[07:16:13] okay, i've decided to stop procrastinating: how do i get into the tech team ^^; do i just file an access request form on phorge or is there any preliminary stuff for me to do [07:25:30] I thought you are tech xd [07:32:29] heh not officially (yet) [10:48:47] BlankEclair: look at Tech:Access blah blah for the template [10:51:31] RhinosF1: this thing? https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:On-Off_Boarding [10:54:20] No [10:54:27] There's an access and revoke policy [10:54:37] BlankEclair: [10:54:54] [[Tech:Access policy]]? [10:55:00] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Appointment_and_revocation_policy [10:55:03] thanks wm-bot2, you're very helpful [10:55:03] Hey BlankEclair, you are welcome! [10:56:28] it's a bit outdated, notably requests are not discussed publicly anymore among the Tech team, the Director has final say over who joins, and of course, the Engineering Managers no longer exists [10:57:13] Yes [10:57:14] That [10:57:26] who wants documentation? ✋ [10:57:30] who wants to make documentation? [10:57:36] @bluemoon0332 the phab template is still accurate that [10:57:55] BlankEclair: you and you [10:57:58] And maybe TheresNoTime [10:58:16] Don't we need to sort you an NDA [10:58:23] "you" being TheresNoTime or me [10:58:33] BlankEclair: [10:58:39] uh, yeah, about that... [11:00:08] template's still accurate. [11:03:29] > [28/08/2024 21:03] RECOVERY - cp27 HTTPS on cp27 is OK: HTTP OK: HTTP/2 404 - Status line output matched "HTTP/2 404" - 3820 bytes in 3.808 second response time [11:11:33] but anyway, do i just use https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/17/? [11:11:51] yes [11:12:03] i'll currently ask for git push access to some repos though, so the shell part isn't relevant [11:12:25] and i don't think the ssh key part would be either? [11:12:26] write N/A on the shell name and ssh key parts then [11:19:06] done: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12514 [11:30:55] I'm looking for the same level of access, but I may have to ask for consensus first, should I? :sharkshy: [14:59:03] @rhinosf1 I've finally given Visual Studio a chance its pretty neat [15:04:33] It certainly is [15:05:11] TheresNoTime: congrats on being insane [16:11:46] doesn't come close to JetBrains IDE's though [16:17:08] Eh not convinced [21:15:19] intellij idea is definitely the best for java/kotlin/groovy [21:15:37] i do wonder why they don't sell something like VSCode, cuz the core concept is nearly the same, just the jetbrains doesn't use electron [22:27:16] because VSCode is trash [22:28:04] also if they released something like VSCode people would be less likely to purchase their core product range which would be bad [22:36:42] but I have to use VSCode because hell nah I'm going to pay 99$ and more for a coding app, because 19.66 × 99 = 1,946.34 MXN [22:39:43] tho the interface in mac (daily driver) is neat [22:42:19] Fleet is free iirc [22:42:31] Visual studio community edition is also free [22:42:35] Which is a proper ide [22:43:34] Free to use during public preview* [22:43:53] ....thats free [22:44:11] ....not for a long time [22:44:28] My point is its free now [22:44:42] well [22:45:22] [1/2] cries in Monterey [22:45:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278485607273730058/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-08-28_a_las_4.42.01_p.m..png?ex=66d0fa01&is=66cfa881&hm=fe66d58c0172ab717d8e6661fa875165d6ad1d2ce5b940701327b843fadc514e& [22:51:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278487060222578718/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-08-28_a_las_4.50.10_p.m..png?ex=66d0fb5c&is=66cfa9dc&hm=a58fb284da6529742256de4a6599f22c943ad75890e59f3adba1b2f907e014de&