[06:16:00] @pixldev https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Organization/MediaWiki_Specialists?diff=next&oldid=426990 lmao I must be thinking of cache to much [06:17:03] you can never cache for too long [06:17:25] (our wiki uses javascript for a birthday thingy that changes every calendar day lol) [06:17:48] BlankEclair: thanks for getting the password policies [06:17:52] yw [06:18:11] @notaracham tagging you because this is an SEO related task https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12615 [06:18:17] you’re the SEO person [06:18:52] Probably not NA's to solve [06:19:54] likely true [06:20:02] just figured they may take interest in it [06:26:51] you should give console separate sitemaps tho? [06:27:25] they're separated by namespaces [06:29:15] we do [06:29:28] Console uses the master index @theoneandonlylegroom [06:29:38] Not the site specific one [06:29:48] If it still works [06:30:23] I mean like when you actually register the site in search console [06:30:38] there's "upload sitemaps" option [06:30:50] idk at this point, honestly [06:31:07] pizza tower wiki still hasn't recovered its SEO after domain cha6 [06:31:46] it doesn't appear at all in google via clean session, unless specified w/ "miraheze" [06:32:30] and we were thinking about omitting /wiki/ but that means indexing all over again [06:32:52] this is getting frustrating, while we did everything right ... [06:46:53] should we use something like DPL3 to generate the list for https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Server_usage? [06:51:54] Possibly [06:52:00] We should do better [06:52:09] It can't be worse than now [06:52:14] well first i need DPL3 :p [06:52:32] BlankEclair: bribe someone [06:52:40] With managewiki access [06:52:43] A crat [06:53:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ListUsers?group=bureaucrat; woah... so many bureaucrats [06:53:52] stewards now fulfill that role right? [06:54:17] BlankEclair: yes [07:01:24] omg this shit is complex [07:09:03] it's probably easier if i also use lua for this lmao [07:11:23] tax: what are the () in [[Finances]]? [07:18:58] BlankEclair: don't you dare [07:29:54] RhinosF1: uhh why not? [07:30:01] i mean using dpl3 to fetch the list, and lua to reformat the list [08:14:49] BlankEclair: lua is evil [09:21:46] RhinosF1: uh, why? [09:22:01] i mean, i don't really like it that much, but it works? [09:22:14] yea it works [09:22:30] and you have an explicit grammar [09:22:41] instead of trying to figure out how to change DPL3 delimiters [09:28:42] fair [10:19:11] @urbanecm can I get a review on a patch? [11:07:40] there are two new wiki requests w/ #0 ? [11:10:38] that's loosing data [11:10:44] @MediaWiki Specialists page [11:12:12] "be concerned" vibes [11:12:43] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12617 [11:14:24] @Wiki Creators please don't approve any wiki requests with ID 0 [11:14:53] thanks for notify [11:16:11] @cosmicalpha ^ any idea why this might be happening? [11:16:20] I don't think anyone changed any settings or anything? [11:16:22] > [19/09/2024 21:14] [CreateWiki] Universal-Omega pushed 1 commit to revert-485-InsertQueryBuilder [+0/-0/±4] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/commit/783a9ed32eab [11:16:26] oh I just saw now [11:16:39] InsertQueryBuilder isn't being nice [11:16:40] also, someone forgot an "s" in https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/badges/view/14/ [11:17:21] @reception123 ye, we need to recover the data though [11:19:09] We are fixing now [11:19:32] just hold on approving any requests from today [11:19:35] @suzuneu [11:20:20] @pixldev bug is fixed but still fixing old data [11:32:15] @suzuneu normal service can resume [11:33:43] Please ping the Technology team if you encounter issues. [11:36:10] The query builders on MediaWiki are really unpredictable [11:36:22] The only one ive had 100% success with is SelectQueryBuilder [11:36:27] The others are...janky at best. [12:04:21] Uh huh [12:04:22] How [12:05:33] lol u can't [12:05:47] i'm like treating this very nonchalantly lol [12:06:06] We fixed 1 request, 1 request is lost forever [12:06:24] @reception123 has been tasked to contact the affected user [12:17:44] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_Stakeholders%27_Group [12:18:08] Ngl forgot about them [12:19:08] wait, what's acl*security_reviewers for? [12:21:15] BlankEclair: security reviewers for extensions [12:21:29] yeah, but it's an acl to provide access to stuff, right? [12:22:25] BlankEclair: oh no [12:22:32] oh ok :p [12:22:32] don't believe so [12:23:10] it's kinda more like trusted contributors then? [12:23:44] ye [12:27:00] how used is https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/project/profile/89/? [12:30:25] BlankEclair: not [12:30:32] c o o l [12:30:40] someone should probably archive it then [12:31:23] BlankEclair: it could be used eventually [12:31:27] oh okay [12:31:30] but not many bugs are at that layer [13:41:41] @rhinosf1 any idea what the cause was [13:42:04] for the RW bug? [13:42:10] Ja [13:42:33] Probably good for the IR [13:42:52] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/commit/01fee2d8b2ab45a9361e1a10f95f1eb59459cffd - we reverted it in https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/commit/88944e630caf490ead96b25c575e7dd21ef57ec5 [13:43:14] Or we could move incident reports back on wiki pages instead of the painful extension that [13:43:58] ye the IR extension has been unoffically scrapped [13:44:01] we won't be using it [13:44:07] it doesn't go into enough [13:44:31] Issue with how we used IQB or something else like a typo [13:44:38] not sure [13:44:50] we rolled back to avoid any further corruption [13:45:00] it was that or stop all creations & requests [13:45:43] In the future we should probably test things that mess with database interaction on beta [13:45:52] yes [13:45:55] Was it all requests after the patch was deployed or random [13:46:02] all [13:46:14] Hm [13:46:39] only 2 were affected [13:46:45] one has been fixed [13:46:52] one we need to notify to resubmit [13:47:01] `$row = [ 'cw_id' => $this->id ?? 