[00:00:26] TheresNoTime I think I see why the EditRecov preferance is disabled by default looking at it's talk page [00:06:21] seems fandom generates sitemaps on demand now? https://vampirediaries.fandom.com/sitemap-index.xml [00:11:15] interesting [00:20:49] that must be killing their servers [00:24:58] good /s [00:25:23] also, kinda funny to see this task just become about text wrapping for a bithttps://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T342721 [00:25:30] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T342721 [00:25:55] mw.notify is horrid [00:25:58] the ui is like 2004 [00:27:04] Wikimedia demands it be so [00:27:54] So far the main issue I see it with it auto restoring when people don't want and the notify/undo box going away too fast [00:28:58] seems best addressed in https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T364664 [00:29:20] which I think says it ill be dealt with in few days if Im reading right [00:29:34] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/7315/ [00:30:49] But yeah, after I get on Github to authenticate my remote dev env to merge the config PR and we deploy the flag, I'll make a minor announcement letting people know and warning them of possible issues. [09:11:58] Bleh, changing that behaviour this 'late' in deployment is going to confuse people [09:54:02] google lost monopoly lawsuit? 👀 [11:17:51] Yup [11:18:07] This would be a really good time for microsoft to invest in bing [11:18:21] Although there are ublikely to be any immediate repercussions because Google will likely appeal [13:49:12] Okay, either DummyFandoomMainpageTags doesn't like me or it doesn't work with Citizen 😢 [13:55:08] Nvm, I'm just dumb.. [14:03:46] DummyFandoomMainpageTags should be avoided wherever possible. You should opt for a simple `flex` or `grid` layout. [14:04:32] Ah it had a different name then, didn't knew I was too used of the Fandom Column name [14:28:54] Oh, it's done from the CSS side 👀 [14:30:01] The dummy tags are good in a pinch when porting over a fandom wiki, but don't always scale well depending on the skin you choose [14:32:29] Yeah, so much to learn, having it on CSS side will for sure be a new level for me 👀 [15:06:15] Okay will keep that for another day, will focus on creating the pages for now. [15:18:11] [1/3] @rhinosf1 I've been looking into Tunnels. Looks like it _may_ work. From the Zero Trust Dashboard (emphasis mine): [15:18:11] [2/3] Once your tunnel is created, use the Public Hostnames tab to specify the service or the Private Networks tab to add an IP or CIDR. [15:18:11] [3/3] If I can indeed make all TCP connections/HTTP requests to IP X go through the tunnel this is a viable alternative to having to serve certificates that Cloudflare trusts [15:18:34] Of course, I'd have to see what it looks like in practice [15:18:46] There's a free plan we can use for a test run. [15:21:12] How about we set this up on test151, add some custom domains on Mirabeta and see if it works for us? [15:22:14] @bluemoon0332 you want me to setup some sub domains pointing to cf-lb on rhinosf1.com for you to use [15:22:19] How many do you want [15:22:27] just one would be good enough [15:22:44] I can't do this today but this is definitely something I want to do sometime this week [15:26:27] @bluemoon0332 bluemoon.rhinosf1.com points to cf-lb unproxied and blueproxy.rhinosf1.com points to cf-lb with orange cloud on [15:26:40] Wasn't sure if that would make a difference to how cf behaves so I set both [15:27:02] You can do what you like with either of them [15:29:40] Wut infoboxes require , I was so used to not have it that I couldn't see why I wasn't working, I'm so bad at this.. 😭 [15:34:44] They work without it [15:36:04] @rhinosf1 @theresnotime made the PR, Edit Recovery should be available today if it’s merged [15:36:13] Just need to fix it to appease the lint [15:36:16] Forgot a comma [15:41:28] :ablobfoxbongohyper: [15:42:49] Good thing about these core features is I can direct all complaints to you Foundation folks [15:43:59] And I'm sure @theresnotime will fix them all [15:45:49] Then I don't get it, it worked only when I added it [15:46:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270407663104036966/20240806-1546-12.8358485.mp4?ex=66b396d5&is=66b24555&hm=ec9898e7ca90e8187ad65520d96ce3b79e9f9b60b5925e40b24775008c95185d& [15:46:33] As you can see here [15:47:11] :p