[07:24:39] if reflection is a thing in php, does miraheze let wikis use it? :thinking: [07:48:39] i'm surprised no one has gone "claire what the fuck are you doing" yet [07:53:33] oh hey, i don't need reflection after all! [07:54:23] instead i could just use $wgExtensionFunctions to set config variables after they've been merged, despite the manual stating "Note that extension functions cannot be used to programmatically update configuration variables or register hooks" [07:54:27] making code crimes is so easy! [11:23:18] anyone happen to know what python version miraheze uses? [11:23:53] nvm found it: py 3.11 [11:23:57] > 21:21 MirahezeLSBot: [void@puppet181] Upgraded packages libpython3.11, python3.11, libpython3.11-stdlib, python3.11-minimal, libpython3.11-minimal, libgssapi-krb5-2, libkrb5-3, libkrb5support0, libk5crypto3, bind9-dnsutils, bind9-host, bind9-libs, dnsutils, libaom3, and libpq5 on ns2 [11:40:26] For future, same as Debian stable for most things [11:40:37] Except during an OS transition [11:45:57] https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/python3 [11:46:03] woah, didn't expect debian to ship python 3.11 [11:49:54] The maintainers expect the end user to need it, and they think 3.12 is too unstable so they go with the latest LTS release [12:02:30] [1/2] > i'm surprised no one has gone "claire what the fuck are you doing" yet [12:02:30] [2/2] Excuse me? [12:02:40] what? [12:11:38] am i overengineering things a bit if i'm making https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12480 modular? [12:22:21] yeah probably, i should do less work for myself [18:10:05] Absolutely [18:14:01] Why are we making new when there's a tool that does exactly what that task proposes [18:15:25] What tool is that [18:17:40] LibUp [18:25:19] Both does the same thing so it doesn't really matter [18:40:05] Yes but I dislike reinventing the wheel unless there's a reason [18:49:41] I don't see an issue with it if Claire is willing to maintain it [18:49:52] We don't have to copy every single thing wmf uses [18:51:49] What if Claire leaves one day [18:52:04] We're a small enough team and struggling anyway [18:52:31] I'd like to explore the why choose each route [18:53:32] You assume we’d let her leave even if she wants [18:54:21] We should generally try not to rely on code that only one person is familiar with [18:54:51] There is a time and place for re-implementing something that already exists, but not usually for its own sake [18:55:40] TAXATION [19:00:45] ...is theft? [19:08:44] basically what tax said [19:09:23] tax: .... funds my salary [19:10:07] ... is a nice way to ensure a baseline of common services and utilities exist. [19:10:08] Part of mine as well :] [19:10:33] tax: all of mine [19:10:54] * RhinosF1 works in the civil service