[02:13:50] @agentisai hmm mw183 is down it seems [02:14:09] I'm sure it's fine [02:14:12] Long day is all [02:15:09] [1/10] ```ps [02:15:10] [2/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer::getService(), 1 passed in /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/MediaWikiServices.php on line 356 and exactly 1 expected in /srv/mediawiki/1.42/vendor/wikimedia/services/src/ServiceContainer.php:411 [02:15:10] [3/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: Stack trace: [02:15:10] [4/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: #0 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/MediaWikiServices.php(356): Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer->getService('MainConfig') [02:15:11] [5/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: #1 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/MediaWikiServices.php(1387): MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices->getService('MainConfig') [02:15:11] [6/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: #2 /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/Output/OutputHandler.php(44): MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices->getMainConfig() [02:15:11] [7/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: #3 [internal function]: MediaWiki\Output\OutputHandler::handle('', 9) [02:15:12] [8/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: #4 {main} [02:15:12] [9/10] Oct 09 02:11:57 mw183 php[1575132]: thrown in /srv/mediawiki/1.42/vendor/wikimedia/services/src/ServiceContainer.php on line 411 [02:15:12] [10/10] ``` [02:15:54] huh [02:15:56] "1 passed and exactly 1 expexted", lets fatal error that WTF [02:16:30] "too few arguments" apparently PHP thinks 1 != 1 now lmao [02:16:44] That's a first [02:18:24] I think PHP needs to go back and learn the most basic math again lol [02:20:09] mr alpha [02:20:34] can i ask you for your 2 cents on difficulty of implementing smt if you ain't busy [02:20:43] Sure [02:21:49] that’s what we got when the bad update was deployed [02:22:04] but that error had been reported a few days back [02:22:11] It is happening right now though. [02:22:23] on mw183 [02:22:34] huh [02:22:36] related [02:22:40] If it is https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12739 It is already possible with hooks. I made it possible with that exact use case in mind with the rewrite [02:22:40] ? [02:23:13] If I had your adress I would mail you a box of my most tasty Brazilian treats [02:23:20] and yes it is [02:23:39] The acceptant would be stored in cookies or database? [02:23:44] I will probably work on hooks for that by the end of this week. [02:23:56] Database [02:24:17] serialized in a field to prevent having new fields. [02:24:26] wondering if it should be global or local to each wiki [02:24:30] there is now a cw_extra field for extra fields in hooks. [02:24:48] and there will be a wiki_extra on cw_wikis also. [02:24:52] I also wanna get a consensus from the rest of CVT [02:25:08] CA I need to send you more WikiLoves' [02:25:29] related: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12724 [02:25:37] hm [02:25:42] add as parent task maybe? [02:25:55] i can make an html full screen POC tmr [02:26:13] Discord's 18+ channel notice may be a good starting point [02:26:19] i mean its not complex [02:26:33] That would kinda be subtask. NSFW is blocked on it, so the NSFW one would be the parent task kinda. But it is complicated I just would not be parent or sub lol [02:26:45] not sure if this would need community approval [02:26:46] ill see [02:26:51] its late [02:27:10] the others in my house are going to decent and drag me to sleepy sleep soon... [02:27:24] I think it will before I implement anything beyond an RW field I would want some consensus probably [02:28:02] a full rfc seems like much ngl [02:28:03] idk [02:28:08] cya tmr alpha [02:28:17] idk if the shorthand is alpha or cosmic at this point [02:28:49] Just an RfF would be good. Not a full RfC [02:29:00] lol, night [02:34:27] oh i didnt even remember you're still Universal Omega on Phorge [02:34:46] this has been floated around for years but never done because we don't want to inadvertantly attract more troublesome wikis [02:35:02] that has been the reasoning for the past 4 years, not sure if that still holds up [02:35:07] what is that replying to [02:35:09] my idea? [02:35:12] yes [02:35:14] how [02:35:30] that was something Doug pondered about [02:35:30] if anything a giant ugly notice for all users should be a deterent [02:35:33] right? [02:35:34] as did I [02:35:48] oh no, I meant a button on RW [02:36:01] Oh [02:36:06] for your CW idea, that'd be interesting [02:36:17] A button saying this is NSFW..? [02:36:26] on RW, yeah [02:36:38] i mean worst case its for WC only but i cant possibly see the logic [02:36:48] how about we buy miraheze.xxx and move all nsfw wikis there [02:36:50] problem solved [02:37:22] We're not starting a Miraheze only-fans [02:38:12] MiraFans was a rejected idea for last year's April Fools joke actually [02:38:23] no way [02:39:12] I'm not sure what's more surprising [02:39:27] that it was an idea or that we actually rejected an april fools idea [02:39:51] we thought someone like Nale might explode if we did anything big-ish [02:39:57] and we were right, he did explode [02:40:07] agentisai: we have https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:PixDeVl/Requests_for_Comment/April_1st_ReReorganization_of_Orain in our pockets for next year [02:40:24] Orain is actually a cool name [02:40:42] I did think about snatching their slogan though [02:40:43] I also noticed when thinking merch it had a way better slogan [02:40:46] "Wikis done right" [02:40:47] lmao [02:40:51] yea [02:40:54] honestly can we [02:41:02] would make merch design easier [02:41:04] which reminds me [02:41:35] I need to find time me and Rhinos can hope on a call to talk to the sales team for the merch company I'm investigating [02:41:46] or maybe say sorry can you just do email plz [02:41:56] a call may be better though [02:42:03] wiki sigh [02:42:25] But that is a :fire: slogan [02:42:39] I did a lot of merch investigating for WT actually [02:42:43] it fits for us great [02:42:50] my notes on those investigations and quotes are bound to be somewhere [02:42:55] Oh sick [02:43:13] Can we share notes for the big quiz next week? [02:43:14] haha [02:43:22] there is no quiz [02:43:24] for merch [02:43:31] i have like 2 though [02:43:34] i should sleep [02:43:41] but yeah DM me if you find them [02:43:59] the legacy Board probably has them floating in their DMs as well [02:44:38] we cna merge them into https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:PixDeVl/Comparison_of_Merch_Vendors [02:44:45] group chat or induviuals [02:44:51] actually maybe [02:45:31] theres the old board wiki right? [02:45:36] io.wikitide.org or smt [02:45:54] https://io.wiktide.org/ uh no [02:46:03] i know i saw it [02:46:10] agentisai: do you know the URL [02:46:27] that should be it, yes [02:46:39] our original scheming wiki [02:47:06] does it work for you? [02:47:08] ded for me [02:47:20] you need to connect to a VPN for access [02:47:33] nuh uh [02:47:35] nah, just kidding, the URL sent is missing an `i` [02:47:45] I know I saw it a few days ago [02:47:47] huh [02:47:49] oh [02:47:55] <- clown [02:47:56] but it's Board only now it seems [02:48:10] don't remember when that happened as that used to be a general purpose wiki [02:48:26] private yea [02:48:36] i thought it wasnt a few days ago [02:49:11] if it wasn't then that's scary! [02:49:12] which board folks are on to pester [02:49:18] yea! [02:49:27] prob me mistaking the homepage [02:50:16] is jammie on to badger into finding merch lore [02:50:26] do you recall what vendors/services you looked into? [02:50:30] PoD or bulk? [02:55:07] anyways agentisai: tmr we can see if any board have merch stuff in DMs with you(DMs are not lost when an account is deleted, it just takes a bit of finessing to get them to show, I have my DMS with your old account ie) [02:55:53] as i recall you need the user ID to create a ping to be able to actually bring up the profile to click message, i got it from the id in dyno logs [02:57:01] NOW I SLEEP GOOD NIGHT I WILL TALK WIKI WITH ALL IN MORNING AAA [03:18:24] jammie on to badger sounds like an obscure britishism to my very tired brain, but I can't pick out which one. [03:18:44] Probably getting sidetracked by jammie dodgers [11:26:48] PixDeVl, good idea with this Comparison of Merch Vendors page. It will be useful in the future [12:15:19] Speaking of merch [12:15:22] I recently found this [12:15:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1293547489470840914/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_a7e6270b-3ef2-4e3e-9f1a-a97009472fad.jpg?ex=6707c57a&is=670673fa&hm=6923fb134c1fc50005ddf94418affa23d97f91c86eca4922d639dcf15858c213& [12:16:03] Fandom merch! [12:25:24] damn [12:27:42] who we should bother w/ botched wiki creation? [12:27:57] request approved by wiki doesn't exist [12:28:22] Phabricator [12:28:32] Tech team at a push [12:28:42] But really infra because they'll have to check if its in the database [12:28:56] Tech team can do it but its more difficult than someone from infra just checking the database [12:36:00] does mwe not have db access? [12:59:07] They do via SQL.php [12:59:18] oh okay [12:59:33] is it too inconvenient? [12:59:35] It's really not that more difficult, the main downside compared to mariadb is that the display is kind of ugly when using select [12:59:43] read my mind lol [12:59:45] I wouldn't say it's inconvenient [12:59:53] yeah, the output format is... weird [13:00:15] Actually it can even have advantages since if you want mariadb you need to switch between db servers [13:01:01] Also re merch, someone still needs to find a merch provider for MH! [13:02:50] the miraheze experience... https://files.catbox.moe/lmm8yu.png [13:24:21] BlankEclair: to reply to your five tags comments, the idea was that wikis can't just have infinite tags and five was a good number for them [13:24:25] As tags won't be super specific either [13:24:37] They'll just be more specific than current categories that are very broad [13:24:47] there's a client-side check, but is there a server-side one? [13:24:59] Ah, that I don't know [15:14:02] MWE can use direct sql [15:14:10] If they really wanted to [16:22:31] I don't see why it's being phrased as if it's such a tedious thing to do [16:22:49] as I said, the disadvantages compared to using MariaDB are quite minor for most things [16:29:28] What are you talking about? [17:22:30] Opinions differ