[17:31:14] Chat [17:31:34] Have any of you used playwright [17:32:09] Don’t believe so [17:53:28] [1/2] something something interesting I just found [17:53:29] [2/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DeletePagesForGood [17:54:59] just to be sure but did we permit something like this to be available to our infra? [18:00:17] Can’t think of a case of that but I would never allow that [18:01:12] Lemme guess, mimicking Oversight? [18:03:06] Worse then oversight since it can’t be reverted [18:03:17] Imagine the damage a rough use could so [18:03:37] Plus if someone finds an exploit to delete other stuff [18:12:32] I already know that would be a no, still curious on how you think about it [18:18:39] Oversight is very trivially reversible [18:18:56] I don't like the idea of permanent deletion [18:19:04] And neither does mediawiki [18:34:30] interesting, would consider that whiles looking for "interesting stuffs" [18:34:46] and uh, I would prefer to have my PRs merged... [20:56:40] this is like kinda urgent; can someone get to https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12453 asap? [20:57:37] see the external link on that task to see why it's urgent [20:57:57] restricted task so i dont know whats up [20:58:00] whos domain is it [20:58:03] il ping on discord [20:58:08] infra or mws? [20:58:09] mediawiki spec [20:58:22] @medi` [20:58:26] @MediaWiki Specialists [20:58:41] ty i woke up like 10 minutes ago [20:59:00] i got home a few hours ago from the airport so also tired [20:59:06] BlankEclair: can I pm? [20:59:06] is it somehow related to cf? [20:59:11] sure [20:59:51] im gonna go set up obsidian [21:00:08] [1/2] Have the fixes been pushed to the relevant branch? [21:00:08] [2/2] mwdeploy thinks the extension is already up-to-date. [21:00:16] ... [21:00:19] fuck i forgot about that [21:00:57] i blame the maintainer xD [21:01:01] OA: get paladox to backport it [21:01:08] Paladox has +2 [21:01:13] we're gonna stall around for another week if we wait for them [21:01:19] Or swap branches if particularly urgent [21:01:57] either get Paladox to help you or change branches [21:02:10] I will raise this in the morning cause I'm already in bed with WMF [21:02:26] And ask them politely to not be a pain next time [21:02:35] I don't know how to switch the branches with puppet and mwdeploy [21:02:44] puppet is fucked [21:02:53] Change the branch in the mediawiki repo [21:02:58] Run deploy tool [21:02:59] Profit [21:03:15] in bed with wmf? [21:03:22] no [21:03:26] I'm will raise with WMF [21:03:29] I am in bed [21:03:30] Surely that doesn't change it immediately? iirc mwdeploy doesn't read from mediawiki-repos [21:03:37] oh okay [21:03:38] 2 half of the sentence gets mixed up [21:03:39] Oh [21:03:42] its puppet that clones them to the server? [21:03:44] Delete the folder for the extension [21:03:49] Then run puppet [21:03:51] Then deploy [21:03:54] That should work [21:04:29] Cargo is already on master branch [21:04:30] hmmm [21:04:34] @orduin: any chance you can help here [21:04:40] god damn i don't even need my alarm anymore, just need security tasks [21:04:40] maybe mwdeploy lied? [21:04:40] Huh [21:05:04] its still running atm tho lol [21:05:30] btw there's new i18n strings [21:06:04] You'll need the l10n flag then [21:06:07] I'm off to bed [21:06:14] I passed the i18n flag [21:06:15] Well of to sleep [21:06:31] You did [21:06:44] i will check the commit num on staging when it finishes and we'll find out heh [21:06:49] Git is on the right commit, and it does look like it's still doing something, so I'd say just let it run [21:08:17] If it didn't deploy properly, run again with --force-upgrade [21:09:50] Problem might be caused by you apparently having run the l10n deploy while the other deploy was ongoing [21:10:32] If you cancelled it, the pull would have happened, and the tool probably then thinks the update was completed even if it hadn't deployed properly [21:11:14] huh [21:11:20] it worked anyway [21:12:51] Is Special:Version showing the correct info? (Also worth deploying on test if you have the time) [21:14:19] isn't s:v like very cachy? [21:14:27] uh also oa when you are open can you pill my pr onto beta and grant crate on metabeta [21:16:55] sure I'm about to head out rn but when I get back [21:17:05] is there a wiki using cargo that I can see? [21:20:53] On prod? [21:21:00] [[mh:rainverse{] [21:21:07] [[mh:rainverse]] [21:21:08] [21:21:49] Welp [21:22:03] Says its not updated but i think thats the cache cos I checked one of the files and its updated [21:23:58] git show the commit on prod cargo ig [21:24:05] that should be definitive [21:24:11] otherwise try to repro one of the bugs [21:25:46] mmk xss 9 is patched [21:26:12] 9????? [21:26:22] it gets worse [21:26:57] is it now safe to talk about it publically? mh task is resolved [21:33:37] Upstream task is public, should be relatively safe [21:34:23] ok ty [21:54:48] Git show doesnt work iirc because it doesnt rsync it as a git repo