[00:39:40] bruh i just edited the policy of a task to allow someone to edit it, until i realized that people who are assigned a task can always view and edit it [01:02:50] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/applications/view/PhabricatorMacroApplication/; miraheze hates memes smh [06:23:07] MacFan4000: it's partly an us problem tbh [06:23:14] But grafana alerts have a retry [06:23:26] They won't go off until it's failed a few times [06:23:35] I don't think cloudflare does have that much of one [06:23:44] Cause the idea is to be zero downtime [07:42:48] @agentisai what is static help [07:42:58] And can we have a task or something [07:43:39] New static sites have special cf config [07:45:53] There's a cache rule they should be added to to avoid it hitting the backend all the time [07:49:09] 502's are not indicative in anyway of a DDoS [07:49:33] That's going to scare monger [11:33:54] Teaching people on how to earn $70k or more within the week, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profit when you receive it. Note: you are not sending any capital to me it's a trade you make yourself, I'm just here to guide you through the process for a perfect trading,only interested people should me a DM! ask me (HOW)? [13:20:02] TheresNoTime: you about? [14:01:39] a static help page that's available even during downtime [14:02:19] all 5xx docs are imported from a much earlier version that was made over a year ago on WikiTide where a 502 did indeed mean a DDoS because of php-fpm exhaustion [14:03:15] It's still scare mongering for me [14:03:35] nowadays, what would you say a 502 is generally indicative of? [14:03:35] I don't think the vast majority of 502s for us are DDOS attacks [14:03:53] It's more likely to panic users [14:04:01] I've only seen them, lately, because of php-fpm exhaustion [14:04:23] Generally for us it's likely to be poorly performing bots than malice [14:04:38] People will assume malice and scary if you say ddos [14:04:45] And assume we're being attacked [14:04:53] Not just some bot is being a shithead [14:05:03] Most actual DDoS's we can mitigate in seconds [14:08:01] That just seems a silly way to approach things because you could just have a very busy day which leads to exhaustion [14:08:12] Doesn't in any way correlate to a DDoS [14:09:43] I guess if it was presented as a bit more out there in line with more mundane options it wouldn't be so bad [14:09:54] Good idea but we should also probably think about serving through cf pages or something then [14:09:58] the key would be where to find status and where to reach out [14:09:59] So it's off cluster [14:10:13] It's hosted on GitHub pages [14:12:51] That works too [14:13:24] Do we have any usage limits with GitHub pages though @agentisai [14:13:31] I believe we don't [14:13:55] UO also plans on dumping the entire tech namespace there as well for easy access during downtime [14:14:31] yes I know about that [14:14:59] It was one of the recommendations following a few incidents that we had offline documentation [14:15:27] Alongside why UO is asking about Promox and iDrac access [14:15:57] And I'm about to start a cyber assessment of us as an organisation soon [14:16:07] would it be overdoing it to have a 'hard copy' in offline text files that tech generally have access to as well [14:16:28] Nope [14:16:47] It's markdown files pushed to github [14:16:52] Tech could easily clone it [14:17:03] probably a good practice to add [14:17:14] Although if github and us are down, possibly something like a cloudflare outage which we can't do much about anyway [14:17:27] that's fair enough [14:17:58] now for my tech achievement of the day, logging in again [14:18:03] heh [14:18:29] Tbh that can be difficult with central auth [14:19:00] infinitely better than the olden days [14:19:08] at least for login time [14:19:13] Yup [14:19:41] hear anything about the account attachments being slightly bricked though? [14:19:53] it's not super consistent but still have moments where new attachment is 'nope, gotta log in now' [14:21:08] Nope [14:23:53] that's usually a cookie issue last I checked [14:24:38] vaguely remember that being a part of it, something about party referrers idk [15:26:32] 1.43 branch cut 22nd October [15:26:48] 1.43 aimed for before the end of year code freeze [15:27:08] Which probably means as close to Christmas as possible to screw us over and mean we update on like Xmas eve again [16:10:38] Oh come on [16:15:01] all over again [16:15:05] :waaaa: [16:15:40] https://tenor.com/view/thanos-snap-emoji-crying-gif-22298553 [16:16:48] [1/5] I think that's too soon for us. We still have the [16:16:48] [2/5] * Discord Notifications webhook wiki. [16:16:48] [3/5] * Special:AutoCreateCategoryPages (that has a fix upstream) [16:16:49] [4/5] * Current instability with localisation and/or template, category cache issue. [16:16:49] [5/5] And several other we should deal with and fix before thinking on upgrading. [16:17:16] Every time we upgrade a mediawiki version, there is some issue that appears or something is being discontinued. [16:18:52] We could upgrade on 2025. No need to Rush [16:23:14] Oh yeah [16:23:20] The fix hasn’t been pulled has it [16:23:24] I forgot [16:23:57] I think AutoCreateCategorys may explode again on 43 😂 [16:24:07] Because of changes to the database replica system [16:24:22] I should probably make a patch for that once I find the patch notes [16:28:40] [1/4] Maybe we shouldn't depend on an extension. But in tuscriaturas we used the "autocreate" to verify is an allowed category. And every time someone adds a category, we know it in recent pages and we can monitor categories. [16:28:41] [2/4] And now our policy is to verify we all use the same categories for the same things. [16:28:41] [3/4] But if we have to make the categories manually is not bad. as long as the wiki works. [16:28:41] [4/4] and with this I return the topic to "tech". I don't want to be off-topic. [16:36:46] You can also use [[Special:WantedCategories]] [16:36:47] [16:57:03] [1/2] thoughts on this - seems technically clear to go but