0 ] + $set;` [13:47:02] Sus [13:47:10] Could be worse [13:47:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=1193063 is the one last forever [13:48:15] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=1193155 has been recovered and is https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/49374 [13:48:22] We aren't going to fix Special:Log [13:48:35] @pixldev [13:48:44] Hm [13:48:47] malgamationsislandthefanedition.miraheze.org [13:48:51] Certainly a URL [13:49:06] free for reviewers to do what they like [13:51:04] [1/2] ```diff [13:51:04] [2/2] - if ( !$this->id ) {``` [13:51:06] Hm [13:51:12] Doesn’t seem like something that should be removed [13:51:31] Couple with defaulting the ID to zero above [13:53:03] I’m not entirely sure what was going on in this patch [13:53:06] CC @cosmicalpha [14:18:38] Oh Claire left [14:39:18] Sleep probably [15:38:34] eep [17:04:40] @pixldev affected user has now been informed [18:06:27] I think Original Authority was talking about a group with integrants of Independent wikifarms that come together to do something that helps the whole of farms and not only a single one of them. [18:08:47] That’s what this is kinda [18:08:54] Well not for farms specifically [18:09:17] It’s a group representing the interests of everyone who uses mediawiki who’s not named the Wikimedia Foundation [18:09:26] Yes. I said that too yesterday. That Miraheze already contributed a lot of code to independent wikifarms ecosystem [18:09:40] So would include indie, farms, enterprise [18:14:17] Is interesting. I didn't know this stakeholder's group already existed [18:25:51] it's not the same concept, but it's an interesting one [18:27:54] I would be intersted in possablly affilating my wiki - if it gets it viewed more [18:28:15] Not how it works [18:28:23] It’s a group of people, not wikis [18:28:34] Anyone can join [18:28:42] It just has a membership due [18:28:58] To be able to fund itself to do stuff [18:29:17] Eh, I thought wikis did that kinda affilating thing sometimes [18:29:38] Dues seem like sometging I would not be able to pay [18:29:52] They do [18:30:04] The biggest example is probably NIWA [18:30:24] Yes, that is a pretty nice set of wikis [18:30:28] There are others I can’t think of [19:19:18] Also the MediaWiki stakeholder groups affiliation has expired iirc [19:21:04] My idea is something like NATO but for wikis heh [19:22:38] LMAO [19:22:41] huh [19:22:47] I'm not sure I like NATO for wikis [19:23:00] I didnt mean in the military sense [19:23:05] Why would i mean that? [19:23:23] What makes you think I'm talking in the military sense [19:23:36] I'm not [19:23:49] NATO for wikis sounds too political [19:24:30] I was more referring to the cooperation side of things but sure [19:24:40] The wiki verson of a guild allaice [19:24:56] huh [19:25:25] i dont know if its ironic or makes sense that theres no USA chapter of wikimedia [19:25:31] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimedia_chapters_existing_and_regional_user_groups.svg [19:26:02] wikimedia brazil is ded af though [19:27:00] I wonder why no USA chaper [19:29:39] idk [19:29:50] there are two chapters in the US actually [19:29:57] but they're cities [19:30:00] NYC and DC [19:30:03] go east coast [19:30:28] huh [19:30:52] Wikimedia LGBT+ is an official affilate [19:31:49] @originalauthority MW-SG is still on the affiliates page on WM meta [19:32:06] Maybe they didnt update their wiki then [19:34:09] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T230668 asbestos [19:40:07] Oh interesting [19:44:57] I might have a look at how difficult this would be [21:04:35] @pixldev tell Claire https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Main_Page is awesome when she's around [21:05:20] bet lmao [21:05:31] this is basically her fedi account every morning [21:05:47] That made me laugh [21:06:00] I also quite like the fact we have a test wiki on our testing cluster [21:06:07] Are we testing our testing? [21:06:45] i use it as a PTW cause im too lazy to request admin wait and request crate [21:07:09] You want PTW crat? [21:07:46] i mean i dont really need it since i test extensions on beta but may be useful if im testing with others not on beta [21:09:09] https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/Special:Log?logid=35393 [21:09:13] Don't make me regret it [21:09:31] You know me Rhinos [21:09:48] I love that I still cannot log into testwiki [21:10:07] [1/2] very cool [21:10:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1286434170373017680/0WKQTSw.png?ex=66ede4af&is=66ec932f&hm=c59b96428528f202e64944175e1ff642bc9b309d4655872686a9c915b16180be& [21:11:41] I'm going to sleep soon anyway [21:12:13] I'm setting off to work in 9 hours [23:52:03] insert centralauth joke [23:52:24] something something centralauthbad