[00:04:21] [1/2] Explaintion why I keep getting this [00:04:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278505486110556160/IMG_0137.png?ex=66d10c85&is=66cfbb05&hm=14e0746d87bc03f51a50f83e3a98d2f3615a7cdace326f10120468f814887004& [00:27:42] Probably improper load balancing according to a screenshot posted by someone in #general , though I'm not a member of the tech team, so I can't say for sure [00:30:55] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278512169054376028/images211.jpg?ex=66d112be&is=66cfc13e&hm=4649f774d646bfe799bced65f9fe69211eee140125ce890372e15fa41b78756e& [00:31:07] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278512220526870548/images211.jpg?ex=66d112ca&is=66cfc14a&hm=f624b341ad4a1ada4c9c682a4988dc1381aa82ca2a2fade20a4698b166426aa2& [00:31:57] We're gonna need a lot more potatoes [00:32:43] Alright [00:34:46] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/808001911868489748/1278465238072692958 according to this the issue has a fix the fix just hasn't been pushed yet [00:35:33] Alright [01:02:36] o [01:10:46] @theresnotime yooooo [01:10:47] W [01:11:00] why is the day i leave my phone the day all the cool shit happens lol [13:31:06] ^^ [13:34:28] waiting for my access request to be approved just so i can say "btw two people joined the tech team today, and they're both trans!" in the rainverse wiki matrix room, and when they ask who i'll just send a link to the diffs lol [13:35:35] a:fox_dance: [13:40:12] I don't have ldap/graylog access yet, else I'd have felt comfy deploying https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5612 [13:42:14] BlankEclair: for https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5589, the build copy/reindex step sounds significant ^^' [13:43:36] > [29/08/2024 23:42] BlankEclair: for https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5589, the build copy/reindex step sounds significant ^^' [13:43:38] yep [13:43:42] (as in, I'm not sure how much stress that'll put on a host, wouldn't feel comfy doing that without asking questions of folx) [14:06:43] Hell yes [14:07:10] nice, still hope that I can jump in and help this place out one day [14:09:07] Oh btw @theresnotime do you have rights on beta wiki [14:09:25] miraheze's? probably not [14:11:01] He mean Mirabeta (https://test.mirabeta.org [14:13:41] then no, I don't ^^ [14:14:39] You can ask Pix or anyone from TT and they will create an account for you :0 [14:17:18] Probably because there is no account creation [14:17:21] Only requested [14:17:37] I have crate on metabeta but the perms are ducked [14:18:46] https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:Log/newusers [14:19:12] Like I said [14:19:14] Requested [14:20:54] Got it, still gonna ask someone to do it tho [14:38:36] I guess asking would be more polite than just doing `createAndPromote.php` ;p... [14:39:01] if and when you have a moment @pixldev, would you mind creating `TheresNoTime` there? [14:39:16] Sure thing [14:39:26] I just opened it anyways lmao [14:39:32] I can give crate [14:39:33] Maybe [14:39:49] But you’ll have to promote to steward or some other global group [14:40:15] Can you send me an email to send it to? [14:40:23] TheresNoTime: you should use mwtask [14:40:30] `sam@theresnotime.co.uk` will be fine [14:40:33] Which is equivalent of mwmaint [14:40:36] For heavy stuff [14:40:47] ack, was just SSH'd there ^^' [14:41:02] Also just use create and promote for beta [14:41:04] Beta is fucked [14:41:13] It's probably even more fucked than WMF beta [14:41:24] Definitely [14:41:40] I mean I made the account anyways :p [14:41:45] https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/User:TheresNoTime?action=edit&redlink=1 [14:41:46] is it useful though? do y'all use it? [14:41:52] ty! [14:42:00] I use it for messing with extensions [14:42:05] Testing extension PRs [14:42:22] And for testing extensions before updating to the next major version [14:43:30] then it should probably get some attention to make it less.. broken ^^ [14:43:42] Part of the charm [14:43:51] LMAO [14:45:29] Speaking of being fucked can someone give crate on metabeta `managewiki-permissions` so I can fix up the rights [14:56:20] Not sure on the policy of just doing that, else I would ^^' [14:58:21] Fair enough [14:58:31] I don’t think beta has policy tbh [14:58:34] But I totally understand [14:58:46] I’d probably do the same [15:00:17] make a task perhaps? [15:00:45] time to raise issues which probably have been discussed 100 times ^^' e.g. T12517 [15:00:56] oh, not IRC, mean https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12517 [15:01:05] I mean considering I just asked for crate and was granted I don’t think we have that much structure [15:03:49] [1/2] Also to confirm, the slowdowns to our best knowledge are the result of badly behaved web bots right? @rhinosf1 [15:03:49] [2/2] Im explaining to situations to my friends at phighting wiki so they know exactly what’s going on. Maybe we should make a notice on wiki somewhere tbh [15:08:58] so.. https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/permissions