[20:50:43] can a @Technology Team see Matomo for an urgent deploy [20:51:09] Matomo..? [20:51:12] Do you mean mattermost [20:51:33] It's nearly 10pm alright [20:52:01] I mean they are similar [20:52:28] They include the same letters in the same order [20:52:40] Just with a bit in the middle and at the end [21:02:41] How long can my Miraheze password be? [21:02:50] Long [21:02:54] There's a limit [21:03:02] But not one you need to hit [21:03:11] Is YubiKey supported? [21:03:18] it is [21:06:11] For 2FA only [21:06:19] Not passkey auth [21:06:20] Yet [21:06:24] Woah, sweet!# [21:06:32] How did you do it? [21:06:40] download the extension from mw.org [21:09:55] What one? [22:57:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1299144678205165598/image.png?ex=671c2244&is=671ad0c4&hm=c8f5ced6f00cedb080c662b3f7f8d7041de9d287fece985acfd9ee6bb9ff5a43& [22:57:13] How can this Lua error be fixed? [23:18:37] That is looking for a parser function from an extension that you likely don't have installed [23:18:49] Cursory Google says that it is probably the Geo data extension