if it's being done because of a technical problem I dunno if adding another rename to it might necessarily help in this case [16:57:03] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Request_for_rename [17:13:30] that's just ridiculous — I don't see why Miraheze has this obsession that it needs to update as soon as a new version comes out. Updating on Christmas Eve is just a bit far. [17:14:42] I still cast my vote for lts [17:26:52] We've done it before and yes it was ridiculous tbh [17:59:16] I have advocated for a festive code freeze before [17:59:49] This year I'd probably do it 18th - 6th [18:02:14] Would be an interesting conversation to have [18:06:07] I’d decide that [18:07:31] Excluding security patches [18:07:42] I'm talking to UO now about a formal policy [18:08:05] Is that needed [18:08:31] I mean for small stuff if someone really wants to there’s not much harm [18:08:38] And everyone else isn’t obligated any uwu as [18:08:43] What the duck [18:08:50] Autocorrect [18:08:52] Mate [18:08:54] Ya good? [18:09:04] you had me till the second half [18:12:51] It's likely to be a trial for this year [18:12:52] And soft [18:12:59] So some stuff can still go ahead [18:13:13] But nothing major and users are told not to chase anything [18:15:02] that's what I'd suggest, a period where nothing is really expected beyond security matters [18:15:12] and basic routine as convenient [18:16:26] Yup [18:16:52] Take the US route, Miraheze government shutdown [18:22:47] I asked ChatGPT to write a policy [18:22:51] And sent it to UO [18:23:00] It actually did a good job [18:25:18] Good choice to end it on January 6, someone knows their liturgical calendar [18:26:32] Hey siri define liturgical [18:27:08] tax: first Monday in January [18:28:02] Why is there a word for that [18:28:20] Gives everyone whose gone away for Christmas and new year the full weekend to return [18:29:14] _starts school again second of January_ [18:30:05] Human rights violations [18:34:21] That sucks [18:34:36] I made ChatGPT do draft dates for the next 10 years and it came up with [18:34:38] [1/42] You are correct. Let's recalculate the dates to ensure accuracy: [18:34:38] [2/42] 1. 2024 [18:34:39] [3/42] - Major Deployment Restriction (MDR) Start: Friday, 6th December 2024 [18:34:39] [4/42] - Restricted Deployment Window (RDW) Start: Wednesday, 18th December 2024 [18:34:39] [5/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 6th January 2025 [18:34:40] [6/42] 2. 2025 [18:34:40] [7/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 12th December 2025 (First Friday at least 7 days before Christmas) [18:34:40] [8/42] - RDW Start: Thursday, 18th December 2025 [18:34:41] [9/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 6th January 2026 [18:34:41] [10/42] 3. 2026 [18:34:41] [11/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 11th December 2026 [18:34:42] [12/42] - RDW Start: Thursday, 17th December 2026 [18:34:42] [13/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 4th January 2027 [18:34:43] [14/42] 4. 2027 [18:34:43] [15/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 10th December 2027 [18:34:44] [16/42] - RDW Start: Tuesday, 16th December 2027 [18:34:44] [17/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 3rd January 2028 [18:34:45] [18/42] 5. 2028 [18:34:45] [19/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 8th December 2028 [18:34:46] [20/42] - RDW Start: Friday, 15th December 2028 [18:34:46] [21/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 8th January 2029 [18:34:47] [22/42] 6. 2029 [18:34:47] [23/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 7th December 2029 [18:34:48] [24/42] - RDW Start: Tuesday, 18th December 2029 [18:34:48] [25/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 7th January 2030 [18:34:49] [26/42] 7. 2030 [18:34:49] [27/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 6th December 2030 [18:34:50] [28/42] - RDW Start: Monday, 16th December 2030 [18:34:50] [29/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 6th January 2031 [18:34:51] [30/42] 8. 2031 [18:34:51] [31/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 5th December 2031 [18:34:52] [32/42] - RDW Start: Thursday, 18th December 2031 [18:34:52] [33/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 5th January 2032 [18:34:53] [34/42] 9. 2032 [18:34:53] [35/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 3rd December 2032 [18:34:54] [36/42] - RDW Start: Wednesday, 15th December 2032 [18:34:54] [37/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 3rd January 2033 [18:34:55] [38/42] 10. 2033 [18:34:55] [39/42] - MDR Start: Friday, 2nd December 2033 [18:34:56] [40/42] - RDW Start: Friday, 15th December 2033 [18:34:56] [41/42] - Freeze End: Monday, 8th January 2034 [18:34:57] [42/42] Thank you for your patience. These dates should now be correct. [18:38:04] I start work 2nd Jan too [18:38:10] Well actually 30th Jan [18:38:40] I'm in 30th / 31st, got 1st off, in 2nd & half of 3rd. Back into the office 6th [18:38:43] Provisionally [18:53:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:RhinosF1/GPTDeployPolicy [21:17:09] <.ttartt> hi im wondering if anyone could check what the most viewed page is on the phighting wiki (pix put me up to this) [21:18:34] I did [21:19:00] (phighting.wiki, phightingwiki) [21:19:20] if there’s other fun stats available would also love to see <3 [21:51:43] I wonder how Miraheze does pageview stats, if it does pageview stats [21:52:19] Wikimedia has a whole team of engineers to work on stuff like this. And it's not totally straightforward because you need some strategy to differentiate from humans and robots, ideally while maintaining privacy [21:52:51] But once you have the data, you then need some system to compile it and produce data dumps out of it [21:52:52] We use matomo and cloudflare also has analtics [21:53:09] Rhinos was just sharing some fun stats with the class earlier today [22:26:49] Wikimedia also makes about 200 million a year [22:30:39] They can afford to buy pizza for our picnics but not donate to miraheze😔