[05:37:11] https://github.com/miraheze/test_docs; hmm, i wonder if we can replicate what arch does [05:38:05] https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/any/arch-wiki-docs/ [05:38:10] seems to use https://github.com/lahwaacz/arch-wiki-docs [06:03:48] That may be a good idea... I just wrote a quick python script in 20-30 minutes to do that... [06:18:23] BlankEclair: could work [06:18:35] We're just trying to solve one of the gaps in a few incidents [06:18:50] If meta is down, we have no docs so don't always know how to fix stuff [06:23:56] make separate static site or google drive folder w/ docs lol [06:24:22] /j [06:26:53] fax the wiki daily [06:32:39] heh, I still find it funny when I see a company mention their fax number these days [06:33:14] It's rare but still does happen ocasionally [06:43:23] [1/2] that looks not good [06:43:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1284041716927696916/42r3SVD.png?ex=66e53089&is=66e3df09&hm=f1b587130275e7a6bf48fa45ff1102f554da55121a03bc2eeb5ad53d91157395& [06:43:31] except 161 that one looks fine [06:53:18] 161 is just :3 [07:28:31] That makes me think 161 is depooled by one of the things [07:28:48] I really want to put cloudflare's status' into Prometheus [07:28:56] And then let grafana/icinga alert on it [11:52:55] [1/2] Can't these be kicked, restarted, or whatever? [11:52:55] [2/2] This is ridiculous [11:59:06] Ah, seems to be better now. [12:05:49] We could go the wikitech route of copying the tech space to an external copy [12:10:30] same hoster, not that much redundant [12:16:39] If GitHub can do it, why setup a whole off site mediawiki instance [12:17:09] woo [12:20:30] Hey PiscesXYZ [12:22:32] It wouldn't mean something if I don't have something in mind [12:23:16] I'm looking to make edit counters for UP2 translateable [12:25:40] _Looks at gitlab wikis_ [12:30:33] https://prnt.sc/jLlK3r8U5FNU [14:54:22] originalauthority: https://gitlab.com/telepedia/extensions/userprofilev2/-/merge_requests/7 [19:12:39] @agentisai what do you think about https://github.com/lablabs/cloudflare-exporter to get cloudflare stats into grafana so we can alert on them [19:14:12] oh wow, that exists? [19:14:17] that's actually pretty handy to have [19:14:33] actually, that's wonderful [19:14:39] I found it 10 seconds ago [19:14:49] just looking at the screenshots makes me giddy [19:14:52] Talking to @reception123 about our alerting gap [19:15:07] I want to alert natively in grafana or icinga for certain things [19:15:22] Like changes in uncached requests for security events [19:15:34] Grafana alerts are better than cloudflare's email ones [19:16:01] And we have the webhook to send grafana alerts to irc via icinga [19:16:13] Which is super hacky and simple but does the job [19:16:15] @agentisai [19:16:25] I see it even has load balancing alerts [19:16:33] super useful to detect downtime before user reports come in [19:17:08] I wonder if there's a version that sends them to discord instead [19:17:10] and which is less hacky [19:17:18] Awesome! [19:17:27] I mean it's our own custom code [19:17:39] We could send it a discord webhook too [19:18:04] For irc, it literally just formats the alert nicely and appends it to the file that icinga bot reads from [19:18:09] It's like 10 lines of code [19:18:18] https://exchange.icinga.com/n1tr0-5urf3r/icinga2-discord-notifications [19:18:39] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/monitoring/files/grafana-webhook.py [19:18:46] Maybe a bit bigger than 10 lines [19:19:26] still rather tiny [19:20:19] Ye [19:20:29] We could absolutely send stuff to discord too [19:20:53] I wanted to move more alerts to grafana at one point [19:25:40] Could be cool [21:12:12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1284260368058941480/images211.png?ex=66e5fc2c&is=66e4aaac&hm=385ab3df252ecdc9f57fc1ffde9b87933de2bbe4d1f2bb6eeb1e60962dfcbab2& [21:58:19] real [22:17:02] issue with cf load balancing alerts IIRC is that they are super spammy