[09:29:44] has file import requests via Meta, like xml, been considered already? [09:30:20] would need an explicit indication that it needs a cloud/drive link instead of upload [10:20:47] Yes but it is much more tricky with validating security and validity etc... [13:19:44] [1/3] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1298436882212065380 [13:19:44] [2/3] Can a WikiTechnician check why the DataMaps is not working? [13:19:44] [3/3] It is active in Manage Wiki, but does not show on Special Version. [13:45:03] [ADDING] - I have activated it on my wiki (jwmeeting) as well, and does not appear in my [[mh:jwmeeting:Special:Version]] either [13:45:04] [13:53:17] Hey [13:53:32] I want to know the purpose of this channel [13:58:13] tech-related discussions [13:58:35] occasional shitposting or discussion about queerness too [16:07:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1298679140483862528/image.png?ex=671a70b3&is=67191f33&hm=6515ae361f2f50f35faeb321c9a4fa285c38125f9d453499ddec86c4e3108567&