[07:57:49] Should be clear to start working on it now [07:58:19] Should be clear to start looking into it now [09:47:04] [1/9] ANNOUNCEMENT [09:47:05] [2/9] https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/SXK2FODVJP3R3GRSYE2V2ODPUO74YLFO/ [09:47:05] [3/9] Hello World, [09:47:05] [4/9] This is an advance notice that the Wikimedia Search Platform team will be migrating the search backend for the [[Extension:CirrusSearch]] extension [1] to OpenSearch. [2] This is in the early stage of planning, with work tentatively slated to begin in the October 2024 - December 2024 timeframe and continue through mid-2025. [09:47:06] [5/9] If you run a MediaWiki server with the CirrusSearch extension, you may want to prepare for a migration in your installation as well. There will be changes to MediaWiki PHP code in order to ensure that CirrusSearch works well with an OpenSearch backend, and there will likely be incompatibilities with the old search backend as extension and connection library code is replaced. [09:47:06] [6/9] The Search Platform team is available for questions in case you are investigating the transition and how it may affect your MediaWiki search backend setup. The Search Platform team is available on Libera IRC on the #wikimedia-search channel and it hosts monthly office hours the first Wednesday of the month [3], which are announced on the wikitech-l mailing list. [09:47:06] [7/9] Thank you. [09:47:06] [8/9] Adam Baso [09:47:07] [9/9] [2] See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Search_Platform/Decision_Records/Search_backend_replacement_technology for more information. [09:47:07] [09:48:34] https://discord.com/channels/178359708581625856/935223464229470259/1274081942090022933 [12:56:44] well it was like 10 msg earlier lol [16:36:03] Ah I missed that [18:30:24] @pixldev to resume our tech discussion in a more tech friendly place you can just look at https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/tree/master/sql/patches and copy stuff from there [18:30:41] an easy ALTER should do the trick [18:38:25] should locking requests log? [18:39:27] Also does `$request->field = value` actually update the database [18:39:32] it seems so but I’d think not [18:43:28] Yes [18:43:40] Thanks I hate that [18:43:46] Well it will change the value in the object that is loaded and then when save is called on the object it will save it to the DB [18:44:02] Welp don’t need to write a setLock function I guess [18:44:05] just a getter [18:44:30] Not really sure if the context but it would be safe for example to set the value and then get it afterwards before the save, for example [18:44:35] Or do further processing [18:44:50] hm [18:44:54] (My point is it wont be immediately saved to the DB after that line, only after save() is called) [18:45:09] its basically adding a bool checkbox value so should be fine [18:45:30] Let me make the SQL patch [18:46:11] You update the main file and make a patch righr? [18:46:49] SMALLINT for bool. Why [18:49:25] wait [18:49:48] what’s the difference tween TINYINT and SMALLINT @originalauthority [19:00:57] Yeah sure, so it can be clear that it's been locked and why [19:03:13] UUUUUUUUUUUUUGH [19:03:25] i dont wannaaaaaaaa [19:03:44] how da fuc do log [19:04:28] I struggled with that in RequestSSL and never figured out logging heh [19:24:03] Tinyint is an alias for boolean in sql [19:24:09] Because sql cant handle boolean values [19:24:20] And SMALLINT? [19:24:34] Bigger than tinyint smaller than int [19:24:41] Basically it works on bytes [19:24:44] Tinyint has 1 byte [19:24:47] so ill use tiny [19:24:48] Smallint has 2 bytes [19:25:07] so 0-3 [19:25:14] If you are doing a true/false then yes, the general consensus if that you use tinyint with values 0 and 1 for true or false [19:25:38] someone in the world is using 1 for false and 0 for true [19:26:06] If you arent doing a true/false and instead are using a value, you need to be aware of the bounds [19:26:18] its true false yea [19:26:30] laptop froze yippe [19:26:37] i loath chromebooks [19:26:46] Mood [19:27:12] This is why i like mongodb [19:27:17] Becuase it can handle true and false [19:31:31] @reception123 ill make a draft pr, if phan don’t yell at me can you pull and patch onto beta [19:31:52] also can i have wiki creator/crate on metabeta [19:31:58] I can look tomorrow [19:32:02] Sure [19:32:27] /me wishes we could have a beta where non tech members could have server access without needing