[02:02:01] [1/2] WHAT < [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1300278367467339879/uhR9pjV.png?ex=67204218&is=671ef098&hm=26c5a797f72e565f8034c034561ed3b470cd9794f097d38d3a01cc1f5321e4b2& [02:02:14] google save me 💔 [02:03:17] help help help [02:04:40] it's probably some hidden encoding issue [02:05:23] delete the line, pass it through notepad or the browser search bar, and CTRL+SHIFT+V to paste without any more encoding issues hopefully [02:05:38] if spotify didnt start playing haggstrom i was gonna explode [02:07:00] would it show on git diff [02:07:16] it might [02:07:36] nothing [02:07:54] VSCS is set to UTF8 [02:09:51] literally 1974 [02:10:08] i hate php [02:11:06] can we rewrite the miraheze tm in rust [02:11:19] so i have an excuse to not have to deal with any extension work [02:12:23] no [02:12:29] unless you rewrite MW in rust [02:14:07] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1300281413559386122/K5iszHE.png?ex=672044ef&is=671ef36f&hm=9684d336967ed0fb66d6e5d5e50877fe89e95545dee7b6cf606850d417ec231b& [02:14:16] this is a userbox on mw.org [02:14:31] in the babel parser function [02:14:34] lol [02:14:40] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Legoktm [02:14:56] ima sleep [02:15:18] i want to finish this and have it prod run before 20k wikis [02:15:28] which i may not be able to do.. [02:15:31] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1300281766367723540/nXLFLT0.png?ex=67204543&is=671ef3c3&hm=cf192c428ce48eacfb0a39e1117deb251e32ac7c34181968719edeac27a8707b& [02:15:35] jesus [02:15:36] cya tmr [02:15:50] magnus help me [11:12:13] Its now 10,727 already heh [12:01:24] So much for before 29k [13:16:04] Hm? Maybe you misread but I said 20k by next October [13:16:26] Which, if we have 750-800 wikis per month now is not so unlikely, maybe by 2026 if not [13:31:31] Oh yes I misread lol [13:31:44] 11k ≠ 20k [14:12:08] idk if i should be asking this here but does anyone know how to add an admin to my wiki? [14:12:42] my friend wants to help but i have no idea how to actually give him perms to edit it [14:20:52] [1/5] they should registered an account first, ofc, preferably on your wiki so it will get attached [14:20:52] [2/5] once created, go to their user page, in sidebar/toolbar there should be user's groups link or something, and from there you can assigned them to a group [14:20:53] [3/5] admin is usually just sysop [14:20:53] [4/5] a higher status is bureaucrat, which should have as wiki's "founder", its only difference from sysop is ability to promote people to these top user groups [14:20:53] [5/5] but bear in mind, once you promote to bureau only Miraheze steward will be able to demote user from it [14:21:38] k thanks [16:12:53] heh, seems the swift object servers have now got a disk space warning [16:14:49] Oh crud... [16:30:15] MacFan400: I'm waiting for @cosmicalpha to make a script to delete all swift dirs for deleted wikis [16:30:20] that should hopefully make it go down [16:31:26] (by deleted wikis I of course means ones that should've already been deleted and went through the process but for which swift dirs remain) [16:31:30] which are around 3000 [17:11:38] yay [17:11:43] DISK WARNING [17:12:56] [1/3] I love how this reads like a “oh yay that’s fun /sincere [17:12:56] [2/3] wait [17:12:56] [3/3] DISK WARNING???” [17:31:28] there were stages of MH history where we regularly operated on critical warnings for months [17:31:33] like our dbs were always close to being ful [17:31:57] I remember I had to delete logs to free up enough space on dbs regularly because they got full and wikis went down [17:32:06] those were the days of struggle!