depends how serious they are/if you can convince our product manager [15:48:43] ah thats not a matter of the includeonly tags, its because when infoboxes are imported sometimes you need to update the page to give it a kick (type some random stuff into the noinclude part and youll see it fixes itself too) [15:49:16] Wouldn't a Purge fix it ? [15:49:36] nope, and im not even sure an empty edit fixes it [15:49:55] WTF 👀 [15:50:06] Add a character and it worked [15:50:35] I'm blown.. [15:50:38] it's an import problem yeah, hypothetically purge supposed to fix it but sometimes it doesn't and normal edit is required [15:51:01] What do you mean by Import ? a copy paste ? [15:51:36] well, the mediawiki import process, either per template or as a whole w/ entire wiki dumps [15:51:59] I don't use that, I just copied my infobox template in the clipboard [15:52:28] hm, did u enable the portableinfobox extension before or after u made the page? [15:52:41] Both, even purged to be sure [15:53:14] I also saved the edit to check and it was borken [15:53:43] hmm, might be that it took a couple minutes to take effect after u enabled it [15:54:15] Who’s your PM [15:54:37] Although I see that the main issue I had seen was being fixed in a few days [15:55:31] I think the task got moved into the sprint ^^' might take a while longer to get resolved as I think it's lower priority [15:56:09] Saved it in the working state by putting a space in the `` zone and it works, when I edit to take that now useless space it no longer does. [15:59:33] i wonder if its taking that as "undoing" that edit and just reverting it back to the previous (non-working) version of the page (is mediawiki that smart????) [16:00:07] If it's like how fandom does then no it counts it as a new edit [16:00:29] Who is your PM [16:00:40] Jack Wheeler [16:00:48] No idea who they are [16:00:56] They're very new ^^" [16:01:41] I remember when they're WMF account got created [16:01:54] Someone thought they were an LTA [16:02:00] But I know nothing about them [16:02:03] Ahahaha [16:03:51] Necessary sacrifices must be made [16:04:25] Oh yeah, I saw him around on Phab [16:04:28] Op [16:04:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270412249537712180/image0.jpg?ex=66b39b1b&is=66b2499b&hm=03b7c6ac1973d6f16d118ed401252eeb0199b1cd828f584086678fced74886dc& [16:04:46] The newspaper arrived [16:05:28] [1/2] That’s funny [16:05:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270412436951793724/image0.jpg?ex=66b39b48&is=66b249c8&hm=2367636ff16dcd7f5e7cb73a9273241e41ec4ab059b02568fe5eea020b4cf017& [16:06:30] Let’s see [16:06:41] Global blocks can target accounts and be locally unblocked [16:07:06] Global vanish request page [16:07:52] Yeesh, can we get a month with a net up of admins [16:08:06] One reinstated 2 gone for sysop [16:08:18] One back on IA [16:08:27] and one resignation from CU [16:08:28] Fun [16:10:35] @theresnotime when did Tim move to you? [16:10:46] You've got Musik & Sam though [16:10:54] As Staff Engineers [16:11:38] Shouldn’t WMF accounts be made by other WMF accounts to avoid impersonation concerns [16:11:48] I hate the Staff X as a role title [16:11:52] You're all Staff [16:11:57] It was [16:12:01] They just didn't look [16:12:27] Hmmmmm, quite a few months now [16:12:58] @theresnotime just noticed that [16:13:54] @theresnotime the having staff as a role title really annoys me. I think it's Blank -> Senior -> Staff -> Principal though isn't it [16:14:01] Staff is a stupid name [16:16:07] My work go Blank -> Senior -> Principal -> Senior Principal [16:19:24] How do you guys do sprints [16:22:58] @freosam you do know your talk page Aw Snaps chrome for iOS [16:23:32] @theresnotime no idea if Sam checks discord so if you see him [16:24:43] (ref Tim joining) [16:39:48] Seriously [16:39:59] Why did my VPS just die :( [16:40:13] SSH is down [16:40:21] Code server isn’t responding [16:40:37] And it’s back [16:40:38] What [16:40:39] Okay [16:46:06] No unlikely to be done in that timeframe? [17:02:15] @pixldev what's the uptime? [17:02:41] When I checked the panel is was fine [17:02:41] Oh actually [17:02:42] I have Grafana on it [17:02:57] What port is Grafana uuuh [17:03:52] 9090 is prom [17:04:39] Found it [17:04:44] Forgot the password [17:06:35] Got the password [17:06:51] A few moon spikes but mostly fine [17:06:55] Idk [17:23:32] think you can point those to