an NDA [19:32:28] gonna check rq if i didnt miss anything if not ill send and someone can kick CI [19:32:45] The only overlap is database that affects NDA tmk [19:32:46] I proposed that since 2017 but it was deemed too complicated [19:32:51] Yep [19:33:01] But also the fact that you can run scripts on prod [19:33:18] So people could get private info and change people's passwords and stuff [19:33:32] So it would have to be completed separated from prod and also have some script restrictions [19:34:30] couldn’t you just limit where their login access is [19:34:34] I do think it'd be possible tbh, to have a limited set of things people would be allowed to run [19:34:48] even just not deploy their keys onto prod [19:34:54] Yeah instead of the mw-admins model which is sudo www-data most things it would be limited [19:35:09] Basically what's mostly needed is deploy [19:35:32] And database (not sure if we can restrict access to certain tables though like user) [19:35:51] As that would mean that anyone who has an account on beta would have their PII exposed to non NDA users [19:36:01] honestly id be fine with signing my soul away if the board eventually approved U18 w/ parent NDAs :p [19:36:20] That’s an easy fix [19:36:20] just [19:36:43] declare beta to not have/have a differnt privacy policy [19:36:48] problem solved :tm; [19:36:48] I'd have to check with the Board perhaps but I wonder if we could just have a different model on beta and state: "Please do not provide any PII here as access may be granted to trusted users who do not have NDAs" [19:36:56] Yeah exactly that's what I'm thinking [19:37:06] isnt that what WMF does [19:37:28] We still wouldn't give access to anyone though, only trusted people but without NDAs and also people we somewhat trust but not enough not to blow up prod heh [19:37:50] Not me then 😔 [19:37:53] But the major thing would be to separate beta and it's CentralAuth from prod [19:38:21] I'd say you and BlankEclair would be the top contenders for beta server access [19:39:08] Claire definitely. Me, if you want to decommission it [19:39:14] I had an even hackier idea, being able to run deploy on wiki on beta! [19:39:34] I am still in awe how I somehow managed to screw web servers so much [19:39:41] I'm sure people would hate it but I do feel like deploy is the main thing that's needed for beta [19:40:25] Imagine a special page where you select if you want to deploy world, upgrade an extension or deploy config and select a branch [19:40:29] Only for beta though of course [19:40:39] or pull from a PR [19:40:43] wait [19:40:48] oh no no no [19:41:12] Someone makes a PR with malware and pulls onto the server [19:41:51] lets see if this worked [19:41:53] gonna commit [19:41:56] Well yeah but that'd be the same if you had server access [19:42:34] So just rather than giving server access we'd have a special page for _trusted_ users to deploy from [19:42:46] But yeah, not as easy as it sounds [19:43:09] and if you pull something that bricks the wiki [19:43:13] can’t revert [19:43:34] Oop [19:43:43] need to configure git in this repo [19:44:11] Oh true, the idea is dumb then nevermind [19:44:27] I've not been having great ideas today [19:45:39] i'm a bit confused, but are mirabeta only for trusted and stuffs? [19:45:42] relatable [19:45:44] no [19:45:52] anyone can request an account [19:46:21] Mirabeta server access is for tech members only [19:46:29] PR #546 [19:46:34] But I'd want it to also be for non tech but trusted users [19:47:16] <.labster> Ugh, the REST API is so slow, it's faster to just navigate to Special:PrefixIndex than to use the search box [19:47:48] @reception123 can you kick CI [19:48:08] I may want to have an account there [19:48:22] Sure [19:48:58] DM me an email and username or email tech for iy [19:49:36] The idea of beta was to have something almost identical to prod but that hasn't fully worked out either way [19:49:59] So that's why I think we can abandon that model and completely separate it from prod CA [19:50:02] It’s held by hope dreams chewed gum and 3 typed of tape [19:50:07] But just keep all the settings the same [19:50:48] lmk when phab is finished [19:51:01] check my DM [19:58:44] and the first thing that hit me was something something wmf newbie training lol [20:40:09] Whats the reason we cant accept a parent backed NDA? [20:40:14] There's no legal reason iirc. [20:40:54] (I dont think, anyway) [20:41:32] Don’t think so, it just needs to be approved