[03:30:37] orduin: would you happen to be logged onto shell rn? [03:31:29] (i think thats how the relay sees pings) [03:31:58] No, but I can poke a thing if needed [03:33:08] im trying to debug a WIP CW change, could you check the value of a column on a beta wiki request? trying to see if the part that broke is the code that writes to the DB or that reads it to fill the default on the UI [03:34:06] Sure, let me know what and where and what wiki [03:35:07] Basically the values of request 21, on metawikibeta. i forgot the name of the table [03:35:23] (the db entry i mean, badly phrased) [03:37:51] Any value in particular? Otherwise it's a bit of a large paste [03:39:05] the lock, I think it's `cw_lock`? [03:39:20] https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/21#mw-section-handle the new box [03:39:38] Oh, then I see your problem [03:39:44] i need to eventually update the logs it keeps saying put on hold [03:39:51] no one ran the patch did thet [03:39:57] There is no cw_lock in the table :P [03:40:00] s/thet/they [03:40:16] Okie, looking for patch [03:40:19] that exact or looking at the whole row [03:40:27] should be in the folder [03:40:45] im impressed mediawiki dont bitch and moan [03:41:23] sigh [03:41:40] one day. one day we'll seperate beta from prod [03:42:28] That day is soon [03:42:32] Trust [03:42:33] Added! [03:42:40] yaaay [03:42:45] lemme try now [03:43:27] hm [03:43:33] still don't seem to persist [03:43:41] https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/21#mw-section-handle [03:44:14] agentisai: it may be soon. or it may be by the time im starting college [03:44:18] who knows! [03:44:26] I said trust for a reason [03:45:02] ong [03:45:10] cw_lock is still 0 in the table [03:45:17] the internet is a thing of irony [03:45:24] hmmmm [03:45:34] it's probably my write code that's fauly [03:45:35] ngl [03:45:53] if i saw i totally forgot to add it, would not be surprised [03:45:55] lemme see [03:46:21] time for poor man's bastion! [03:46:38] lmao [03:46:55] setting up a web accessible dev env was a very good idea [03:48:08] I don't see where your patch commits the value change to the database? [03:48:59] cw_lock seems to be missing from the rows array in WikiRequest [03:49:10] in the save function [03:49:29] SO YOU DO HAVE TO ADD- son of a [03:49:30] Too sleepy to do anything more than add a suggestion for the SQL [03:49:30] sigh [03:49:49] file file is that in again.. WikiRequest.php? [03:49:58] yes [03:50:20] you're a trooper for trying to figure out today's networking incident [03:50:25] that's more than enough for today [03:50:35] :100: [03:50:41] go get some eep [03:51:29] Oh yeah, networking incident looks to have been entirely upstream. Their switches had a problem with neighbor discovery, and they say that's been fixed now. [03:51:49] oh cool [03:51:55] well not cool [03:52:00] finally not our fault [03:52:03] but cool its not our fault [03:52:06] that's why it's cool [03:52:06] exactly [03:52:09] lol [03:52:16] who wants to write the post mortem [03:52:38] also i added cw_lock to the read and not save lmao [03:52:42] silly pixl.. [03:52:48] ...have we used IncidentReports lately? [03:53:32] last thing recorded in it is from last year [03:54:15] oh yea that exists [03:54:37] We've had quite a few outages which probably should've been written up in there [03:56:07] damn we be blaming miraheze servers for something we didn't do 😭 [03:56:24] basicallt [03:56:39] also i can view the entire GH PR thread on CLI sick [03:56:41] .. [03:56:49] claire is rubbing off me too much [03:57:19] help [03:58:38] `apt purge git` is a cool command too [03:59:07] that seems like a bad idea [03:59:25] speaking of bad ideas [03:59:51] is it a bad idea to try to resolder the connections on a cheap USB with my MFA codes on it [04:00:05] yes i am stupid hindsight is 20/20 [05:27:57] [1/2] can waki's wiki request time calculator be integrated? [05:27:58] [2/2] I just remembered how WhoSampled has estimated time counter on message after submission is made, would be very handy to have that after user finished their wiki requests [12:56:16] is this something that could be updated in brief in the announcements channel/tech noticeboard, just as a courtesy followup if this is indeed resolved? [20:01:21] whats this i see bout mattermost @cosmicalpha [20:51:51] We're looking at hosting an instance to have a more stable long-term record outside of discord [21:02:07] would Google Chats not work for that? [21:26:04] Can't speak to specifics on that, but there were other reasons (like being able to bring in folks who don't want to or shouldn't have a company email) [21:26:25] CA's better positioned to talk specifics [23:54:21] Google Chats is no different than Discord. You're just transferring data from one entity to another without owning it -- pretty sure we want something we host ourselves.