[02:08:23] Anyone understand how Wikimedia's revscoring library and ORES worked? on an implementation level [06:08:23] https://www.developer-tech.com/news/gitlab-is-reportedly-up-for-sale/ [06:25:26] For ORES, talk to the ML team [06:25:35] I think it's still Luca and Calvin [06:25:37] They are fine [07:48:57] [1/3] In #general a user requests the latest updates on these two extensions. [07:48:57] [2/3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OreDict [07:48:58] [3/3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Tilesheets [07:49:42] See:https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1272818597902946304 [07:50:54] @MediaWiki Specialists [08:57:36] i feel like this could be something you could ask on phorge, no? [08:57:58] Phorge? [09:00:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [09:05:00] the enshittification of gitlab will begin immediately after they are acquired [09:05:02] mark my words [09:06:40] i bet it'd be after one week [13:40:50] @cosmicalpha big man you live? [13:41:08] Xbox live [13:41:14] Windows live messenger [13:41:41] You’re a mac shill [13:41:42] aol messenger [13:41:51] I have a windows pc aswell [13:42:09] i added wikitext link support to phorge [13:42:11] https://files.catbox.moe/jwshjg.png [13:42:51] i want it on mh phorge, but where should the extension be hosted? github.com/miraheze or somewhere else [13:52:02] i'll go to sleep... soon-ish; here's the code for now: https://git.average.name/BlankEclair/MediaWikiLinks [13:52:31] Keep telling yourself that [13:52:40] hence soon-ish [14:05:23] me: wants to go eep and shut down my laptop [14:05:27] archiveteam warriors: no :3 [14:05:34] s/s// [14:09:31] screw it, i'll just stop them immediately... also pixldev, you're wrong, i'm gonna eep now :3c [14:10:36] https://tenor.com/view/thanos-impossible-marvel-shocked-gif-15104180 [14:17:19] Hey what's going on now? [14:18:14] Wanted to ask bout this since DTech. Also hi hope your having a good day [14:18:54] Oh that is actually pretty cool. [14:19:44] I can host that in our phorge-extensions. I always end up trying to use wikitext there so to have support could be pretty cool. [14:20:52] yooooo [14:21:59] I will review the code and try to add to phorge-extensions tomorrow. It's already getting a bit late tonight. [14:22:02] Same haha. How should code stewardship work, put it on Miraheze’s GitHub and give Claire access or smt so she can maintain is along with tech making changes if needed? [14:22:12] 👍 [14:22:24] giving Claire access to that repo is not really possible [14:22:46] They can always do PRs to update it. Its best for secondary reviews anyway. They don't need direct push access anyway. [14:23:03] Fair [14:23:19] That repo is automatically pulled on phorge171 on every puppet run [14:23:31] Yep [14:24:05] I mean the extension code itself not the phorge-extensions repo [14:24:13] Or is the code just in the repo [14:24:42] The code will just be added to the repo [14:25:04] Due to how our extensions work. [14:26:03] Ah [16:02:40] I would love to have [[phab:T12394]] done at some time soon [16:02:41] [16:03:55] I will create the PRs [17:06:23] what the hell my local mediawiki isn't loading css if i use https but does if I use http lol wtf [17:14:43] I have one idea [17:14:46] Check dev console [17:15:05] Might be a mixed content block if you've got the server variable set to http [17:23:44] nothing unfortunately how odd [17:23:48] not even ?debug=2 gives anything [17:23:50] stranger [17:25:06] had just done PR stuffs, first time creating one like this from Github Desktop [17:25:28] [1/2] [17:25:29] [2/2] [17:28:00] Check network tab [17:28:08] Is it making the request [17:28:48] Its weird because its not from a css file loaded through resource loader, its in the