t have [21:55:38] Dunno haven't looked into it [21:55:48] Dont really care for PIs its a bit of a gimmick [22:41:27] that gimmick for better or worse backs a sizeable portion of our wikis [22:41:44] can you render a PI box on parsoid? [22:43:11] No because PIs are incompatable with Parsoid. [22:43:12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270150141860515923/image0.gif?ex=66b2a700&is=66b15580&hm=f2665a1a56482328e83d7e2fc50e8f016ed9941194315e5374dbd02f8cea7c41& [22:44:46] to see what happens when you try [22:44:55] or would it give a backend error [22:46:10] It just doesnt get parsed [22:46:15] The parser just ignores it [23:01:14] how much work would it take to fix [23:01:27] would it be large patches or a whole rewrite [23:02:29] I dont know [23:04:40] Note to self: look into parsoid and PI code to assess possibility of a fix [23:13:57] There are already tickets open on MediaWiki phab and The Foundation said they will implement a fix but its not urgent. [23:31:16] They provide support for PI [23:31:18] ? [23:31:33] No [23:31:49] But they have committed to aid in fixing stuff they broke as a result of parsoid