[01:58:21] Hi, is it possible to request a full cloning of a wiki? Not deleting, not transferring from another thing, just copying one that I own. [02:25:19] So, we generally won't do this except for very rare instances, what's the use case? [02:35:20] my account is finally cursed with the famous 'Key 'CentralAuthSouth' changed" error [02:35:29] [1/12] ```Key "CentralAuthSource" changed [02:35:30] [2/12] mediawiki_exception_trace [02:35:30] [3/12] from /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/session/SessionProvider.php(335) [02:35:30] [4/12] #0 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/session/SessionManager.php(689): MediaWiki\Session\SessionProvider->mergeMetadata(array, array) [02:35:31] [5/12] #1 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/session/SessionManager.php(558): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager->loadSessionInfoFromStore(MediaWiki\Session\SessionInfo, MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest) [02:35:31] [6/12] #2 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/session/SessionManager.php(245): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager->getSessionInfoForRequest(MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest) [02:35:31] [7/12] #3 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/Request/WebRequest.php(870): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager->getSessionForRequest(MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest) [02:35:31] [8/12] #4 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/session/SessionManager.php(166): MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest->getSession() [02:35:32] [9/12] #5 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/Setup.php(487): MediaWiki\Session\SessionManager::getGlobalSession() [02:35:32] [10/12] #6 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/WebStart.php(85): require_once(string) [02:35:32] [11/12] #7 /srv/mediawiki/config/initialise/entrypoints/index.php(12): require(string) [02:35:33] [12/12] #8 {main}``` [02:36:57] Haven’t gotten a response but apparently the ICW user for some reason can’t make pages do you know why that is [03:47:04] Fascinating to me that Semantic MediaWiki can't be enabled without intervention and has all sorts of scary warnings, while Wikibase Repo/Client has no warnings and I can just click them to make my wiki into a Wikibase. [04:40:37] LMAO almost 400 commits on my PR to rewrite CreateWiki... [04:41:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1289809347425210390/image0.png?ex=66fa2c0f&is=66f8da8f&hm=3c9e7819883d9100041c643d6998897d15c35dd6354054a5ca1cef271e99ffab& [05:16:57] Taking apart CW was fun, putting it back together again, less so lol [05:17:28] @pixldev FYI I will do the CW lock feature in that PR as well [06:30:54] question: if you log out from a user account, does it log you out from all sessions??? [06:31:04] every time i log out on my test container, my main container also gets logged out [06:32:30] It does [06:33:05] well. that clears up a lot of confusion [06:33:33] also i can't reproduce the bug anymore. amazing. [06:34:45] I can [06:34:48] I can't login at all [06:35:23] a mitmproxy/burp suite dump might be interesting to look at [06:35:31] but well, security [06:35:51] it's all CentralAuth [06:35:59] it keeps losing my session and unpersisting [06:36:10] I can't even get past the 2FA screen anymore as it fails to verify [06:36:32] sometimes i wish i have mitmproxy enabled all the time lol [06:37:03] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/maniphest/query/B89kzXDvy2r1/#R; quite a few results, what to search for? [06:37:42] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T299193 [06:37:44] This one [06:38:02] What's funny is that this is a super ancient bug [06:38:03] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T141482 [06:40:04] "funny" is this why i've always been logged out from CA?? [06:40:09] like every month or so [06:40:18] what's odd is that my bot account that i rarely use is still logged in [06:41:27] yes [06:41:32] ancient bug from yesteryear [06:41:39] but sometimes it really hates certain users [06:42:26] oh my god it's a race condition [06:43:02] ...that wmf will ever fix [06:43:19] never* [06:44:38] tempted to write CA /hj [06:44:58] > [29/09/2024 16:41] but sometimes it really hates certain users [06:45:05] is it because of many attached accounts? [06:47:19] no idea [06:47:34] it hates me right now but I have a relatively small account [06:47:52] I've never seen it get mad at people with massive accounts like Raidarr