[00:45:39] Yep. That seems to have instantly resolved all the load alerts for mw* in icinga but that probably wont completely last forever. [00:46:37] this man is too powerful [01:01:40] Still no high load lol maybe it helped quite a bit. We shall see if it stays like that. [01:39:00] hmm, seems that while wikitide.com exists in our DNS config, it doesn't use our DNS, rather it uses the old WT/WF cloudflare account [01:56:49] It does, using the legacy board@ account iirc [02:08:39] hi agent [02:12:09] I have to admit, it's kinda nice when Agent pops in every once in a while like one of those blink-and-you'll-miss-it moments [02:24:03] agree [02:24:12] when i saw that i was like "A wild Agent appeared!" [02:27:13] Nice to see you all too [02:27:26] I try to keep myself up to date with Miraheze affairs. I still chat with a few volunteers from time to time and some users are kind enough to send me an email every time I’m mentioned. [02:27:27] hi agent [02:29:29] BlankEclair https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Caching?curid=77598&diff=417382&oldid=412269 uh pretty sure CNAME's are behind CF [02:29:58] > [Varnish] is only used on non-*.miraheze.org wikis[2] and custom domain wikis that are either using Miraheze's DNS setup or that are using a CNAME [02:30:13] should be that aren't [02:30:15] idk [02:31:43] aaa why do i have to be the person writing the docs [02:32:33] uuuuh... because you're awesome beyond compare [02:32:45] oh thank you [02:32:51] but still... aaaa [02:32:58] it seems like mw-lb became cf-lb [02:34:05] Docs has never been a forte so any effort is always positive [02:34:34] yeah, I mean that's true in most places [02:34:46] does anyone happen to know a wiki that does CNAME? [02:34:57] I've never worked in tech so I can't speak to corporate but [02:35:07] behind CF i think? [02:35:23] > All custom domains using CNAME are now on CloudFlare. If you're using our dns and/or have a subdomain of your domain(wiki.domain.tld), your probably behind the cloud [02:35:25] Nice seeing you in here. [02:35:29] aren't these two sentences contradicting each other? [02:35:39] a subdomain would effectively need to use a cname, right? [02:35:44] (or an aname) [02:35:59] Now I'm confused [02:36:03] I think? [02:36:12] Confused about my confusion [02:36:19] and i'm asking because i'm confused 😭 [02:36:36] I believe CNAME/Subdomain are behind CF [02:36:50] things that use us for their DNS aren't [02:36:56] Hey Ro [02:37:55] re: CF, it seems that indeed, anything using a CNAME/MH controlled domain should be behind CF. Any domain using our NS servers should be behind Varnish still [02:38:41] Yeah basically what I was trying to say but properly explained [02:38:43] I think? [02:39:12] I'm watching a video about a dnd april fools monster at 10 30 PM I'm hardly in a realm of clear thought [02:39:17] not all mh-controlled domains btw, for example: curl -I --no-progress-meter https://awawa.{miraheze,wikitide}.org | grep -i server: [02:39:41] Is awawa a real wiki [02:39:48] don't know but doesn't matter [02:40:07] wikitide.org isn't behind flare yet [02:40:09] unfortunately not [02:40:27] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12057 [02:40:38] /me > 💤 [02:40:38] yep that's used as a reference [02:40:46] i always forget how ant domains we own [02:40:51] good night ro [02:40:52] Night all [02:40:54] nini [02:40:59] don't let the pie fiend bite [02:43:22] im starting to wonder if any human has ever spoken in #wikimedia-dev [02:45:15] hopefully this is better: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Caching?diff=prev&oldid=417395 [02:45:37] lol css is still broken under cloudflare [02:45:45] Is it? [02:45:50] or just slow loading [02:46:05] also TIL global account deletion is a thing [02:46:12] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12382 [02:46:38] wait [02:46:42] If a domain uses our DNS, and uses subdomains in addition to the root, than the subdomains were updated to CNAME to Cloudflare [02:46:52] oh is that why the dropdown arrows broke in 42 [02:46:55] yes [02:47:21] also breaks ?debug=true >:( [02:47:37] the fact the global account "James Bond" was deleted in 2016 and remade 4 years later is oddly funny to me [02:47:57] And to be clear of Miraheze/Wikitide domains, only miraheze.org is currently under Cloudflare [02:48:06] The rest will be moved eventually [02:48:38] What's the blocker on wikitide.org? [02:48:39] i still find it funny how i figured out miraheze's caching infrastruct like right before the move to cf [02:48:42] If any [02:48:53] The universe is a cruel bitch [02:49:15] not even mistress, just bitch [02:49:31] certified ass [02:50:12] This Universe has been certified to be a cruel bitch on 2024 August 31. [02:50:31] wikitide.net is a very delicate one, as a wrong move could bring down the entire farm [02:50:41] That's true [02:50:56] when did the move to cf start? [02:51:06] i figured out caching on 2024 april 27 [02:51:28] I'd make a joke about moving it over labour day because holiday and who would possibly be using wikis on a holiday [02:51:32] MacFan4000: a move at all for wikitide.net (or at least the decom of current zone) until we get recursor settled will brinf down the entire farm [02:51:47] but contrary to popular belief here there are more places then the US [02:51:56] The task was created April 19th BlankEclair [02:52:03] > [31/08/2024 12:51] I'd make a joke about moving it over labour day because holiday and who would possibly be using wikis on a holiday [02:52:06] uh, loners? [02:52:07] Not sure when we actually started doing stuff [02:52:27] Well it began in force with the giant DDoS [02:52:34] Started months ago, but custom domains in mass only yesterday. [02:52:36] morale of the story 2b2t sucks [02:52:40] Yeah [02:52:55] Actually do we have a number on how many custom domains [02:52:58] Or percentage [02:53:09] 500+ I believe [02:53:18] I don't remember the last time I saw so many people actually talking on IRC (not just the relay) lol [02:53:27] same [02:53:31] same [02:53:40] there's like... five people! shocking! [02:53:41] we have 1 2 3 4 5 [02:53:49] (The majority use CNAME) [02:53:56] is sammy on can we make it 6? [02:54:04] wait [02:54:12] its like 2 am in the UK [02:54:15] drat [02:54:19] eh, sounds like prime time [02:54:30] they're not away but haven't responded (privately), so i figure that they're not here [02:54:39] Uh it's a test do they have a Mirahezian sleep schedule [02:55:07] it's actually more like 3 am in the uk [02:55:10] I stayed up all night last night. Not even a minute of sleep. Not on purpose. I just got busy and I guess time just got away and the next thing I know my alarm is going off... [02:55:33] a true mirahezian [02:55:43] typical [02:55:55] Oh hi Agent [02:56:05] Cosmic is the embodiment of I don't need sleep I need answers [02:56:19] me doing a security review of cargo at 2 am: ^ [02:56:24] (thanks for getting me to sleep though) [02:56:30] hi CosmicAlpha [02:56:55] isnt it noon there [02:57:03] right now? yes [02:57:10] gotcha gotcha [02:57:12] but then it was like 2 am [02:57:22] It is 11AM for me. [02:57:23] It’s just about 11 PM here [02:57:33] fellow ESTer [02:57:43] :handshake: [02:57:43] MacFan4000: exactly 12 hours difference lol [02:58:00] i started typing hank and was not sure where that was gonna go [02:58:05] instead of hand [02:58:24] Nice to see you here Agent [02:58:44] PixDeVl, i'm very certain that you told me to sleep [02:59:36] im somehow torn between "whhaaaaaat meee?? nevrrrr" and "yup sounds right" [02:59:39] CosmicAlpha: Thanks [03:00:06] https://transfem.social/notes/9wrv8urx9sh900qb [03:00:35] How's stuff been man? Life been life-ing? [03:00:38] I remembered I had an idle vps which only had ZNC on it and went to see if it was even on and yup, it was on, running ZNC and to my horror, connected to IRC [03:00:54] to your horror? [03:01:31] yes, to my horror, it made me seem like I was actively connected on purpose :P [03:01:51] I actually thought you had on old bouncer service or something [03:02:03] i also thought it was on accident :p [03:02:03] Never used one myself since I catch up on discord [03:02:19] a pain with the wikimedia dev channels but hey [03:02:32] It’s nice to have for… really no reason [03:02:36] It’s just for vanity at this point [03:02:48] i'm like 80% sure that sammy has an irc client in the terminal on a vps somewhere [03:03:11] eternally watching [03:03:14] the fox eye [03:03:15] I wouldn’t be surprised if 80% of IRC users are just idle bouncers that have been forgotten about [03:03:22] probably [03:03:26] I’m pretty sure that was freenode’s composition, anyway [03:03:39] Rhinos is active on IRC and online even more [03:03:45] Digital as well [03:03:53] I don't find the point anymore. I just connect when I need and let it disconnect when I don't. [03:04:12] Juest im assuming, zppix as well i think [03:04:39] i actually tie my lock screen to setting my irc away status lol [03:04:40] ? [03:04:41] eh i can see the use for say #mediawiki or #wikimedia-ml [03:04:45] oh [03:04:46] never mind [03:04:49] sorry about the ping [03:05:04] with the relays existing, there’s really no reason to have a bouncer or actively connect if you’re primarily just using it for MH purposes [03:05:17] you don't even need to be on irc at all tbh [03:05:18] Some of us who use IRCCloud pay to be able to stay connected indefinitely [03:05:24] it's still nice though [03:05:25] there are also wm-bot logs [03:05:39] I used to have premium IRCCloud but don't find the value anymore [03:05:46] It’s funny because I use IRCCloud to connect to my bouncer rather than just eliminate the middleman [03:05:53] Agent?!?!? [03:05:56] lmao what why [03:06:06] It came back!! [03:06:09] eh, i mean you can use either public logging or a bouncer or whatever, its not a big deal, that's what you get for using irc. unfortunately it always been too niche and recently-ish its just in extinction it appears [03:06:30] oh good, there goes the bridge, maybe some issue with discord and the irc connection i suppose? [03:06:33] more likely to be discord imo [03:06:42] nah, people chat on discord like most of the time [03:06:47] Wow a lot of IRC activity today lol [03:06:51] yeah ikr? [03:06:59] the only two users i see often in irc are me and RhinosF1 [03:07:05] lol agent; i got a instance of kiwiirc just so i can connect anywhere including my znc and my local server :D [03:07:09] why did you say 'it' came back? [03:07:34] heh [03:07:35] * Juest shrugs [03:07:44] hi irc users [03:07:45] Juest: I don't think the IRC connection relys on the Discord bot connection [03:07:49] (from my home ip) [03:07:56] Don't make sense to me as a discord bot dve [03:08:09] didn't intend to imply that [03:08:23] i assume they're talking about the bridge in general [03:08:39] yeah was meaning the bridge bot itself as the middle point [03:08:40] http://wm-bot.wmcloud.org/dump/%23miraheze-tech.htm [03:08:40] @info [03:08:44] huh! [03:08:45] BlankEclair: I use IRC when I wanna feel retro/dont wanna use discord. often cause my phones ded at the end of the day [03:08:54] lmao [03:08:59] lol i only use irc on my desktop cuz i have iphone [03:09:02] Nale’s still on the records lol [03:09:09] ~~or im avoiding people from other communities~~ i mean what [03:09:19] theres no point for me to use znc other than its always stable and it allows me to not get constant disconnects because my computer freezes [03:09:19] BlankEclair: is the most active non-bot user according to wm-bot [03:09:25] Lil mistake heh [03:09:41] essentially using it via znc means it never ever disconnects :D [03:09:45] Agent: yup. also when asked dyno says cocopuff is banned foooor [03:09:47] I think [03:09:50] 26 years? [03:09:54] 27 maybe [03:09:59] In the twenties [03:10:10] except when everything goes down and that bug related to no dns and no connection hits hexchat and znc on windows/cygwin causing it to crash [03:10:11] 25 years last I checked [03:10:16] Only? [03:10:25] why is our crate banned? :( [03:10:30] Bump it to thirty one [03:10:40] hey predated me man [03:10:41] lol [03:10:46] I miss dough crate [03:10:52] ah fun info :D [03:11:40] znc is fun [03:11:51] especially using partyline [03:12:11] I wonder if there are any dummy long temp bans on meta [03:12:26] I know I've gotten emails about IP bans til 2030 [03:12:58] oh yes, the ten year bans for open proxies [03:12:59] o_O [03:13:05] that’s primarily my doing [03:13:25] especially for repeat offender ranges that have been blocked constantly since 2017 [03:13:34] Ah, how its going in terms of wikitide and miraheze infra, may i help with anything? [03:13:39] Agent [03:13:58] You have me PTSD with those RC walls of death [03:14:10] \j [03:14:11] you don't hide stuff from rc? [03:14:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/user:BlankEclair/common.css [03:14:37] sometimes the flooded flag would expire prematurely before the mass blocker finished so I’d flood the RC [03:14:51] It was very funny [03:14:57] 22:53 we have 1 2 3 4 5 [03:14:59] oh lmao [03:15:00] Most of the CVT emails I get are from that [03:15:01] Up to 6 now [03:15:08] also [03:15:15] no non ip temp blocks on meta [03:15:40] oh yes, that pesky new GlobalBlocking behavior sucks [03:16:09] I can imagine why these blocks are starting to come back to haunt cvt@ [03:16:23] I actually asked a wikimedia tech person about that in person a few days ago [03:16:36] MacFan4000: yeah most active I have seen IRC since probably when I first joined in 2020 until about 2022 when we used it a lot more lol (but then again I may not have been paying attention before) [03:16:45] I.. can't remember exactly what he said but i think it was intentional [03:16:52] shockingly no [03:16:58] I think maybe 3? [03:16:59] I love the colorful chat [03:17:14] ikr? it's been all red for me until now [03:17:16] Your reign of vandal carnage gets more [03:17:36] let me check my email [03:18:05] it’s interesting to finally see the gipbe group actually get used [03:18:19] before, I think only DeeM28 and maybe a small handful of others had the flag [03:18:35] how many have it now? [03:18:52] lemme see [03:19:04] 04T08e09s12t [03:19:08] 11 [03:19:13] up from like 2 or 3 [03:19:21] we gotta make a rainbow command [03:19:42] 06purple guy06 [03:20:48] I used to have a command on my IRC bot which was named “thebiteof87” which would trigger lobotomy, aka it would shut up [03:21:01] 06BlankEclair nah just have everyone use colors06 [03:21:16] 06Agent :salute:06 [03:21:16] should i wish that irc would let us use granular colors like https://files.catbox.moe/0sr8yu.png? [03:21:43] i mean i have close to that [03:21:45] ||what does this do on IRC — I forgot if it hides it lol|| [03:21:50] 06nope06 [03:21:53] 06on discord only06 [03:21:55] aw, sad [03:21:57] 06it's raw06 [03:21:59] It used to I think [03:22:07] But I think I broke it [03:22:08] at least you can use 00,00same background + foreground colors for that [03:22:17] lol [03:22:25] also purple is hard to read on a black background [03:22:29] eh [03:22:34] Lol yeah [03:22:36] lmao [03:22:43] 01sup01 [03:22:47] i struggle seeing blue in darker backgrounds because i got a blue light filter [03:22:47] :p [03:22:48] at least i can reassign the colors [03:22:59] 14whats client do you use14 [03:23:03] but konversation does not apply them retroactively >:( [03:23:06] hexchat [03:23:11] windows 7, so light theme [03:23:25] i set QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=gtk2 so that it uses my gtk theme lol [03:23:28] ohgh I implemented spoilers from IRC to Discord but not Discord to IRC lol [03:23:35] 14LMAO14 [03:23:38] lol [03:23:40] moment [03:23:46] ah hmmm [03:23:53] 14why did you have ot write it in C i'd prob try and contribute otherwise14 [03:24:01] i for some reason cant really get like a good color theme on qt :( [03:24:05] on my artix system [03:24:09] 09Ra11i10nb12o06w c13o04lo07r08s [03:24:10] 14i still need to work on my python projects14 [03:24:10] qt5 is the one that is screwed over [03:24:20] yeah same [03:24:48] 14hello14 [03:25:05] 14oh14 [03:25:08] 14is that harej14 [03:25:10] no way! 7 users? [03:25:22] I've been on the Discord this whole time [03:25:36] 14Yoooooo new record14 [03:25:40] im in both :) [03:25:41] lol hey [03:25:43] lol [03:25:47] Anyway.... [03:26:10] interesting bout of activity [03:26:12] how it been going around here..? [03:26:27] 14[[Requests for comment/Establishment of Miraheze IRC Day]]14 [03:26:31] 14lmao14 [03:26:35] lol [03:26:43] oh..? [03:26:46] 14Juest has been going14 [03:26:47] how old is that [03:26:51] Interested topics for #miraheze-tech [03:26:57] 14no its a joke i just made14 [03:26:57] *interesting [03:27:02] 14i didnt make the page14 [03:27:04] haha [03:27:06] not yet [03:27:31] 14I swear all of the most interesting stuff happens in the tech channels and idfk why14 [03:27:47] because we're interested in tech stuff [03:27:56] of course [03:28:02] 14huh, Agent interestly i only see one GIPBE user. funky14 [03:28:11] 09Heh, so u11nusual 10having 12this mu06ch IRC ac13tivity 04in one o07f our ch08annels [03:28:16] 14i mean most of those are totally unrelated to tech14 [03:28:23] could it be cache? :p [03:28:36] i know we like to blame caching, but caching isn't that bad [03:28:56] I've been battling caching all week [03:29:00] Rule of thumb: If you don't know, blame it on cache [03:29:00] kill memcached for a day challenge [03:29:16] pick one: dns or cache [03:29:18] 14i will never not forget crtl shift refresh isn't purge cache on this14 [03:29:22] lol that reminds me, i havent bothered to update/maintain my mediawiki installation from 1.35 [03:29:27] 14Agent: aright bet14 [03:29:42] There was a fair amount more IRC activity back in the very early days of Miraheze Back before the MH discord was a thing [03:29:44] what's the oldest mediawiki server that's still publically accessible i wonder [03:29:49] ofc :) [03:29:54] wikipedia perhaps? [03:30:00] as in running the oldest version, sorry [03:30:01] 1.35 is better then some (like editthis, which is 1.15) [03:30:03] oh [03:30:13] 14Juest: omw to bully your install with public exploits14 [03:30:18] XD [03:30:21] :( [03:30:26] 14don't quote me but I think I've seen 1.1214 [03:30:41] have we considered buying out EditThis just to see the inner workings of how it manages to even survive with 15 years of tech debt? [03:30:43] 14wikipedia invented mediawiki PRAISE BE MAGNUS so14 [03:30:57] 14is there even anyone left to buy from14 [03:31:18] apparently combine overwiki is using 1.24 or 1.26 because they use plugins that stopped being developed and such [03:31:21] Editthis is just dead its owners return maybe once every 2-3 years [03:31:39] extensions* [03:31:43] i wonder how many wikis use cargo [03:31:43] It just runs itself probably using its excessive ad revenue [03:31:51] hmmm [03:31:56] 14> Agent: have we considered buying out EditThis just to see the inner workings of how it manages to even survive with 15 years of tech14 [03:32:03] EditThis isn't worth the hardware it's hosted on [03:32:03] 14tax you're the treasurer14 [03:32:04] iirc, owner was last spotted in like 2016 [03:32:11] oh hmmm, maybe some old minecraft wiki that is still up maybe? [03:32:16] I know the foundation is loaded [03:32:22] 14Agent: we ate them14 [03:32:22] welp [03:32:24] both Wikimedia and WikiTide [03:32:30] this is what's happening now [03:32:31] too much money to spare [03:32:38] or at least, it was when I left it [03:32:58] 14> Agent: too much money to spare14 [03:33:02] 14YOU WOULD THINK14 [03:33:11] 14AND YET(this ends in a joke not serious)14 [03:33:29] btw tax, is [[Finances]] stale? [03:33:31] aww, Finance/List hasn’t been updated since my last edit in April [03:33:33] There's a lot of cash relative to our expenses, but our expenses only consist of a handful of servers, and no paid staff or insurance or other things that cost a lot of money. [03:33:41] 14a few days ago I met DerHexer, 2024 wikimedia laruate in person14 [03:33:45] tax: at best I would pay the price of a normal .info domain which is the only thing of value they probably have. I would not pay a penny more.for editthis [03:33:58] 14awesome guy, also saw the badge he got for the