test151.miraheze.org instead? [17:23:46] Sure [17:25:07] Done [17:27:04] I didn’t know you had a website lol [17:27:33] You've seen my email before [17:27:34] nice, we should be good to go for the test run then [17:27:44] True I think [17:28:20] I’m probably gonna use just GitHub.io for my blog but I may buy pix-l.dev or smt [17:28:26] pixl.dev was taken [17:30:48] Hmm doesn't seem to be ULS [17:32:22] The extension is injecting the language selection to `mw-indicators` and Citizen doesn't have a dark mode style for it [17:32:43] Can you fix that? [17:33:41] If you have a live demo of the issue and also the extension repo [17:33:45] I couldn't find that extension [17:34:50] UniversalLanguageSelector [17:52:26] Do you have the link to the wiki? From my understanding, ULS doesn't insert the selector as an indicator. And it should open a popup instead of a dropdown [17:53:11] @aels224 [17:53:23] Here -> https://aelsworkshop.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:53:33] The fix isn't generalized so it should be there [17:54:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1270439836037156964/20240806-1754-07.4991479.mp4?ex=66b3b4cc&is=66b2634c&hm=c235b5a31fda2c1ca981de1e76c8ac6dd551b4818d81ed478f70ae47726d5d3e& [17:59:45] I thought I already have a fix? [17:59:57] Local, I think they aim for general [18:00:23] wrong, [[mw:Extension:LanguageSelector]] [18:00:24] [18:01:11] ah I understood, aiming for global this time [18:01:29] If I understood correctly [18:02:37] I would suggest setting `$wgLanguageSelectorLocation` to `LANGUAGE_SELECTOR_AS_PORTLET` [18:02:45] Oh [18:03:12] There are too many possible locations for insertion and the extension doesn't have high enough usage tbh [18:03:32] It does the same thing as ULS [18:04:50] except that anon can also use it [18:05:20] Anon can use ULS [19:01:37] [1/2] Argh, I hate when that happens got an idea but I don't know how feasible it is. [19:01:38] [2/2] I will have several sections on my wiki because I like to separate stuff from Stargate from the Star Trek stuff and I got into the idea of having a specific CSS for each so it has a custom background (for example). So to this I checked info on "Per Namespace CSS" but now I realize that I should had asked if it was the way to go 🤔 [19:53:06] @originalauthority can i put edit recov default below the extension stuff in GS.php [19:55:07] Huh [19:55:47] From what i see settings here dont override ManageWiki [19:56:38] Correct [19:56:53] and local do so there we go [19:57:06] can you find anywhere else in this file more appropriate to put it? [19:57:16] Why do you need to put it in there? [20:01:42] because far as I can tell the default option dont wanna work since the feature only works after a toggle off and on [20:01:58] You need to add it to LocalSettings I think [20:02:08] you said to put it in LS but that would override MW so it cant be disabeld right? [20:02:14] No [20:02:41] huh [20:02:43] ManageWiki will add its configuration to $wgConf [20:04:25] [1/11] Basically if you have in wgconf [20:04:26] [2/11] (I cant be arsed to format this properly on mobile) [20:04:26] [3/11] wgVariableHere [ [20:04:26] [4/11] 'default' => false [20:04:26] [5/11] ] [20:04:27] [6/11] And metawiki has it set to true in managewiki that becomes [20:04:27] [7/11] wgVariableHere [ [20:04:28] [8/11] 'default' => false, [20:04:28] [9/11] 'metawiki' => true [20:04:28] [10/11] ] [20:04:28] [11/11] After managewiki is run [20:04:34] And the default is ignored [20:07:01] so setting it to true in ls will make the default true, and manage wiki will pave over it when it see the variable [20:07:17] Yes [20:07:31] got it [20:07:37] ls is in alphabetical order? [20:07:53] I think its in sections? [20:09:21] yup [20:09:43] add a new section? [20:10:51] or is there a core settings category [20:12:24] Maybe right at the top? [20:12:36] Where priveleged groups etc is since they're core [20:13:02] you’d think the default would be in ManageWiki but no [20:14:01] mmm alright [20:17:37] look good? https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5631 [20:19:44] Si [20:20:19] cool [20:20:24] announcement writing time [20:20:31] makes a note for Use Elsewhere :3 [20:20:55] Get so used to writing things which only ever get used on wmf stuff [20:21:02] Im assuming that’s related to wmf noting who else zues this? [20:21:15] i love fun janky features hm [20:21:27] if there’s anything else fun we’re missing lmk [20:21:53] I'm surprised wmf still uses php files for their wikis instead of investing in something solid to manage config [20:21:55] would you like me to direct people to you or the mww page on er for feedback? [20:22:04] like what [20:22:04] Enabled realtime preview yet? [20:22:26] Don’t remember hearing Bout that [20:22:27] Link! [20:22:36] Never ever just at me ahahah pleeeeeeeease [20:22:38] :p [20:23:19] @ -everyone please direct all complaints regarding anything ever to sammy [20:23:46] You've got @freosam here too [20:23:54] True [20:24:36] https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Wishlist_Survey_2021/Real_Time_Preview_for_Wikitext (mobile atm so can't find a better link) [20:25:12] oh the thing in the editor [20:25:16] i think do [20:25:21] The wikimedia foundation should do hiring from the community that would be neat [20:25:28] click a button and have it update side by side [20:25:42] Oh i noticed that recenrly [20:25:47] Its nice but super laggu [20:25:52] doesnt it? A lot of it’s employees afaik are Wikimedians [20:25:55] Anyone can apply to their jobs [20:25:55] agreed [20:26:21] Just go apply, depending on the team I'm sure we can do favours [20:26:25] Takes a while to update (which i guess in factor depends on the time for the API request to do a round trip) [20:26:52] [1/2] wonder how funny it would be for a miraheze tech volunteer to work at the wmf considering how much we light heartedly make fun of [20:26:53] [2/2] Their stuff sometimes [20:26:58] Yes i know, i mean like Fandom sometimes approaches users from the community to work for them [20:26:58] except for centralauth [20:27:14] Also you probably need 300 degrees to work for WMF [20:27:22] @theresnotime is even advertising [20:27:26] Although only temp [20:27:33] hm? [20:27:35] They have tried offering me a job before [20:27:42] also does wmf do internships [20:27:47] https://grnh.se/446a0e281us is @theresnotime's team [20:27:50] I got tapped for this job fwiw [20:28:02] I mean in what team [20:28:12] I don't hage a compsci degree tho so heh [20:28:21] Id assume software eng [20:28:26] They reach out to community members every now and then ^^ but would be nice if it happened more [20:28:30] since intern ops team seems [20:28:32] unwise [20:28:42] Yeah but what area of product & teach [20:29:05] Mobile? Design? Security? Extension dev? [20:29:05] We do internships! And Google Summer of Code! :3 [20:29:17] Yeah don't forget GSoC too [20:29:24] Oh yeah I remember reading GSoC [20:29:41] But like if you want some PHP dev then I say ask @theresnotime [20:29:47] Oh tbf some jobs don't even require a compsci degree [20:29:47] And see if they'll get you a job [20:29:50] who knows maybe ill try my hand at one in a few years if I get any good at mw sev [20:29:52] I'll reference you [20:29:53] https://job-boards.greenhouse.io/wikimedia/jobs/5663779?gh_src=b4b01c141us [20:29:58] should’nt imo [20:30:14] Is there an internship page or sttn? [20:30:23] If I can do my job without a degree, no software engineers require a degree [20:30:24] I think if you can practically show your skills and worth damn a piece of paper [20:30:30] (Although I am a degree apprentice) [20:30:31] Correct [20:30:36] Tell employers that [20:30:40] why am i going to college again [20:30:49] You need at least 25 years React experience for most jobs [20:30:58] My job is safety critical and I have no degree [20:31:00] i have literally never taken a development class beyond roblox [20:31:26] You'll be fine [20:31:36] I've sat on both sides of an interview panel [20:32:07] Really? [20:32:08] huh [20:32:11] We care about you wanting to learn for student / early career roles [20:32:22] And you're likable [20:32:36] For a teen year old im fairly confident in my abilities knowledge wise [20:32:48] First impressions really do count though [20:32:55] if i had to assess myself my main issue is ive never finished an advanced project [20:33:03] You have like the first 2 minutes to impress [20:33:05] ill bring my best trench coat [20:33:15] It's scary how quick you make the call [20:33:30] One thing my shop teacher taught us [20:33:40] bring a notebook with questions to interviews [20:33:44] practice before obvi [20:33:50] That's good [20:33:56] but show up, they ask you a question, and you pull out a notebook [20:34:01] useful