doesn't work as expected on beta? [15:09:41] I think what happened was that beta was made back when all the manage wiki rights were one permission [15:09:52] They have since been split into extension permissions namespaces core etc [15:10:25] And because we don’t use metabeta much(I use test beta) and the ones who do have steward or tech team anyways [15:10:29] No one ever updated it [15:12:03] [1/2] Ay [15:12:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278733913384030228/image0.jpg?ex=66d1e142&is=66d08fc2&hm=25109f8dc5c8183db606b443be71890d90f8bfc41556d62174d98c957ec561dc& [15:15:45] Wdym? [15:16:12] Crate just don’t have the rights to use it [15:16:17] . [15:16:21] oh booo [15:16:42] This is a good breakfast sausage [15:16:48] I agree [15:21:21] think I'll return to looking at this another time ^^' [15:33:32] Just fucking do it is beta's policy [15:33:46] Fuck it we ball [15:34:07] Can we put that on the wiki fridge [15:34:08] AI ones ye [15:34:21] Gotcha [15:34:24] OOM [15:34:32] Probably also traffic related [15:34:36] Sure [15:35:31] Wait why amazon you mentioned [15:39:04] Someone mentioned a fix was pending? [15:41:14] Amazonbot and OpenAI GPTBot [15:41:26] Ye I no idea why we haven't merged it [15:42:34] Amazon has an AI? [15:42:39] Forgot [15:43:07] Oof [15:43:17] everyone has an AI nowadays it seems [15:47:36] Ah, do we try to block abusive ranges or...? [15:49:54] We do but no one has merged the PR into puppet [15:50:03] For unknown reason [15:50:16] It's custom domains that haven't gone to cloudflare yet [15:50:31] Which @bluemoon0332 should look into moving again if he saw CF's reply [15:50:48] Saying the origin cert only needs to be the MH domain [15:51:04] Wat [15:52:44] What? [15:55:26] What’s an origin very [16:10:47] The TLS cert between us and cf [17:26:23] Because void still wants to make sure its 100% right first [17:42:52] https://tenor.com/view/rock-one-eyebrow-raised-rock-staring-the-rock-gif-22113367 [17:45:00] Pft [17:45:32] Yes? [17:46:50] where did you read that? [17:47:14] On the reply they originally sent [17:47:18] It's not the clearest [17:47:21] But it's what they mean [17:47:30] I checked in the discord too and it matches what they sent [17:47:43] Try serving the mh.o wildcard and see if it accepts it fine [17:47:48] They have a discord? [17:48:39] Ye [17:48:47] Useful one too [17:49:40] I'll make mw* serve that cert on wiki.themanaworld.org, see what happens [17:49:53] CF is probably not going to like it though [17:51:23] Is this an alternative to tunnels? [17:52:35] It was one of the two options, https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12227#248425 [17:53:15] however according to CF's reply on my support ticket the certificates you can create with the ACM service can only be Edge certs, meaning it won't work like I thought it would [17:53:53] Is there an advantage of one over the other [17:54:42] Using a solution based on certificates integrates better with our infra than something like tunnels which is a completely different thing [17:56:20] at this point I'm considering tweaking the ssl icinga check to use data from the ssl repo so that we can still use Let's Encrypt. [17:56:38] If the origin certs stuff goes nowhere I think it would be better than trying to run tunnels [17:56:59] Gotcha [17:57:04] Cool [17:57:09] CF say it should like it [17:57:19] Well I don’t understand much about this kinda stuff so all I can do is wish y’all good luck on this [17:57:37] 🍀 [17:57:39] And we understand it? [18:00:01] Touché [18:01:18] Most of my job is working out which ideas are just batshit crazy and which are batshit crazy as well as utter genius [18:03:27] Sounds fun and exhausting [18:03:30] Mainly exhausting [18:03:46] @pixldev when genius pays off it's fun [18:04:10] When all week has just been batshit crazy then sometimes I wanna push people off the roof [18:04:11] https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/pull/792 [18:04:36] MacFan4000: I'm not sure if this is the right way to do this, can you give that PR a look [18:04:55] Ship it [18:04:59] It looks right [18:08:00] Looks good [18:09:05] I didn’t even realize that puppet was setup to accept the sslname key in certs.yaml (we only ever use it in redirects), but it is [18:13:11] Understandable [18:13:55] It's been genuis today though [18:14:02] My code actually works today and does stuff [18:14:10] Awesome! [18:14:13] I had 2 demos get good feedback [18:14:27] looks good to me [18:36:45] @rhinosf1 looks like CF likes the wildcard cert [18:37:36] at least mw181 is serving that cert on wiki.themanaworld.org, and after reloading recent changes there a bunch of times I got a response served by mw181 and everything is working [18:39:52] this is a major step forward towards getting custom domains on CF [18:43:22] Hell yea [18:43:24] W [18:45:53] @bluemoon0332 ship it to all existing then [18:46:08] I guess then we start offering to move more existing ones [18:48:58] Hm? [18:49:27] More custom domains behind cf @pixldev [18:49:42] You said to all existing, then to more existing [18:52:19] so