award14 [03:34:14] 14IT WAS MADE OF PAPER. and basically falling apart14 [03:34:18] 14seriously WMF14 [03:34:26] 14one of the 5 big awards of the tear14 [03:34:27] The discord server didn’t exist for the first 3 years of Miraheze existence, so prior to May 2018 IRC was the more active platform [03:34:36] 14and you couldn't like laminate it14 [03:34:43] amazing [03:34:45] 14Como14 [03:35:13] 14im still pissed14 [03:35:19] don't think the convention center had a laminator [03:35:31] i have no context btw [03:35:37] 14They made them there?14 [03:35:47] the name badges were printed on-site. it was neat [03:37:04] if someone left this channel, could you call it tax evasion? [03:37:09] ba dum tss [03:37:15] * PixDeVl dies [03:38:02] i wonder if harej has harej [03:38:04] oh come on [03:38:07] oh yep [03:38:16] XD [03:38:24] 14LMAO14 [03:38:40] * PixDeVl WHEEZES [03:38:43] i was too slow to reclaim my nick xD [03:38:48] Almost like a trigger reflex [03:38:58] also, my client just reconnected me as harej?? [03:39:04] 14how much are you on IRC jesus14 [03:39:07] 14yelp14 [03:39:16] 14cause she's the treasurer now14 [03:39:19] 14also claire that is so much funnier 14 [03:39:23] 14wait14 [03:39:26] 14wrong paste14 [03:39:33] 14https://diff.wikimedia.org/2024/08/07/meet-the-wikimedians-of-the-year-2024/14 [03:39:37] luckily i have "/msg NickServ REGAIN BlankEclair" in my autorun commands lol [03:39:39] 14there are so many posts on the diff14 [03:40:14] that was hilarious lmao [03:40:28] 14the /me here is so much funnier istg14 [03:40:47] 14on discord its just italics so normally i see *dies*14 [03:40:51] 14here14 [03:40:54] * PixDeVl dies [03:41:06] 14which paired your shitty joke perfectly14 [03:41:28] heh? [03:41:36] was that not in response to my joke? [03:41:46] 14it was14 [03:41:58] git -am tired [03:42:00] 14it's just funnier then i thought since the format is diferent14 [03:42:07] git commit -am tired [03:42:15] 14commit yourself to bed14 [03:42:22] 14damn it you beat me to the commit14 [03:42:25] git commit -am bed :) [03:43:12] git push -f origin sleep [03:43:48] 14honk shoe14 [03:44:14] git -C claire push --force bed [03:44:19] forcefully push me to bed [03:44:25] ooo [03:44:26] ok [03:44:56] wait, im not a git wizard, not too familiar with the syntax :D [03:45:04] i barely know the basics and i use tortoisegit [03:45:05] 14you don't need a git for that dear14 [03:45:08] 14you need a semi14 [03:45:22] 14[truck]14 [03:45:51] 14or you know a full one14 [03:45:53] nah, you gotta get a breezy bazaar :) [03:46:01] 14no truck discrimination here14 [03:46:08] technically i'm in bed at the moment [03:46:13] put mercurial on that truck :) [03:46:17] it's the falling asleep part that's the problem [03:46:30] 14do you leave that bed14 [03:46:32] (i mean it's the afternoon right now, but still) [03:46:38] at night? no [03:46:48] 14ever14 [03:46:49] not at night? yeah i alternate between bed and chair [03:46:54] huh? [03:46:56] do you daydream? [03:47:05] occasionally but why do you ask? [03:47:08] 14beanie chair?14 [03:47:13] no just chair [03:47:18] 14lame14 [03:47:29] it also squeaks which is annoying >_> [03:47:33] 14i mean i have an office chair for my desktop so14 [03:47:38] 14but couch rn14 [03:49:12] this chair fits my legs at least [03:50:06] 14why does ever git commit i see from you have a different email14 [03:50:16] i have had a few [03:50:39] i blame github for not accepting waifu.club and simplelogin [03:51:12] 14but i saw a commit from you using waifu club14 [03:51:15] git commit stalking I see [03:51:21] that was an older commit [03:51:32] > [31/08/2024 13:51] git commit stalking I see [03:51:37] my favorite way of figuring out someone's timezone [03:51:39] 14what nooo i would never14 [03:51:56] 14asking also is effective luv14 [03:52:04] yeah but that's lame [03:52:13] what if i want to be a creep xd [03:52:25] 14Agent tbf it was in phorges stream14 [03:52:49] 14not sure if i should say this but there's better ways to be a creep14 [03:52:51] you mean issue tracker 🤓 [03:53:03] 14of course yes my bad v-v14 [03:53:04] > [31/08/2024 13:52] not sure if i should say this but there's better ways to be a creep [03:53:10] i know but i only want to be a partial creep [03:53:32] 14good thing i use fedi or id be canceled on twitter14 [03:54:41] 14https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/R9:601834a3d0ed2efc8576adef80ed6a10f4e7471e you sure the action name thing is correct here?14 [03:54:45] 14sanity check as you say14 [03:54:59] no it doesn't work :( [03:55:00] 14smt bout it feels off but i don't know this stuff so14 [03:55:25] 14i saw that, i mean do you think maybe its just the wrong service?14 [03:55:48] nginx rewrites the url to point to /w/decode.php [03:56:05] so i either gotta stop the rewrite, or do even more hacks in decode.php [03:56:19] 14oh right i saw smt about that14 [03:56:24] oh and btw i'm on my chair right now [03:56:28] 14wasnt this to stop redirects?14 [03:56:32] yeah [03:56:49] 14now14 [03:57:08] 14i wouldnt be saying this if i didnt know OA slept at normal brit times14 [03:57:09] 14but14 [03:57:21] wait [03:57:26] wait what [03:57:31] 14have we tried using the direct PHP globals for getting parameter values14 [03:57:46] decode.php is actually called, not index.php [03:58:37] 14what does decode.php even do14 [03:58:44] good question [03:58:51] Does https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Version represent the full list of skins and extensions deployed on the Miraheze stack? If not, what does? [03:59:16] tax: on that wiki? it should be [03:59:25] but it doesn't list extensions not enabled on that wiki [03:59:30] ManageWiki/extensions would be the full list [03:59:31] 14https://test.mirabeta.org has basically every single bloody thing enabled14 [03:59:34] 14mostly14 [03:59:35] Right, I mean, the entire universe of enable-able extensions [03:59:39] 14some mutaly exclusive14 [03:59:43] Agent: excluding globally installed ones [03:59:47] true [03:59:54] 14ManageWikiExtensions.php14 [04:00:09] 14and GlobalExtensions.PHP14 [04:00:31] and GlobalSkins.php [04:01:03] 14https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/source/mediawiki-configuration/browse/master/GlobalExtensions.php14 [04:01:08] TIL GlobalSkins exists [04:01:27] 14https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/source/mediawiki-configuration/browse/master/ManageWikiExtensions.php14 [04:01:31] 14ngl same14 [04:01:59] 14i still don't remember by LocalWiki.php exists besides LS14 [04:02:06] by or why [04:02:55] 14ewww why is parsoid loaded like that14 [04:03:08] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [04:03:22] is managewiki available for external integration? will it ever be if its not the case? [04:03:28] 14i dont like that14 [04:03:35] 14wdym external integration14 [04:03:39] 14use by third partys?14 [04:03:50] yes external use for third parties [04:03:55] 14uuuuh14 [04:03:56] yes if you know how to wrangle with it [04:04:00] 14how do i say this14 [04:04:13] 14i had a friend try and make a local MW/CW instance14 [04:04:21] i actually got Special:ManageWiki/namespaces kinda working on my test wiki [04:04:39] but that component is actually half of it [04:04:41] 14next day reported he was going inactive for a few days for minor health complications14 [04:04:45] are the particular in-house extensions only meant for farms? [04:04:48] 14true story14 [04:04:59] ManageWiki only writes the settings, MirahezeFunctions (IIRC) actually loads them [04:05:03] 14We offer it under the CentralAuth policy14 [04:05:15] 14[[mw:Extension:CentralAuth]]14 [04:05:18] 14the big red box14 [04:05:24] bloody wm-bot2 [04:05:26] 14does it?14 [04:05:29] wm-bot moment [04:05:35] 14that sounds wrong14 [04:05:54] 14Juest we do have plenty of guides if you wanna try14 [04:05:56] is it even alive and responding to commands in first place? [04:05:58] oh :D [04:06:01] well idk [04:06:03] you can thank wm-bot2 [04:06:05] im on windows with xampp [04:06:06] thanks wm-bot2 [04:06:06] Hey BlankEclair, you are welcome! [04:06:07] 14makeawiki, KINDA got it working?14 [04:06:14] hmm? [04:06:15] 14PFT14 [04:06:17] o_O [04:06:25] gah im feeling a bit odd [04:06:36] 14wm-bot2 tu madre14 [04:06:37] curious but also starting to feel the cognitive degradation [04:06:38] this is what happens when you touch CW/MW [04:06:49] hmmm [04:06:54] 14as more poor wiki lead may attest to14 [04:06:59] 14rest in peace metagall14 [04:07:07] hmm oh well, i would need to upgrade my install to 1.39 at least [04:07:09] 14anyways14 [04:07:22] i actually have no idea how to set the extension up properly lol [04:07:24] maintaining extensions and skins without git is hairy [04:07:24] 14just got to LTD14 [04:07:34] 14go*14 [04:07:45] like, how do i add the global wiki to createwiki's database? [04:07:46] hum? [04:07:56] so far i've been writing the row out manually with sql [04:08:12] there should be a function or something [04:08:18] 14uno https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?search=User%3AWaki285%2FInstall%20CreateWiki%20and%20ManageWiki%20on%20your%20wiki&title=Special%3ASearch14 [04:08:22] i mean i couldn't find a maint script for it [04:08:23] admins shouldnt be messing with sql for mw [04:08:42] actually, i probably should've read docs if i wanted to figure it out [04:08:47] 14BlankEclair: by writing the row manually with sql14 [04:08:55] lol [04:09:02] 14dos https://meta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?search=User%3AOriginal%20Authority%2FSetting%20up%20a%20CreateWiki%20development%20environment&title=Special%3ASearch14 [04:09:26] i just said that its generally a bad idea to have admins messing with the sql database directly [04:09:37] 14theres more somewhere14 [04:09:49] 14i mean you only do it once14 [04:09:54] true [04:09:55] but still [04:09:58] 14ManageWiki is a mess14 [04:10:13] 14OA has rewritten it for telepedia14 [04:10:16] 14twice14 [04:10:18] 14i think14 [04:10:21] > [31/08/2024 14:09] i just said that its generally a bad idea to have admins messing with the sql database directly [04:10:23] i'm full of bad ideas 😎 [04:10:49] bruh [04:10:55] also claire how many new quotes have you gotten for quips page from this [04:11:02] probably many [04:11:06] i'll reread later [04:11:50] fun fact: i also touched the database directly to mark imported images in recentchanges as bot edits [04:12:01] dunno why importImages.php doesn't have a --bot flag, but it is what it is [04:12:42] 14make it have one14 [04:12:48] good idea [04:12:50] but i'm too lazy [04:13:21] 14feels like a good first tag for wikimedia14 [04:13:32] would be my second actually [04:13:41] 14but ill get an actual job before learning gerrit14 [04:14:06] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/1062976 [04:14:20] 14which, maybe be soon tbf14 [04:14:36] 14i have to email person and ask, i'll figure that out later14 [04:15:03] btw, what's with gerrit? [04:15:26] 14gerrit14 [04:15:33] uh... okay [04:15:49] 14also i love that the only open needs triage task is wikitide miraheze merger14 [04:17:13] okay but it was like a genuine question though [04:17:23] 05H06e02h10, 03t07h05a06t 02c10o03u07l05d 06p02r10o03b07a05b06l02y 10g03e07t 05c06l02o10s03e07d 05a06t 02t10h03i07s 05p06o02i10n03t [04:17:44] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/p/Ellie/ [04:17:46] > Candy Fox [04:17:49] new fox dropped [04:17:54] cc TheresNoTime [04:18:30] 14Juest: may be interesting https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T1252114 [04:19:04] 14dang my laptop is craling again14 [04:19:20] ah [04:19:27] craling? [04:19:29] now im feeling in a music production mood, i think [04:19:36] probs meant crawling [04:20:30] 14be back in a spell14 [04:20:58] 14my W key also hates life14 [04:21:04] it's 9:20 PM and I'm feeling really productive. This makes perfect sense [04:21:10] ummm, i clicked the login with mediawiki button and it kinda didnt send me to the page and instead the button is now kind of disabled/pressed [04:21:12] mirahezian in action [04:21:18] whats up with that? [04:21:24] in mirahaze phab/phorge [04:21:24] huh... [04:21:26] issue tracker [04:21:32] 14nothing new14 [04:21:51] ummm [04:22:05] is the mirahaze issue tracker what was the phabricator instance but migrated or..? [04:22:33] Juest: yeah [04:22:37] well, technically phorge [04:22:38] ah ok [04:22:45] fair enough [04:22:48] pretty sure they're the same thing just with a different domain name [04:22:49] good thing it got moved to phorge [04:22:56] huh really? [04:23:05] they're redirects [04:23:20] as always i dont remember my account password ;p [04:23:28] how [04:23:43] sheer memory [04:23:48] why [04:24:01] great question [04:24:08] i dont like writing things down nor using managers [04:25:18] LOL [04:25:31] landing on /auth/login shows me a 404 after logging in [04:25:40] nice [04:25:44] ✨ reliable software ✨ [04:26:19] wb [04:26:23] im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack [04:26:30] hello baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack [04:26:31] what i miss in 2 minutes [04:26:43] can i paste with flood control? [04:26:44] in ot, apparently interwiki feed is dead [04:26:54] Anyway [04:26:56] oh dear [04:26:56] wdym? [04:27:03] MacFan4000 isn't the one yours? [04:27:06] ummm, is there anywhere i can help in? [04:27:42] ? [04:27:46] dunno [04:27:57] first order of business is to find out why [04:28:03] pretty sure it's macfan's bot yeah [04:28:17] do mirabeta edits show up in the feeds i wonder [04:28:41] we need more non elevated permissions ways to volunteer overall reminded me [04:29:05] no "pretty sure" since the bot is called "MacFanBot" heh [04:29:25] i wonder how many people on mirabeta have 2fa enabled [04:29:34] negative [04:29:44] me [04:29:54] heavens why [04:29:59] can't remember the last time I logged into beta [04:30:15] i use it as my own test wiki [04:30:21] Restarted [04:30:23] wow, why the tasks for implementing cloudflare in mh came out just yesterday? [04:30:23] idk why i dont use real test wiki [04:30:38] nah the task was made in april [04:30:56] > [31/08/2024 14:30] testwikibeta * [[Main Page]] ! https://test.mirabeta.org/w/index.php?diff=20756&oldid=20752&rcid=5610 * BlankEclair * (+364) not eepy yet but it's generally true [04:30:57] huh neat [04:31:14] yesterday which feels like today was us moving lots of custom domain wikis [04:31:26] miraheze.org has been CF for a while [04:31:34] ah right [04:31:35] [31/08/2024 14:31] backroomszhwiki * [[Special:Log/managewiki]] rights * Corn Pig * Corn Pig更改了[[Special:ManageWiki/permissions/bureaucrat]]ç»„å ƒæ•°æ®ï¼šæ·»åŠ äº†æƒé™abusefilter-modify-restricted, editrestrictedfieldsï¼Œç§»é™¤äº†æƒé™ï¼ˆæ— ï¼‰ï¼Œæ·»åŠ äº†ç»„æ·»åŠ æƒé™ï¼ˆæ— ï¼‰ï¼Œç§»é™¤äº†ç»„æ·» [04:31:37] åŠ æƒé™ï¼ˆæ— ï¼‰ï¼Œæ·»åŠ äº†ç»„ç§»é™¤æƒé™ï¼ˆæ— ï¼‰ï¼Œç§»é™¤äº†ç»„ç§»é™¤æƒé™ï¼ˆæ— ï¼‰ï¼Œæ·»åŠ äº†ç»„è‡ªæˆ‘æ·»åŠ æ [04:31:38] makes sense [04:31:38] wao [04:31:51] uhh whats up with the encoding? [04:31:55] exactly [04:31:55] æ [04:32:01] MirahezeRC works by adding a handler to rcfeed in the config [04:32:06] and beta uses the same config [04:32:07] æmong us [04:32:20] kinda sus [04:32:32] im not really ummm, a miraheze/wikitide uesr, kinda [04:32:34] oh it's in chinese [04:32:37] i know some mediawiki but that's it [04:32:40] no wonder why the encoding was borked [04:32:49] no utf-8 eh? [04:32:58] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [04:33:08] > im not really ummm, a miraheze/wikitide uesr, kinda [04:33:12] whats that like [04:33:26] o-o [04:33:26] i simply rarely use miraheze at all [04:33:32] hardly [04:33:44] not even in wikimedia wikis i am often active either [04:33:46] i don't know what you expected lol [04:33:52] * Juest shrugs [04:34:01] i wake up to vandals screaming into my inbox and locking MAAs [04:34:17] idk, want to contribute but also have the contradictory thing where i am not really an active user in the platform [04:34:22] sooooo [04:34:34] legit(i check my email every morning) and locked like 2 accounts before I left bed(which takes time) [04:34:37] my debut was debugging bugs on phorge [04:34:51] I totally understand where you're coming from Juest [04:35:07] It's something we should work on [04:35:16] it's always been an issue where you sort of can't volunteer in a low-level position because what is needed are more high-level access users [04:35:21] eh, im just an adhd nerd that is "terminally online" and has executive dysfunction and gets distracted and hung easily [04:35:26] BlankEclair i remember being like 'who  dis' [04:35:33] Juest saaamme [04:35:43] hung easily? [04:35:46] Agent perfectly said [04:35:54] i been "addicted to computer/internet" for like 12 years [04:36:35] yeah like i sit on the computer and i forget to do other things including survival stuff such as getting fed or voiding [04:36:45] what does hung mean? [04:36:59] like stuck [04:37:04] oh [04:37:07] My idea I had a while ago was making committees or sorts to do tasks that we should like to have done but have other stuff. my idea was smt like looking through semi sus wiki requests to see if they don't violate scope or CP [04:37:44] Juest like oh I wanna start a new project start it hyper focus ignore food and such break away then be unable to find motivation to finish? [04:38:01] > [31/08/2024 14:36] yeah like i sit on the computer and i forget to do other things including survival stuff such as getting fed or voiding [04:38:08] are we talking about you or me [04:38:11] kinda something like that except that project is literally the computer life [04:38:15] me [04:38:22] option C [04:38:24] all of us [04:38:26] you do the same and have a parasocial relationship with the online life? [04:38:38] does it count as a parasocial relationship [04:38:45] shush too close to home [04:38:46] idk [04:38:47] ummm [04:39:08] I mean I talk to plenty of cool people mainly online I do meet in person during organized events does that count [04:39:42] i have so many projects i loose momentum on and hang in limbo [04:39:42] how would it be thought to put T12122 in effect without huge security holes or maliciousness getting past validation? [04:39:53] which one is that [04:39:53] new word learned: parasocial [04:40:02] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12122 [04:40:23] Juest: host mirabeta separately with no access to prod stuff [04:40:25] Agent: it's mainly used(that i hear) with influencers [04:40:39] see also: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12486 [04:40:57] when viewers feel a connection or that they know or are even friends with the creator [04:41:00] ah right [04:41:17] iirc, we had a test server without prod access on legacy WikiTide or legacy WikiForge [04:41:19] when they obviosuly have no idea who they are [04:41:28] i notice that there's an alpha version [04:41:48] the two things that arent isolated are DB(beta and meta use the same one LMAO) and uh cache? [04:42:12] Oofs [04:42:14] to me parasocial is more used for "you don't know them you know of them" [04:42:19] api keys [04:42:34] > Parasocial interaction refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and on online platforms. [04:42:37] yeah [04:42:43] I wanted to repurpose db162 for beta access and have memcached on the test server [04:42:51] yes in this case its basically being attached to strangers online or whatever [04:42:53] its more broader [04:42:58] how reasonable is hosting everything on test151 [04:43:00] Or something [04:43:16] i wouldn't use it for people you actually know but online personallu [04:43:24] > [31/08/2024 14:42] > Parasocial interaction refers to a kind of psychological relationship experienced by an audience in their mediated encounters with performers in the mass media, particularly on television and on online platforms. [04:43:25] wait [04:43:35] does maintaining the rainverse wiki count? [04:43:41] to me its more one person feels a connection to someone who doesn't know they exist [04:43:50] oh okay [04:43:55] oh right [04:43:56] same tbh [04:44:07] we could host everything on test151, that was the plan initally [04:44:12] not knowing each other besides usernames and profile pictures is different imo [04:44:17] i mean, yeah its a bit like that, having a one-sided connection