[06:46:31] Hey BlankEclair [06:46:36] helllo [06:48:18] * RhinosF1 wonders how many things I can break in a day at work [06:48:24] With no one else even in [06:48:49] did i break something today :thinking: [06:48:54] damn, bad record [06:49:43] i packed ~1.2 GB worth of image and xml backups into one 643 MB file :3 [06:49:52] https://transfem.social/notes/9wu6r5nh9vxe003q [06:51:52] I mean if there's no one in to notice it's broken, does it matter [06:52:56] well you noticed it :p [13:28:05] Checked, err connection timed out [13:29:25] [1/2] i'm about to fucking kill myself if this continues [13:29:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1272547490301870224/Screenshot_2024-08-12_at_14.29.10.png?ex=66bb5fb4&is=66ba0e34&hm=39cb24f2637e8d1aa223c76fc3c58b2e32298012a800811413f0736f4add7123& [13:40:07] why not kill your computer instead :3 [13:47:01] Why not both [13:48:02] murder suicide [13:48:46] why is my brain like this, i'm now suddenly reminded of an anime where someone burned down a building with her in it [13:48:52] and now i want to rewatch it >:( [13:49:02] s/her/herself/ [13:54:38] [1/2] @rhinosf1 I made https://github.com/redbluegreenhat/puppet-cloudflared, however there's a problem preventing it from also handling the cloudflared tunnel systemd service, which is that I don't see a way for it to get the cert.pem and Tunnel Credential files by itself. We _can_ use it right now as it is, but Puppet won't be managing the credentials or the systemd service due to t [13:54:39] [2/2] his. [13:57:52] possible options include having the module expect the token from the remotely-managed tunnel creation flow and having it fail the puppet run if not there for at least the first run [13:58:23] (https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/connections/connect-networks/get-started/create-remote-tunnel/) [14:06:31] actually, even with that I don't see a way for Puppet to manage the Tunnel Credentials file and cert.pem [14:06:42] but maybe it doesn't need to [14:22:54] Why can't it manage those files? I'm confused [14:31:46] by managing I'm talking about having those files in private git for easy rotation in case of security issues, but ultimately I don't think we need to do that for those credentials specifically [14:34:43] I'll go edit the Cloudflare Tunnels test task, I think we're good to go for testing it on Phorge [14:38:08] Another problem is that with the module as it is now, installing a new appserver would be difficult due to needing human input to generate the credentials, although there's an API to create tunnels that could help us with that: https://developers.cloudflare.com/api/operations/cloudflare-tunnel-create-a-cloudflare-tunnel [14:49:52] Puppet can pull those from a private repo, idk what you mean? As far as roasting the credentials, iirc those must be done manually anyway? [14:56:22] But I don't know how to integrate that with the module [14:57:16] Although I just saw that there's https://developers.cloudflare.com/api/operations/cloudflare-tunnel-get-a-cloudflare-tunnel-token, so I have a few ideas on how to do it [14:57:18] You just need to do a lookup(variablehere) [15:28:28] I'll keep this in mind in the future for automating tunnel creation, but I'll do without it for now. [16:12:43] I'm a little bit tired, and I have made some rather egregious mistakes on my module for cloudflared that is preventing it from working [16:12:59] I'll revert the commits to miraheze/puppet, fix the module, and go at it again later [16:24:56] commits reverted and puppet is working on phorge171 once again [16:25:03] I'm going to take a little nap [16:25:57] 12 hours later... [16:38:37] https://tenor.com/view/spongebob-many-months-later-three-weeks-later-waiting-so-much-later-gif-16351997 [22:17:32] @rhinosf1 thinking on the vigil idea I realize now it may be better to look into the old [[mw:ORES]] instead of soley cbng [22:17:34]