by the board [20:43:27] I think it would technically be possible. What we could also do is just truncate all the PII from the test DB and unset PII preferences on beta [20:43:31] Bit radical but [20:45:14] The issue is beta users cluster 2 [20:45:31] the same as prod [20:45:58] Right but we can restrict access to certain databases [20:46:02] so access to db on beta is access on prod [20:46:16] I'm not sure actually jf that just prevents writes or reads too [20:46:17] Hmmm [20:46:22] Should ideally be separste [22:15:06] Most of the time it is issues or features requested by other wikis 😛 Citizen seems to get updates because most skins are either/both not actively maintained and not supporting multiple MW versions [22:16:42] [1/2] fellas, register page broke [22:16:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1274492129560887399/2024-08-18_01_16_19.png?ex=66c272ca&is=66c1214a&hm=a20a5351cd544cab390ce66d5ff7e4b1e8ed10a29d1ee711e0dcc69d3eab21e1& [22:18:18] not just the extension, the fact that it says I'm logged in too [22:18:24] it's in incognito [22:19:01] That’s not new [22:19:14] I think [22:19:24] what extension even adds that [22:20:10] idk, but supposedly [[mw:Extension:RightFunctions]]? [22:20:11] [22:20:41] it's 1am oh boy [22:20:47] I shall eep [22:54:29] <.labster> ow that's ugly [22:56:55] <.labster> https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CreateAccount?returnto=Miraheze+Meta&uselang=qqx [22:57:10] <.labster> I have no idea where the messages are configured [23:00:27] Search mediawiki: for it? [23:01:48] <.labster> https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Signupstart [23:09:35] <.labster> [1/2] :(( [23:09:35] <.labster> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1274505434333450310/image.png?ex=66c27f2e&is=66c12dae&hm=210e03ab290e133d9156ee7fd9e3117aaf8fa271285b9ea4f99e9e9158461501& [23:10:14] rightfunctions deaded [23:10:57] <.labster> rip [23:11:26] <.labster> Can we get an F to pay respects? [23:11:37] probably just needs an update to mw 1.42 [23:11:42] or maybe it already has, idk [23:11:56] is it even maintaiend [23:12:08] i think its been broken sonce before 42 ngl [23:12:12] <.labster> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1274506093925761074/image.png?ex=66c27fcb&is=66c12e4b&hm=3e51d1a23197afe43e646ed6d1f63494616a816d2c8ba9bc45ee3d5693bf4da9& [23:12:12] oh okay [23:12:19] globally disabled [23:12:31] yeah that’ll do it [23:12:47] <.labster> There should be some other way to do this [23:13:01] i'm like the git mistress... why can i not make sense of it [23:14:08] new title [23:14:26] heh [23:14:30] <.labster> https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:UserFunctions [23:15:24] It’s taskin time [23:16:08] <.labster> I think we don't need a task, it's all wiki config [23:16:46] imagine doing a git review for a merge commit [23:17:39] oh do we have the extension [23:18:10] <.labster, replying to BlankEclair> I don't have to imagine reviewing merge commits [23:18:18] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/Description2/+/1063279 :3 [23:21:58] <.labster> It's not enabled on Meta yet... I forget how long these config changes take [23:28:20] <.labster> Okay, apparently UserFunctions is also broken now [23:30:58] <.labster, replying to pixldev> it is, in fact, taskin time [23:31:26] what [23:31:38] fuck it custom extension time ig [23:32:13] <.labster> UO is listed as an author on this UserFunctions [23:32:59] UO is the genhis khan of extensions [23:32:59] yay debugging centralauth issues \o/ [23:33:11] NOOOOOOOOOOOLL [23:33:32] of course, trying to login via centralauth killed my cookie [23:33:44] triggere immeasurable trauma [23:33:56] lemme see if i can recover cookies through backup lol [23:33:58] i'm feeling lazy [23:34:37] Who backs up cookies [23:34:47] i backup my entire home folder [23:35:29] <.labster> Pepperidge Farm remembers to back up cookies [23:35:50] i once deleted all of my cookies to try to resolve an issue or something [23:36:04] turns out that i forgot that deleting all cookies deleted all my cookies, because i lost settings from other sites [23:36:15] i just restored my profile from backup 👍 [23:44:00] @reception123 couldnt you just have the new herald comment check for the trusted contributor group instead of manually lists [23:47:05] <.labster> https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12484 [23:47:22] <.labster> ^ on the broken looking create account page