that the other peer is clueless about [04:44:17] Agent yea makes sense [04:44:22] Something like that [04:44:24] I think legacy WikiTide's test1 had everything hosted on it sans db [04:44:29] Anyways yeah, sounds good if that's unused? [04:44:39] test151 is used for mirabeta atm [04:44:51] in a case like this convo feels inaccurate if that's what you're referring too [04:44:52] good thing? [04:45:03] probably idk [04:45:07] i mean a single db isnt hard to set up [04:45:11] memcached on test151 could work [04:45:11] cache may be an issue [04:45:12] hmm fair, sorry for my misspeaking [04:45:13] although [04:45:20] and db162 as beta db could work as well [04:45:22] if beta is SUPPOSED to copy pro [04:45:30] shouldn't it also use CF? [04:45:34] was db162 finally nuked or is it still moribund [04:45:55] ummm, maybe do the wmf route? is it secure enough? [04:46:01] wmf route? [04:46:16] for the beta wiki availability to users [04:46:27] 162? [04:46:28] for server access? [04:46:30] and remember they got wikitech and an apparently? secure shell access [04:46:34] Not sure, there's no page for it [04:47:08] I know they have a read only semi redacted replica of the prod database [04:47:19] semi redacted? [04:47:31] i saw kunal show it off turning one of the last chapter events [04:47:32] hmmm? [04:47:40] emails passwords etc [04:47:46] huh [04:47:52] ? [04:47:52] things you dont wanna show to non nda users [04:48:01] moment [04:48:07] there's a site you can use to directly query it [04:48:19] let me find it [04:48:58] um, the wt/mh equivalent of wmf noc is like githubs? [04:50:55] oh im a trans woman enby if anyone's curious ^^ [04:51:11] oh hell yeah our third trans person in this channel [04:51:32] lol [04:52:16] um, idk if its a good idea but is icinga and grafana public and read only enabled? [04:52:38] dunno about icinga, but i know that icinga is logged in #miraheze-tech-ops [04:52:45] you know, transparency [04:52:46] grafana is at grafana.wikitide.net [04:53:17] https://superset.wmcloud.org/sqllab [04:53:20] found it [04:53:22] ah, many of those commodities are from wt yea? [04:53:27] BlankEclair whos the second [04:53:33] PixDeVl: hello [04:53:42] lol [04:53:45] Juest all techy infra structure is on wt.net [04:53:46] wait [04:53:50] no [04:53:54] xd [04:54:15] stop making me gay claire. SOMEONE NEEDS TO BE THE STRAIGHT WHITE GUY [04:54:28] lol [04:54:33] AHAHA [04:54:33] not christan thought ill pass on that [04:54:35] sorry mom [04:55:00] (i am legit not trans for anyone confused I'm a cis male) [04:55:08] im trans tho 👍 [04:55:17] so there are three still [04:55:30] lol on that matter: im open to all sexual orientations except cis males and i dont like standard/regular sex [04:55:31] there's also sammy but i realize that they're not here at the moment [04:55:33] claire is too powerful [04:56:02] the only thing stopping me from breaking production is time [04:56:10] and access [04:56:17] that comes with time [04:56:18] gaslight gatekeep girlboss [04:56:27] you need an NDA [04:56:34] lol [04:56:55] can i have a nda and training? [04:57:28] fun [04:57:28] only if you pinky promise to not break anything [04:57:37] wikitide.net says no wiki found [04:57:42] Juest: miraheze.org [04:57:49] yes i really do, very scary to screw up big time :( [04:57:54] maybe train me before the nda [04:57:55] The chat got like a mix of #tech and a little bit of #offtopic [04:57:56] i just realized NA is maybe the only board person i can think of rn who don't use irc [04:58:03] does reception? [04:58:06] think so [04:58:07] occasionally [04:58:08] tech channel be very tech-y [04:58:10] and ummmmmmmmm, i admit i have impulse issues [04:58:21] Juest wikitide.org got them wikis [04:58:35] @elliethearchiver we're all tech nerds its fiiine [04:58:37] Juest: if it's any comfort, at least nothing you can do will be crowdstrike-levels of horrific [04:58:39] was looking for the infra [04:58:46] oh heh [04:58:46] lol on that matter: im open to all sexual orientations except cis males and i dont like standard/regular sex [04:58:50] fair enough [04:58:54] very tech-y [04:58:57] 👍 [04:59:00] hm? [04:59:12] lol xD [04:59:19] ah yes, we're the techy nerds :3 [04:59:26] > i dont like standard/regular sex [04:59:33] i prefer running indie forks versions of sex [04:59:34] just stole someones thing and queryed the WMF database for all thanks I've made [04:59:47] o que [04:59:53] lol claire wot xD [05:00:00] sure, why not [05:00:07] if that's synonymous of kinks :0 [05:00:09] tech version of non-vanilla [05:00:18] ah :D [05:00:22] i dig ya [05:00:42] ummmmmmm what subdomains in wikitide.net besides grafana? [05:00:47] ...are accessible [05:00:49] brb checking [05:00:51] oh and it been like uhhhhh [05:01:05] the servers are there [05:01:05] i really should not be memorizing these urls [05:01:11] but here: https://github.com/miraheze/dns/blob/master/zones/wikitide.net [05:01:14] about 4 hours and half since i am yet to brush my teeth [05:01:14] says who [05:01:35] ? [05:01:46] https://status.wikitide.net/ this one is accessible [05:01:46] wdym? [05:02:01] huh, interesting [05:02:10] i'd've expected a redir to mirahezestatus.net [05:02:10] where is it linked [05:02:17] I just realized we have two status pages [05:02:20] BlankEclair same [05:02:21] lol [05:02:24] the Atlassian one and the Hund one [05:02:33] which is which? [05:02:33] I think me and CA never unified them [05:02:35] Agent that makes- well all of [05:02:50] well, take the opportunity to look into unified them? [05:03:35] status.wikitide.net is the Atalassian one, aka the one I made but mirahezestatus.net is the old status.miraheze.wiki Hund page that was renamed and spearheaded by CA [05:03:40] hund is complaining about test wiki a lot [05:03:40] hmm it seems that the main status page is mirahezestatus.net rather than status.wikitide.net [05:03:52] oh huh [05:03:59] bad thing? [05:04:03] hm? [05:04:14] it's good to keep the status page on a completely separate domain [05:04:18] in case the main dies [05:04:24] sure [05:04:29] [1/2] lol [05:04:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1279305792100499476/SJfLJhq.png?ex=66d3f5dd&is=66d2a45d&hm=d020d5e8cf3e571593adde1dc9f67c89e03cb65dbc26fdc5e789d20a6e18abd5& [05:05:00] hund is also ugly [05:05:06] yeah i said it [05:05:19] eh? it looks okay [05:05:21] xD [05:05:23] nothing notable or bad [05:05:25] yeah its fiiine [05:05:27] ideally kill hund move atlan over and make someone update it [05:05:31] atlan is prettier [05:05:51] the best status site will always be uptime kuma [05:05:55] fight me [05:05:55] [1/2] love when it doesnt auto refresh (it typically does refresh on its own, at least on wmf) [05:05:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1279306153331003402/image.png?ex=66d3f633&is=66d2a4b3&hm=64d1103902134ab22dfa79a662f02fc76ba4c7e543e2847688a03947e06c3329& [05:06:05] iirc atalassian doesn't have automatic down detector integration [05:06:17] [1/2] xD [05:06:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1279306246381502484/image.png?ex=66d3f649&is=66d2a4c9&hm=220b34271a26294dbbbaf46fdb25cbee5d70c01117cfc08716c1c7171abb559d& [05:06:30] those tabs o_O [05:06:41] 2273 [05:06:43] impressive [05:07:01] and only a few months ago i enabled tab scrolling [05:07:09] w [05:07:12] how could you not?? [05:07:21] idk, i also used to use chrome dev [05:07:22] if we do get a community, liasons was it? for tech team, should status page updates be part of their job? [05:07:51] and provided no feedback to like tab scrolling nor reported the bug where the windows would get wider and wider and wider with like opening tabs or whatever the hell was going on [05:08:22] And uhhhhhhh, for whatever reason i recently had a memory leak in the main browser process which led to it crashing at 4gb despite it being 64 bits [05:08:22] guess when my archiveteam warrior stopped archiving? https://files.catbox.moe/n9lchk.png [05:08:24] CES 2.0 [05:08:40] and its like, apparently some extension causing it [05:08:45] i had to disable flowcrypt cuz of that [05:08:49] there are few things I love more then a software with a working full live demo [05:08:50] lmao [05:08:54] I believe I created the Atlassian status page, and Agent set up the domain [05:09:00] https://demo.kuma.pet/start-demo [05:09:13] in my chromium instance i have 3352 tabs open [05:09:13] yes, you did, you got the free OSS license from Atlassian [05:09:27] but we didn't do anything further with it [05:09:49] i also enable memory saver flag very late in my chromium daily use time [05:10:17] oh and apparently i didnt either report to google that i wanted and liked the automatic tab grouping when you open new tabs on desktop [05:10:21] I likely would have switched mirahezestatus.net if it was in our DNS [05:10:28] but they implemented it on chrome android [05:10:29] ph btw BlankEclair did you get your domain approved on obl.ong [05:10:34] didn't get email [05:10:49] anyways, sorry for like the offtopic personal info dump :D [05:10:54] its still techy however [05:11:11] @juesto jesus fuck [05:11:16] thats too many [05:11:19] PixDeVl: no :( [05:11:31] i used to have like 1gb of seamonkey history stored many years ago [05:11:32] BlankEclair badger reese [05:11:37] i knew someone who'd abhor having to restart his computer because of the amount of open tabs he has [05:11:40] and i had my netbook uptime for almost a year [05:11:41] you scare me [05:11:51] (But it isn’t, meaning DNS record changes have to be done at the registrar) [05:11:59] i dont like not having the computer available [05:12:14] oh [05:12:15] anyways [05:12:17] uh claire [05:12:26] when you go badger reese [05:12:33] when i feel like it [05:12:35] i barely restart my computer, but it sucks up power outages instead [05:12:36] may want to let him know the admin panel exploded [05:12:46] https://admin.obl.ong/ [05:12:55] oh and i like to eat at mcdonald's, its very efficient [05:13:19] tf happened [05:13:32] PixDeVl: how come? [05:13:52] hmmmmmmmmmm [05:13:53] is it just me the page errors for? [05:14:08] i wonder if there's a way to use gnupg as a virtual passkey [05:14:13] * MacFan4000 likely won’t be up too much longer as it’s 1 AM [05:14:20] its 2am here [05:14:34] i just let myself go and stick around, my notion of time sucks [05:14:49] i have experienced moments where i like dont realize a hour went by [05:14:55] MacFan4000 same [05:15:00] its 11 am and I'm probably gonna be awake for another like 5 hours [05:15:02] and then when i realize afterwards i just feel no memories [05:15:09] ellie [05:15:13] oh cool, hi from the other side of the world [05:15:13] i have to ask [05:15:20] pm* [05:15:24] did you just wake early [05:15:28] i typed it wrong [05:15:30] or are you like CA [05:15:32] XD [05:15:33] oh [05:15:42] PixDeVl did you receive my pm [05:15:42] a.a [05:15:44] idk, im bored [05:15:52] sometimes [05:15:58] I stay up until like 8 am [05:16:00] ja [05:16:00] (apparently saying that distresses/scares people off) sad [05:16:10] sigh [05:16:12] Ah [05:16:23] lately i've been staying up at night and sometimes sleeping on the chair for like 2 hours [05:16:27] and being awake at 5 am [05:16:28] 11 PM = MST [05:16:34] who knows why im like that [05:16:35] yea I'm mst [05:16:41] (apparently its because im disorganized) [05:16:49] thanks to being too much at the computer [05:16:54] so i was saying [05:16:57] i used to have like [05:17:03] firefox and seamonkey [05:17:15] with multiple windows worth of like 800-1000 tabs [05:17:26] on a amd c-50 1ghz dual core netbook from 211 [05:17:27] 2011 [05:17:34] acer aspire one 722 bz454 [05:17:48] its currently without a hard drive because i put it into my main rig [05:17:58] and even booted to that installation :D [05:18:18] i also have done VM based boots off the physical drive directly on a different install [05:18:36] i have three individual separate disks that have a installation of windows on it [05:18:39] each [05:18:52] idk, am i interesting or annoying at this point? [05:19:02] > 1000 tabs [05:19:02] former [05:19:02] > 1ghz cpu [05:19:04] no way [05:19:16] agent calling cap [05:19:21] it was like, 3 windows of 800 tabs or something, Agent [05:19:24] yes the poor cpu [05:19:30] Also fortunately you know how things are [05:19:40] most of the tabs are actually unloaded when they get restored after a crash [05:19:48] this is particularly true in chrome [05:19:50] but! [05:20:26] before i actually enabled memory saver because previously i didnt like it because it would be shutting down tabs i actually want open that dont have any in-progress form [05:20:32] now i just dont mind much [05:20:40] ive stayed up so long im getting hungry [05:20:59] I don't like having 20 tabs open at once so I don't think I would be able to comprehend 800 XD [05:21:00] anyways, the chrome process would climb up from 8gb to 24-32gb of ram on its entirety with the processes it has [05:21:14] i did a test back in like 2015 [05:21:21] @elliethearchiver thats the neat part [05:21:26] you don't [05:21:41] where chrome would survive 100 tabs with like 30 extensions without paging file on a 16gb system, (a little less) [05:21:50] before having a OOM crash [05:22:05] i also still use windows 7 as main system [05:22:12] gee wonder why [05:22:15] to the OOM [05:22:22] windows 10 <3 [05:22:30] windows 11 :( [05:22:30] telemetry can go die [05:22:34] because the pc is grandfathered and i have visual studio 2005-2015 installed, and lots of software that would certainly break badly if upgraded to windows 10 [05:22:39] haha poor bastard [05:22:50] and i dont have a income to get a new computer [05:22:53] dual boot? [05:23:14] nah, i have 11 partitions on my tv NUC computer [05:23:26] like 6 linux distros on it [05:23:26] once again [05:23:29] jesus fuck [05:23:36] HEX BOOT? [05:23:55] one is windows 7, ntfs data partition, linux swap, ESP [05:24:14] beelzebub [05:24:39] also random anyone here watch the show game changer [05:24:59] windows 7 <3 [05:24:59] > [31/08/2024 15:18] i have three individual separate disks that have a installation of windows on it [05:25:02] huh, neat [05:25:05] and then, elementary os, ubuntu, solus, artix, had the old steamos at some point that i replaced with [05:25:20] my server has 6 installs of mediawiki [05:25:27] i also had kaos that i also replaced [05:25:30] that's sad [05:26:02] respectively steamos was replaced by artix iirc [05:26:11] and kaos was replaced with alpine [05:26:21] and lastly i had macos el captain [05:26:29] hi ellie [05:26:33] and i replaced that with one partition being adelie linux [05:26:34] hello [05:26:39] hello ellie <3 [05:26:40] sup [05:26:45] BlankEclair can we count this as 8 people? [05:26:52] i think so? [05:26:53] there's 15 users here [05:26:55] it feels kinda cheaty [05:26:55] i'm losing track [05:27:00] hmm true [05:27:11] Juest that engage in active conversation [05:27:15] 12 people excluding bots [05:27:16] i mean [05:27:24] Sorry, i am not good at socializing [05:27:25] I'm only on IRC since it's hard to follow along to the chat with the relay lol [05:27:33] just us 3 is beyond the vast majority of the time [05:27:34] wait, really? [05:27:41] > [31/08/2024 15:27] Sorry, i am not good at socializing [05:27:43] aren't we all? [05:27:47] on IRC [05:27:52] discord is active [05:27:52] yeah it's usually me [05:27:53] i mean, im socially inept [05:27:57] and half the time RhinosF1 [05:28:09] and me if my phones dead [05:28:14] or CA if. [05:28:22] whenever no once can understand CA [05:28:26] and uhh, i have recently-ish put a community in siege during a short time due to my behavior [05:28:36] oh :( [05:29:05] is the relay slow or something? [05:29:19] dont really seem like there are issues with keeping up with the convo from discord [05:29:20] lol [05:29:34] mostly just cause me it's hard to tell who sends what message [05:29:37] anyways, i always havent been really sociable per se [05:29:46] oh fair, i mean it literally says [05:29:46] since they're all just grouped under the same bot [05:29:53] yeah thats not a big deal, no? [05:29:58] on discord its all a wall of text [05:29:59] colors probably [05:30:02] hmm fair [05:30:06] colors help yea [05:30:09] i also get lost [05:30:13] i actually prefer color-less [05:30:24] i have role colors shown separately in discord [05:30:33] im used to a profile picture and colored name breaking each new person [05:30:36] and disabled colors in twitch [05:30:38] oh [05:30:42] i like colors [05:30:45] colorful [05:30:54] you seem like you would've been a microsoft chat user :P [05:30:56] the author of a blog i read abhors syntax highlighting [05:30:58] i have a few roles but only one shows [05:31:07] HIIIIIIII @pixldev !!!! [05:31:18] hello @pixldev! [05:31:44] PixDeVl: thats just discord hiding most roles under collapsation on desktop [05:31:56] silly discord [05:31:59] nice to meet you btw [05:32:05] argentina here kek [05:32:07] same ^^ [05:32:17] live in the states personally [05:32:22] ah [05:32:27] *dead pan* yay [05:32:34] . [05:32:36] *slowclap* [05:32:39] Also hmmmmm [05:32:43] _a.a_ [05:33:01] hmm fun, relay does markdown [05:33:11] ||spoiler|| `test` [05:33:20] anywayyyyyy [05:33:21] yeah it's basically like sending a message [05:33:22] uhhhhhhhhh [05:33:24] yea [05:33:32] it really varies on different relays/bridges [05:33:34] Stull talking here lol [05:33:37] yep [05:33:42] *Still [05:33:51] but usually like its like, either no markdown or no pinging or whatever [05:33:53] yes CosmicAlpha [05:33:59] i can go for hours lol [05:34:01] no pinging? oh god >_> [05:34:10] i can be here for hours :) [05:34:11] i easily am on the computer for like 15 hours [05:34:11] Nice anything interesting happen while I was gone? [05:34:17] Umm good question [05:34:24] i made a new quip i suppose? [05:34:51] I have this undismissible ping on IRC not from this channel it seems but it doesn't show me where, just the red mark on IRCCloud lol [05:34:55] soo, a issue with memory saver in chrome is that it doesnt keep my discord and matrix sessions open :( [05:34:56] CosmicAlpha we realized there's two status pages [05:35:02] Yes I know [05:35:09] and neither does with spotify [05:35:11] that was probably me [05:35:17] the ping not the status pages [05:35:21] We were migrating and then other things got in the way and kinda forgot about it lol [05:35:35] CosmicAlpha: insert this is fine meme [05:35:35] oh and, i dont like edge way of suspending tabs because it literally makes em lose network connection [05:35:44] lots to do [05:35:48] little time to do it in [05:36:01] ummmm, mind some personal music production material? [05:36:27] Also uh, i composed this recently: [05:36:55] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1279313953704509482/peekingcellochords.flac?ex=66d3fd77&is=66d2abf7&hm=e9c48af82f2310be8db5b2fc52a8567bf0cae1dd90c4d33f838260947064041e& [05:36:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1279313954128265237/holymesmerizingcelloverb.flac?ex=66d3fd77&is=66d2abf7&hm=02ec8c7e8df8220d6da2729ccdfec3730ef259969f5e232cfae32bfec18d4290& [05:37:25] can't check out right now but will def in the morning :) [05:37:57] aw [05:38:27] i should sleep probably [05:38:37] [[rfc:2119]] [05:38:42] oh fun fact: palaver freezes for like 30 seconds because of my 160 channels of libera alone and about 16 networks auto connecting at once [05:38:51] on my iphone connecting to znc [05:38:56] amazing [05:38:57] :skull: [05:39:03] oh and claire [05:39:09] my email client freezes for a good 10 seconds whenever i open an email about nitter [05:39:21] I expect a THOROUGH look back through this for ALL the good quibs [05:39:25] and i have buffextras, playback, and buffer on my znc [05:39:32] uh, yeah? [05:40:03] *grizzled work boss voice* I want that on my desk by seven sharp! [05:40:11] didn't specify timezone [05:40:32] yeah the deteriorating mental states indicates I should sleep [05:40:44] this is too much fun [05:40:45] nini [05:40:51] soon:tm: [05:40:53] like [05:40:54] 2 [05:41:08] oh shit my scrollback buffer is truncated xD [05:41:14] gotta read through the logfile [05:41:17] oh yeah same [05:41:25] how far back is yours [05:41:36] > [31/08/2024 13:13] that’s primarily my doing [05:41:51] for me as of this message