[06:30:49] Is it just me or does uploading files to https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestImport not work anymore? [06:30:57] reported [06:31:13] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12434 [06:31:23] bug fix merged, now awaiting update on servers [06:35:53] btw i think you forgot about my cloak request [06:36:13] Ah, thanks! Will update then [06:36:20] as for the cloak, I did request it but I'm not sure if anyone answered back then [06:36:21] will check [06:43:04] [1/4] Google inspect bot still can't load images on custom domain wikis, including CSS assets, and can't access my wiki w/ default domain at all [06:43:04] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1273894781180710953/IMG_20240816_093853.jpg?ex=66c04677&is=66bef4f7&hm=9c646fdba5d44363f6fcc0ecdddafa5bbf73b1566425553b3e657e69598bd072& [06:43:04] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1273894781386227724/IMG_20240816_094008.jpg?ex=66c04677&is=66bef4f7&hm=cde185847c83001b92645bcb641e8d1210a388dcf2f8a375d63048be961ff1e4& [06:43:05] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1273894781646536746/IMG_20240816_094239.jpg?ex=66c04677&is=66bef4f7&hm=cb26632ad3b115944f88d79dbac285c086fd8b9a89d365c68d11039970b2bfeb& [06:43:42] Pizza Tower Wiki particularly got nerfed in SEO w/o apparent reason [06:44:19] can you give a link to the bot? am curious [06:44:45] it's just check/inspect tool in Google Search Console [06:45:20] if it can't see shit I suppose other types(?) of Google bots are struggling as well? [06:46:41] the fact that it can't access one wiki at all might mean it will hinder indexing at some point, since I had to request per page indexing manually via that tool [06:47:45] and vaguely heard it counts broken images into factors [06:47:54] *remember hearing [06:56:52] BlankEclair: cloak is done :) [06:56:56] ty :) [10:45:30] [1/5] hmm, strange error when trying to import something via importdump: [10:45:31] [2/5] ```Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1203 of /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: Error 1205: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction [10:45:31] [3/5] Function: MediaWiki\Extension\AntiSpoof\SpoofUser::batchRecord [10:45:31] [4/5] Query: REPLACE INTO `spoofuser` (su_name,su_normalized,su_legal,su_error) VALUES ('FANDOM','v2:FANDOM',1,NULL) [10:45:31] [5/5] ``` [10:46:37] Weird [10:48:25] That doesn't look right though [10:49:15] here's the full error [10:49:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1273956747853172836/message.txt?ex=66c0802d&is=66bf2ead&hm=be149313cb26467941cf40d44a357b0fdabde5176df6c5c7ab5d705d8f9203e9& [11:11:41] One of us [11:12:10] One of us [11:51:19] * RhinosF1 just went past our old DC on the train [11:51:48] did they nuked old WD drives? [11:52:03] hopefully [11:52:07] or perhaps full-disk encryption? [11:52:19] No idea what happened to the old stuff [11:52:22] Owen probably knows [11:57:06] Owen probably owns [12:34:26] @reception123 avaliable for console? [12:34:43] Citizen behind 2 versions already [12:36:14] man why it get so many updates [12:37:39] Actively updated for Star Citizen Tools mostly [12:41:23] sure, I'll update [18:04:52] [1/6] Hello World, [18:04:52] [2/6] This is an advance notice that the Wikimedia Search Platform team will be migrating the search backend for the CirrusSearch extension [1] to OpenSearch. [2] This is in the early stage of planning, with work tentatively slated to begin in the October 2024 - December 2024 timeframe and continue through mid-2025. [18:04:53] [3/6] If you run a MediaWiki server with the CirrusSearch extension, you may want to prepare for a migration in your installation as well. There will be changes to MediaWiki PHP code in order to ensure that CirrusSearch works well with an OpenSearch backend, and there will likely be incompatibilities with the old search backend as extension and connection library code is replaced. [18:04:53] [4/6] The Search Platform team is available for questions in case you are investigating the transition and how it may affect your MediaWiki search backend setup. The Search Platform team is available on Libera IRC on the #wikimedia-search channel and it hosts monthly office hours the first Wednesday of the month [3], which are announced on the wikitech-l mailing list. [18:04:53] [5/6] Thank you. [18:04:53] [6/6] Adam Baso [18:04:59] Cc @bluemoon0332 [18:10:15] man we got cirrus only recently lmao [18:15:47] uuuuuuh [18:16:11] They should really just make the normal search less shitty [18:34:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1274073846223474778/20240815_002557.jpg?ex=66c0ed3c&is=66bf9bbc&hm=39a40934a88d9fbae634809adfc6e6b3c454ec1fc476ebef0d4412c05896c9b4& [19:09:39] How [19:18:36] Search better forehead smh