[00:04:08] i think its desktop [00:58:16] @originalauthority how does one nuke a whole wiki’s cache [00:59:36] Theres a reset button on Special:ManageWikiDefaultPermissions or whatever that page is called [01:03:41] for cache? [01:03:51] yes [01:04:03] huh [01:24:19] what? [05:30:56] can i have crat on testwikibeta again? :3c [06:03:40] anyone with mediawiki extensions +2? 👉👈 [09:20:27] No [09:20:32] That's for a different cache [09:21:02] @tedkalashnikov logged in or logged out? [09:21:19] If people logged in are seeing it, it's most likely parser cache [09:21:44] If only people logged out are seeing it, it's mostly likely cloudflare [09:22:30] Also for the record, please don't ask for a cache purge, there's a lot of caches [09:23:11] _isn't sure what you think an image cache is too_ [09:24:11] Also this isn't true, there is 1 user wide cache [10:34:44] BlankEclair: sure I can get you crat on testwikibeta [10:36:44] BlankEclair: MacFan4000 already gave you access a while back: https://meta.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:Log?logid=88 [10:37:06] ty [11:50:41] apologies, i asked pixl and he asked here, im just kind of really stressed because i keep on getting complaints that entire high traffic pages are broken due to whatever MW seems to do to tabber periodically [11:51:57] i think its logged out users, i ask them to shift f5 repeatedly and purge and nothing seems to fix it, these people dont complain to miraheze but complain to me so i hope you can understand that id want to fix it somehow [11:54:53] (also i presume the image cache is whatever you purged when we were having issues with the webp image config 😓 you purged that then so i figured i could ask) [12:03:00] Not really, images are only cached by cloudflare [12:03:13] ahh i see [12:03:46] Okay, can you see if the pages look fine logged in then [12:04:24] i can try, im not at my computer right now but ill get back to you, thank you [12:04:31] Okay [12:04:53] If a page is only broken for logged out users and the same page looks fine logged in, I'll purge cloudflare [12:05:21] that would be great, sorry for the confusion haha [12:19:15] The question never specified [12:19:49] So specify which cache you mean or ask [12:20:02] You can't reset any or every cache from there [12:58:15] uhhhh [12:58:21] crat on testwikibeta does not have managewiki-* [12:59:01] Why [12:59:04] Probably a bug [12:59:35] it seems to be an import of testwiki [12:59:44] and since bureaucrats on testwiki don't have managewiki-*... [12:59:49] welp, oopsie :p [12:59:57] there's no consuls on testwikibeta interestingly [13:00:50] I asked paladox to have a look and grant the rights [13:00:54] Then you can play around [13:01:16] oki, ty [13:03:50] i don't get how my brain works [13:03:56] > don't have the time to use objectfactory [13:04:02] > has the time to modify phorge [13:04:03] ??? [13:22:24] BlankEclair: try break beta now [13:23:12] thank you :3 [14:46:17] Yes you can you can reset the managewiki cache [14:47:53] That's not any or every. That's a single one. [14:48:18] "You cant reset any or every" [14:48:29] You can reset the manage wiki cache so that statement is invalid. [15:46:03] No, any meaning you can pick any of all the caches to reset in that context [16:20:26] It really doesn't. [16:21:07] @originalauthority hi are you on shell [16:21:11] No [16:21:21] Why [16:21:39] If its quick i can [16:21:48] We’re trying to figure out why an extension isn’t loading, was wondering if the puppet is goofed and the extension isn’t on the servers [16:21:55] Should be quick [16:21:59] Just seeing if the code is there [16:22:00] Go on then [16:22:27] extensions/RobloxAPI should be the path [16:22:30] Is there anything there [16:23:47] yup [16:23:51] Huh [16:23:57] So it shows up in manage wiki [16:24:03] Exists on the servers [16:24:04] But just [16:24:06] Don’t load [16:24:20] Don’t see anything wrong here https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/commit/02f75b043b7551b9a4cb33eefa5f4534173c2065 [16:26:34] nope seems correct [16:26:42] maybe its not listedn in extension-cache but i can't find that since everything was moved to php files hm [16:27:00] Isn’t PHP your native language [16:27:14] You came out of the womb speaking in personal home pagw [16:27:42] Think a MW cache purge may work [16:28:39] this is why managewiki is fucked [16:28:47] things just don't load and no reason whatsoever is given [16:28:53] No [16:28:58] This is one reason [16:29:03] Why ManageWiki is fucked [16:29:08] Can’t give this all the credit [16:29:13] :wikipetan: [16:30:09] Off and on may work? [16:30:46] there doesn't even seem to be an extension list anymore so idk what's going on there [16:30:55] doubt it but maybe try? [16:31:32] @snowstacked hit it [16:32:00] alr [16:32:58] have disabled and reenabled, still not working [16:33:02] whats the wiki so I can check the file [16:33:42] oh i don't have permission to read the file lol so [16:34:54] its listed in the extensions of the cache file hmm [16:38:23] @Technology Team see Mattermost if able please [18:36:07] what is the maintenance for? (just wondering) [18:39:25] Lingo2: emergency database maintenance to recover from a bad sql made on mw_permissions [18:39:41] okay, thanks. [18:42:40] Lingo2: should be back, apologies for any issues [18:48:52] Net outcome of ~7 minutes of lost MW permission changes, thank you to all in the technology team for pulling together and getting this done! [19:15:38] that's a good recovery [19:15:45] though unfortunate to have been needed