[04:41:21] [1/3] There's a lot of history to this. When chapters were first being spun up, there was a lot of opposition to there being a US chapter. I think the main concern was that too much power would be concentrated in the US (given the WMF is located in the US, and would basically be functioning as the US chapter). That's in addition to other hurdles like the size of the US. [04:41:22] [2/3] Over time, DC and NYC became the two US chapters, but they had very little financial support through the 2010s so their growth was limited. Now, there's a dire need for a US chapter, but the US community is split between a lot of immature chapters and user groups, and its hard to build a centralized momentum. _That being said_, a few of us are slowly working on de [04:41:22] [3/3] veloping a US chapter whose first focus will be software development (because it's sorely needed + it doesn't step on any other affiliate's toes). [09:14:01] Looks like Phorge decided it's a good time to be down [09:20:03] <.labster> issue-tracker seems slightly down too [09:21:08] <.labster> Today is a good day for issue-tracker to die. [09:25:53] Nginx is in a failed state [09:25:57] Which is confusing [11:01:33] so how's phorge [11:02:39] chat i don't think the link's right: https://files.catbox.moe/mj5x9m.png [11:42:46] tempted to put https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/php/MediaWikiTitleCodec_8php_source.html#l00355 into mw-config just to properly fix https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12622 [12:05:07] BlankEclair: nginx has borked [12:05:11] Cause unknown [12:08:19] oh yay [12:08:23] no one with server access? [12:08:43] BlankEclair: I just pinged CA and paladox [12:08:53] It died like 3 hours ago [12:09:00] Nginx failing to start is unusual [12:09:07] Whaaaat. The US having too much power? Preposterous [12:09:12] Not sure what would spotanouesly cause that [12:10:35] I don’t know much about DC but NYC seems decently powerful for a city chapter [12:10:38] I don’t have a reference [12:21:11] Still needed? [12:21:51] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T368594 [12:22:46] Feels like a fairly large patch at first sight [12:23:02] Why is there such a dire need and strong disconnection? [12:23:21] It is. Any chance you'd be able to take a look on gerrit or not? [12:23:40] Kinda want to find someone who can definately help review if it gets on gerrit [12:23:51] ya i basically rewrote the entire extension [12:23:53] So it doesn't end up waiting longer than needed [12:24:06] Not rn, I'm at CEE Meeting at my phone. But I can try to take a look soon. [12:24:22] What time you going to be finished? [12:24:35] last time i put a security patch on gerrit it took 30m to be looked at :p [12:25:04] Back home on Monday, at a computer probably in the evening [12:25:52] Do you think it's fine on gerrit if we don't make the reason for the rewrite super obvious publicly ? [12:27:20] From my POV? Sure, the extension isn't at WMF sites anyway. Up to you. [12:27:30] Scott also +1'ed that idea on Phab [12:28:05] BlankEclair: can you upload it then? [12:28:10] alright then [12:28:11] Cool [12:28:30] Is this the extension I have a hunch it is [12:28:38] shoot your guess [12:29:28] Precedent [12:29:44] what is precedent? [12:30:01] Of what extension you find bugs in [12:30:20] i mean... what extension are you thinking of [12:31:19] _was trying not to say the name_ the box one [12:31:24] ah [12:31:26] nice try [12:31:31] (honestly, a good guess tbh) [12:31:43] Like I siad [12:31:48] Precedent [12:31:51] but nope :) [12:32:02] it's https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CSS/+/1074402 [12:32:48] Claire is good at finding security issues [12:33:05] I still need to fix one you found [12:33:08] both on accident and on purpose [12:33:09] Although I ain't sure how [12:33:14] same lmao- [12:33:37] BlankEclair: also I need the Phorge doc not the cf doc for the other task [12:33:58] my brain honestly just forgot that phorge is in php [12:34:06] i thought that nginx would be used as a reverse proxy [12:34:13] but i remembered that just now [12:34:25] It’s not? [12:35:46] (i assume you're replying to "but nope :)"?) [12:36:12] > i thought that nginx would be used as a reverse proxy [12:36:19] honestly i haven't checked [12:36:27] but it wouldn't make sense here, i don't think? [12:36:32] RhinosF1: https://we.phorge.it/book/phorge/article/configuring_preamble/ [12:39:49] pixldev: https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/phorge/files/issue-tracker.miraheze.org.conf [12:45:47] BlankEclair: for the cf IPs showing [12:45:53] Is that the thing [12:45:56] yeah? [12:45:59] Ok [12:46:02] you tell phorge that it uses x-forwarded-for here [12:46:05] Put it on the task [12:46:18] My laptop is away until Sunday [12:46:34] BlankEclair: phorge is back for you to comment on the task [12:46:38] yep just noticed [12:46:51] Yes we fixed it [12:46:54] I say we [12:46:57] I mean Paladox [12:47:00] oh wow phorge OOMed? amazing lol [12:47:14] BlankEclair: it keeps doing that [12:47:35] It OOM'd and got stuck in a grumpy state [13:35:27] Is something eating all the RAM?