[00:10:55] [1/8] I disagree. In the case of BZPN I remembered he had used sockpuppets. But Checking on Commons, and Meta, there is no mention of it. [00:10:56] [2/8] I had to look on several, before I found it on TestWiki that it was User:RedaktorNGB which is globally locked as his sockpuppet. [00:10:56] [3/8] We shouldn't be searching, but immediately getting a notification. [00:10:56] [4/8] Globally locking should get a notification on all userpages. I then looked again at the request for Global administrator, and saw that he in August 2024 had requested the same GA rights, and had used the sockpuppet User:RedaktorNGB to sive support. That counts for his second chance. [00:10:57] [5/8] So in my opinion, we shouldn't even write to him that he should work on himself, as he already twice has used sockpuppets in voting. He won't change his M.O. [00:10:57] [6/8] Had I not found that notice on Testwiki, I wouldn't have noticed the sockpuppetry on his GA request from August. [00:10:57] [7/8] That is what this template issue is based on. [00:10:57] [8/8] Either we install the Sockpuppetry template on login (as Pix already suggested to use login as global notice) or we need to fix them on Meta and Commons [00:12:47] [1/2] To me it is vital to know which accounts have been sockpuppets, to who they belong, so one can determine if rights to a user can be given or not. [00:12:47] [2/2] BZPN had also asked for Admin rights on Commons, and had @rhinosf1 not warned me about BZPN, I would never have known. [00:15:37] By the way, is RedaktorNGB able to use his bureaucrat rights on wiki's where he has thos rights even though he is globally locked? https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/RedaktorNGB [00:17:32] I don’t like putting sock noticed for not blocked on their own user page since it can be removed [00:17:56] RedaktorNGB isn't globally locked [00:18:12] Redaktor is [00:20:02] But my argument still stands [00:20:50] Unless we do something that forces [00:21:00] Not sure why [00:22:29] Not something we need to be discussing in the public tech channel [00:22:38] So that case, I think it’s more of a case of bad documentation. Ideally, a list of confirmed socks should’ve been on their talk page when they were given their UAP warning [00:22:51] I’ll allow it \:P [00:22:57] yeah, we always go off topic on random channels [00:24:49] Yeah sorry, It starts about a template, and then the resons follow 😄 [00:41:36] No we always go off topic in tech [00:41:38] I don’t know why [00:55:57] a message which culprits can and have removed in multiple instances, unless I missed a step where it is compelled to keep them prominent [02:19:37] Could be added into the user policy, after a RFC [02:20:24] That it's not allowed to be removed. [02:27:12] [1/5] TECH related: [02:27:12] [2/5] I've seen many supportquestions about Darkmode, and inversions, (or how it's called) [02:27:13] [3/5] I stumbled on a thread with a link to: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-AutoContrastFixer.js [02:27:13] [4/5] Would this be useful on Miraheze? How would it work? And would this be useful on [[Dev:]] for users to copy over to their own wiki? [02:27:13] [5/5] I'm not that tech savvy, so would be great if one of you guys could have a look. [02:27:13] [09:11:59] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12936 made this for the issue I've been experiencing for months [11:58:18] Dev I'd say [11:58:30] Gadgets are a community matter [12:41:00] [1/2] I don't completely disagree, but it would be controversial and I wouldn't like what is essentially policing people's userspace with relatively arbitrary demands to hoist their shame for whatever period of time, preserving their autonomy in all but that. One solution stuffed deep in my ideas drawer was central logging of formal notices and/or building them onto m [12:41:00] [2/2] onthly, quarterly steward or cvt action reports or some such. Dunno that it would ever happen though [13:22:34] [1/4] I believe in users getting a second chance. But those who willingly keep their M.O., and show no way of bettering their behaviour, don't deserve our respect for shame either. [13:22:35] [2/4] So a repeat offender should in my opinion definitely be identified on their user-space. [13:22:35] [3/4] Their should be limits on how many times a user should be given a chance. [13:22:35] [4/4] Users like A1cb3 and BZPN are of that type that we know they won't change. [13:24:33] identification/essentially shaming however deserved through userspace is, whatever the merits, something of a change from how meta userspace has been approached before on the platform and is something I would want to see at least ratified. In that I expect there to be some controversy. [13:24:50] Can agree there [13:25:02] Then there is when you draw the line, you do not believe BZPN can change, he has a hell of a lot of work to do in my book but he does not for example have the coco record [13:25:18] Public humiliation doesn’t help anyone [13:25:28] and I would be reluctant to lump people in permanent camps like that lightly even if that was a mechanism on meta [13:26:00] It did for me [13:26:05] that's why the preferred compromise to me is regular reporting that people can look up which avoids the problem entirely of people censuring stuff from their userspace, however, I may have to defer on the issue [13:26:12] What [13:26:43] it might work for you but you are not everyone and the responses to it range from improvement to suicide, I know I just raised the temperature with the latter but I have seen it and I'd rather not incur humiliation as a benefit because I have seen its worst outcomes [13:34:15] [1/6] I've told you about my time on Wikipedia when I joined here on Miraheze in February in the General chat I believe. About my time on Wikipedia, my ban on daWP and my subsequent years away from wikiediting, as it had basically become my life. [13:34:15] [2/6] That ban made the consequences real, and not just a far away possibility. [13:34:15] [3/6] Miraheze became my second chance, and therefor know how users with a certain M.O. can change if they want to, but as long as you don't put hard boundaries down, it will always feel distant for them. [13:34:16] [4/6] Some kids need a soft word, others need harder consequences. [13:34:16] [5/6] I have always been argumentative, no secret there, but I have learned that when the rules are layed down, I have to accept it and move on, or move away. [13:34:16] [6/6] Before I used to argume until I got my way! That ban on daWP thus saved me. It made it real, and made me consider my ways. [13:38:24] [1/2] In the old days I wouldn't have quit WikiCreators, but ended up with fighting with everyone. Now I have learned that sometimes a system is in a way, not aligned with myself. Then I have to move on to something else. [13:38:24] [2/2] I respect the chance I've been given here on MH. [13:54:36] BlankEclair some how fileExists is returning false on the upload. Dunno why [13:54:48] > GlobalNewFilesInsertJob: Cached data for Gb3s261124b.jpg (TTL: 86397.058656931): array{\"fileExists\":false,\"metadata\":[]} [13:54:54] oh god [13:54:58] that helps though [13:55:07] reminds me like in a couple hours or smth [13:55:10] talking to someone atm [14:12:11] Spent a lot of time debugging it lol BlankEclair [14:12:31] Couldn’t figure out why. Unless the file is uploaded after or we’re using the wrong hook [15:58:57] oh is it the fact it's using a job BlankEclair? [15:59:02] should it use deferred? [16:06:11] hmm [16:37:05] some how loadFromData isn't setting this->user [16:37:07] wonder why? [16:37:18] * loadFromDB [16:44:34] i checked and $row is indeeded returning false/null [16:44:36] but why? [23:24:06] @cosmicalpha I believe you are the Extension guy?