here [05:42:01] BlankEclair: didn't get email [05:42:05] It is my doing alright [05:42:11] (for obl.ong) [05:42:17] lmao [05:42:37] lmfao yeah [05:42:57] btw my buffer in tmux is like a million lines [05:43:08] lemme look over abuse log to see if i can find anyone to chomp [05:43:23] LMAO [05:43:24] what are you, a shark? [05:43:28] THE FIRST ENTRY [05:43:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/MarioMario456-GAY-WH0RE-SHEMALE [05:43:57] just a theory but I think I found the account that tripped the autoblock earlier today [05:44:03] autoblock? [05:44:27] yea i saw an autoblock for this LTA [05:44:33] MAA* [05:44:48] my hexchat scrollback is not big either lol [05:45:01] actually is this one already locked? [05:45:11] doesn't look like it [05:45:11] (i dont store irc logs altogether) [05:45:18] other than hexchat scrollback [05:45:26] it is no [05:45:27] w [05:45:46] huh thats quite the doxing name huh [05:45:52] huh? [05:46:07] username i meant [05:46:09] lol [05:46:13] doxing? [05:46:31] i mean, literally telling personal things for whatever reason in the username? [05:46:36] oh [05:46:50] oh i see what you're talking about [05:47:03] projective much? (in response to the person who made that account) [05:47:18] perhaps...? [05:47:18] This has been a busy day for this IRC channel. [05:47:22] aye [05:47:22] :thinking: [05:47:29] indeed [05:47:30] MM456 is a name [05:47:35] i have my work cut out for me [05:47:36] I haven’t heard in a while [05:47:36] except the night became all offtopic [05:47:38] :p [05:47:39] also why is the hidden selection on the menu just a single option [05:47:42] and a rare appearance of me being on irc [05:47:48] yay? [05:47:51] how do you flick it to off what [05:47:52] so [05:47:54] que?? [05:48:00] …much activity [05:48:06] I keep pressing the enter button [05:48:08] ikr? :D [05:48:39] my activity in 2009 in mozilla's bugzilla is really cringe lol [05:48:44] yea this guy just woke up to day and chose vandal on their user page [05:48:46] its sad [05:48:58] hold up im tired of this i need to check docs [05:49:14] do GA just not like rights to hide accounts and its poorly designed? [05:49:39] cursed centralauth [05:50:02] hiding a user would entail oversight-es que privileges which are still under Steward purview [05:50:10] ah [05:50:22] so its centralauth being a fucking bitch [05:50:23] so a request in SR/G then? [05:50:24] okay [05:50:26] thanks [05:50:31] i posted in CVT [05:50:38] that works [05:51:24] actually wait then, agent do we have this second public list option https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a6/Screenshot_of_the_CentralAuth_interface.png/800px-Screenshot_of_the_CentralAuth_interface.png ? or is that also basically oversight [05:51:42] windows 7 :D [05:51:51] mediawiki.org [05:53:10] it's just a `centralauth-suppress` perm got t [05:53:17] i hate central auth [05:53:28] me too, pixl, me too [05:53:33] I think the ability to hide from lists is also bundled in the same right so no way to get around that [05:53:35] > [31/08/2024 15:53] it's just a `centralauth-suppress` perm got t [05:53:39] still oversight [05:53:40] no way centralauth-suppress got testosterone [05:53:54] run for steward [05:54:00] (what did you mean by that though) [05:54:03] U18 [05:54:05] no NDA for me [05:54:15] wait what [05:54:21] pesky "age of majority" smh [05:54:22] since when software has hormones? [05:54:26] and sexualization [05:54:27] i was joking [05:54:39] i mean, that piqued my curiosity :^) [05:54:47] by the time i legally can i probably will maybe [05:54:50] I mean, MediaWiki does allow you to specify gender… [05:54:56] depending on community sentiment [05:54:56] and there is sharkey... [05:55:05] im bad at like, believing and stuff [05:55:24] Agent: well yeah, but that's the user not the software :p [05:55:24] do you want a screenshot of the ui or do you want a code sample [05:55:26] or maybe basic tech server stuff [05:55:26] oh [05:55:46] idk [05:56:00] what's the problem with CA-suppress here though? maybe i can try to hide it if the right isn't present or smth [05:56:12] for now im fine with helping at the limit really of where i can [05:56:23] i think its fine i dont think it was a dox [05:56:33] just be complaining about bad UI [05:56:39] heh [05:57:26] suppression my beloved [05:57:40] why was it initially called oversight i wonder [05:57:44] revdel my beloved [05:58:00] agent? [05:58:04] yep! [05:58:04] poor[er] man's oversight [05:58:07] you're late to the party btw [05:58:08] morning legroom [05:58:21] Hi Agent 👋 [05:58:35] idk i love the name oversight as a noun and verb i will use it til i die FIGHT ME [06:00:28] 2 am [06:00:33] new record maybe [06:00:35] <3 [06:00:47] i slept at like 2:50 am because i was talking to someone [06:00:48] hello [06:00:51] for 2 hours and 50 minutes [06:01:04] i've been here since [06:01:11] it’s unusually active here [06:01:14] what 10:30? [06:01:19] yeah, very surprising [06:01:35] 3 and a half solid hours of chatting [06:01:50] i maintain a quips page for miraheze (basically bash.toolforge.org but more primitive), so i gotta scroll back from the top and reread [06:02:41] still need to find somewhere to host one [06:03:00] yeah.... indeed [06:03:02] i prob would if my VPS wasn't too squish for ES [06:03:10] host what? [06:03:14] its impressive [06:03:15] bash [06:03:17] oh [06:03:39] meanwhile im doing some music stuff [06:03:40] idk [06:03:47] MAA is back [06:03:48] brb [06:03:52] woo [06:04:45] konversation don't got colors for log file :( [06:09:07] oop [06:09:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1279322117091098624/image.png?ex=66d40511&is=66d2b391&hm=fc029234c0f041b627e5e4a2c258a2b5e529908212109306e69f69db6533c9bc& [06:09:30] so im doing this [06:09:43] baby audio? [06:09:58] that's a plugin company [06:10:02] oh okay [06:10:06] I don't understand what I'm looking at but it looks interesting [06:10:08] only have Transit installed which is a collab with andrew huang [06:10:43] a multi-effects plugin that its main goal is to provide like automated transitions and stuff like that [06:10:45] if that makes sense [06:11:27] like, a big macro knob that controls all the effects knobs or something like that, its very flexible/customizable [06:11:51] huh [06:12:01] its an ableton live 10.1 project, digital audio workstation, you see the session view and the piano roll of a clip at the bottom [06:12:04] neat [06:13:33] lol, technically i do have technical matters to discuss about :) [06:13:35] hehe :p [06:14:10] i mean, that description gives the leeway of doubt [06:14:26] you say that as if we don't offtopic in here constantly [06:14:32] hope that makes sense [06:14:40] Oh lol, _figures_ [06:14:58] yeah idk, is it not too far fetched to assume that, right? [06:15:09] hmm true [06:15:22] :) [06:16:07] 👏 nerd 👏 off 👏 topic 👏 chat [06:16:16] crap i messed it up [06:16:21] heh [06:16:24] > What happened to the server, the only active channel is tech [06:16:26] > tech 👍 [06:16:27] > tech 👍 [06:16:29] > in theory, the entire server is support + offtopic [06:16:30] > in practice, the entire server is support when someone's asking + offtopic, and offtopic all the time if not [06:16:42] 10/10 [06:16:49] there's more [06:16:51] wot [06:16:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Quips [06:17:20] lmao [06:17:24] 10/10 quotes :D [06:18:05] im gonna sleep in so late [06:18:11] heh you're welcome [06:18:42] new quips \o/ [06:18:45] hmmmmmm [06:18:48] idk about you [06:18:55] i think i might head to bed now [06:18:59] same [06:19:04] ninis [06:19:09] * Juest foreshadows themselves and stays up /s [06:19:11] look forward to them quotes clair [06:19:18] ur welc [06:19:23] uwu [06:19:24] been real nice meeting ya juest :) [06:19:27] ok yes [06:19:33] imma just peace [06:19:39] tempted to give you queer webcomics [06:19:43] ah yes, the sigil of the transfem [06:19:50] * Juest proceeds to have insomnia and anxiety /jk [06:20:08] wdym you don't already have anxiety /hj [06:20:19] i struggle to relax :sob: [06:20:36] me too when i'm feeling hypervigilant >_> [06:20:49] for me its basically always and when i try to focus on relaxing [06:21:15] also Agent hopefully talk to ya again but if not: was nice seeing ya, and I wish thee best of fortunes on ye future travels and a wonderful day week year and beyond :) [06:21:28] idk its weird, like the mindfulness things only seem to happen randomly without me trying to push it or whatever [06:21:54] :thinking: going away soon? [06:23:09] ah yes css aka counter-strike: source :D [06:23:20] i just gave that quip a new meaning, you're welcome BlankEclair [06:23:21] counter-strike: sourceomg [06:23:40] its true, when it doesnt work you apply more violence to it [06:23:41] :P [06:23:41] it do be like that like 10% of the time [06:24:03] Ah? [06:24:11] hm? [06:24:19] apparently im better at hosting game servers instead of aiming at the game lol [06:24:31] lmfao [06:24:54] i meant to say and worse at the game itself [06:24:57] anyways [06:25:11] fun fact: windbg is better than visual studio as a debugger [06:25:32] visual studio remote debugging actually can put your network in siege [06:26:10] a tf2 server that was hosted felt the force of the debugging session [06:26:46] omg lol [06:26:58] if you know what i mean [06:27:31] trying to debug source engine remotely caused the people on the server to get all lagged unfortunately [06:28:46] uhhh [06:29:06] BlankEclair: what is the committed identity thingy about in your user page? [06:29:50] Juest: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Committed_identity [06:30:01] i still dont understand it [06:30:07] despite having read about its links [06:30:18] if i need to prove that i control that account, i can give the plaintext that produces that hash [06:30:25] that page does not have a documentation page [06:30:34] i linked to the metawiki page [06:30:41] the loginwiki one doesn't have docs [06:30:45] XD [06:31:13] fuck, chrome decided to hang its renderer, does it not want me to read???? [06:31:20] ummmmm [06:31:44] why not have gpg and ssh keys available to