[01:01:00] irc logs exploded oh no [03:29:49] We get a response within a few hours, but that is just to say they have forwarded it to our project manager. It is the project manager who takes forever to respond lol [03:30:43] they took over a month to respond to our initial application [03:30:46] I'm not surprised [03:31:41] Yeah we recently requested to upgrade our other domains. It will probably be awhile... [03:33:39] respond or approve? [03:34:34] Respond [03:34:51] * PixDeVl sobs internally [05:31:57] Has been waiting longer than that... :whipped_look: [05:39:00] Agent: last time it took a while I asked on their discord and got a reply pretty quickly [07:00:49] @groupnebula563_0765 I'll do your task about the crawling tonight [07:01:07] awesome! [07:01:13] tysm :) [07:01:29] I need to login to decom the domains that have moved to cloudflare too [10:36:53] [1/4] seemingly problems w/ google bot and images on gogigantic.wiki again [10:36:53] [2/4] this time CSS ones load, but nothing from content are does, including small icons [10:36:54] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280114217860730930/IMG_20240902_133154.jpg?ex=66d6e6c4&is=66d59544&hm=ab39f16d2738b1ad56c3c42c5c9a324232462e80365b2fe65e57f3b6f7f971f9& [10:36:54] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280114218082893916/IMG_20240902_133206.jpg?ex=66d6e6c4&is=66d59544&hm=8372b3c4022eb623d23f642d4935896d212181fa495a5dad642dcf10fa22ab49& [10:38:32] [1/2] how it actually looks [10:38:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280114632597573643/IMG_20240902_133811.jpg?ex=66d6e727&is=66d595a7&hm=9cbe1eabd9cad355f5c8ba2e4c580b01e6d52129b8cf3b21268de6f4790d2b4f& [13:26:01] hmm [13:26:08] is it a cloudflare issue? [13:28:38] @rhinosf1 ever heard of https://pydantic.dev/logfire ? [13:28:49] Just remembered it existed so was curious [13:51:13] well, previously when google bots couldn't fetch any image, it was [13:51:53] idk if it's because custom domain migration [13:51:57] [1/2] discord moment [13:51:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280163309038997554/61YVrUR.png?ex=66d7147d&is=66d5c2fd&hm=605f5c6042abfbc735f843155f607c111d22223b31f3f0766c146ac872f38436& [13:53:21] [1/2] BlankEclair wow never seen an extension break a wiki this badly [13:53:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280163660865601697/xZBUlrx.png?ex=66d714d1&is=66d5c351&hm=720db7aa8902efa70f24b1b317841357661e71598f04cb97f033ec081be7a93a& [14:32:20] I have not [14:32:38] We've managed that many times [14:32:46] It's why we added canary checks for deployment [14:37:11] i may try it on vigil once i start dev work on that. im having a mental breakdown over my cluster fuck school schedule so may be a bit while more [14:38:19] How's it a cluster fuck [14:39:29] i seem to spent a quarter of my morning on buses and have my lunch sent to the shadow realm [14:39:40] should contact them about that [14:40:00] totally unrelated. Do you know what day it is in the US? [14:40:20] Monday [14:40:28] Why [14:40:34] Labour day [14:40:36] a holidya [14:40:39] so [14:40:58] no one at work for me to contact about this [14:41:00] hazza [14:41:32] okay my own breakdown aside lets try to fix a mediawiki breakdown [14:41:35] im sure thatll help [14:42:00] god my test instance is slower then late 23 miraheze [14:44:59] Is it slower than my work laptop [14:45:13] Which I crashed sending an email [14:46:03] takes idk a minute to load a page [14:46:41] i changed a single line and the wiki didnt explode. lets see if it works [14:47:03] i doubt it but it so ill be happi [14:48:34] i cant tell if the extension is broken or if my test instance sucks [14:49:14] option B [14:49:31] lets restart it [14:50:48] it hung [15:33:17] @pixldev did I agree to do something this evening [15:33:43] Uh can’t recall [15:33:48] Neither can I [15:33:54] I'm sure I said I'd log on [15:33:58] But no idea what for [15:34:04] You said smt about at the end of September but it’s the start [15:34:28] That was talking to Google [15:34:30] Someone will have to remind me what that was about too [15:35:09] Nonprofit ad grants [15:44:36] @rhinosf1 so the one line changed kinda fixed the extension but still broken [15:45:01] when i linked to the category it created a page for Category:0 [15:45:03] so [15:45:05] progress [16:01:43] [1/2] hey it worked [16:01:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280195967424921600/g5ZlxzL.png?ex=66d732e7&is=66d5e167&hm=47d96da5bcfbe188d9014ea82466f4b9b777ff0aff7f723d2edefe26c428fc47& [16:02:03] (ty bawolff for the fix) [16:03:07] what? arrows finally fixed? [16:03:13] CC @tedkalashnikov since you were asking. Patch works on first glance but I need to do more testing to make sure alls hunky dory [16:03:20] Oh no this is a local test instance [16:03:31] I’m working on fixing Auto Create Categories [16:16:25] oh nice [16:17:01] If ACC just added the category creations to a job and had that run asynchronously, it would work much better than it currently does [16:17:14] its a mess [16:17:15] like [16:17:28] barely touched by human hands since creation [16:17:31] it was made for 1.25 [16:17:39] oh nice [16:17:46] almost over a decade ago [16:18:18] I began working with MW with version 1.19 [16:18:25] now I feel like a relic [16:18:37] dang [16:18:43] when did that