obviously [20:34:08] and shows your prepared [20:34:11] Confidence is kind of important although we expect some nervousness [20:34:25] And we also don't expect you to know everything [20:34:30] Just be honest [20:34:32] My shop teacher is an awesome guy [20:34:35] And problem solve [20:34:38] he teaches so many life skills [20:35:04] We want to know you can problem solve your way to answer an issue [20:35:12] make sense [20:35:19] thats somethinf i tell other devs a lot [20:35:21] learn to learn [20:35:25] to google to read docs [20:35:26] Like you did with that dockerfile with me [20:35:39] You are smart for being your age [20:35:40] its depressing how many dont do that and just ask for help [20:35:50] I know [20:35:59] I mentor babies like you at work [20:36:09] Although I wish more were actually like you [20:36:19] And as likable and dedicated [20:36:30] looking at the dumb shit other people older than me do and where i am community and skills wise i mean yeah id say so [20:36:42] even i cant deluded myself to be overly humble there [20:37:05] I didn't even get to 9am on Monday [20:37:18] Before I got told such and such is unwell [20:37:27] And it's like ok, I'm not their boss [20:37:30] Pardon? [20:37:45] Go ask them if they need anything and then leave them in peace [20:37:50] What do you want me to do [20:38:04] I kinda feel bad now 👀 [20:38:05] Then they decided to tell me they couldn't ask that and didn't have the guys phone number [20:38:18] dont worry lol [20:38:19] I'm a mentor not a boss [20:38:31] I care you are fine [20:38:40] i was refering the the devs who dont put any effort in [20:38:41] And aren't without food or anything cause you're bed resting [20:38:44] you put in the effort [20:38:45] Work isn't my problem [20:39:32] i gtg but continue this chat later [20:39:35] real [20:39:37] Cool [20:39:50] I mean it kind of is but it depends which hat I have on [20:39:54] but you still runinterview? [20:40:06] If I'm being a mentor, my job is to make sure you're okay and getting on fine [20:40:11] We can't recruit [20:40:17] Stupid conservative government [20:40:26] you work for the gov? [20:40:27] Labour are still solving that stupid policy [20:40:30] my condolences [20:40:33] Yes I'm civil service [20:40:36] It's actually quite good [20:40:40] I don't work in policy [20:40:56] Policy and delivery are 2 very different areas [20:47:17] Been trying for a while now and it doesn't seem possible to have a Image Background with Citizen, I did it the right way (I think) but I only change the color it stays black if I input an image. I can thank the Inspector to allow me to test things but sadly it didn't work here. 😔 [20:50:18] for the record, the usual wiki talks/support goes to #general , also there's #support where you can ask for help over specific things [20:50:39] Oh I thought it was actual issues 👀 [20:50:49] You know like major thing that require support [20:55:38] @originalauthority I like how O2's top tip for staying connected in my area (due to it being busy) is to connect to WiFi and not use their network [20:56:22] [1/5] > O2 Network Update: XXXXX, Southsea, Portsmouth, Southsea POX XXX, UK [20:56:22] [2/5] > Our Network can get busy in this area. [20:56:23] [3/5] > This means your data could be slower than normal. We’re sorry about that. Our team is aware and working to make it better. Our top tips for staying connected would be to find local Wifi hotspots and download whatever content you need whilst connected to Wifi, so you can still enjoy it on the move. [20:56:23] [4/5] > Don’t want to receive any more updates on this network issue? http://s.o2alerts.com/XXXXX [20:56:23] [5/5] > Terms apply. [20:56:40] Will post in #support then, and sorry I had completely misunderstood the logic behind it 😅 [20:57:51] O2 is the shittest network ever [21:00:07] They really are [21:00:41] They won't even let me pay for my own phone and take it off my mum's account [21:00:50] It is the one thing she still pays for [21:01:04] Because O2 just make it too difficult to split it off [22:31:44] Do you mean [this page](https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Samwilson)? I don't know what there could be causing an issue. [22:36:13] Took a look and sadly I've no idea how to make it work, the one I was using was after inputting a config for a custom Class and even with the config in the Comon.js it didn't work. 😕