[01:05:11] I'm now hooked up to KZ IEM's and I just got them [03:24:28] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1283266888691875930/image.png?ex=66e25eec&is=66e10d6c&hm=e708782faa47cbe91e2f96cb7c3605fdedbb2128bfa3a81cc6d42799abcbccd3& [03:24:36] No problems reported in icinga [03:24:43] such a beautiful view [03:43:38] [1/2] oh sheesh [03:43:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1283271711097356360/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-09-10_a_las_9.43.14_p.m..png?ex=66e26369&is=66e111e9&hm=e65e34e2e36def4b495819b31f3b73e2f759234b3568c28e06703b96d9e22d83& [03:43:57] misbehaving mysql on db151 [03:44:03] I'm working on it [03:45:06] [1/2] so.. wikis are exploding right now i take it? :p [03:45:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1283272081601073164/image.png?ex=66e263c2&is=66e11242&hm=9e16d3fd3bcdd5a6cede5c7c6a7aa63271d8a7d2f357cd9235434748fdd5dcc1& [03:45:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1283272129722450031/images211.png?ex=66e263cd&is=66e1124d&hm=4023d8d5fb2a21a89ad18a27a9c5c49311d164c8b16e1619519da54ec3cd8f12& [03:45:36] i see there have been some upgrades [03:45:43] I upgraded mariadb but I think the package has a bug [03:45:58] ahh gotcha [03:46:12] was just wondering if it was a phighting.wiki specific problem or if miraheze decided it was time for its biweekly explosion session haha [03:46:42] if I kill db151, everything revives which is funny [03:46:53] it used to be that no matter what, everything is down if a db server is down [03:47:19] db151 must be misbehaving really badly if killing it revives stuff then haha [03:49:55] like a shitty laptop that always explorer.exe crashes! [04:06:35] I figured out the cause [04:07:09] It seems connections were queued by MediaWiki for db151 so the moment the server came back up, it was bombarded by requests and the server hung [04:07:53] I set db151 in maintenance mode in MediaWiki so that it would drop all connections and then unset it and now the server works and doesn't have a high load [04:48:16] phorge went "A Troublesome Encounter! Woe! This request had its journey cut short by unexpected circumstances (Can Not Connect to MySQL)." [04:49:00] give it a minute [04:50:15] /give phorge one-minute [04:50:17] (sorry not sorry) [04:50:33] woe [04:50:47] they added "one-minute" to minecraft [04:53:39] I figured out why the update on db151 went wrong [04:54:06] the update changes my.cnf to its default values, as just happened with db182, but Puppet running fixes it [05:01:24] Yes I went through and cleared every one a couple weeks ago and now keep trying to keep it down lol. First time ever (since I joined anyway) that there has been zero [05:02:27] The contrast is funny because as soon as I said that, I broke a db server [05:03:25] upgrading mariadb is probably not a good idea as the package is now generic, it could update to a version MediaWiki doesn't even support. It used to be version specific packages so constrained but they don't do that anymore so now it is just mariadb [05:04:55] Mediawiki often locks up on mariadb 11 as I tested it before even though it has better performance when it doesn't it causes other types of queries to completely lock it up. [05:05:37] Yeah, the upgrade process doesn't respect my.cnf and overwrites it but a Puppet run fixes it [05:05:49] so best to leave the remaining servers as-is [05:06:16] but db151, 172 and 182 are three minor versions newer than all the other servers [05:06:16] We can plan downtime if you really want to upgrade the rest. [05:06:19] nah [05:06:31] not worth upgrading from 10.11.6 to 10.11.9 lol [05:06:35] > [11/09/2024 15:05] Yeah, the upgrade process doesn't respect my.cnf and overwrites it but a Puppet run fixes it [05:06:39] makes sense, but can't you backup the file? [05:06:56] We can, yes [05:07:00] If we need downtime for something else lets do it though but not just for it yeah [05:07:11] but Puppet will recreate the file as it was when it runs so either way works [05:07:29] also... the package manager overrides your edits? [05:07:47] Yeah that is super odd to me. [05:07:58] jeez... what distro are we using? [05:08:01] It should give you an option to keep your current version like usually [05:08:07] it didn't even ask me if I wanted to change or preserve the current file version [05:08:12] yeah--in my experience, ubuntu asks me that [05:08:21] (arch just prints a warning lol) [05:08:29] We use Debian [05:08:36] so it should be the exact same [05:10:36] [1/2] I did do something bad on my raspberry pi when upgrading once and accidentally uninstalled the package manager completely so nothing could be installed or upgraded I can't remember exactly what I did but I think I broke the firmware also by accidentally clicking the wrong button with something. Took me a month or more to fix what I broke in 30 seconds lol. But this was years and [05:10:36] [2/2] years ago so I don't remember exactly lol. [05:12:45] I'm not sure if a package manager letting you uninstall it is poor design or brilliant [05:13:31] https://files.catbox.moe/g6afnv.png; mmm, enter? [05:13:53] Yeah... at least it should tell me WARNING if you do this I won't be able to reinstall myself lol [05:14:28] wait... there's no extra warning? [05:16:10] til: pacman lets you easily uninstall itself (assuming you uninstall everything that depends on it, and that you continue past the not-very-well-worded "uhh you probably shouldn't uninstall this package" prompt [05:16:12] https://files.catbox.moe/neansa.png [05:16:45] hmm yes, uninstall systemd [05:16:54] uninstall glibc :) [05:17:18] uninstall linux-kernel [05:17:56] it's just linux on arch [05:18:00] but yeah, that should be possible [05:18:39] https://files.catbox.moe/kxdzkh.png; no extra prompt here [05:20:26] agentisai: here you go: https://files.catbox.moe/j1oh0a.png [05:20:49] o.O [05:21:17] now reboot [05:21:20] :trollgod: [05:21:23] lol nah [05:21:33] i feel like i could just to troll you [05:21:36] but i'm too lazy, so no [05:22:04] (system would probably be unbootable, but nothing like arch-chroot /mnt and pacman -S linux) [05:22:53] ((probably would have to guess or lookup how to mount a luks encrypted drive lol)) [09:41:05] install hurd 😳 [10:08:06] <.labster> that's a gnu one [10:56:00] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/applications/view/MediaWikiLinksApplication/; my extension is installed \o/ [10:56:11] i also found a bug, so it'd be nice if someone could update it ^^; [10:56:12] https://git.average.name/BlankEclair/MediaWikiLinks/commit/90e8f5d330fa6494746c60f279c79e2d26429870 [11:27:13] Bad without big red warnings [13:50:58] I mean you could have multiple package manager [17:01:33] How do you permit anonymous read access to a page on an otherwise private site? [17:02:45] in Special:ManageWiki/settings look for Whitelist Read ($wgWhitelistRead) [17:03:10] you can add pages there that you want to be publicly readable [17:03:15] [1/2] if the wiki is private you can only make several pages public [17:03:15] [2/2] if you want everyone to be able to read wiki, but edit is limited only to you, you need make it public and change permissions of Everyone and User groups [19:34:27] T12399 [19:35:00] @reception123 how many pages is that [19:37:07] IRC RC feed has about a 20 minute lag at the moment [19:42:27] 2500 I believe [19:42:49] It's done now [19:58:53] Thanks, MacFan4000. That works. I actually had searched for $wgWhitelistRead in ManageWiki/core and it was not found there. [20:01:24] Ye it clogged up wiki-feed [20:01:37] We need to either hide from there or run on a delay I think