[05:57:31] Always [06:27:35] (reading through irc logs rn) [06:27:40] > 2024-08-18 16:45:15 Yeah. I'm not fully sure if PrivateSettings is shared actually [06:27:41] > 2024-08-18 16:46:55 Yes it is [06:27:43] > 2024-08-18 16:47:08 You can easily adjust it though [06:27:53] if we can run code as www-data, can't we read off the entirety of PrivateSettings.php? [06:28:57] Yup [06:29:12] But you can deploy different content to each server [06:29:17] ah okay good [06:29:37] PS.php's structure is public [06:29:50] It's just a set of heira variables [06:30:24] Can easily have a test & prod set [06:30:55] for some reason my first thought was to branch in PS.php to select what contents to set the variables to, which is insecure [06:31:01] but yeah, forgot that the file is generate [06:31:02] d [09:25:43] https://ea.rna.nl/2024/05/27/when-chatgpt-summarises-it-actually-does-nothing-of-the-kind/ was the thing on AI I said I read [10:03:03] That was quite an interesting read! [11:06:21] Good to know(only read the first quarter ish for now cause time but will have to go back) [11:11:38] You know whats annoying [11:11:58] Opening a support ticket because outlook isn't working at work and they say "have you tried restarting your laptop" [11:12:05] Actually, no! I didnt think of that [11:29:32] It certainly was [11:29:44] They've got to do their script [11:31:12] turns out my account had expired lol [11:31:14] typical [11:33:06] Of course [11:38:11] Proprietary L [11:38:45] i love C [11:39:23] https://files.catbox.moe/5ie4rt.png [11:39:36] I’m working on finishing ish up my blog post on designing and inspiration for VIGIL CVT thing and was wondering if it would make sense to try to include an explanation of how the ANN behind clue works, to just link to on wiki, or include it in the next post where I start actual development [11:39:38] What do you 🧐 [11:40:08] Never gonna use C got it [11:40:22] there's a traceback below btw [11:40:33] stack trace in more general lingo [11:40:49] Technical detail is probably good [11:40:53] It's your blog though [11:41:09] Also good morning [11:41:14] I guess I’ll see how much I have and if i should make it longer [11:41:20] Oh yeah its morning lol [11:41:24] Good day to you sir [11:41:59] https://files.catbox.moe/t2kf7d.png [11:42:20] @pixldev also what were you wondering about bluespice [11:45:39] Just curious if anyone has used it [11:46:03] My work has at least 4 semantic bluespice wikis [11:47:12] Cloud or on prem [11:47:35] On prem [11:47:38] And not public [11:47:58] Pro? [11:48:14] No idea what we're paying [11:48:39] I think it may be 6 dollars per user but that was on wikiteq’s site [11:49:19] My main point of interest was a line on the mediawiki page that implied that the enterprise versions are also under free licenses [11:49:23] Which confused me [11:49:40] I imagine we are paying as little as possible tbh [11:50:01] the free edition is OSS but the enterprise ones is guh?? [11:50:15] Let me see [11:50:58] _hacks into the accounting department of rhinos’ compant_ [11:51:15] CrowdStrike v2 [11:51:26] it's in user mode :p [11:51:28] Do you have SSO on it [11:51:32] Just FOI it [11:51:35] It has SSO yes [11:51:43] Okay so it’s not free [11:51:46] also, jesus christ vigilante archiving is annoying/borderline impossible with js web apps [11:51:48] Or look on find a tender [11:52:11] How many users ish [11:52:26] https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/Search/Results [11:52:29] why [11:52:33] Why contracts funder [11:52:39] Hm? [11:52:54] Just use that to search for wiki + awarded [11:53:08] You will see how much government spend on wikis [11:53:12] Huh [11:53:30] 0 results [11:53:47] Oh [11:53:57] The default search doesn't include already awarded contracts [11:54:03] No it doesn't [11:54:07] What kind of idiot designed that [11:54:30] https://www.contractsfinder.service.gov.uk/notice/ea1dc33a-c0e9-4258-b3c0-4ebeff1176c1?origin=SearchResults&p=1 