admins privately for verification? [06:32:01] you could also do that [06:32:17] except my gpg/ssh is not published anywhere [06:32:18] though why privately? [06:33:10] see also: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Reset_lost_credentials [06:33:32] um, security...? [06:33:39] security reasons* [06:34:07] aren't the public keys meant to be public though? [06:34:09] ah hmm, why not use like a video call like wmf does? [06:34:41] i don't think anything is a hard-and-fast rule tbh [06:35:09] i mean, wmf requires a video call to reset 2fa/mfa [06:35:38] and uh, arch actually validates users by ssh/gpg keys provided to them via gitlab/aur [06:35:50] as a recovery method [06:35:52] particularly gitlab [06:36:08] :D [06:36:12] iirc sr.ht also does ssh or gpg keys [06:36:37] https://sourcehut.org/blog/2020-03-04-when-you-lose-2fa/ [06:46:04] cool [06:52:05] reading through the logs, and uh [06:52:08] > [Saturday, 31 August 2024] [15.14.34 GMT+10] i just let myself go and stick around, my notion of time sucks [06:52:10] > [Saturday, 31 August 2024] [15.14.49 GMT+10] i have experienced moments where i like dont realize a hour went by [06:52:11] me too [06:52:24] apparently time blindness is a part of adhd? [06:52:25] and its almost 4 am [06:52:33] and idk, i wasted a hour :( [06:52:37] i said i was going to bed [06:52:46] classic transfem tripe [06:52:48] trope? [06:52:48] I guess? idk [06:52:52] lol no idea [07:49:41] MacFan4000: when you're awake please ping [07:49:48] Juest: hi, how can we help [07:50:12] we just had a loong conversation [07:56:54] BlankEclair: I saw something about 2FA resets [07:57:07] Does it need tech [07:57:10] ah, it was just a fleeting curiosity about my committed identity [07:57:19] Ah [07:57:21] Cool [07:57:24] then we talked about what is needed for 2fa resets and such [07:57:41] Beta is now on cloudflare [07:58:03] woo another thing to document [07:58:27] woo mirabeta is throwing me for a redirect loop [07:58:38] Oh? [07:58:49] BlankEclair: what between [07:58:57] It should be hitting test151 [07:59:39] uh, the same url apparently [08:00:09] everything on mirabeta.org it seems [08:00:27] https://files.catbox.moe/gnl7m1.log [08:00:48] [1/3] ```This page isn’t working right nowmeta.mirabeta.org redirected you too many times. [08:00:49] [2/3] Try deleting your cookies. [08:00:49] [3/3] ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS``` [08:02:35] BlankEclair: it's got a DYNAMIC [08:02:43] what? [08:03:25] BlankEclair: it's not coming from cf [08:03:31] I set cf to dev mode [08:05:58] TheresNoTime: you about? [08:06:40] oh i know why [08:09:39] BlankEclair: fixed [08:09:44] neato [08:21:41] BlankEclair: is it working fully for you? [08:45:23] RhinosF1: ye [09:06:23] BlankEclair: yey [10:13:08] BlankEclair: wiki.surf for url shortner is probably next to move [10:13:16] oh okay [10:13:32] It just needs nameserver updates [10:13:43] I set it up in cf to point at cf-lb [11:09:35] @bluemoon0332 can you do an origin cert for beta [11:09:54] To deploy tomorrow morning [11:10:21] ok [11:10:49] We need origin certs for every full domain [11:10:50] also if you happen to have a list of the 365 domains added to Cloudflare as a custom domain, it would be greatly appreciated [11:11:16] I tried to use the API to get one but I couldn't [11:11:32] You can use the api but it's paged at 50 at a time [11:11:51] I meant it doesn't even recognize my API key [11:12:09] Oh ye that's a nightmare [11:12:20] You need to work out whether you're using a key or token [11:12:41] One uses X-API-{Key,Email} and one uses Auth Bearer headers [11:14:21] how long does generateMirahezeSitemap.php take to run on all wikis? [11:19:42] not sure [11:20:00] we don't really have any stats for the crons [11:24:47] oh [11:24:55] asking because https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12524#250480 [11:27:09] @bluemoon0332 also any idea why not to move miraheze.org to universal SSL [11:32:03] https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/commit/83ac21747cfe38e1861902dee96fc5b2725adb67 [11:34:33] you can switch to it at the time on the task [11:52:06] @bluemoon0332 do you know if any subdomains of wikitide.com actually work [12:05:09] BlankEclair: all miraheze owned domains except wikitide.{org,net} are ready to move [12:07:22] perfect, any thoughts on my 2 Qs in here [12:09:25] RhinosF1: oh okay, neat, ty [12:09:48] BlankEclair: I have now configured them all to point to cf-lb.miraheze.org [12:14:57] BlankEclair: the only blockers left now are PowerDNS & GDNSD [12:15:11] PowerDNS just needs planning [12:15:43] WikiTide.org wikis will use cp until cloudflare upgrade it but that's only to make our life easier [12:16:20] We also need to decide how long to keep cp* working [12:17:02] For those using A/AAAA records [12:39:19] RhinosF1: ping [12:39:39] MacFan4000: can I pm [12:40:00] Also, from what I’ve been told, wikitide.net cannot move until powerdns recursor is replaced [12:40:05] RhinosF1: yes [12:40:19] MacFan4000: ye PowerDNS is a blocker [12:40:25] Not replaced, just we understand it [12:43:57] wikitide.com is still on the legacy CF account [12:44:12] It was added to DNS but never actually switched [12:44:45] MacFan4000: it's on the WikiTide foundation account too [12:45:05] MacFan4000: does it have any subdomains that actually work [12:45:27] Well yeah, but not active [12:45:46] MacFan4000: to which of them messages [12:46:47] I don’t think it does much other than redirect to miraheze.peg [12:46:55] org* [12:47:21] 08:45 Well yeah, but not active - this is re cf [12:51:16] MacFan4000: okay then wikitide.com is ready for the transfer [12:51:22] Universal Omega can move it [14:28:20] HIIIIIII PixDeVl!!!!!! [14:32:01] @bluemoon0332 can we disable http -> https redirects on mw* too as part of https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/commit/05391f180e87 [14:32:10] Cause cloudflare serves them for us [14:34:58] Also, why do we need Sectigo at all? [17:53:02] @bluemoon0332 can you do a origin cert for nexttide.org [18:05:29] https://github.com/miraheze/ssl/commit/b68236c102b4272ca0180acb6e8db64e5aa1c102 [18:06:42] Ty! [18:07:08] @bluemoon0332 you can set our system to use it immediately if you wany [18:07:16] there is no cert there anyway [18:14:39] so we don't even use that domain in the first place? [18:16:04] it's a new one [18:16:32] Apparently? CA mention it was gonna be used as an alternative domain for meta once we allow people to select domains on prod (ie do you want a WikiTide or miraheze domain) [18:17:08] we now have 374 working custom domains in cloudflare [18:17:18] and 20 non working ones [18:17:43] 3 are cause they aren't actually moved yet tbh [18:17:59] the other 17 possibly don't even point at us [18:18:23] plus 8 owned sites set up [18:20:22] we own 10 domains total, 7 of which are moved to CF [18:20:49] MacFan4000: i can't count then [18:20:50] well at least I don't have to add it to the ssl::wildcard class [18:20:59] whoever ends up setting up that domain can do it [18:22:11] What [18:22:16] @bluemoon0332 if you want to be prepared then wikitide.org and net are the only remaining to need origin certs [18:22:18] wha [18:22:53] wiki.surf, phorge-static and wikitide.net I think are the custom hostnames that have failed [18:23:18] Sometimes people decide to move off us and don't tell us [18:23:25] Oh so custom domain broadly [18:23:33] Any domain not pointing will show as failed in cloudflare [18:23:35] Ah. Just purge them all ig [18:23:53] I will once I check that's why it's failing [18:24:38] Oh yeah, @cosmicalpha did you get a chance to complain- uh pardon I mean, talk to google support about their bs? [18:25:15] Yeah they just declined again. [18:25:26] I am going to commit a crime [18:25:31] Any non Miraheze.org or WikiTide.org domain pointing to cloudflare is a custom domain at the technical level [18:25:33] What did they say this time [18:25:37] What bs [18:26:05] Declining Google ads grant for nonprofit with the most vague reason [18:26:12] Same thing. [18:26:33] https://tenor.com/view/filian-vtuber-anime-not-like-this-notlikethis-gif-15797759872643921783 [18:26:33] @rhinosf1 have we already opened a ticket for wikitide.org? [18:26:51] Someone remind me at the end of Sept as I'm meeting some google people [18:27:08] @cosmicalpha did it like a minute ago MacFan [18:27:35] ah, ok [18:36:21] wikitide.net will have to be a planned window for potential downtime. once enterprise is done for wikitide.org we can do that one. [18:41:20] Wouldn’t that potentially blow up the farm [18:45:44] It could yes we have to be very careful [18:46:35] Famous last words [18:48:18] how lovely [20:27:21] I like how an internet standards group is the only wiki (as far as I can tell) violating our custom domains policy [20:32:50] lemme guess, the fobidden proxy [20:33:24] it is using A/AAAA records to our cps instead of a CNAME [20:34:07] ah, it's interesting that some can do everything just to get their wiki to work [20:34:38] man, modifying UploadWizard is an hassle, really... [20:35:25] I wonder if we at least can get it back to REL1_41 [20:35:31] There are now 416 working custom domains in Cloudflare out of a total of 421 [20:35:36] 1 is stuck in pending [20:35:50] 1 is the one ignoring setup instructions [20:36:02] 3 are intended and shouldn't work yet [20:56:43] Non apex? [20:57:13] That excludes wikis using our dns who are at the apex ye [20:57:18] Okay thought so [20:57:21] Just confused [20:57:34] They are the only ones using cp* now [20:58:15] Down with varnish! [21:51:17] um, ever ran any mw instance on windows? :D [21:52:44] i have one on WSL [21:53:05] @pixldev wsl is sitll linux so it doesnt count [21:53:10] i said windows [22:02:32] You could if you gathered all of the components mediawiki requires like php etc. But a lot of the stuff is difficult to install on windows or takes forever [22:02:42] Ie managing php on windows is a big pain in the arse [22:02:48] (Wamp is good though) [22:07:24] I found MediaWiki annoying on Windows, stopped working for some reason after 3 days (I think itr was database related)