or Void though [06:49:28] Agent security burps [06:49:53] why does CA even use cross-domain images? [06:50:26] Because someone 20 years ago thought it the best of multipe bad options, probably [06:51:05] If I use a really old browser it doesn't happen to me. But as soon as I use modern browsers it does. [06:51:24] Only when I visit wikis I am not already attached to though. [06:51:51] lmao yeah that also happens, and with interesting effects [06:52:01] logged in on rainversewiki, but not loginwiki [06:52:13] and i started my session on loginwiki [06:52:54] wait [06:53:06] does that mean if i restore an old profile backup, i can be relogged in? [06:57:17] > 2024-09-28 22:25:06 how do you find these things [06:57:19] > 2024-09-28 22:25:28 I'm scared [06:57:37] i was looking through citizen's source code to try to debug why global user pages don't work with it [06:57:45] stumbled upon raw html without escaped real name [07:18:22] jeez, there's a lot of skins that don't work with GUP [08:12:09] I looked into it before personally. It was because loginwiki doesn't have the skins installed and enabled, it has nothing to do with the skins themselves [08:13:25] To make GUP work for all skins, loginwiki needs to have all skins enabled [08:23:41] it shouldn't be an issue, considering login wiki doesn't function like a proper wiki? [08:23:48] i actually just did it ^^; [08:23:51] as in looked into it too [08:23:54] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12662 [08:24:10] it might not be a proper wiki but it's not free of certain wiki behaviors either [08:24:32] if miraheze declines or goes NOTOURBUG, then i'll go upstream and try to make it fallback onto apioutput [08:26:47] or actually... what happens when you don't specify a skin? [08:27:27] default skin in settings? [08:27:39] i don't think it does? [08:31:09] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/0b58fa96021b833e172fd44016751819c09e9588/includes/api/ApiParse.php#475 [12:12:32] Oh okay feel free to close my PR then. Started work so finishing it now would be hard anyways [12:21:56] so eepy [12:22:04] btw you can add cat facts to phorge [12:22:45] https://files.catbox.moe/ykzkej.png [12:25:09] Already did months ago [12:26:36] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/CSS/+/1074402; world's longest unmerged security patch [12:30:18] I started this at 2am last night lol [12:30:30] started what? [12:31:04] Rewriting an implementation of CentralAuth [12:31:04] Without wgconf finally [12:31:19] oh lmao [12:32:45] Shame the docs for auth and session manager suck ass [12:33:46] shame docs suck ass tbh [12:33:55] oh yeah, i got :3 into a test case [12:34:02] hopefully i can get shark and sharks too [12:50:39] @notaracham wondering if you could approve a rename (if they meet any criteria etc). There's a bug that needs looking into (jobs not running and instead having to be ran manually using the fixStuckGlobalRename.php script). [12:51:10] or @reception123 ^ [12:53:58] i suppose i can just create an account and have it rename [12:54:22] @paladox has this happened a few times in a row? [12:54:27] yeh [12:54:32] Ag [12:54:33] Ah [12:54:33] seems to be happening to all jobs [12:54:35] Not good [12:54:37] Oh [12:54:39] for the rename user [12:54:54] Weird [12:55:05] yeh i don't understand it [12:55:07] Rename jobs are dodgy anyway [12:55:10] the script runs a job [12:55:12] They've never worked perfectly [12:55:22] how does WMF handle it? [12:55:29] i don't see they have a seperate queue for it [12:56:04] There is a known fault where the job queue sometimes looses track [12:56:19] It shouldn't be happening to every job though [13:00:24] @rhinosf1 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:GlobalRenameProgress/Rename_User_154 [13:00:29] MacFan4000: 13:56:57 !log [macfan@mwtask181] sudo -u www-data php /srv/mediawiki/1.42/maintenance/run.php /srv/mediawiki/1.42/maintenance/rebuildall.php --wiki=dragonagewiki (END - exit=256) [13:00:39] MacFan4000: might want to re run [13:01:05] Can you see the job in the queue? [13:01:24] Anything in graylog? [13:03:14] i don't see anything in the log. [13:07:23] i'm seeing lots of https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-services-change-propagation/blob/c0d410a22e05c6efead37e8f275995607fbdda6f/lib/base_executor.js#L487 @rhinosf1 [13:07:56] Worrying [14:49:59] Restarted [14:50:41] Given what the error was, I’m surprised it didn’t come up while running importDump [14:51:10] (Data too long for column si_title) [14:56:49] MacFan4000: ack, thanks [17:28:54] (takes a while, as it's over 170k pages)