this is nice [11:54:37] WHY IS IT ALL CONFLUENCE [11:55:05] 70k to confluence cba [11:55:09] Because confluence is easy [11:55:16] Its already there no setup required [11:55:34] Also the UK government are such idiots they would probably die trying to use VisualEditor [11:55:50] They don't have brain capacity for wikitext [11:56:32] Okay for the gov fair [12:01:56] I have no idea [12:02:02] I honestly have no idea [12:02:07] Please use the feedback link [12:02:14] It's a requirement it's actually read [12:04:24] Or fix it yourself [12:07:11] It should be open source [12:07:20] Can't see it under alpha gov though [12:19:35] @pixldev if you're bored, you can test https://devtoys.app and see what you think [12:20:42] I think I have it on my desktop [12:20:54] Yup [12:30:15] @pixldev any good [12:30:31] I don’t use it much but it’s nice to have occasionally [12:30:38] Depends on what your working with [12:42:47] 😮 [12:42:51] absolutely not! [12:43:06] i pay my taxes they can bloody well fix it themselves/ [13:53:48] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/actions/runs/10440949080/job/28912939423#step:16:1 uuuu [13:54:54] How best fix here [13:56:37] Government makes everything(*) open source by default [13:56:49] See the service design standard thingy [13:57:37] Ignore it [13:57:42] Its pending a pr from UO [13:57:52] Yaaaaaaay [13:58:20] Can someone try and pull it onto beta to see if it works [13:58:36] Also grant me crate on metabeta to test it [14:12:02] currently at werk but after yas [14:12:10] Enjoy werk [14:12:15] Unlikely [14:12:45] Fair! [16:18:31] Fun fact - Azure DevOps wikis are all teeny tiny github repos [16:19:00] That's how they track changes to their version of wiki pages. 😄 [16:20:46] do wiki pages in github use commit history? [16:20:48] thats so cool [16:22:48] GitHub wikis are just repos and markdown [16:22:51] you can clone them [16:22:58] what a mad ting [16:44:17] there was this guy who tried to "fork" a Fandom wiki into github [16:44:31] w/ markdown alone [16:45:03] the site looked like bootleg Vector [16:46:48] I mean, pretty inpressive if it looked close to Vector [16:47:29] idk how he coded the rest tbh [16:47:51] bit formatting was poor [16:53:29] I am kinda annoyed that I went to all the work on getting Auto Wiki Broswer working and then JavaScript Wiki Brwoser starts working for me again [17:25:38] Bet it still looks better than fandomdesktip [17:49:44] I think FANDOM Desktop is okay, I can use it just like how I can use GNOME (I prefer Vector 2022, but I do not mind FANDOM Desktop) [18:04:14] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T372811 ah yes [19:48:21] @pixldev you seen https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Catalyst [19:50:37] host wikis with custom extensions and skins.. [19:50:44] is WMF making a wiki farm [19:51:06] I think they have one already 😉 [19:51:28] I mean specifically to make new ones easily [21:05:34] @pixldev patch demo is for software testing only [21:07:43] hm? [21:08:11] The wikis are temp [21:08:35] They are dev environments you can snip up to test stuff [21:08:39] And patches [21:08:44] Not for full hosting [21:14:04] ah gotcha [21:14:20] still waiting for wikimedia to adopt createwiki lmao [21:28:46] I'm never looking at their add wiki script [21:28:58] _glances in @urbanecm's direction_ [21:35:35] Lmao [21:35:57] i showed off CW in action in person to someone during a hack day [21:36:01] they loved it [21:36:38] not staff i think [21:38:58] Do they have a name? [21:43:54] No they were a non existent fragment of the void [21:43:58] /s [21:44:04] jk [21:44:23] i think it was amir? May be wrong [21:44:27] yeah pretty sure [21:44:51] same day he pointed out to me the issue wirh rtl langs [21:48:38] Oh language Amir [21:49:00] Ye you want DBA Amir if you want to really scare someone who knows wkf wiki creation [21:49:02] I sleep now