[00:05:18] holy [02:09:01] the meter only goes up to 600... that is 160.5566666666667x the highest the meter goes 😭 [05:47:21] The meter is rubbish [05:47:32] Our record will be a lot higher than that [05:50:27] Gauge charts - better than the alternative, still meh on contributing meaningful info in extreme cases that violate baseline assumptions. 🙂 [05:54:24] tbh 96k isn't even that extreme @notaracham [05:54:29] It was a mass import [05:54:51] It's easily dealt with and would probably self resolve after a bit of time [05:55:01] We have enough capacity for jobs [05:55:32] The metric needs more to be looking at rate of of change in jobs and change in rate [05:55:42] To work out if they are both in the right direction [05:56:25] That metric is the best we could easily make [05:56:33] It's still a terrible one [05:57:33] Yep. 100%. [06:05:03] We just need to understand the maths to do that [09:46:30] Hey BlankEclair [09:46:34] hello~ [09:46:53] BlankEclair: I replied on task btw [09:46:56] oh okay [09:47:09] I hate our nginx config [09:48:08] yes rewritten to meta.miraheze.org [09:48:19] for caching [09:48:35] BlankEclair: can you make a patch so it picks another domain [09:48:36] the fact that i remember this off the top of my head... (i checked if it's true though) [09:48:57] that feels rather hacky >~< [09:49:07] BlankEclair: it's "temporary" anyway [09:49:11] bleh, true [09:49:20] imagine if i went with the rainverse wiki [09:49:24] Cloudflare does the rewrite to meta for cf wikis [09:49:26] BlankEclair: do it [09:49:28] okay [09:49:57] I'm assigning the task to you [09:50:04] oki [09:50:32] You win finders keepers for this one [09:50:36] Cause I'm on leave [09:50:50] i made like 50 PRs to neochat :( [09:51:05] (okay, i'm exaggerating, it's more like... five) [09:51:24] BlankEclair: you should know that you find a bug you're probably going to have to help fix it [09:51:33] true [09:51:35] You're honorary tech [09:51:36] i also tend to do that :p [09:51:41] Until we can make you actual tech [09:51:46] lmao yeah [09:52:26] ew the file is CRLF [09:52:53] Someone windows touched it then [09:55:01] i didn't notice until i did git diff but still lol [09:55:07] BlankEclair: now I've said it's only going to last a few weeks, I'd guess it lasts about 10 years [09:55:27] Temporary fixes have an awful habit of becoming permentant around here [09:56:35] i took a peek at the imagemagick firejail script and i already have like three comments lol [09:57:03] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/mediawiki/files/firejail/mediawiki-firejail-convert.py [09:57:06] 1. this masks the return code [09:57:24] 2. this could've been done with os.execl so it can avoid a fork [09:57:28] 3. this could've been a shell script instead [09:59:20] So fix it [09:59:31] compelling argument [10:00:55] I think you can blame WMF [10:01:00] We stole that from them I believe [10:01:17] ew >~< [10:01:25] (ew as in wmf wrote those wrappers) [10:02:02] We might have butchered it since [10:02:33] I would say it might have been used as it's safer for command injection [10:02:40] But I'm not sure that actually is [10:03:05] I'm not sure os is command injection safe [10:03:19] subprocess.call passed as an array id [10:03:20] Is [10:03:22] BlankEclair: [10:03:36] os.execl, not os.system [10:03:51] Hmm [10:03:53] Not sure [10:04:00] Os.system definately isnt [10:04:10] os.exec* maps roughly to the exec* family in c [10:04:23] and they don't call the shell (unless if you use them to call the shell) [10:04:36] I'm [10:04:37] Ok [10:04:47] uh, you okay? ^^; [10:04:52] Ye [10:05:01] Stupid spellcheck turned ok to im [10:05:07] oh okay [10:05:19] I think spellcheck makes me dumb as often as it makes me not dumb [10:05:26] lmao [10:05:42] Please come faster train [10:06:15] 11 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) [10:06:18] :p [10:07:02] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/pull/3918 [10:07:44] Nice [10:07:54] fun fact: qt applications cannot render the trans flag properly [10:08:40] See what the AI thinks of it [10:08:55] BlankEclair: luckily I don't need the trans flag in my qt all [10:08:56] App [10:09:01] oh wait [10:09:04] i just realized that i did a fart [10:09:16] didn't read the function signature oops :p [10:09:20] wait no [10:09:31] my brain just thought i'd be invoking os.execl even though i made it shell scripts [10:09:43] why, brain, why [10:11:19] BlankEclair: the AI likes you [10:11:25] ehehe <3 [10:11:27] It seems to mostly miss what you are doing [10:11:30] But it likes it [10:11:43] Where the fuck is my train [10:12:30] it disliked this statement: [10:12:32] > [08/09/2024 20:08] BlankEclair: luckily I don't need the trans flag in my qt all [10:12:36] therefore, it skipped your station [10:12:50] BlankEclair: my qt app has no keyboard [10:12:54] It has a number pad [10:12:58] oh [10:13:00] But no keyboard [10:13:09] And no emojis at all [10:13:13] i tentatively disavow my statement [10:13:28] > [08/09/2024 20:13] !log [alex@test151] DEPLOY ABORTED: Canary check failed for meta.mirabeta.org@localhost [10:13:35] i wonder if that's because of client certificates [10:13:39] Yes [10:13:44] Yes it is [10:14:10] We could just go through cf [10:14:40] Alex is going to create a self signed internal cert [10:14:46] that works ig [10:14:50] either seem good [10:15:18] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12556#251241 [10:15:30] Why they hell have you path shitty western railway ahead of us [10:15:42] hmm should i test these in a local mw instance and give the resulting thumbnails for them to compare? [10:15:51] BlankEclair: sure [10:16:19] Who wants to go to Bristol ahead of leaving the country [10:19:28] how do you feel about this nginx config? https://catgirl.center/notes/9xwnqn08cs2w1j21 :3 [10:19:51] (ignore the HSTS header, accidentally left it in there) [10:19:54] Will look later [10:20:00] Boarding train to a plane [10:20:09] oh okay ^_^