[00:20:55] Grrr everytime i restart my mac my mariadb tables keep getting fucked [00:22:10] how [00:42:37] Idk [00:42:49] I tried uninstalling and reinstalling mariadb but keeps happening [00:42:50] Grrr [09:56:47] [1/3] Good morning, [09:56:47] [2/3] I'm working on the wiki https://gundamfr.miraheze.org/wiki/Wiki_Gundam_FR . I added the wiki sitemap on Google Search Console a few months ago and it worked fine until August. Now indexing is blocked due to 403 errors. This may be caused by some edge case on Cloudflare [09:56:47] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1272131592420065331/image.png?ex=66b9dc5e&is=66b88ade&hm=65cda75396bfeb78b3cb6bebb80db2e57aa816a25097ca3d354237bb3e08f583& [10:13:07] Will take a look [10:13:11] I blame cloudflare [10:13:22] blame ddosers [10:13:28] Who probably blame Google [10:13:39] BlankEclair: legit automated traffic is supposed to be exempt though [10:13:46] oh right [10:14:18] https://rainverse-miraheze-org.translate.goog/wiki/Lynn?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp [10:14:20] sad :( [10:16:20] BlankEclair: that's entirely Google's fault [10:16:26] Why are they limiting javascript [10:16:35] i didn't even know they filtered js [10:16:39] Or not following redirects [10:16:43] BlankEclair: they must [10:16:50] It's a bit of javascript and a redirect [10:16:57] as in the cloudflare challenge? [10:17:00] Ye [10:17:12] it, uh, would be kinda odd if it passed cookies [10:18:32] It adds an extra parameter onto the url [10:18:58] yeah, but you also need the cf_clearance cookie [10:19:05] (and same ip address + user agent when requesting) [10:20:53] Forgot the cookie [10:20:58] But ye ip + ua [10:21:18] This is a google + cloudflare need to get their shit together [10:21:28] And I'm inclined to blame Google [10:21:40] Who probably couldn't care for their opinion [10:21:48] And also mine [10:22:17] I will meet some googlers in like 6/7 weeks [10:22:20] I could moan at them [14:07:25] I think that maybe we could try out cloudflared on Phorge instead of Mirabeta, that'd be easier to setup. Phorge can also be accessed via multiple hostnames, there's issue-tracker. and blog., so it would be kind of like custom domain wikis. Phorge is also not as critical as MediaWiki, and can probably afford being down for a while. [14:11:09] Only thing missing then is an actual cloudflared implementation via Puppet, the ones I saw are like +6 year old and unmaintained, but I can do that [14:15:22] That’s smart [14:15:45] Although would be interesting if phorge went down since normally that would be documented on phorge [14:29:28] This week i might finish the loadout thing heh [14:32:35] Oh shit awesome [14:34:49] @bluemoon0332: sounds like the start of a plan [14:35:06] cloudflared in puppet shouldn't be awful [14:35:47] @pixldev: they'll be no record of our insanity if we break the issue tracker then :) [14:35:48] Anymore so then typical puppet [14:36:33] It’s not taking down prod if you reclassify it as staging [14:36:59] Just test on Prod like the Foundation does [14:37:09] Pardon [14:37:22] Wikimedia foundation famously tests on production [14:37:49] Puppet has a baseline of evil [14:38:01] Thats why wikipedia is always running REL1_X-wmfxy [14:38:10] This just won't be that bad compared to hell it already is [14:38:25] Hence https://bash.toolforge.org/search?p=0&q=puppet [14:38:29] Side note has anyone ever seen an issue with NGINX where browsers can’t connect but curl and not other non human things can (ie using google translate as a proxy loaded the site) [14:38:57] Because I am so fucking confused [14:39:51] How [14:40:06] what is your nginx config [14:40:09] And pastebin [14:42:05] In my defense I did try paste bin, the site just, didn’t work on my phone???? Idfk [14:42:28] Are there any other sites that have the same functionality [14:45:48] Hundreds [14:46:03] Including our very own issue-tracker [14:46:36] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/paste/edit/form/12/ [14:47:03] How convenient [14:49:18] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/P507 [14:50:35] Anything in access or error log [14:50:47] What's the error if you're a human [14:50:58] Nothing I think [14:51:07] I’ll look later [15:00:12] That's not good nor useful [15:56:58] It’s a too long to respond error [15:57:38] Only just sent cause wifi [15:58:32] My idea is to look at dev tools to see if anything in there help [15:58:37] s [15:59:30] If only I had a browser with dev tools [15:59:32] :c [16:22:26] Are you curling from localhost? [16:22:55] But then google translate doesn't make sense [16:23:02] Unless it's a Google cloud vps [18:59:29] [1/2] I got a fix coming right there- [18:59:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1272268167699238944/U.png?ex=66ba5b90&is=66b90a10&hm=850e47d1b29e76f710c7b4c727d5e353acc818a91d2a8f56b0b2eb9819cce7ff& [19:41:29] It’s a rack nerd VPS. And I’m curling the actual domain name [19:42:02] Well that ruins that idea [19:42:16] I was going to say check the firewall [19:42:30] Ngl I’m pretty sure there isn’t one [19:42:43] ufw said no command found [19:42:50] Should probably look into that later [19:43:05] Note I have another site on different domain [19:44:00] One SO post I saw mentioned headers [19:52:24] You should have a firewall ye [19:52:29] But let's rule that one out [19:52:34] There must be some log [19:52:45] Proving nginx at least received the request [19:53:01] If you can curl it, network must be fine [19:53:14] Same for google translate [19:53:54] The google translate kinda confuses me [19:57:36] I think it’s something the browser sends for human requests that isn’t typically included in machine requests [19:59:31] But what [19:59:44] Header? [20:00:23] Both send headers [20:00:27] Maybe different ones [20:00:37] Hm [20:01:02] Is it ERR_TIMED_OUT or ERR_CONNECT_TIMED_OUT [20:01:09] That chrome gives [20:01:37] Do you wanna try loading/curling? See if maybe it’s location issue? [20:01:47] Sure [20:02:19] Have you only tried this from a school chromebook? [20:04:03] And my phone didn’t load [20:04:08] But same wifi [20:04:20] Send me the link [20:13:30] Curl returns a 302 [20:13:45] Which one is that redirect? [20:13:54] What is actually installed on that VPS [20:14:18] stares at the graveyard in the closet [20:14:24] Uuuuh let’s see [20:14:31] All or related to web? [20:14:44] Web [20:14:49] What should it be serving [20:15:20] A docker container running https://paperless-ngx.com (is that the right tld) [20:15:31] You’re probably being redirected to the login screen [20:15:36] Try with /L [20:15:52] Or curl /accounts/login [20:17:41] I don't get this [20:17:45] There must be logs [20:19:24] It must hit nginx to get /accounts/login [20:19:33] Which means nginx must work fine to a point [20:19:38] But it's a connection time out [20:19:51] Is it resources? [20:21:10] It gets that on curl [20:21:13] Curl gives logs [20:21:53] At the nginx side [20:21:55] On your server [20:22:09] To see what nginx actually does [20:22:26] I kinda want to tail nginx's log as a request is being made [20:22:36] And maybe syslog too [20:22:47] Syslog ? [20:22:51] Yes [20:23:14] Something funky is going on [20:24:41] The other nginx app works fine [20:24:54] It’s literally the terminal I’m using to access the server to make these changes [20:25:49] That's concerning in many ways [20:26:06] And also I'm not even convinced should be possible for it to error in this way [20:26:17] What have you managed to make [20:26:25] It's going very wrong [20:34:23] I’m just built different [20:45:48] Yes you are [20:46:36] How many times have I been put on the tech team blacklist [20:48:12] None [20:48:29] You learn by doing insane things [20:48:35] And I like teaching [20:48:44] Because I'm insane myself [20:52:59] We will turn you into everyone's favourite member of the tech team [21:29:38] Oh dee