[00:09:36] [1/2] why am I periodically seeing this error message [00:09:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1297350974163386399/CRdO2SP.png?ex=67159bbf&is=67144a3f&hm=791a1894392fa545785a157ec37ba3994a90ebf4252875a0a829459a49c6f481& [00:09:44] it fixes after a refresh but this is the third time I've seen it [00:12:13] what wiki [00:12:27] [00:12:46] Probably make a task [00:12:53] add the production error tag [00:15:22] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12783 [00:26:30] Just got a report from another wiki bout this [14:31:11] > 14:30 An issue was encountered while generating backup 'rainversewiki_xml_364b09e1697987a98126.xml.gz' and the backup was aborted ‎(Failed with the following error:0) [14:31:13] ah yes [14:31:18] anyway, i'm gonna go eep now, nini