in other word, we could do this to all non-CF custom domains? [18:52:46] The plan is not to have thsoe [18:53:17] > i get like 20ms ping to cloudflare (.miraheze.org urls) and upwards of 300ms to varnish (custom urls) [18:53:38] just have to put my wiki to the test first if we insist [19:20:27] Well we need more to get to all [19:21:15] All custom domains can now move to CF I think [19:21:22] Up to @bluemoon0332 really [19:21:30] I'm happy to help migrate cf side [19:21:42] So more then all [19:21:53] Btw [19:22:09] What’s the deal with those CF mobile purge things [19:22:16] Is MultiPurge just borked [19:22:18] We should probably move our dns managed ones first [19:22:20] No [19:22:23] There's a fix [19:23:05] I would like to test it out first with my wiki if we insist, just QA stuffs [19:24:29] @songngu.xyz which wiki [19:24:39] `lhmnwiki` as usual [19:24:45] What's its domain [19:25:11] `lophocmatngu.wiki`, has not been CF-ed sinces the beginning [19:25:13] I can move it behind cf tomorrow [19:25:27] I'm lying down now [19:25:41] Nighty night [19:25:56] Do you know what the issue is that’s causing it? [19:26:07] Night [19:26:18] Void does [19:26:25] I'm not going to bed [19:26:34] I just don't want to get up and get my laptop [19:27:41] Ah [19:27:52] Void knows all [19:28:12] is the image compression issue still gonna be a thing (images turning to webps)? [19:28:22] Void has wrote patches for a lot recently [19:28:44] If you can reproduce it on normal wikis [19:28:54] We can turn stuff off on a wiki by wiki basis [19:29:41] alright [19:29:53] [1/2] my wikis has to get that off, by default [19:29:53] [2/2] the publishers didn't give us an proper fankit lol [19:30:36] @songngu.xyz can you stick that and your wiki domain in a dm [19:30:38] So I don't forget [19:30:44] yee right... [19:31:15] A goldfish has better memory than me [19:32:03] so am I, you aren't alone [19:32:26] so it could be disabled for my wiki? (just making sure I understood correctly) [19:32:32] yes [19:32:37] 👍 [19:32:48] just have to request it tho [19:33:04] Yup [19:33:06] By asking me [19:40:10] first time having an user banned in my wiki using Wiki-Bot's buttons [19:41:04] and WB just reply with RC log [19:42:18] [1/2] ah yes, the usual backlink stuffs [19:42:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1278801926015684698/4.png?ex=66d2209a&is=66d0cf1a&hm=20e5a8b682ba68a64ee587194e90dbd0814c658deed176ace9eb6449b3b3fd04& [19:44:11] last time I tried to block w/ wiki bot it threw me an error [19:49:04] [1/2] Weird eh [19:49:04] [2/2] Has to block it ASAP since they are a spam bot, putting illegal gambling sites [19:56:17] TheresNoTime: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12520 too [20:00:43] I'm going to have to set up a local instance of ManageWiki and stuff aren't I 🙃 [20:00:56] TheresNoTime: use beta cluster [20:01:04] That's not a cluster [20:02:32] I'd prefer a local setup.. I already have a centralauth cluster at home, what's another evening getting a wikifarm up and running (: [20:02:53] You will regret that when you try createwiki/managewiki [20:04:24] :fox_woozy: [20:04:25] ManageWiki requires CreateWiki [20:04:35] And CreateWiki is a [20:04:39] Ye I don't know what [20:04:50] A mess to put it bluntly [20:04:51] Few people have managed to survive setting it up locally [20:04:56] Mess [20:04:58] No [20:05:02] That's not strong enough [20:05:11] CheckUser v2 [20:08:58] i knew a guy who tried that once. Went inactive for 5 days because of health complications [20:09:23] pandemonium? [20:23:21] how tf I request an account in Mirabeta. Can only members of the TT can request one? well, going to think about it if I want an account there [20:23:47] What do you need it for? [20:25:17] [1/3] I'm thinking about it but probably two things: [20:25:17] [2/3] 1. Testing the stuff [20:25:17] [3/3] 2. Translate things [20:25:44] We don't need to translate anything on beta [20:26:24] ok, but still I'm thinking if requesting an account there or no [20:26:56] you can do [20:27:09] You just need to talk to someone with an account [20:43:09] i can do it [20:54:20] @cosmicalpha Increased data scraping frequency from every minute to every 60 seconds for more granular monitoring. [20:54:23] Dumb AI [20:54:37] lol [20:56:07] I flagged it to their support [20:56:57] [[User:Pisces/FIDO2_SSH_on_Windows]] [20:56:58] [20:57:26] The more I use AI, the dumber I realise it is [20:58:21] If it are not patient with reminding it it is definitely not to good lol [20:58:39] I guess they can't take over the world for few decades [20:58:50] Nice ^^ [20:59:01] we might want to take pre-emptive strike and block applebot whilst we're at it [20:59:14] they listen to robots.txt apparently [20:59:42] I don't like pre emptive bans tbh [20:59:51] If it's behaving, it can stay [21:01:08] We do have rate limits on the cf side too [21:01:32] And they should be more effective than varnish's [21:52:53] c# syntax is so nice i lurv it [22:04:48] I love c# lol [22:05:02] It is what I built the relay bot in [22:07:23] so much nicer than php but i still love php