come put [16:20:24] the entire extension https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/AutoCreateCategoryPages/+/refs/heads/REL1_42/src/AutoCreateCategoryPages.php [16:21:16] oh [16:21:25] i dont think i was even 5 years old back then [16:34:51] Does that actually display for you [16:34:55] It's blank for me [16:35:02] aye [16:35:24] @paladox can you I borrow your gerrit wisdom [16:35:28] theres a gh mirror brb [16:35:39] Ye [16:35:57] We can see if paladox knows why gtiles is broke though too [16:36:18] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-AutoCreateCategoryPages/blob/c2ca1f279af3d4a2926b6ca9c159a23056e5bbca/src/AutoCreateCategoryPages.php#L5 [16:36:28] Chrome for iOS [16:37:05] i have a wikimedia dev account now yay [16:42:44] nice! [16:43:50] i have to figure out gerrit now ill get back to you in 10 years [16:54:04] Hmm? [16:54:36] Gtiles is blank for me, doesn't show any code/files [16:54:40] On chrome for iOS [16:54:55] Clear your cache I guess [17:00:52] oh wow [17:04:00] No luck [17:04:15] I think Gerrit's pretty neat actually [17:05:09] unlike in our GitHub org, it actually forces you to keep everything in a single commit rather than stacking multiple "fix" commits and just letting GH's squash and merge cleanup for you [17:06:11] it makes you follow that unit of work stuff [17:07:39] Hmm, im not sure then :/ [17:07:53] Girlies isn’t my area of expertise [17:09:09] Do you know if it's been updated recently [17:20:20] Yup lol [17:20:23] The fix was one line [17:23:39] when are we converting ManageWiki to a single file extension [17:25:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280216956087304234/vLG1vvY.png?ex=66d74673&is=66d5f4f3&hm=a67db851d84f400ef00c1aa520e2ff9eb89121c0aa0f2ed19fbf019bf423fe5d& [17:25:42] dear god [17:26:10] there's more [17:38:38] should i bother trying to clean up the rest of this hellish mess or just commit [17:39:22] fuck it we ball [17:40:22] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/AutoCreateCategoryPages/+/1070058 [17:51:49] also @.labster how did i not know you have +2 on gerrit [18:45:01] Well if you mean a few weeks then no [18:49:50] https://canary.discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1260019919643344897/1279071569825632421 is this why our custom domain is yielding HTTP Error 526 Invalid SSL certificate in a cloudflare error page now? [18:50:07] @rhinosf1 [18:50:09] if so what exactly is the fix we need to do [18:52:25] @jhmaster which domain [19:02:03] [1/2] Miraheze URL is https://zenith.miraheze.org/ [19:02:04] [2/2] Custom is https://zenith.nsmbu.net/ [19:27:28] [1/2] Why i can’t request wiki? [19:27:29] [2/2] Your wiki request contains an invalid character. Correct that and try again. If you need help, [[Help center|contact us]]. [19:28:42] <.labster, replying to pixldev> I don't have +2 in general, I just have it on WikiTeq repos [19:29:25] Check what you're doing with the subdomain, it should only be the bit before .miraheze.org, and can't contain spaces, underscores, or a few other special characters. [19:30:11] 99% of the time that error message shows up, it's something with the subdomain field [19:31:07] [1/2] Nothings wrong, it’s just “tayzia” [19:31:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1280248660617330800/IMG_9911.png?ex=66d763fa&is=66d6127a&hm=395ad36a924c975e4da4feaf208f4617b484e340a7b9417808a56d086e70a143& [19:31:51] With my English (US) QWERTY keyboard [20:13:41] Oh [21:04:03] WHAT!? PHP 8.4 will FINALLY implement property hooks!? PHP is turning more similar to Kotlin (and kinda similar to C#) lol I absolutely can't wait for some of that lol [21:05:30] Kotlin is Java, that's not a good thing [21:06:16] can you come here to Spain and tell the programming Grado Superior teachers that? [21:06:36] I think they only teach Java unless you go for the web dev GS [21:06:40] I like Kotlin version of Java better than Java it is a lot cleaner than Java itself IMO anyway [21:06:52] Java doesn't support property hooks Kotlin does [21:07:04] I've only used normal Java [21:07:06] Hated it [21:07:20] Can you come here and tell my uni lecturer from last year [21:07:56] I'm not sure if they way she taught Java was shit or if Java + Hibernate were designed by a cunt [21:08:02] Oooh PHP 8.4 also supports html5 parsing, a lot of performance stuff, and a ton more. I am looking forward to some od this. [21:10:18] why you can do `new Class()->method()` also no more need for parentheses like `( new Class() )` [21:12:48] Oh `string $example = null` to make nullable is also deprecated now it needs explicit `?string` [21:13:36] did your uni use Oracle Java btw? [21:13:55] Yup [21:14:49] 3 billion devices run Java! [21:14:57] I wonder how much money Oracle has earned from selling licenses to schools in Spain alone [21:15:38] No idea [21:15:53] We could use either Oracle or the free JDK [21:16:15] Yeah... even Python was originally a Java inspired language IIRC [21:16:54] Ugh I stayed up till 5AM again [21:16:58] I should go [21:18:08] GO TO SLEEP [21:18:12] I will too now [21:18:19] EVEN THE MARS ROVER!!11 [21:18:45] ok go eep [21:22:53] I hate so much when VS code sets the Java version as 15 while literally probably the version of Java used by all computers is Eight [23:56:48] passed CI damn formatting conventions